Peculiar Relationship Epilogue

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31 Responses

  1. kittenandley says:

    Oh I’m a bad follower! sigh…I’m sorry, I’ve missed this post, and what a wonderful epilogue it is.Well, this may sound as an excuse but I’ve been sick 🙁 which is normal considering I’m the kind of person who gets sick frecuently. Anyway, I’m here to congratulate you for this incredible epilogue, it’s great and I love it. I hope in the future, you will continue sharing with us another amazing story just like this one.

    Congratulations Mspuddle
    Have a good night 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello kittenandley! I’m sorry to hear that you’re sick again. I wish you a speedy recovery, and not only that, stay healthy. 💞💗

      Don’t worry about missing my posts. 😅 I’m glad you finally finished reading this short story 😍, and thank you very much for your encouraging words! For now, I’ll draw various scenes in this story. I’ve drawn Candy by herself, so I’ll draw Albert next. Please stay tuned. 😘

      Have a good rest, kittenandley! ❤❤

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi Ms Puddle

    I like your stories very much. I re-read re-read of all of them from you, even overnights.
    Even I love your stories, however, In this chapter I just cannot figure out when do Albert had time to hang the swing on the tree? 🙂

    Best Regards.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi there, thank you so much for your compliments. I’m so glad you like my stories this much. It’s very encouraging! 💗💕

      I think you meant the swing in chapter 10? Yes, I actually expected someone to ask me, but so far no one except you. 😅 First, it’s a hill, so people can walk up from different paths. Since Albert intended to give Candy a surprise, he parked far away and started from there, about the time Sister Lane informed Candy of a visitor from Chicago. The wooden swing, which he had crafted the day before near the waterfall in Lakewood, was hung to the tree branch with ropes, so all he needed was to tie the knots. Does this make sense to you?

      Have a good day! Thanks again for reading! ❤❤

  3. Quevivacandy says:

    Bravo, my dear MsPuddle! What a way to end a marvelous story!

    I read the whole epilogue with a smile glued on my face but bursted in laugh at the end. I will let you know in private. 😛

    Yes, even CCFS doesn’t say a word about Candy having children, like you, I’m pretty sure she was already a mom.

    I really loved the intimacy scenes, well done my friend, I could feel everything and fill with my imagination the empty spaces, lol… ahhhh ‘El amor’

    Also, I want to thank you for have written about Patty and Darren, they deserved to be happy as well. And about Neal, like you, I have a hint he changed in a way but not Eliza. I’m glad you let us know a little bit about it.

    Thank you againg for have given us a great great story, based on CCFS. I really enjoy it from the beginning to the end.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola QuevivaCandy!! Now I know why you laughed at the end… I simply couldn’t believe it… What a coincidence! 😆 😝

      I wish Mizuki had written about children. I’m pretty sure by then Candy was a mother, and her children might even be in boarding school already. Who knows? Candy was in her mid-thirties or late thirties, right?

      Glad you loved the intimate scenes. I intentionally wrote without details. Yes, whoever read them can imagine anything they like. 😍😜

      I’m not 100% sure about Neil, but I believe without bad influence from his sister, he would be slightly better. 😉 I just wanted Albert and Candy to return to that luxurious resort where the story begins. 😅😜

      Thanks for taking the time to read my short story. Once again, I should really thank you. Remember I was inspired after reading one of your chapters? 💕😘

  4. Reeka says:

    Hello! Finally I’m here … 🙂 I’ve told you I intentionally didn’t read this PR epilogue because I wanted to read it in a quite moment and lose my self in CC world. I did, actually. But then again, I’ve forgot to leave a comment 🙁 .

    Ooooh Ms Puddle, why is it so short? Hehehehe I was hoping to spend at least half day to read this chapter … hehehehe. Just kidding. I know you’re very busy, so thank you for completing this story. Honestly speaking, the story is actually much longer than what I had expected it to be.

    William David Ardley. That’s something new for a pick of the Ardley’s heir name :). Great choice! I really like the christening scene when the badge was passed from Albert to David. Ooooh this is exactly what I’ve always imagined what would happen to the badge. The badge was a significant item in CC story, we kept seeing it from time to time. And then we don’t see/hear about it again in CCFS’s present time. It’s not there in the damascene jewellery box. Where was it? — you answered it, my friend! It’s no longer belong to Candy nor Albert. If Candy married someone else, the badge must still be in her treasure box because it was clear Albert had given it to her.

    And it’s a great idea to have their wedding on the date that had changed their life 16 years ago ( is it 16, isn’t it? ), the day Annie was adopted. Too bad you made it sacred and let it be a secret only Albert & Candy knew. Their fiction must have more sales if this momentous scene was shared to the public 🙂 🙂 .

    And about Albert who never failed to keep making Candy happy and being a devoted husband. Isn’t it one of many reasons we think Albert was the most perfect husband to Candy? He was indeed capable to make her happy, with non material and material things. He had showed it even when he was only her poor & homeless friend. With little money he had, in manga he often cooked delicious meals to Candy ( there’s a scene long before his memory recovered). So I guess we can be sure he would keep doing that for the rest of their lives.

    I’m glad for the happy ending for Patty and Darren. Patty deserved it, really. She’s a very sweet person, kind hearted, and loyal, despite being born with silver spoon. This killing Stear issue always makes me angry to Mizuki. An unnecessary tragedy I may say.

    Well, good job, Ms Puddle! Again, a fine piece of writing from you. I’ve just realised, for years you manage to keep your version of Albert very close to his original characteristics which are gentle, warm, and patient. Some writers tend to make him a little bit more playful, more emotional ( very possessive to Candy), more dominant. I like possessive and dominant Albert, but nothing beats his original character Mizuki created. He’s really an epitome of chivalrous gentlemen, a fine character many men in early 20th century had possessed. **where are they now??**

    Once again, thank you for this beautiful story.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Reeka! It’s nice to hear from you again! 😍

      I had to exert ‘self-discipline’ to keep this epilogue short. 😝 I didn’t want to repeat what I had done for LNF… 😉 😛

      I named the boy David just to have a change. Most FF writers called him Anthony, including myself, so this time I intentionally found another name. I know in Japan one FF writer named the new heir William Frederick. 😉 Thus, I’m not the only one who wants a change. 😛

      I thought of a christening service mainly because I had been influenced by the adorable offsprings of Prince William and Kate on the magazines. 👪

      Besides, I always imagined the badge would be passed from the father to the son in front of many witnesses. In fact, I’m going to talk about the badge in a new post. Just like you, I think in CCFS Candy had passed the badge to the rightful heir of the Ardlay’s. 😉 💞

      Reeka, about keeping their first encounter a secret, I got the idea from the old CC novel, in which Candy wrote to Albert that POTH was too precious to share with others. Except for Anthony and Albert, Candy hadn’t told any other about POTH. It had remained a treasured memory to her. Who knows? Perhaps one day she might share it with her children, a hint in my story too. 😜😍

      My dear friend, you spoke my mind!! Albert, no matter what stage he was in, always managed to put a smile on Candy’s face. No wonder he gave her such a marvelous feeling of security! Sigh…

      About Darren and Patty, I’m glad you like my choice. I like Patty after Candy, and a sweet girl like her deserved a better ending. That’s why I didn’t plan to give her a random guy. I want a decent man for her too. 😅😜😘

      Thank you so much for your compliments. I admire the Albert Mizuki has created, no more no less. He had his weakness, a real human, but he was the man for Candy. They complemented each other perfectly don’t you think? ❤❤❤

  5. Vera García says:

    An affectionate greeting Ms. Puddle
    Me sorprendió por completo encontrarme con el epílogo, se que todo lo bueno también tiene que tener un final, para mí su historia me conmovió, me movió muchos sentimientos internos.
    Es grato captar que en su historia tanto la tía Elroy como Neil, comprendieron y aceptaron que el amor de Candy y Albert es un amor que trasciende dificultades, tiempo y distancia.
    Usted nos ha proporcionado una visión más completa y realista de lo que es el verdadero amor y que este se complementa y tiene su plenitud en formar una familia, anhelo que tanto Candy y Albert deseaban y pudieron cumplir en su historia.
    Gracias por haber publicado este capitulo en esta fecha, es una fecha muy importante para mí, porque me recuerda a una persona muy importante en mi vida.
    Gracias por tan apasionante historia, gracias por su amistad , gracias por ser tan bella persona, su amiga Vera.

    PD: Una disculpa por haber comentado hasta el día de hoy , pero he pasado por ciertas dificultades, pero leer este capítulo me ha devuelto el ánimo.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Vera mi amiga! 💗

      You’re not the only one who was surprised that the story has ended. One even said she wanted to cry. 😳 Anyway, that’s a big compliment to me. 😀 As you said, every story has to finish, and I think it’s a good time to stop. Thank you so much for your understanding, my dear! 😍💓

      About Aunt Elroy, she had no choice but to accept the love between her nephew and the orphan. 😉 She had no authority over him first of all. Besides, Albert was a free adult himself. He wasn’t obliged to anyone. Don’t you agree? 😉 About Neil, he had moved on with his life, and he had let go of the fantasy. 😛

      Yes, I intended to give you glimpses of our favorite couple’s future, being parents with young kids. 👪 They sure would have difficulties in life, but they could face any problem that come their way together. 💏 They were deeply in love with each other after all. 😀

      I’m so happy that this story has touched you, and even the publishing date of this chapter reminds you of someone special. 😘😍 Your kind words have been very encouraging. 😚 Thanks again, my friend. You have a beautiful soul yourself. 😍 I hope you will/have overcome the difficulties in life. 😃

      Take care!! Hugs!! ❤❤❤

  6. Evelyn says:

    Dear Ms Puddle! Thank you so much for a beautiful story in Peculiar Relationship! What a perfect ending for Albert and Candy to wed and have a family with two beautiful children! The love expressed in this chapter between them seems so natural and effortless! Seems like Candy went through normal emotional women issues as we all do after having babies 🙂 and Albert is such a wonderful and understanding husband to Candy! ❤️

    Loved their intimate scenes ❤️ Oh my! I’m blushing 😅 but awesome!!

    I’m so relieved that Aunt Elroy came to accept Candy, finally! After all thanks to Candy, the Ardrey’s have a new heir!!! I can only imagine how beautiful those children are!! Thank you for giving them one of each, boy and girl!! So wonderful! 👼

    The ending is so touching when Albert tells his wife how fulfilled he is by her side and with his two children! That he doesn’t know how to express his love and gratitude toward his dear wife!!! ❤️❤️ That’s exactly what Candy told Albert in her final letter to Albert in CCFS and how wonderful that he is returning the sentiment back to her in the end of your story!! Yes, my dear friend, you have stayed as true as to the original CCFS book as possible! Bravo! Candy and Albert are truly a magnificent couple and a beautiful story!!! Thank you! 😘❤️
    Sorry for my late post. I’ve been working quite a bit lately but have read this chapter a few time now 😉 loved it!,

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Evelyn my dear friend! ❤ Thank you so much for all your encouraging words! Your comment has warmed my heart. 😍💕

      Yes, Candy, despite how petite she was, would grow big after giving birth. It’s just natural, and I want to show that Albert loved her person regardless of her size. 😘💏 The intimate scenes were intentionally written without details to keep this epilogue PG-13… Glad you like it my friend! 😚😳

      Aunt Elroy had no choice but to accept her nephew’s future spouse. After all, without Candy, Albert probably wouldn’t have survived back then. Besides, as you said, Candy was a great mother, giving the family the new heir. About a boy and a girl, it seems ideal for my short epilogue. 😀

      You got it dear Evelyn! I deliberately wrote that Albert wanted to express his deep “love and gratitude” to his wife. This goes both ways, doesn’t it? Candy signed her love letter to him with love and gratitude too. It’s not a phrase that’s reserved only for children to parents. 😉😜

      Thanks again for your support, dear Evelyn. I’m very happy you love my short story. 💋 In fact, I have a surprise for you and a few others. Please stay tuned. 😳😘

  7. antlay31 says:

    Hello Ms Puddle

    C’est déjà fini, je ne me lasse pas de lire vos histoires, je sais vous aviez prévenu que celle-ci serait courte, en fait on est jamais rassasié des histoires de Candy et d’Albert. 😂
    Il se passe beaucoup de choses dans l’épilogue, le mariage d’Annie et d’Archie, Patty et Darren et bien sûr Candy et Albert.
    La Tante Elroy a enfin accepté leur mariage et semble très heureuse avec leurs deux enfants.
    Le déplacement en Angleterre aussi un clin d’oeil à CCFS. 😉
    Albert comme toujours est patient et rassurant avec Candy, lui montrant que peu importe son physique, il l’aime telle qu’elle est, n’est ce pas la plus belle preuve d’amour.
    La scène sur la balançoire est très touchante ainsi que la transmission du bagde à leur fils.
    Merci encore pour nous avoir regalé Ms Puddle ❤❤❤
    Les pariles de la chanson s’accordent effectivement à merveille, excellent choix.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour, Antlay!! ❤

      Indeed, more people should write for Albert and Candy. Perhaps one day you can write too? 😉😁

      Yes, many things happened in the epilogue. It’s meant to give glimpses of their lives and tie the loose ends in the story. I’m so glad you enjoyed this short story, Antlay! 😘

      I didn’t write how Aunt Elroy came to accept their relationship, but I strongly believe Albert didn’t need her approval to proceed, just like Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet! 😅 Albert was supposed to be the family patriarch, and who could oppose him, really? 😉

      But I’m sure their true love would melt anyone’s heart, including Aunt Elroy’s. 😉

      Thanks for your kind words, my friend, and so glad you liked the song I picked and found the swing scene and badge presentation touching. About Albert, I’m certain he loved Candy as she was, no matter how her appearance changed. Sigh…

      Merci beaucoup, mon amie! ❤❤

      • antlay31 says:

        Ecrire, non,non,non ! Même si je déborde d’imagination, je ne maîtrise pas assez la langue française et pour les scènes coquines je suis bien trop timide pour les écrire. 😶
        Vous-même, Candy Bert et Quevivacandy vous faites cela si bien, alors je vais continuer à lire vos merveilleuses histoires.
        Bon journée mon amie. 😀

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Nah, Antlay, don’t be too modest! 😜😉😝 You don’t have to write those scenes 😆

          Neither the manga nor CCFS has any of those scenes, but the couple are our favorite mainly because of their deep love for each other. 😍😘

          • Candy Bert says:

            Je suis entièrement d’accord avec vous Ms Puddle, les scènes coquines qui ne sont pas faciles à écrire ne sont pas une obligation, j’ai déjà lu de superbes histoires très bien écrites et très émouvantes (pas forcément sur CC) sans cela. Et puis pour te rassurer Antlay, ton niveau de français est très bon et bien au-delà de la moyenne, ne sois pas modeste! 😉 Si l’on m’avait dit il y a un an que j’aurais écrit une histoire comportant déjà 26 chapitres je ne l’aurais jamais cru. Parfois il suffit juste d’essayer et de se prendre au jeu, c’est ce que j’ai fait! Au début je n’avais même pas osé vous en parler et puis je me suis lancée un défi et quand j’ai lu les premiers commentaires, ce fût une belle surprise et cela m’a beaucoup encouragée et j’ai poursuivi, sans cela je crois que j’aurais arrêté. Surtout si tu as beaucoup d’imagination, ce serait dommage de ne pas nous la faire partager! 😀

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Yes indeed! I second Candy Bert! 🙂 ❤

              We are here to inspire one another, and I’m so glad Candy Bert is now a blessing to francophone CC fans!!

              Antlay, you don’t have to create a site. All you need is an account in fan fiction . net 😍❤😘

          • antlay31 says:

            Bonjour Ms Puddle et Candy Bert
            Je vous remercie toutes les deux pour vos aimables paroles, mais vous êtes tellement talentueuses avec vos plumes que je vous laisse le soin d’écrire pour notre plus grand plaisir à tous.
            Je préfère continuer à vous soutenir en restant aux côtés de vos fervents et fidèles lectrices et lecteurs ☺
            Félicitations Candy Bert pour avoir relevé ton défi, tu peux en être fière !
            Have a nice day my friends.

        • Candy Bert says:

          Merci pour le compliment Antlay! 😉 😀

  8. Candy Bert says:

    Hello Ms Puddle!

    Thank you for this beautiful last chapter! ❤ I only have one regret… it is the end of your great story! :’( I really enjoyed it.

    A book about their story what a brilliant idea, my friend! It makes sense after all, the Ardlays were famous and it was a so beautiful and touching story!

    Alexandrite, I see you made search! Really beautiful stone of exception for an exceptional woman!
    Aunt Elroy with David in her arms, it is touching and also Candy who understood her for not give her son the name of Anthony.

    The return of Albert, the way he reassured Candy about her shape after pregnancy, a great man and an amazing husband, really! And their second honeymoon wow and then… a new baby! 😉 Thank you Neil! 😆 After all he wasn’t as bad he grew up!

    Patty and Darren, I’m glad to see them happy, they deserve this after their loss and their pain.

    A good choice for the song, lyrics fit so well to them.

    Thank you for having made us dream! ❤❤❤ BRAVO! I will re-read it for sure when I have more time.

    You have a great weekend my friend!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Candy Bert!! Merci beaucoup! ❤❤

      From the beginning I didn’t plan to write a long story, but many thanks for your encouraging words! You’re so kind, mon amie! 💕

      I believe one way to stop the rumors once and for all is to officially announce their engagement, and to publish a novel would quench some people’s curiosity. 😉😜

      About alexandrite, I just happened to find it. 😄 It’s fascinating, isn’t it? Also, knowing that it can be found in Brazil caught my attention. It shows how much Albert loved Candy. Not only he was willing to pay a high price for the ring, but it indicates he couldn’t help himself while he was in São Paulo. 😝

      Aunt Elroy was content to act like a grandma, that’s my point. Thanks, my friend! 💕 The mansion was no longer quiet to her, and she wasn’t a lonely elderly anymore.

      In CCFS, Neil was depicted as a shrewd business man, but it doesn’t necessarily imply he remained mean to Candy. Hence, I gave him a chance in my story to make up his past mistakes. 😉

      I spent all that time to describe Darren with a purpose. I want people to know to whom I give my Patty to. 🙂 So glad you like my pair. 😄 The song, the lyrics are perfect, right?

      You have a great weekend too, my dear!! ❤💕

  9. Memchew says:

    Awwww…. And they will have 10 more kids! Hehehe! Thank you, Ms Puddle. Truly understood what Candy went thru after the first baby! Loved Albert-
    So, as usual, I will wait for the next one. Don’t stress! Let inspiration guide you!
    By the way, love your artwork too! Very talented, Ms Puddle!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hahaha, ten more kids? 😆 Thanks, Memchew, for your kind words and compliments. I’m sure you’re very talented yourself! Do you sing or act? I remember you have mentioned musicals. 🙂 ❤❤

  1. September 10, 2015

    […] Peculiar Relationship Epilogue » […]

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