Peculiar Relationship Chapter 10

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43 Responses

  1. Tiny12 says:

    Awwwww!!!! Ms puddle beautiful chapter, i was waitting for their first kiss and you give me that and their engagement too its more that i imagined thanks i”ll be waitting for the next chapter

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Muchas gracias Tiny12!!! ❤ I’m very happy to hear that you found this chapter beautiful. It’s very encouraging, and yes, I know, many things happened within one chapter. Thanks again for your continued support! 😘

  2. Evelyn says:

    Hello dear Ms Puddle!! Where do I start? I’m so touched! So many great parts 🙂 love the turn of events between Candy, Great aunt Elroy and Albert! Good for Candy for not backing down to Aunt Elroy’s selfish demands! So much like her to act this way toward Candy trying to use her influence to get her way to obtain what she wants!

    I always wondered how would Albert or Candy would disclose their love for each other but this is brilliant to have Candy make the confession of her feelings for Albert to Aunt Elroy and to have Albert hear the whole thing!! Oh my!! 😜😅 last night when I read that Albert told Candy that he loved her back, I gasped and my eyes doubled in size right along with Candy! Was not expecting that! ❤️❤️ So tender and pure that moment! Love love the part when Candy pushed away from Albert when she realized Aunt Elroy’s anger and Albert immediately grabbing her by her hand! His gesture was sooooo romantic to say the least! Love how he stands up for her to defend her and honor her the way she deserves. ❤️

    Aunt Elroy’s comment: ” what is it like to marry for love?” is so profound, made me think!!! Do we know if she ever married at all?

    And the story keeps giving between Candy and Albert, their love story could only come to fruition up on Pony’s hill where they first met each other, his confession to Candy as being her prince happened there also, and naturally it only makes sense that he would propose on that very spot! ❤️❤️😘 The wonderful swing with his proposal carved on it, Albert getting on one knee, the ring and “The Kiss”. Oh my!!! They are so in love with each other! You have made every detail pop, so vivid. Thank you for also giving us Albert’s POV on how he slowly fell for Candy and the turmoil he lived in his heart when he was amnesic. The way he relied on Candy just as she relied on him! Cudos to you, my friend for another great chapter!!! Thank you for your time!! ❤️

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola mi querida amiga! 😍 I was touched by your enthusiastic comment too, so thank you so much for taking the time to send me positive feedback! ❤

      Yes, it’s time for Aunt Elroy to take action 😆 … It’s unlike her if she relented without even trying. Don’t you think? 😉 Given her position in the family, she couldn’t do much to influence William anymore but she could easily affect Candy.

      When I first started to write this story, I’d thought of various ways for Albert to confess. For sure I don’t want it to be too similar to his confession on the Hill about being Prince on the Hill. It was quite special the two different ways Mizuki had described in the manga and CCFS. I’m soooo glad you like what I have written in this chapter. 😘😍

      Yes, Albert clasped Candy’s hand when she hesitated. He knew how his aunt had managed to intimidate her all these years, and he wanted her to know he was there for her, ready to protect her. After all, he wasn’t afraid of Aunt Elroy whatsoever. The engagement party in the manga gave us a solid proof of his authority over Madam Elroy. Right, dear Evelyn?

      Aunt Elroy did marry once. Sarah Leagan was her step-daughter. Aunt Elroy married Sarah’s late father, who had died long time ago. So in a sense, Sarah was an orphan herself.

      However, I believe Aunt Elroy didn’t marry for love. It’s highly likely her marriage had been arranged, which was very common back then.

      Like you, I think it would be ideal Albert proposed to Candy on Pony’s Hill. It isn’t written in CCFS, but I imagined somehow he would declare his love to Candy either on the Hill or somewhere near Pony’s Home. 😉 😝

      I’m very happy you noticed that in Albert’s confession to his aunt that he and Candy needed each other. It wasn’t one way. Candy in CCFS wrote about how she enjoyed being with him, like he gave her a marvelous sense of security, but in his letters to her we can tell he was grateful to her–she had saved his life from despair too.

      Thanks again for your continued support, my friend!! ❤😍

      • Evelyn says:

        Yes definitely my friend!! Albert’s authority is sufficiently displayed in the manga when he confronted Aunt Elroy at Candy’s forced engagement party. You can see that he is able to get angry and apply his authority when needed to protect Candy.

        It is my honor dear Ms Puddle! Thank you for allowing me to be a part! Thank you!!! ❤❤❤ 😛

        • Ms Puddle says:

          So true, dear Evelyn! It’s one of my favorite scenes in the manga, in which Albert was visibly angry and even openly rebuked his aunt before the guests. The old lady had oppressed Candy for years, and finally someone dared to stand up for Candy, protecting her from the powerful matriarch. The matriarch’s reactions to her nephew’s sudden appearance and reproof were priceless, which is enough to show who in the family was the one in charge. 🙂 ❤

  3. Luna says:

    Hello Dear Ms Puddle,

    It is really nice to see that at last Albert is sure about Candy s love. I really appreciate his reaction in your story when his aunt was trying to convince Candy to leave him. And I like a lot when Candy said her love without any fear. This scene is actually very looking like the scene where Albert was hearing Candy s defence for him against neighbours. Just instead of staying in silence and leaving later, this time he showed up and he did what should be done for his love👍Well,we could say,history didn’t repeat itself😊..

    Thank you very much for this chapter and many greetings❤️

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Luna my friend! 🙂 Merci beaucoup! ❤

      Albert had spent more than half a day in the mountain lodge making a wooden swing for Candy. Before going to Lakewood, he had given his aunt a heads up about his courtship with Candy. Thus, he was on his way to propose to Candy but happened to overhear their conversation. This time, knowing for sure about Candy’s love for him, he wouldn’t let anyone, not his aunt or George, get in his way. That was why George had no idea where he was. Does this make sense to you? 🙂

      Good point about comparing this scene to that particular scene in the manga. Interesting thought! You’re right; history didn’t have to repeat itself. 😛 😉 Albert showed up and defended Candy. I think the major difference this time is that he knew Candy loved him 🙂 😉 whereas back in the apartment he had felt he was nothing but a burden to Candy. 🙁

      Thanks again for your support! ❤❤

  4. Vera García says:

    An affectionate greeting Ms. Puddle

    Gracias por tan excelente, conmovedor y romántico capítulo.
    Es genial la manera de introducirnos en el capítulo a través de un sueño, donde el anhelo más profundo de Candy se hace presente, pero también subconscientemente Candy ha soltado su pasado al dejar caer su diario.
    La postura intransigente de la tía Elroy no es justificable, pero si comprensible por su carácter, por su paradigma y experiencia propia. Estaba fuera de sus posibilidades aceptar que el verdadero amor, no se ajusta a caprichos e intereses de conveniencia social.
    La única opción de Albert es explicar porque sus sentimientos hacia Candy están basados en un amor honesto y profundo.
    En verdad con forme avanzaba en la lectura mi alma estaba plena de emoción con la descripción de los acontecimientos y la forma tan única, sencilla y especial de la declaración de amor y solicitud de matrimonio de Albert. Además refleja la esencia de la personalidad de Albert y de Candy.

    Que tenga un excelente semana, su amiga Vera.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Vera mi querida amiga! ❤

      I’m very happy you liked this chapter and found it romantic. 🙂 ❤ You’re absolutely right, that subconsciously Candy longed to be kissed by her prince, and in her dream she dropped her old diary. 😉 I’m glad you noticed that, my friend!

      About Madam Elroy, she was desperate. She wanted to use her power to do whatever to hinder the relationship between her nephew and the orphan. However, Albert arrived just in time to save the day. Thanks again Vera for your encouraging words to me! Yes, their love was pure and true. ❤

      You have a wonderful week too! Saludos y abrazos! 😍

  5. Ruth says:

    Hola Ms Puddle si al leer el capitulo me pareció orgullo y prejuicio, este capitulo me encantó y más por el beso que se dieron y porque el le pidió Matrimonio. Gracias por compartirlo.
    Saludos y más inspiración.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Muchas gracias, Ruth! 😍 I’m happy you like the chapter, the proposal and the kiss! Gracias!

      Saludos y abrazos! ❤

  6. antlay31 says:

    Dear Ms Puddle
    Tout comme Reeka, j’étais déroutée en lisant le début du chapitre, je me suis demandée si je n’avais pas raté un chapitre !
    Un rêve, vous êtes très joueuse Ms Puddle ! 😉
    Incroyable la Tante Elroy qui se déplace elle-même à la Maison de Pony pour dissuader Candy de revoir Albert, j’ai cru qu’elle allait réussir son coup. Mais heureusement le Pince de la Colline est arrivé à temps au moment où personne ne s’y attendait. Quelle belle déclaration d’amour et de plus devant sa tante. Je trouve son entretien avec sa tante très touchant et émouvant et il ne renoncera pas à Candy peu importe ce que pense les gens.
    La demande en mariage et le premier baiser sur la colline est romantique à souhait et la balançoire gravée, cela est si mignon, j’adore !
    Bravo Ms Puddle, un magnifique chapitre où il s’est passé beaucoup de choses 😀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay my dear! Thank you so much for your encouraging words! ❤

      Sorry to have confused you and Reeka 😉 😛 Yes, I skipped a bit in the story. Wish I had time to write some more in between. Sigh… Hope you like the dream though. 🙂

      I believe in CC Aunt Elroy had never gone to the orphanage, but her appearance indicates how desperate she was to stop the inevitable. 😉 She knew she couldn’t do much to alter her nephew, so she chose the easier target. Makes sense to you? 😝

      Yes, I want Albert to show Candy that he wouldn’t let anybody, including his aunt, to influence his decision. At the same time, he wanted his aunt to know he was deeply in love with Candy. ❤❤

      I’m so happy you like the swing, the proposal and and the kiss. Like I said to Candy Bert, I didn’t want to repeat myself, and I need to think of something different from my other stories. 🙂 😘

  7. Memchew says:

    Oh, my! Ms Puddle!!! Can’t wait for the next one! Love Pride and Prejudice!!! Lizzie and Mr. Darcy- another fave couple of mine! The kiss was just- mmmmm- electrifiying😍😍! Thank you! Thank you! Oh, did I say thank you already?😜
    I love that you had taken time to also flush out the other characters. Make it more engaging and make me appreciate Albert and Candy when they interact with them. Again, patiently waiting!!!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Memchew! I’ve loved Pride and Prejudice ever since I was young. Up till now, I think I’ve read the entire book about three to four times. 😝 Honestly, I do see some parallels between P&P and CC, at least Mr. Darcy and WAA. Yes, you did say thank you, Memchew. 😆 Glad you like the kiss. 😍 I guess you like my Aunt Elroy? Thank you for your encouraging words! 🙂

  8. Candy Bert says:

    Hello Ms Puddle!

    It’s already bedtime for me but I want to write a few words.

    Aww! Thank you for this beautiful chapter! I love it! ❤

    The visit of Ms Elroy was indeed unexpected and when I was reading I thought, oh no! She’s going to blackmail Candy on the reputation of her nephew and his sake! Phew!!! Albert has overheard all, it’s great! And their love confession in front of her I would not have dared it! 😉

    I love what Albert said to his aunt, how he explained his despair, and all Candy had done for him, how he wanted to convince her that Candy is the only woman worths his love, how she is genuine and had supported him at all cost, all what he thinks of her, so touching!

    And of course the proposal so original and on the Pony’s hill just were they met the first time, and the carved wooden swing, brilliant as Reeka said. Bravo my friend! And the first kiss, breathtaking and touching! ❤❤❤

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Candy Bert! Thank you for your kind words! ❤ Since I had written similar stuff in my other stories, and I didn’t want to repeat myself, I had to think of something quite different. I’m actually relieved to hear from you and Reeka that this particular scene and love confession was unexpected. That’s a compliment to me. Thank you! ❤

      I’m also glad you found Albert’s words to his aunt touching. 🙂 About the proposal, I want something simple but Albert had to put in his time and effort, which probably meant more to Candy. 😉 Just my 2 cents though. Thanks again for your support! 🙂

  9. Reeka says:

    Goodness, Ms Puddle!! You surpass my expectation for this story. Unexpected turn of event, and a dramatic one it is indeed (just like Aunt Elroy had thought).

    I’ll make this comment short and quick, & later give the more appropriate one.

    You had already surprised me with the arrival of Aunt Elroy at Pony’s Home. I never saw it coming. Then I thought …oh no, another obstacle, Ms Puddle really wouldn’t let Albert and Candy united easily. ;-)). Then Albert’s coming … and heard Candy’s love declaration, with Aunt Elroy herself as the witness. And their PDA in front of the matriarch … Oh God, it couldn’t get any better that this.

    And the proposal … the breathless kiss … 🙂 on the swing he crafted with love, under that tree on the Pony Hill. BRILLIANT, my friend. Very well executed.


    • Ms Puddle says:

      Awww… Thank you Reeka for your compliments. I’m so happy, speechless actually, that you enjoyed reading this chapter, even the drama. 🙂 It wasn’t an easy chapter to write, and I kept it short and to the point. So glad you like their PDA too. 😀

      Hugs to you too. Have a great Sunday!

    • Reeka says:

      Hello, my dear. Here I am again. 🙂

      When I read this chapter, first I was a bit clueless. I thought, wait a minute … how the previous chapter ended? Why suddenly Albert and Candy were in intimate atmosphere. Then when I thought he was kissing her, then … boom! It’s a dream. Hahaha I can’t believe it. Candy was desperately missed Albert, so much so she dreamed to be kissed by him.

      But yeah … she must feel nervous, excited, uneasy, unsure … all those mixed feeling altogether. The moment where we are sure our feeling reciprocated, but love hasn’t yet been declared.

      As much as I love the proposal and the first passionate kiss moments, the best part of this chapter to me is Candy-Aunt Elroy- Albert scene. You know how I feel about Aunt Elroy. All she needed was Albert’s affection. She’s a woman after all. And she loves him like her own son. Here on this chapter, you show how Aunt Elroy was surprised and touched by the gentle way Albert talked to her. And she must know, it was because of Candy. By accepting Candy, Aunt Elroy certainly would gain her nephew’s affection. I really like the way you picture Albert’s gesture here. Warm, gentle, yet determined.

      Ms Puddle, somehow I knew that you would point out Candy’s willingness to do anything for being with Albert. True that she had a free spirit, but she’s matured now. And if her beloved vagabond could live the life of a patriarch, so could she. She saw it from Albert that with power and money, you could help those underprivileged people. So, all the arguments about Candy couldn’t be with Albert because she couldn’t live as a matriarch, is non sense :).

      Oh well, it’s not me if I don’t bring up the proposal and the kiss scenes again … 🙂 I’m smiling now. In my ideal CC world, it is on Pony Hill where Albert should propose her. And nothing more perfect than it is also a place where they experience their first real kiss. But, I may say that the cherry on the cake for this whole scene is the wooden swing. I imagine they would tell their children about their proposal story when they bring them up to the hill.

      Is the next chapter a finale? 🙁

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Hello dear Reeka!

        Yes, some months had elapsed since the end of previous chapter. By then, Candy was head over heels already, 😆 so much so that she remembered the shape of his lips 😉 😮

        I’ve always believed the last letter from Candy to Albert is the turning point in their relationship. Not only he let her know his secret nickname, he allowed her to address him as such from now on. Candy also walked in the memorial Hall the first time in her life, with Albert. I think Mizuki had implied something. Like QuevivaCandy, I think Albert essentially introduced Candy to his parents. ❤

        No wonder Candy wrote such a letter to Albert afterwards. She was so bold and straightforward about her feelings for Albert. I mean if she wasn’t sure, she wouldn’t have written about being this thankful to her parents, right?

        I wished I could write a bit about the diary, but I have written so much about it in my other story and in several posts already, so I opted not to. 😉

        Therefore, my focus is on the triangle: Candy-Albert-Aunt Elroy. I’m thrilled to hear that you like this part the best. I’ve spent most of my time on writing this particular scene, so thanks for your encouraging words, my friend! ❤❤ You bet, I want to show that Madam Elroy was just human, and Albert’s tenderness would move her. Unlike some fanfic writers, I think Albert didn’t hate his aunt. In his letter to Candy he said his aunt loved him in her own way, and he knew it.

        Totally agree with you, Reeka, that Candy was willing to give up her life in the orphanage for her prince. As you said before, she was willing to learn to be a lady for Anthony and Uncle William, so it only makes sense she was more than willing to do that for the man she loved. ❤

        Like you, I think Pony’s Hill was special to both Albert and Candy, so my romantic side also wished Mizuki could have written the scene about their first kiss on the hill. Oh well… 😉 So I did. Lol… About the wooden swing, you read my mind, Reeka!! Albert wanted others, including his offspring, to know how much he loved Candy. It wasn’t unlike those hearts and arrows people carved on tree barks. 🙂 ❤

  1. September 5, 2015

    […] (to be continued…) […]

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