Peculiar Relationship Chapter 10

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43 Responses

  1. Brenda says:

    Hello Ms. Puddle! thanks for your response. Certainly, you mentioned aomething about the weddind in the epilogue,
    but you also did it about Patty and Annie. Honestly it was too short! You wrote muchmore about the honeymoon
    in The Diario chapter 4 as well as in most of your posts. I didn’ mean to bother you.
    thanks again for your great effort !
    Best regards.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi Brenda, thank you so much for your understanding, and this story is meant to be short 😍… No please don’t feel that you have bothered me. On the contrary, I felt very encouraged by the eagerness in your last comment. 💗 Hugs and kisses to you! 😘

  2. Brenda says:

    Hello Dear Ms. Puddle and QuevivaCandy! Thanks for your response. I really appreciate your reply about
    this point. I hope we can get more information about Candy ‘s last chapters story. I honestly like your
    style much more than Kyōko Mizuki work. I guess she is shy about romantic scenes. I also hope you ‘ll get
    some sparetime to enjoy yourself.

    It was very nice to meet you too!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Brenda, thanks again. What you said made me blush… 😍😄😆

      Candy Candy was originally written for young girls, and I’m not sure if Mizuki is shy though… The forced kiss from Terry was shocking to many. 😂😉

      Warmest regards! 😘

  3. Brenda Mary Cross Martinic says:

    Dear Ms. Puddle’s
    Thanks so much for your response. Yeah! I have already read the manga too, but my son
    told me I should get the original version. Can´t wait to buy it in colours!
    You are right! It might be the spelling variants. (
    As you can see, I found this VIP. Surname like an Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. It really doesn’t say anything about Andrew/Andrews, which I have found written in the manga
    and on Facebook as well! Besides nothing is clear yet, until the author gives us some more clues! What do you think? Sorry, I honestly like Ardley much better last name for Candy. (

    Anyway, please continue with your wonderful stories and thoughts about Candy and Albert.
    I am delighted to read them and to check up your beautiful drawings too! I hope you will
    Publish a book someday. You are talented enough to do so!

    Ps. Would you draw pictures of C & A babies too?

    • Quevivacandy says:

      Hello MsPuddle and Brenda!

      May I join? I was reading your comments about the spelling of the “A” lastname. As you both say, in the web we found many forms to spell it. The manga has Andrew and Ardlay, and the anime Andrew, Ardlay and Andley. It is a complete mess. At the end, I guess it’s a matter of taste. I like Andrew the best, 😛

      How ever, we can say we have an official translation to western alphabet. Here you found how the italians have translated the names and surnames (I guess they did based on how they sound in japanese).

      Lagan (Leagan)
      Georges Villers (George Johnson)
      Brighton (Britter – sometimes I have read it in manga and anime as Brighton but usually is Britter)
      Alistair / Stair (Stear)
      Sister Lane (In Spanish we always have known her as Sister María)
      Sister Kreis (Sister Grace)

      Right now I don’t remember others but the nicknames, oh my!!!

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Hello Brenda and QuevivaCandy!

        Yes, there are many different names, but thanks for the list in the Italian version, QuevivaCandy! In Japanese, the last name sounds like AR-DE-LAY. Therefore, Ardlay is the closest. 😊

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Brenda! I like writing stories, but it takes up a lot of my time, so right now I need a break. For me, drawing takes less time. 😜😝

      Babies? One day I might. Perhaps when it’s near mother’s day or father’s day. 😘😍

    • Reeka says:

      Hello My dear Ms Puddle & QuevivaCandy, and Brenda,

      Probably I can give a little contribution ^_^ for this confusing name translation.

      In Indonesian translation, almost all the names were translated similarly like those in English. Except, Candice is Candies, Ardley is Audrey, Granchester becomes Grandchester, and Terruce is Terrence and Therius. Indonesia, btw, has a very strong background relationship with Japan, so Japanese is not very foreign. Thus I believe the translation would be quite close. Like the end of manga, the scene that very often mistranslated, it says exactly like Ms Puddle’s translation directly from Japan version.

      And to me, I like Ardley or Ardlay the most.

      • Candy Bert says:

        Hello Ladies!

        May I give you a little contribution too for the name translation? In French manga it’s André but I don’t like it at all. In my own story I choose Ardley but I’ve hesitated a lot between Ardlay and Ardley and I eventually choose the last one because of the scene you described Brenda, indeed, in the anime we can see Ardley in newspaper. Like you Reeka, I like Ardley or Ardlay the most.
        For Candy White it’s Candy Neige, neige means snow that’s beautiful.
        Leagan becomes Legrand.
        About George, in French it’s Georges with final S because without final S it’s a rare feminine name 😆 like George Sand a French writer!
        It’s a terrible mess, indeed! But it’s always a problem when you translate from a different alphabet! But at the end, this doesn’t change their characters! 😉

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Bonjour Candy Bert, I also like Ardlay and Ardley the most. It’s the closest to the original Japanese pronunciation.

          I actually like Candy Neige. ❤ Sounds very nice. About Leagan, I actually don’t know its real name. I just borrowed “Leagan” from a fanfic that I read. In Japanese it sounds like “Lagan” or “Ragan”.

          In CCFS, George has a French name, because he’s from France! So he’s Georges Villers, not George Johnson like many had thought.

          I agree with you. The translations are different but the characters remain the same. 😜😝

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Hi Reeka, so Terry has two names that sound like each other? In CCFS, his name is officially Terrus/Terruce but Candy and Susanna called him Terry. 🙂 I believe Annie and others called him Terry too, but I’m not sure at this moment.

        • Reeka says:

          I’ve just checked my manga, apparently on volume 3, when Terry made an entrance at the morning pray, Sister Grey called him “Terrance G. Grandchester”. Later on volume 4, when The Duke visited him and asking about him meeting up with Eleanor in Scotland, the duke called him “Therius”. I guess it’s changed when the translator realised it actually sounded like “Terruce” on japanese translation? LOL. However, whenever he’s called by his nickname Terry, it’s also Terry in my manga.

          Btw, here we also had Leagan. Since japanese don’t have L alphabet, but pronounce R more like an L, so it’s all mixed up. :D. I think it means Leagan or Legan. Or, Reagan? :D:D

  4. Brenda says:

    Dr.Ms.Puddle Heaven,

    I’d like to tell you How much I enjoy reading your blog/stories
    about Candy and Albert!
    Thanks for sharing with us your thoughts.
    I am from Lima,Peru. Bu tthe only thing I would like
    is, if you could please write Albert’s surname as ARDLEY,
    which should be the right spelling. I saw it written on chapter
    114 when I was watching a DVD about Candy anime. She tried
    To find granduncle William, so it was written in the newspaper,
    therefore I searched
    Anyway, thanks so much for accepting my subscription and for your
    beautiful work!
    best regards.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Brenda! Nice to meet you. 😘

      Yes, Albert’s family name has many variants, and I actually got the name “Ardlay” from the manga version. Have you read it? Albert sent a parcel to Candy from Rockstown. He wrote her name as Candys W. Ardlay. I didn’t use Candys though because it’s not as common as Candice or Candace. 😊

      I know Ardley is also a big family name. I’m not sure which one is correct however. 😜 In fact, I don’t know the last name of Eliza and Neil. I found “Leagan” in some fanfic so I borrowed it. 😊😅

      Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it. Saludos!! 😍😘

  5. Quevivacandy says:

    Hello my dear friend!

    I am so sorry I couldn’t read your blog ’til today. Things have been pretty busy over here and for some reason, I sensed the need to wait to read this chapter after I had uploaded mine, but even when that happened, some things came up that took me away from my original intention, but finally, here I am.

    First, I cannot believe what you did with that kiss!!!! lol… I guess I just had a taste of my own medicine. LOL… I was thinking there wasn’t any kiss at that moment but at the sametime so happy you had decided to write it and then…. plop… it was a dream, lol… I swear I haven’t read this chapter and but had the same idea since the very beginning of my fic… yep, I guess we were mean with our readers but in a good way, lol…

    And about the timing of the letter, we did exactly! I am really impressed!

    I was really touched when Albert gave back his badge to Candy, my heart was in a dream… but I was more than touched with his love confession… awww I want to be Candy!!! And that final kiss, oh my! I felt it like I was part of it…

    Also, I was in shock when aunt Elroy showed up… and then what? Albert was missing… The dialogue between Candy and Aunt Elroy, I had a hint you based it in Pride and Prejudice and how Lizzie put in place Darcy’s aunt, hehehe… I just love that scene and in this case, I love the way Candy face up the old lady… It was about time. 😛

    Another thing, I was surprised you also wrote Candy took with her the Sweet Candy from their trip to Lakewood but having read your review, now I see we also share the timing of Mr. Whitman letter…

    My friend, do not take me wrong or misunderstand my words, but many things you have written in this chapter, I already had thought them to that happens in my story, well, not the situation but the lines they say, 🙂 Now, I feel like I should have awaited to upload at least two more chapters before reading yours, hehehe hope you will bear with me. 🙂

    And thank you so much for have mentioned my story and for what you have said about it, I really really appreciatte it.

    Congrats for a marvelous chapter! You really know how to get us into the story.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear QuevivaCandy, hola! 💕

      Don’t worry. I suppose our fics had reached the same stage, and I figured you didn’t want to get affected by what I would write. I totally understand. 😜 However, this is officially the last chapter. The next one is the epilogue already. 😅

      Yes, this is a short story, and I let the readers know about yours instead, which is so much longer and detailed. 😘😍

      Taste your own medicine? 😆 Yes, indeed, just at different times by a different person. Lol…

      About Candy and Aunt Elroy, right from the beginning I already planned this scene based on P&P, to show my readers that Candy is so lucky to have Albert. I’m sure he would fight for her in CCFS. They would marry, and there’s no need to wait for everyone to accept his choice of future spouse. He was an independent adult, not obliged to anyone, not even his aunt. Don’t you agree? 😍

      Yes, concerning the letter to Mr. Whitman, I’m in total agreement with you, my friend. 💕 Thanks again for taking the time to read my story, and keep up your good work on yours, QuevivaCandy! 👍💞

      • Quevivacandy says:

        Thank you so much for kind words,

        About to taste my own medicine,well, It happened the very same day, a saturday, 2 weeks after their trip to Lakewood, just a few hours later, lol… but yes, just the character changed. 😀

        And I totally agree with you about Albert’s reaction in case he would have to fight for her. There is no one, even his own aunt, that could stop him to be with the woman he loves. Thinking about it, I just realized ’til now about P&P, “supposedly” (I’ not sure if that was a trick) Darcy was engaged to her cousin but at the end, he did what he felt in her heart. 😀

        Anyway, I guess you will smile when you read what I had planned, hehehe Are you sure you didn’t dig in my brain? lol

        I will read the epilogue later, right know I have to do some chores… 🙁

        Congrats again for a short but well done story! Cheers to you!

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Exactly, my dear friend!! Hahaha… It’s not the first time we think alike… Lol 😆

          Yup, nobody could stop Albert from marrying Candy. He was waiting for her to confirm her decision because he respected her, not because he was a weak person. He was actually strong willed himself. His aunt had no authority over him whatsoever. As in P&P, Lady Catherine couldn’t force Darcy to marry her daughter even though he was ‘supposedly’ betrothed to her, or so she thought. 😉

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