A Man in Love – Chapter 18

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23 Responses

  1. antlay31 says:

    Un chapitre très touchant et magnifiquement écrit Ms Puddle.
    En envoyant Candy à Rockstown, Albert pensait rendre heureuse Candy.
    Mais le résultat est tout autre et Albert prend la mesure de son échec, lui qui habituellement était capable de lire en elle comme dans un livre ouvert.
    Ce n’était pas la première fois que Candy cherchait à le retrouver. Mais cette fois-ci, elle s’est retrouvée à la croisée des chemin et entre Terry et lui, elle a choisit lui, Albert, le seul qui se préoccupait d’elle et qui ne pensait qu’à son bonheur.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay, merci 😙 Glad to hear from you again and happy to know you found this chapter touching. Indeed I believe Albert put Candy’s happiness before his, but little did he know her 💓 had changed. The Rockstown episode clearly shows us she’d rather look for Albert everywhere than reuniting with Terry, who was already right there before her eyes. Even talking to Terry’s mother didn’t alter her resolve. Sigh…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks a lots for sharing this chapter. I have been waiting for this for a long time.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you for patience😊, and it’s encouraging. I’ll try my best not to take so long to update again 😂😅

  3. Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

    Hi, my dear Ms. Puddle!
    About the traslated CCFS from Japanese to English, is the traslation only the Volum I?
    I really enjoy this chapter. I think Albert felt something breaking inside him and now he don’t know how to continue and fight for not feeling =(
    In other idea, What do you imagine Albert felt when he remembered that Candy told him of her feelings for the Prince of the Hill?
    Best regards =)

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola dear Martha 💕

      Yes to the question about translation from Japanese. As far as I know it’s only done for the beginning of volume 1.

      Thanks for reading this chapter, and I’m glad you enjoyed it 😘 Albert is facing a dilemma, isn’t he?

      About Prince on the Hill… Too bad Mizuki didn’t tell us anything about that, but Candy must be embarrassed once she figured out the truth. In CCFS she complained to him… Why he didn’t say anything… LOL 😅😂

  4. marmalade says:

    hi… tq for the nice chapter… really enjot it to the max

  5. Sarah says:

    Bonjour ms puddles
    Quel magnifique chapitre aussi tendre que triste 😭 mais avec une un espoir que tu nous fait découvrir le vrais ressenti Albert à travers les yeux de Georges je me suis toujours demandé comment il a dû agir en faisant parvenir ce paquet à Candy et quel réaction il a pu à voir et quand Georges lui a lu le rapport je vous la scène aussi triste que merveilleuse car la je pense qu’il réalise que Candy tient à lui et non à Thierry dans le manga J’avais adoré cette scène par rapport à la série je pense que je réalisé que Albert était fait pour Candy en lisant le manga comme beaucoup de personnes on vois bien que ces 2 la sont fait pour être ensemble et finir ensemble avec impatience de lire la suite
    Merci beaucoup de votre patience et de nous donné tout ses détails
    Une grande admiratrice
    Sarah 😘😘😘😘

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Sarah, merci pour tu commentaire 😍 You know I really love this Rockstown episode in the manga, so much more than the one in the anime. The manga version shows that Candy was over Terry. She cried a lot but still in her mind urged him to return to Susanna’s side. Besides, Candy spent the following day looking all over the town for Albert… That speaks volumes of whom she really missed. Like you, I wonder how Albert would have reacted to this unexpected outcome, and I’m so glad you enjoyed reading my imagination. Merci beaucoup 😘

  6. Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

    I’m here waiting for your publications.

  7. JeannyJJ says:

    I wonder what did Albert meant “Candy, I let you down…” Was Albert sorry for misleading Candy to Rockstown or misunderstand Candy’s feeling for Terry? Or mainly just sorry for all that has happened… =(
    Ms Puddle, I loved how you penned out the investigator’s note to Albert. Albert was probably expecting a totally different news at first. 😛 In deed, Albert needed fresh air to clear out his thought and to think of what to do next.
    I can’t wait for the next chapter!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello JeannyJJ! About your questions, they are valid, and hopefully it won’t take me too long to churn out the next chapter… It really depends on how much spare time I have 😊😌

      I’m so glad you loved the investigator’s report, and I know you’re not the only one. Thank you very much for your encouragement and kind words, 💕❤ and yes, Albert expected a totally different outcome. 😂😁

      • JeannyJJ says:

        Ms Puddle.
        I just found out the Vol 1 of CCFS had been up! :O
        I am just in the middle of reading them and I can’t stop!
        Thank you so much for uploading them and thanks to Fay’s unofficial translation.
        Really enjoy reading them right now, cant’ stop.
        (PS: When will Chapter 19 be out. can’t wait.)

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello JeannyJJ 😍

          Yes, Fay has been very hardworking all this time. She’s been working nonstop ever since she began this endeavor. You might want to leave a comment on that page to encourage her to continue this invaluable contribution to Candy Candy fandom. 💞🌼

  8. Candy Bert says:

    Ms Puddle, merci pour ce nouveau superbe chapitre. Vous savez si bien nous montrer ce que Mizuki n’a jamais écrit: Rockstown du point de vue d’Albert à travers les yeux de Georges, encore une fois mon cœur se brise 💔 Pauvre Albert qui se prépare à entendre que Candy et Terry sont réunis. Quelle magnifique preuve d’amour de sa part, quelle abnégation! Et alors, quelle ne fut pas son étonnement d’entendre que non seulement elle n’a pas parlé à Terry, mais que c’est lui Albert, qu’elle a cherché si désespérément. Albert réalise alors que Candy était bien plus attachée à lui qu’il ne le croyait, que ses sentiments étaient bien plus profonds qu’il ne l’imaginait, et je suppose qu’il devait se sentir terriblement coupable d’avoir abandonné sa blondinette et de lui avoir donné ce faux espoir de le retrouver, lui. il pensait la rendre heureuse en l’attirant à Rockstown, mais au final elle était encore plus malheureuse. :'( Pas étonnant qu’il avait besoin d’air frais! En même temps, cela devrait lui donner une lueur d’espoir d’un amour naissant possible entre eux, mais était-il prêt à l’accepter et à le vivre, l’avait-il seulement compris?

    Très belle musique et très beau film que j’ai vu il y a déjà quelque temps.
    Passez un bon dimanche.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Candy Bert 😘 merci merci 💕 This is completely my imagination, and I do believe Albert was working behind the scene… As you said, it was a selfless act to lead Candy to Rockstown. He probably knew she wouldn’t go down if she knew it was Terry… I’m not entirely sure why Albert used his own name 🙄😌 So glad you like how I told the story ❤

      Little did Albert know it was him whom Candy sought after… I strongly believe he knew it. In CCFS he later treasured her childish drawing of him so much that he put it up in his office. Of course, Georges’ comment of that drawing is priceless too. That speaks volumes about their relationship. Don’t you think? 😊😍

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Forgot to comment about “The Giver”. I read the book twice and loved the story. Watched the movie but still prefer the book. 😌 But I must say I like its soundtracks 😍 Thanks again my dear friend ❤

  9. Martha Cervantes says:

    At this moment I have a lot office work, but I promise reed as soon I finish it. Best regards

  1. March 5, 2017

    […] A Man in Love – Chapter 18 » Ms Puddle's Haven […]

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