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35 Responses

  1. Evelyn says:

    I am yearning for more…..Pleeeeease!!! 🙂 I second Quevivacandy, you played with my head too!! 😝 Lol!!
    I should have expected this twist that it was simply a dream!! Sigh! 💞 But we know the ending, right? 💗
    Reeka is right that the plot at Rockstown is a clear representation that Candy had moved on from her feelings for Terry and that she had moved on. At this point, Albert was not aware of Candy’s true feelings yet thus sending her to meet Terry in this town.

    I think I finally understand why Candy was inconsolable when watching Terry in his pitiful state. Initially she became terribly worried when she first learned that he had declined as an actor, then went missing. Candy suffered for him because she truly cared for his happiness. She knew he would never fulfill his dream if he kept going like this. It was a promise they made to each other to be happy. In the manga she tells herself while watching him inside the tent that she tried very hard to move on which she accomplished with the help of his friends and of Albert mainly. But in her heart she felt that he didn’t and as a consequence becoming like this. But we see that immediately after Terry recovers and finds his inner strength he tells himself if he had forgotten his own dream? He tells himself to become who he used to be!! Then he snaps out of it and immediately returns to Stratford and to Susana. After this, Candy is at easy and is able to move on without looking back! All she wanted was to see him well so that he could fulfill his dream and happiness. Terry realized it immediately also, that is why he didn’t look back either!

    Thank you for this wonderful mini-fic!! Love your stories my friend! 💓💕

    • Evelyn says:

      Sorry for typo. Meant to say that after Terry snaps out of his depression and returns to Stratford and Susana. Candy is at “ease” and is able to move on without looking back. 🙂

      Enjoy your Sunday my friend!

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Exactly! Candy was at ease, and later in the train when she remembered Terry, she didn’t get emotional at all. She had got over him, no doubt. 🙂

        I hope you had a great Sunday, my friend!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Gracias, Evelyn! So glad you like this minific! 💞💓💗💕

      I didn’t mean to play with your head, my dear, but I thought Candy at that time might not truly understand her own feelings yet. In a dream setting I could imagine a what-if scenario but still stick with the manga plot. 😘😍 Also, I’d like to explore the idea of how Albert would have felt or reacted if he had really been there in the small town… Come to think of it, his friend had come all the way just because she wanted to see him… That’s not trivial at all. Her feelings for him must be strong enough to compel her to take the risk. Don’t you think? 😉

      On the other hand, Albert wasn’t aware of the significant change in Candy’s heart. He thought he was doing the right thing to lead her to Terry, suppressing his own feelings for her. Sigh…

      Your analysis of Terry and Candy’s changes and thoughts during this unexpected encounter is brilliant! I couldn’t have described it better. 💗💕Indeed, Candy shed lots of tears not because she still loved Terry, but because she still cared about his well-being. As soon as he had regained his confidence, she was comfortable enough to leave him for good. She didn’t regret her decision to break up with Terry. In her mind she urged him to return to Broadway and Susanna. This is the same conclusion Terry had later arrived at.

  2. Quevivacandy says:

    What are you doing with my poor heart? lol… I thought you were planning to present us another plot, and finally I could see a kiss or at least a declaration at Rockstown, lol…

    I really love your minific and I could sense Candy’s desperation and hopelessness to find Albert.

    Bravo my friend, you never stop to amaze me with your stories.

    Btw, I really love the song. Now, I finally know what it is about. 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Sorry to have disappointed you, dear QuevivaCandy my friend! 😀😁 You know me by now, right? 😝

      Sounds like you have heard of this song before… Or have I misunderstood you? I just love the melody, and together with the lyrics, a wistful plot formed in my head. Yes, Candy in the manga was desperate, totally unaware it was Albert’s “strategy”… Sigh…

      Anyway, so glad you like my minific. Thanks for reading and catching up my posts, QuevivaCandy! â€đŸ’•đŸ’“

      • Quevivacandy says:

        no, I haven’t hearded it before. I heard it in the ‘japanese’ translation but I didn’t understood a word, lol… now, while I was reading the story in English, I could understand the lyrics, hehehe

        Congrats my friend, again, I do really love the story. I also felt sorry for Albert… but for sure he will receive a bigger surprise! 😀

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Ah, now I see 😝 Once again, thank you my friend! I’m so glad you love this story đŸ’•â€đŸ’“ You’re so right, Albert had never expected the outcome I bet 😀😁

  3. antlay31 says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle

    Merci pour ce cadeau Ms Puddle c’Ă©tait une belle surprise en effet. 😀😍
    Je rejoins ce qu’a dit Candy Bert, bien que connaissant Candy, Albert ne devait pas s’attendre Ă  ce qu’elle se rende aussi rapidement Ă  Rockstown. C’Ă©tait une dĂ©cision impulsive, un ĂȘtre amoureux peut ĂȘtre amener Ă  agir de cette façon. Je ne crois pas Ă  la thĂ©orie des fans de Terry qui pensent que Candy a agi de cette façon car elle s’inquiĂštait de sa santĂ©. MĂȘme si contrairement au manga, dans CCFS Albert dans sa lettre ne laisse pas entendre qu’il a retrouvĂ© sa mĂ©moire, il a toujours Ă©tĂ© un homme solitaire capable de se prendre en main et Candy sans aucun doute, devait en ĂȘtre consciente.
    Les paroles et la musique de la chanson sont trĂšs belles, excellent choix Ms Puddle.
    A quand une autre fiction Ms Puddle ?
    Bon dimanche Ă  toutes.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay! 😍 I’m so glad you also like my surprise and the lyrics/melody of the song!! 😘💕

      Indeed, Candy had shown the symptoms of a woman in love and was desperate to see the man she missed so much. It’s true that in CCFS she was unaware of his recovery, but even then, he wasn’t physically sick anymore. He was a grown-up who was more than capable to take care of himself. The fact that she was so worried indicates that her feelings for him had evolved. 💗

      Have a wonderful week ahead! đŸ’–đŸ’Ÿâ€

  4. Stormaw says:

    Liked it. For a moment I thought that you were presenting us a different plot of the story, but then she woke up from a dream. I was not expecting this twist, very clever. Nice!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you Stormaw! So you’re bilingual? I’m glad you like the twist. 😘 It’s not the first time I used a dream to present a what-if scenario. Have a nice Sunday! 😀

      • Stormaw says:

        Yes, I am bilingual, as a result, I can read more stories about Candy, but also can enjoy some of the stories that are written in French because my phone has a program that when you open the page, the program translates the information for you. Though there are some minor errors with the usage of pronouns, the program does a good job so I can enjoy more stories of my favorite character Candy.
        Take care and have a wonderful day

  5. Candy Bert says:

    What a great surprise and beautiful gift for Women Day. A minific, so well written as always! Too bad it was only a dream! 😆 You have perfectly filled blank in Manga, the dream of Candy could have been her inner thoughts at that moment. And Albert who was astonished Candy went to Rockstown so soon wondering if she missed him too! Oh! If only Albert has realized the change in Candy’s heart! Sigh!…

    Very beautiful song, good choice.

    Many thanks too, my friend for the mention of my new story!

    Happy belated Women Day

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Merci beaucoup, Candy Bert! 😘 Happy belated Women’s Day to you too! You’re a lady full of talents, my friend! 💓💕

      Glad you like my surprise gift too. 😍 Not long after reading the first chapter of your new story, I came across this old Japanese song again. Feeling nostalgic, the lyrics touched my heart and soul beyond words, and immediately I felt like writing a story. I can’t afford to write a long one, so a minific of how much Candy missed Albert was formed in my head. 😀

      Yes, I like to stress the fact that Candy couldn’t wait to travel to an unknown place just because Albert might still be there is something nontrivial. Actions speak louder than words, and her feelings for him couldn’t be those for a casual friend. She missed him terribly, and only by seeing him again could her pain end.

      On the other hand, Albert was totally unaware of the huge change in Candy’s heart. He must have assumed leading her to Terry was the only way to make her happy… Sigh… a self-sacrifice, no less. 😭

      Glad you like the song. The melody is melancholic yet romantic. If you understand the words, his singing talent would have touched your heart… Especially the choruses when the singer cried out “never ever leave me”…

  6. JeannyJJ says:

    Ms. Puddle,

    Always enjoy reading your posts and the stories you wrote. I can’t help but read it over and over again!!! 🙂

    Recently I was on Inkitt page wondering if there were other Candy Candy stories and I came across one of them which caught my attention. It was quite interesting to read, I am only half way through.
    It’s “A Distant Rose Among Thorns” By FLRowe.

    I know you have posted possible actors that can portrait Albert; have you ever think about any actresses who can portrait Candy? Just wondering.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you JeannyJJ for your support and feedback! Glad you like this minific as well. It’s encouraging 😘

      Yes I read that story by FLRowe on long time ago. Enjoy the ride! 😀

      About potential real life actresses for Candy, there are different opinions. A popular choice is Taylor Swift, but she’s not the type I have in mind for Candy. I imagine someone that’s very sweet, charming and innocent looking. Her beauty is also natural, not glamorous. For example, the Cinderella in the latest Disney movie is close to my imagination. How about you? You have any suggestions, JeannyJJ? 😊

      • JeannyJJ says:

        No offense to Taylor Swift fans, but she won’t be my choice either. Besides she is a bit too tall, I think. 😛

        I like the newest Cinderella by Lily James, too. 🙂

        As for my choices there are a few I have in mind,
        Drew Berrymore (maybe older version of Candy :D),
        Amanda Seyfried (although, she has this sad looks in her eyes),
        Lily Collins (she’s got freckles like Candy),
        Emma Stones (what’s her natural hair color?)

        PS: Nicholas Hoult will be one of my choice. 🙂

        • Reeka says:

          Hi JeannyJJ,

          Totally agree with you for choosing Emma Stones. She’s by far my closest choice for Candy. She has this bubbly cheerfulness. Physically, she’s perfect with her blonde hair, big and expressive eyes ( though they’re not emerald kind of green), pale skin, and freckless. She’s considerably petite, too. And yeah … Definitely not Taylor Swift 🙈🙈.

          I think Ms Puddle had a post about this. I forget the title, but it’s more for choices of actors to play Albert though.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Hi Reeka, agree with you about Emma Stone. She’s an excellent choice too. 😘

            The post about potential actors is the “Love grew into romance” series. 💖😀

          • JeannyJJ says:

            Hi, Reeka:

            Agree with your choice. I forgot Emma Stones also has freckles!
            I’ll check out Ms Puddle’s post that you mentioned.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Taylor Swift is pretty but doesn’t have that sweet and kind look… 😝
          Lily James will be good as a happy and optimistic Candy.
          Drew Berrymore in E.T. will be great as little Candy who met her Prince on Pony’s Hill or the married woman in CCFS.
          Amanda Seyfried will be the crying and sad Candy as in this new story of mine.
          Lily Collins may be a good choice as Annie? I don’t know.
          Nicholas Hoult is a great choice for Albert too. â€đŸ’“đŸ’•

          • JeannyJJ says:

            Thanks, Ms Puddle!

            I love how your detail explanation of each actress I’ve listed. ^_^
            Totally agree with you.

            I chose Nicholas Hoult is because he’s tall, his eye color is somewhat blueish, and he has this kind look in his eyes.


            • Ms Puddle says:

              Glad you like my “casting” too, JeannyJJ! 😘 In fact, I like Amanda Seyfried a lot mainly because of her unique visage. She’s not a classic beauty like the other ladies listed, but her eyes can talk! She’s a natural blonde with green eyes, and so is Emma Stone (though she’s dyed her hair reddish brown).

              Agree with you concerning Nicholas Hoult. The point is, imagine a handsome and tender man living together with a pretty and kind girl for a long time, and they deeply cared about each other’s well-being. It’s only natural that they fell in love. 💖💗

              To me, when that girl missed her ‘big brother’ so much that she couldn’t fall asleep at nights… That she was desperate to find him rather than waiting for him to show up… Her feelings for him must have changed. No doubt. 😊

  7. Reeka says:

    Me again! Hahahah 😝

    Ms Puddle, I think Rockstown scene in manga was obvious for one thing, it was Terry’s decision. Just look at the his last scenes on Rockstown, it was clear all he wanted was back to Stratford and to fulfill his promise to make Susanna happy. It is clear here that Candy-Terry’s story was over.

    Yes, agree with you, my friend, Candy was a perfect advocate for a rising of independent and strong women back in early 20th century. However, being raised and taught by two nuns made her still keep her modesty and innocence intact. Thus, it’s hard for to me to imagine her longing for a “commited” man. Waiting for him abandoning his fiance, much less expecting another woman died young. Hahahaha as if Candy had a crystal ball.

    • Reeka says:

      Edit. ** I read it again and found my line could have different meanings**

      ~ I think Rockstown scene in manga was obvious for one thing, that was Terry’s decision.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks Reeka, your eagerness has put a big smile on my face… 💖

      My sentiments exactly, my friend! In the manga we got to understand the grounds on which Terry arrived at his decision to go back to Broadway to start from scratch as well as to return to Susanna’s side to fulfill his own promise to her. Terry wasn’t forced to sober up nor influenced by anyone’s words.

      Too bad the anime version had omitted this significant episode and replaced it by something completely opposite. 😭😣 Nothing could describe my relief that the Rockstown scene was in CCFS, not a fight between Albert and Terry in a bar. 😌

      Indeed, Candy and Terry’s story was over. She was the one who witnessed Terry’s misery but remained firm in her resolve to stay away from Terry.

      Reeka, I really like what you said! Yes, due to Candy’s upbringing and kindness, she wouldn’t long for a “committed” man. Susanna’s letter to Candy soon after the breakup confirmed that Terry had made a solemn promise to stay by the actress’ side forever. Right, Candy had no crystal ball, and how could she possibly predict Susanna’s early death? 🙄😝

      Not to mention that Candy’s travel to Rockstown for Albert speaks volumes. It wasn’t unlike her rushed decision to leave London to chase after the man who had gone to America for his dream. This is consistent throughout the story, that Terry’s first love is always his acting career… not Candy…

  8. Reeka says:

    Ms Puddle! What a marvelous surprise! Happy women day to you too, my friend. Indeed you are a great woman with multi talents.

    And … It’s a dream! Poor Candy. Rockstown is no doubt an answer, subtle or not, for many questions. A turning point to three people’s thread of fate. A change of hearts ( Terry’s and Candy’s) were clearly seen in this scene. Sigh.

    Is it too much to hope a sequel, Ms Puddle? 🙂 Not that you never wrote one after your short story, right? ^^ I can see a few “what if” from this mini fic.

    The song … Without reading your translation, I didn’t understand it, but the melody touched my deepest soul. It’s kind of arrangement that could make people cry just to listen to the music. I can feel both Candy and Albert’s longing to each other from this song. It’s melancholic, yet romantic.

    Thank you my friend! 💖💖💖

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Reeka! Many thanks for your compliments and encouraging words. 😘😘 Yes, the story was meant to be a surprise to my friends, including you. 😍 It’s a minific after all, so I didn’t bother announcing it ahead of time. I had the draft written when I received Antlay’s marvelous collages. Hence, I took my time to revise my draft. Thank God it was ready before the International Women’s Day, for which I’m very glad. 😀

      The way I interpret the Rockstown episode, Candy might not realize her own feelings for Albert yet, but her desire to see him is irrefutable and strong, so much so that she took the risk to go to an unknown place just in case he was still there.

      The what-if scenario I wanted to depict is what if Albert had been there… What would he think and how would he react? The girl had traveled all the way just because she wished to see him again… Even a fool can tell that the girl was in love with him already… 💘💑

      You’re absolutely right, Reeka, that this scene is a turning point for all three of them. Clearly, Candy’s heart was no longer attached to the Broadway actor.

      About the love song, I can’t agree with you more. It’s melancholic yet romantic. The way the singer sang his own song has touched my soul… and the melody is extraordinarily beautiful. Like he really, really didn’t want his love to leave him, ever… Sigh. Though I used the song to describe Candy’s perspective, it applies to Albert too. Yet, he loved her deep enough to let her find happiness with another man. It’s just that Albert was unaware that Candy had changed significantly during his absence… â€đŸ’•đŸ’“

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