Peculiar Relationship Chapter 9

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35 Responses

  1. Vera García says:

    An affectionate greeting Ms. Puddle
    Este es un gran capítulo, por su contenido además de la forma tan bella y apasionante de involucrarnos en los acontecimientos.

    Sí ha cambiado Neil, pero no madurado. Ahora está conciente de las cualidades de Candy, pero responsabiliza al patriarca William Albert, de no permitir su compromiso y alejar a Candy de él, por lo cual guarda resentimientos en contra de Albert, esto es engañarse solo y no tener madurez.

    Darren nos muestra una gran madurez, antes de prejuzgar a una persona, se toma el trabajo de conocer los acontecimientos en versión de la misma persona y así actuar conforme a la verdad. En presencia de un verdadero amor, no se puede ni debe interferir.

    Su idea fue genial al describirnos como Albert demuestra a Darren su amor por Candy, esto me recuerda una frase que siempre me repetía mi abuelo: “Hechos son amores, no buenas rezones.” ¡Bien por Albert!

    George, porque no pudo esperar unos 20 minutos más, porque tiene que interrumpir en el momento más importante.
    Perdono a George en está ocasión, solamente por que cuido de Albert y lo traslado salvo a la Colina de Pony.

    Finally a very beautiful chapter, so I thank you sincerely.
    Have a great weekend, her friend Vera.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola, mi querida amiga!

      Neil regretted but still held grudges against WAA, but he also understood why Candy couldn’t accept him. Yet, he was jealous of WAA. 🙁

      Yes, Darren had time to reflect and didn’t want to interfere true love. After knowing Patty, Darren believed it was true love between Candy and Albert.

      Right on, Vera, indeed actions speak louder than words! Always more powerful through actions, so Darren knew how important Candy was to Albert. 🙂

      About George… 😆 perhaps he should have waited at least twenty minutes before interrupting them. But Mizuki made George do that, so I just copied Mizuki’s idea. 😉

      You have a great weekend too, Vera! Saludos!

  2. Memchew says:

    Hi, Ms Puddle! Thank you again! Waited patiently and it was worth it. Even though our realities often get in our creative lives, please don’t stop. Your stories have been helping in my own life. You can call me Memchew.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi there, Memchew, I missed your earlier comment somehow, signed as Mema. I just approved that one too. Was that you?
      Thanks again for your encouraging words, and I’m glad I don’t have to call you Anonymous again. 🙂

  3. kittenandley says:

    Seems like I’ve missed this update, im sorry but i’ve been sick. I came back to check your blog and this is what i find, a great chapter. As always, i loved it. i’ts great thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us.

    Have a good day.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi there, kittenandley! Sorry to hear that you were sick. I hope you’re getting better?

      Thanks for reading my new chapter despite not feeling well. Hopefully it has cheered you up somehow? You take care and have a good rest. 🙂

      • kittenandley says:

        Hello Ms Puddle

        I’m getting better thank you, im used to this, canadian weather is unpredictable. Your story did cheer me up, i have read it once again, because i find your stories excelent plus the way your write is wonderful.

        Have a good night.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          So you’re from Canada too, kittenandley?

          Good to know you’re recovering well, and many thanks for your compliments and encouraging words, kittenandley 🙂 😀

          • kittenandley says:

            Well I was born in South America but i moved to Canada- Ontario about five years ago.And I’ve been living here with my husband since then. It’s a beautiful country (Just not used to the weather yet)

            You are welcome. I’m glad i found your blog. I like your point of view about CCFS and of course your stories.

            Have a good night.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Thank you so much for your encouraging words, kittenandley! 🙂

              I can imagine how cold it is in Ontario during winter. I was in Ottawa once, and the entire river was frozen. People were ice skating! Amazing! So much snow last winter too… I hope you’ll get used to it eventually.

              Have a good day! 🙂

  4. Quevivacandy says:

    what? how you dare to interrupt their embrace???? lol… I already was seeing and feeling it… 😛

    what a marvelous chapter, my friend! I read it all with a smile glued on my face. I really loved the confession, Albert’s inners thoughts, his preparations for Candy’s birthday but somehow, I was even happier because Darren and Patty… lol… thank you thank you than you!!! hahaha

    I really really like this character, he is so mature and I love the way he does things. If I wouldn’t be already in love with Albert, surely I will fall for Darren… lol… I liked how you prepared the scene for their conversation. Darren already thought differente when he met Albert and at then end, he saw with his own eyes all the love Albert professes to Candy… I feel like floating just to think about it…

    And the confession… it was so touching… now I’m just wondering how Aunt Elroy’s will manage to tell Albert the urgent matter.

    Thanks for keep writing my friend, you always make me dream.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear QuevivaCandy, I know in your story you allowed your Candy and Albert to have a romantic embrace after the confession, but I had mine in an early chapter instead… lol… I did debate about it but decided to stay faithful to Mizuki’s description… 😉

      About Darren, I’m so glad you like him this much, my friend! I like him too because he’s my own character lol. I want a great guy for Patty because she’s my second favorite female character in CC. 😛

      Yes, Darren saw with his own eyes how Albert was going to lavish his love on Candy for her birthday. To me, Mizuki made sure that Albert had put in his heart to prepare all that for a special girl living so away. That says a lot, doesn’t it?

      Glad you like the confession. I tried my best to make it more appealing and touching even though I still prefer the one in the manga 😛 … although in CCFS Albert actually had moist eyes. I guess he was very emotional himself, just like Candy. 🙂

  5. antlay31 says:

    Hello Ms Puddle

    Alors comme ça j’avais vu juste au chapitre 6, je voyais bien Darren et Patty ensemble, je devrais peut-être changer de métier et me reconvertir en médium 😀
    Un grand et long chapitre encore une fois, un régal.
    La chambre de Candy pour son anniversaire, je pensais qu’Albert l’avait fait de ses mains mais peut-être ai-je mal interprété CCFS ?
    Et mon moment préféré la confession du POTH, moi aussi je préfère celle du manga mais effectivement comme Agnès celle de CCFS était très subtile. Le fait de la placer bien plus loin dans l’histoire plutôt que juste après le retour de Candy à la Maison de Pony a laissé le temps à Candy de tomber amoureuse d’Albert et non d’être influencé,par’le fait qu’il était son POTH. Ah ! mais ce satané Georges, comme il peut-être agaçant parfois 😀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay! Yes, you and QuevivaCandy saw through my plot since the beginning. I planned to give a nice guy to poor Patty… Mizuki was a bit cruel to her, not a hint of new romance even in CCFS… 😉

      About the furniture, I used to think like you, assuming Albert hand made them all, but as I read CCFS, I wasn’t sure anymore. I double checked with a Japanese friend and she said it wasn’t clear either. The furniture was hand-crafted for sure, but not necessarily or entirely by Albert. Therefore, I wanted Albert in PR to have put in his time and effort, but he needed help from a real carpenter. 😛

      Yes, about George, who managed to get in Albert’s way all the time… lol… I’m loyal to CCFS, so blame Mizuki … lol 😀 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, Ms Puddle! I have been waiting patiently and it was worth the wait. Even though reality gets a lot in the way with your creativity. Please don’t stop. Your writings have been helping a lot in my own life. Thank you again! Please call me Mema.

  7. Reeka says:

    Hello, my friend! How are you? Busy with the real life? 🙂 i hope you’re doing well and in good health. I’ve missed your update! And tell you what, this new chapter is really worth the wait. I love it. Like you said, many things are going on in this chapter. I found them quite “light” in term of the drama, but truly I like it. Especially some parts …

    First, I love Neil’s scene. Here, he had my deepest sympathy. I’ve had a feeling he had been changing toward goodness and be more matured in CCFS. And I am glad you give him a chance, my friend. It’s so heart warming to read Neil speak highly about Candy. I could feel his longing for her and how he tremendously regretted the way he had treated her in the past. Sigh.

    I think the only person whose heart Candy couldn’t manage to touch was Eliza. She’s really impossible. 🙂

    Darren and Patty, how sweet! What a great idea to pair them, my friend! I’ve never suspected it. Yet, you seem to follow the pattern, Ms Puddle :), that the boy/the man had to be charmed by Candy first before changing their interest to her friends. LOL.

    I also love the idea of Albert answering Darren’s question by taking him to see his presents to Candy. William Albert Ardley could easily buy her adoptive daughter all those expensive gifts any other young woman would kill to have. Yet, for months he himself prepared her a well deserved bedroom in the mansion and did the nearly impossible
    task, finding Ceasar and Cleopatra. And I found it interesting to read the servants’ rumour :). I bet they could feel the true color of their master and Miss Candice’s relationship. I just hope your Aunt Elroy wouldn’t be too hard, Ms Puddle.

    Last, the most anticipated scene! George!! Hahahha he just had to be so timely!!

    Ms Puddle dear, now I’m convinced that Ms Pony & Sister Land had been told by Albert about his real feeling & intention to Candy. Quite coincidence, wasn’t it? Just in time that Candy’s mothers had told her not to hold such feeling to Lord William so she wouldn’t suffer a broken heart again. However, I had a feeling Albert made the confession to both women because he planned something. Perhaps something related to Candy’s birthday? Oh I know you don’t give spoilers! Hahahhaa

    Now I couldn’t wait for the next chapter! Please … no more interruptions for their first kiss. 🙂

    Thank you for the great chapter, my friend. It’s truly a treat.

    Good night to you!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Reeka! Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement!

      Yes, I’ve been terribly busy lately… So tired in the evenings to focus on writing. Plus, I actually lost nearly two pages of writing due to internet instability… Grrrr… 🙁

      I aim to keep the story short so nearly no drama. 😛 I’m very glad you like the Neil in my story. I believe he was more mature than Eliza in CCFS. 😉 Some people even said he had been badly influenced by his sister… 🙄

      Also, I used Neil to point out that WAA could practically get any lady he liked, but he still spent most his limited spare time on a special girl living so far away… 😉 That really means a lot, right? 🙂

      About Darren, heeheehee, Antlay and QuevivaCandy saw through my plot… 😛 They urged me in the early chapters to give him to Patty instead lol…

      Actions speak louder than words, right? By showing Darren all the presents Albert had put together for Candy, Albert had essentially answered his question. 😉

      George always interrupted at the right moment, didn’t he? Even Albert teased him that way in his letter to Candy. 😛 I was just being faithful to CCFS… 😆

      You will know more about Aunt Elroy, Miss Pony and Sister Lane next chapter. I hope this time it won’t take me as long to update. 😉

  8. Tiny 12 says:

    Great chapter ms puddle, i love it thanks for writting it!!!!!

  9. Candy Bert says:

    Hello Ms Puddle!

    Again a great chapter! Thank you Ms Puddle! Plus I was elated to have read it today because it is a special day for me! 😉

    A great match between Patty and Darren they have common things to share specially the loss of their beloved, a very good idea.
    It’s good to see Neal’s remorse, at least one of the two sibling has better feelings for Candy! Yet, Eliza will never change! Always the same pest! Sigh.
    Brilliant idea to invite us through Darren to be the witness of Albert working on furniture for Candy, I liked that a lot!
    Poor Candy who wondered about Albert’s feelings and Miss Pony who tried to comfort her. Her foster mothers had changed their attitude about Albert and Candy’s feelings for him, I have the hunch it is something to do with the discussion they had had with him! 😉
    Poor Albert about to risk his life by driving completely exhausted just to see Candy, if it wasn’t love I don’t understand what love is! Fortunately George cared so much for him, a true friend!
    And the end with the revelation of Albert, he was her POTH, soooooooooo touching ! ❤❤❤ I had shed some tears!

    Bravo my friend, a very beautiful interpretation of CCFS!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Candy Bert!

      I have this plot in my mind since the very beginning, and I finally finished writing this chapter… 😛 😉 it has taken me longer than usual because I didn’t have much time to write for weeks! I must say I was very impressed by your diligence to keep your story updated so frequently, mon amie! I’ll catch up your new chapter soon. I started reading last night but my eyelids were too heavy, so I decided to read it from the start again later today.

      Candy Bert, I actually prefer the confession in the manga, but the one in CCFS has its beauty too, so I tried my best to add my own imagination between the lines. 🙂 Thank you once again for your continued support and encouragement, and the fact the scene brought tears to your eyes is a compliment to me. My effort wasn’t wasted after all. 😀 ❤❤

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Candy Bert, I forgot to ask… What special day? Your birthday? 🙂

      • Candy Bert says:

        I have more time these days on evenings and writing relaxes me somewhat, and I can forget all my troubles, it’s my therapy! 😆 So no worries, you’re right to enjoy the presence of your relatives, believe me my friend, it’s more important!

        Like you on the beginning I prefered the confession of the POTH in manga and I didn’t like the one in CCFS but with time and reflexion through all the story I understand it more with its subtleties.

        And you guessed well my friend, it is indeed my birthday! 😉

  1. August 10, 2015

    […] (to be continued…) […]

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