My drawing for Evelyn

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9 Responses

  1. antlay31 says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle

    C’est un fabuleux dessin que vous avez réalisé Ms Puddle. Albert est très séduisant dans ce costume bleu nuit et l’expression de son visage qui arbore un air songeur, absorbé par la pensée de Candy, remarquable. Félicitations.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay, nice to hear from you and know that you like my new drawing 😍 even though it wasn’t completely brand new. Evelyn was so kind to accept my humble gift to her. Thank you, Antlay, for your encouraging words.💕❤💖 Yes, I wanted to depict the moment when Albert imagined Candy’s happiness… Sigh 😫

  2. Evelyn says:

    I REALLY LOVE IT, my dear friend!! I am humbled and sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart!! 💓 It’s simply beautiful! Albert is thinking of Candy! It brings tear to my eyes! Thank you again and have a blessed weekend! 😍

    • Ms Puddle says:

      So glad you love it, dear Evelyn! 😍 I wish I could draw from scratch, but I can’t afford the time. Thank you, my friend, for your continued support and friendship! 😘😘😘

      You have a blessed weekend too! 😊😄

      • Evelyn says:

        By the way, my friend! Albert here is to die for in his black suite and blue tie! Love his wavy hair!! 😍 So intense deep in thought…and handsome!! Just love him !!😍 Candy looks so beautiful and feminine!! So romantic!!! ♥️♥️😘 😘

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Awwwwww… Thank you so much for your kind words, dear Evelyn! It means a lot to me 💕❤💖😘😍

          • Evelyn says:

            Ms Puddle, I was looking at your drawing from my phone and Albert’s suite looked black. I see now is dark blue. Sorry, I guess I’m color blind this weekend! Yikes… he looks good in any color!! 😍❤ 😉

            • Ms Puddle says:

              No worries, dear Evelyn! 😍 It looks kinda dark on my cell phone as well 😊

              Agree, he looks good in any color!!! 💖❤💕

  1. May 7, 2016

    […] My drawing for Evelyn […]

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