A Man in Love – Chapter 12

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26 Responses

  1. Candy Bert says:

    J’aime Albert toujours plein de sollicitude et d’inquiétude pour les autres! Vous le montrez avec tant de talent, mon amie! Georges qui est étonné d’être considéré comme un ami par maître William, je pense comme vous, Ms Puddle, qu’Albert voyait Georges plus comme un ami que comme un employé.
    Enfin Albert apprend que Georges sait pour Candy et j’aime particulièrement le passage émouvant quand ils parlent d’elle et les doutes de Georges quant aux raisons de son maître de vouloir continuer à vivre avec elle! 😉

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you for catching up, dear Candy Bert! 😍 Yes indeed, I believe Georges was way more than an assistant to Albert, considered that he grew up with this man who was likely older than Rosemary. Thanks for your kind words, my friend, glad to know you like their interactions and Georges’ inner thoughts! 😘

  2. Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

    Uno de mis héroes favoritos es Batman, me enamoré de él siendo muy niña, un poco antes que de Candy. Con este capítulo que has escrito he encontrado una semejanza entre Bruce Wayne (Batman) y Albert y, George con Alfred. Albert al igual que Bruce Wayne es un hombre importante de negocios que tiene que ocultar su verdadera personalidad Batman. Albert también tiene que ocultarse y cuando se aparezca tendrá que hacerlo como hombre de negocios y dejar su personalidad de libertad. Albert y Bruce tienen un fiel secretario con quien además pueden compartir sus temores y dudas. ¡Vaya analogía! Puedo estar equivocada pero esa necesidad de Albert de mantener su incógnito me hizo pensar en Batman.
    Y luego la aclaración de Albert a George sobre no poder abandonar a Candy por haberse separado del hombre al que ama, me ha sonado ha una declaración de amor, como si dijese “ves no es a mi a quien ama, en cambio yo”
    Además al principio parecía una narración de novela policíaca George huyendo de… ufff que miedo al ser alcanzado, ¡Que nervios!
    He terminado de leer Amrita de Banana Yoshimoto (escritora japonesa), el personaje de esta novela Sakumi perdió la memoria y en una de sus reflexiones al respecto, ella expresa: “… cuando me imagino a mi misma en aquella época, desnuda, sin el apoyo de la memoria, mi figura, siempre rodeada por un color pálido, me resulta triste. No sé por qué, pero me hace daño en el corazón. Me veo como un gatito que no sabe que al día siguiente será entregado a otra casa.” Simplemente me hizo recordar que un sufrimiento parecido tuvo mi amado Albert.
    Saludos Ms. Puddle y gracias por alimentar mi imaginación.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Martha, I love your analogy of Batman!! I really like it! 😍😘

      Also thanks for your example of another character who lost the memory. I can’t imagine myself suffering from amnesia 😭😢

      !Muchas gracias!! 😍😘

  3. antlay31 says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle

    J’aime beaucoup la façon dont vous décrivez la relation entre Albert et Georges dans ce chapitre. Albert a l’art de noyer le poisson, il a raté sa vocation, il aurait pu être un grand acteur aussi. Il a fait preuvre d’une grand malice avec sa tante et aussi avec Georges en essayant de lui faire croire qu’il reste auprès de Candy à cause de sa rupture avec Terry. Mais Georges n’est pas dupe, il connaît bien trop son maître, Albert le reconnaît lui-même.
    Hâte de lire la suite.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay, 😍 so glad you like the interaction between Georges and Albert in this chapter! 😘😘😘 Like you, I also think Albert was a talented actor, just as Candy said herself. He could have been a rival to Terry LOL 😅😆😊 Yes, Aunt Elroy might have misunderstood her nephew, but not Georges. As you said, he knew his young master too well… 😂😁

  4. reeka says:

    Hello my dear friend … 🙂

    There’s a lot to catch up for me hahaha … This chapter and the previous one are simply lovely. Maybe because you’re inspired by the orange scene in manga, but I think mainly because we could see a glimpse of Candy. I kinda miss her, you know. Hahaha.

    I believe once Georges found out the truth about his master’s whereabout and whom he had been living with, Georges would find himself in some, if not many, awkward moments between him and Albert. He could see through Albert, and obviously Albert had changed a lot after regaining his memory from the amnesiac.

    The plot you’ve built here on the last couple chapters is the scenario I always think about regarding WAA’s comeback. He changed significantly mainly because of Candy. He had realised that being penniless and powerless was frustrating. He couldn’t protect Candy fully. So when he regained his memory, unlike his younger self, now he had a purpose in life. To make Candy happy and protect her no matter what. I always think that’s why he worked so hard for the success of Ardley’s empire. So he could have an absolute authority in the family.

    Honestly, I don’t know where you’re going to bring this story to, Ms Puddle. I can’t really predict the plot and in which point this story will end at. 🙂

    Thank you for regularly updating the story, my friend. You take care!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Reeka, it’s been a while, my friend! 😍

      Yes I’m not surprised some of you have missed Candy…. Actually me too lol 😅😆

      Like you, I also believe Georges could see through his young master. He saw him grow up and had always been his only close companion after all. Glad to know you’re in agreement with my thoughts, that Albert worked so hard in order to protect Candy and defend her best interests. When he had proven himself to be a capable leader of the enterprise, he would become the patriarch with real power.

      About this story, you will see where I’m going 😋😊 Thanks for your kind words. You take care too! 😘

  5. JeannyJJ says:

    I like the short chapter because I don’t have to spend too much time reading. Besides, Ms Puddle, you may be able to update more often with short chapters, right?

    “That’s what friends are for, right?” Love it and reminds me of an old song. Have you heard it? It was actually a wonderful song. Albert is such a tender-heart, super kind person. Where can you find such a wonderful employer in real life? 😛
    Looking forward to the new chapter soon! 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yes indeed JeannyJJ! 😍 With shorter chapters the wait in between updates will likely be shorter 😋

      Yes I’ve heard of this song. It’s funny when I was writing the lyrics suddenly appeared in my mind. I liked it so I decided to use the phrase.

      To me I believe Albert regarded Georges more than a subordinate. I believe Georges knew more about him and his struggles than Aunt Elroy. 😉 In CCFS, when Georges was sick, Albert seemed genuinely worried.

      Thanks again for your support! 😘❤

  6. Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

    I’d like to read faster but there is much poetry. I’ve been waiting for this chapter. Thanks!

  7. Sarah says:

    Bonsoir Mme puddles
    Encore un merveilleux chapitre qui nous donne un super aperçu de ce que Albert faisait quand il a retrouvé la mémoire
    J’imagine effectivement que vous avez votre propre vie avec c’est haut et bas et vous trouvé le moment de continué à écrire 😘Surtout n’arrête pas …. moi aussi des que je me sens lasse je me réfugie dans vos histoires je lit et relit le temps de m’évader un peu 😉Alors continuez à nous bercer de nos deux tourtereaux … vous avez un dons pour le dessin 👌Vous êtes fantastique
    Merci 😍😘😘😘😘

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Sarah!! 😍 Merci beaucoup! 😘

      Yes you’re right, my friend! I find refuge in writing about Albert and Candy in my busy life. So glad you enjoy reading my world of imagination. ❤💓

  8. Marmalade says:

    Hip hip hooray…. It’s here at last… But the story is too short… Honestly, how Albert would react is really different from how i imagined it…. But, i like albert personality so much. I mean, he is super wealthy, but he is so humble… Where can we find a man with nearly perfect personality and background like him except in fantasy

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello marmalade, thanks for your patience and understanding! 😍 😘 Yes I’m sure different people would have different expectations of how Albert would react. 😌 Anyway, in my opinion, Albert is a very down-to-earth person even though he was super wealthy. From his first encounter with little Candy we already know he wouldn’t look down upon a poor orphan girl like Neil or Eliza. Don’t you think? 😜

      • marmalade says:

        yes… absolutely agree with that part…. that’s what make me like Albert so much… well, wondering how long will i need to mait for the next chapter.. and how this story will come to end, i mean how they find themselves in love with each other and how Aunt Elroy will react….

  9. Mariacristina says:

    Exciting and fascinating development… I love Albert and I love Georges too… Thank you for this wonderful chapter!!!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Grazie mille Mariacristina!! ❤💓 So glad you like them both! I’ve always found these two men fascinating 😘😍

  10. Anonymous says:

    I read too fast 😂 and have to long for next chapter again😌

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks for your understanding! 😍 I’d rather publish short chapters than long chapters… Would take me too long to update 😝😌😅

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