Some desperate fans

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30 Responses

  1. Myra says:

    Embarking on a different topic here, I was watching a TV series called “Chuck” and an actor called Ryan McPartlin has looks which remind me of Albert (at least my perceptions of):

    What do you think?

  2. Interstellar says:

    Bloody hell, those Terry fans need a straight-jacket and godspeed.

    Ms Puddle, you know my blunt-n’-brusque style so I needn’t re-introduce myself when it comes to my sentiments for those deranged Terry zealots. Hate to say “I told you so”, but I told you so..

    To be frank, I’m not surprised that they’ve stooped so low. They can actually stoop even lower as they’re devoid of class and personal integrity. You gotta see what’s going on in their Facebook accounts dedicated to their Terry strawberry-boy. I love visiting their pages especially when I’m a bit down because when I see how pathetic they are, I realise that there’s worse stuff going on in this crazy old world and I feel better and grateful for my own sound mental state.

    There’s actually a page on Facebook which is dedicated to trashing Albert. The middle-aged female who owns this account is a freak show. She’s obsessed with Albert. Her hate for him is insane. I’m glad Albert is not an actual living person, otherwise, this crazy old woman would have stalked and harmed him in some way. The lady is long gone..

    But I want to address a stupid premise that crazy lady keeps ranting about and it’s her dogma that Albert is like Woody Allen when it comes to sexual harassment. She’s so angry and crazy that she spews all her bile on a mere anime character by bring up the Woody Allen crime allegations. Her account photos include juxtaposing Albert next to WA. It’s quite funny really because she’s achieving the opposite results. I’ll explain some time later the reasons why, although I think everyone with a bit of intelligence and common sense already know the reasons.

    As for Fay, my advice would be for her to avoid using Cloud or Google Drive because they can so easily be violated and hacked. Imagine that your intellectual property is your expensive car you worked your ass off to buy but then decide to park it at the worst and dodgiest place possible. Unfortunately, that’s what Cloud and Google Drive are like. My safe bet for Fay would be for her to convert her files to strictly forbidden editable pdf and make them accessible only to people who have subscribed to her blog through the provision of non-spam and non-scam genuine email accounts.

    We live in strange times and some people are really weird and crazy just like those Terry clowns. We need to protect our content and especially identity online from such terry fan scam and scum.

    Looking forward to your subsequent work, Ms Puddle!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Interstellar, as always, you make me laugh again!

      Tell you what, I don’t usually visit those sites, because most of them show the same anime scenes either from St Paul’s days or the breakup.

      A friend told me that she read this comment once on these pages, “Why only show pictures in the past?”

      So true. Whoever left this comment have asked the right question. Terry belonged to Candy’s past and she had decided to close it by passing her diary to Albert.

      It’s beyond me why some Terry fans can’t understand this at all.

      About that sick fanpage that trashes Albert, I think I know which one. Most pictures of that page present Candy as a married woman who secretly imagined herself with Terry instead.

      Yet I determined not to visit that site again. I don’t even know who the admin is, but clearly, she needs to get a life. She essentially trashes Nagita’s works as well by demeaning and humiliating both Albert and Candy.

      Well… enough said. I really can’t agree with you more.

      Thanks again Interstellar for your interest in my works. 😊

      • Myra says:

        Unfortunately, Ms Puddle, that rotten Facebook page displays far worse content than just showing Candy secretly thinking about Albert. IMO, I have no issue with that because Albert may also be secretly thinking about from time to time about that beautiful nurse back during his activism in Africa. Nagita had left some hints that Albert also had a past of his own albeit far more concealed than Candy’s. Just because he doesn’t gloat about his past life doesn’t mean that he didn’t have a past (sexual) life.

        Resuming to that ugly Facebook page, it’s so cringe and difficult to scroll through without having a vomit bag within close proximity. Yet, what’s worse is the the homophobia and racial bigotry dominating that female’s Facebook page. As I correctly recall, she had another page which was even worse but got shut down due to many reports surrounding her homophobia, sexism and various other forms of hate speech. I won’t go into further details as they’re too appalling and disgusting. Her new account is bit milder but still focuses on trashing Albert at every given opportunity. Her rage against Albert is unnerving and I feel pity and concern for her family. I hope she has no children because she would make a horrible mother due to her derailed moral compass.

        But let’s make the best to all of this deranged Terry-fan mess and deploy it as a means to resume our lively discussions surrounding one of our favourite anime and manga characters.

        I’ll just add that IMO the point where I was fully convinced that Candy was over Terry and head-over-heels in love with Albert was when she wrote to Terry (in that final unsent letter to Terry) about Albert being a “rival” to him. Yes, she playfully wrote it in a way meaning that Albert would have made an excellent thespian rival to Terry but the fact remains that Candy actually and blatantly compared Terry to Albert. That’s really strong stuff and you don;t do that to someone you want unless your self-destructive and want to ruin your own relationship. I also agree with you, Ms Puddle, about the diary Candy wanted to hand back to Albert. This is the climax of Candy’s love and commitment to her romantic relationship with Albert.

        All in all, the Candy-Albert relationship was a bromance which gradually developed into a romance.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello Myra,

          When I first knew about this Facebook page, it was because someone informed me that the page displayed many modified artworks, including mine. After that, I wish I could unsee those disgusting images… 😨

          I do totally agree with you about the obvious hatred shown everywhere in the pictures or posts, not only to Albert but also to some Albert fans. I think I’ve already written a post about my friend being ridiculed, and I am not the least surprised if they have done the same to me already. Even so I don’t really care. I resolve never to check that page ever again.

          Like you, Myra, I certainly hope this page admin doesn’t have children… Likewise, I hope she’s not a teacher of any sort, influencing any youngsters near her.

          Let’s not talk about that sick Facebook page anymore.

          Brilliant idea about Candy comparing Albert and Terry!! Well said, my friend. I’ve never seen it this way, but what you said is absolutely true! To Candy, Albert is really her close friend, if not her secret crush already by the time she wrote this unsent letter.

          When Candy wrote to Albert telling him about the diary, she was determined to never look back. I wish the Terry fans will see one day that the fact she signed the letter with love (愛) is a really big deal.

  3. Fay says:

    I’d like to thank all who commented here for their support and encouragement, and especially Ms. Puddle. Yes, this is a disturbing incident but I won’t let it affect me. It’s pathetic to see how low some Terry fans can get ( not many, thankfully) but that only shows how desperate they really are to prove a hopeless case, and that means that even they have realized Anohito’s identity, otherwise why stoop so low? I was angry at first, but now I can only feel sorry for them. It’s no use to get mad at those people, much less get into arguments with them, you waste so much energy doing that. The important thing is that whatever they do, they can’t change Nagita’s intentions about her story and the convictions of the real CC fans who regardless of who is their favorite hero, Albert or Terry, they can feel satisfied seeing that the heroine found her happiness in the end.
    About the problem they have caused, I’m doing my best to solve it as soon as possible so that the translation will go on smoothly. I tend to believe that my account hasn’t been really affected and the only victim of the foolishness of those lamentable Terry fans was that letter. Of course I’ll see that this letter is soon available again for reading. If any of you friends could help on this I would be very grateful.

  4. Lakewood says:

    Hi Ms Puddle,

    Sorry to hear about this situation. May I ask where you’ve arrived to the conclusion that two people did this to Fay’s translations? Would it be possible to provide some form of link to the alterations made and in which ways Fay’s webpage was hacked? As a lawyer, I would like to see what has been done here if possible.

    Thanks in advance,

    • Fay says:

      To answer your question, I’ll say that I’m not sure if my account was hacked. As a matter of fact, all the other files I have in there are completely unaffected except this particular one. The only thing I’m sure about is that in the recent activity of my account there are notifications that two persons I don’t know had access to this file, one of them was somehow able to edit it (fortunately they hadn’t done that) and the other one had gone as far as blocking the access to other people. As the owner of this file, I was the only one who could see it, and I was aware of the problem when a member of the Greek forum informed me that she couldn’t see it. When I suggested that she looked for it here on this blog, she let me know that she couldn’t see it here either. It was then that I realized something was wrong. As soon as I saw what had happened I immediately deleted the file to avoid further damage. Of course I have the whole translation saved in my PC, so I can open a new file any time. I just want to be sure that it is safe for other people to read this translation on this blog and in the Greek forum too.

      • Lakewood says:

        Hi Fay,

        I’m being pedantic here (we lawyers tend to be as such..) but could you clarify a bit on this sentence of yours (I’ll quote you verbatim):

        Fay: “The only thing I’m sure about is that in the recent activity of my account there are notifications that two persons I don’t know had access to this file, one of them was somehow able to edit it (fortunately they hadn’t done that) and the other one had gone as far as blocking the access to other people.” Fay.

        Right. Here are my questions in brief (take note that my purpose is only to help you out and discover the culprit(s) behind this incident):

        1. You say you’re sure it’s two people. Could it not be a single person with two accounts?

        2. How did you receive this notification? Was it from Google Admin? Have you contacted Google Admin for further information?

        3. How do you know that one of those aforesaid persons could edit your work but the chose not to?

        4. Do you renew and change your password(s) often? If you don’t you should and you should focus on forming a long and complex password and change it again after a brief period of time for security reasons.

        5. Do you provide official online copyright notifications for your work? As you can see at Ms Puddle’s blog, she’s so adeptly secured her website that no one can copy-paste her work (the same does not apply for photos and illustrations but she could still provide an online ‘badge’ for them confirming her ownership of her cyber-property).

        Hope this helps a bit. Get back to me whenever you can so we can sort this out if you wish. Screw those few petty Terry-fans. It’s got nothing to do with them anymore but this incident raises concern for online safety and security of cyber/intellectual property.

        Best Regards,

        • Fay says:

          Hello, Lakewood. I’ll try to answer all your questions as best as I can.

          1. I don’t know if there were indeed two people or just one using two accounts. I’m afraid I can’t confirm that. What’s more, there was another person who sent me a request for access to this particular file but I don’t think she has done anything with it like the other two persons (if there are two of them). In fact, I have also the e-mail of that third person while I don’t have any information about the others except their user names.
          2. I didn’t receive any notification by e-mail. I just entered my account to check why this file couldn’t be seen by others and then I discovered that a few days ago some unknown persons had access to my file and even had blocked access to other people. I was not sure yet if my account had been hacked but I sent a question to the help center of this site and explained the problem to them. I have not received any reply yet.
          3. According to the notifications of my account’s activity, two people were able to edit this file. I just checked the file and it hadn’t been changed at all, so I assumed that they hadn’t done it yet or simply they tried and couldn’t do it for some reason. However, to avoid any possibility of that, I chose to delete the file just in case.
          4. My password is the same I have for my e-mail since my account in Google is linked to that. I enter Google Drive using the same password I have for my e-mail address. (Since I do that only in my PC, and never in another computer, I don’t need to provide a password to get in). I created my e-mail address before starting to use Google Drive, so when I started saving files in there I just used the same password. No, I haven’t changed it for a while. I guess I should be more cautious about that.
          5. Unfortunately I’m not so experienced about getting my files safer but I have chosen for all of them the option of other people just seeing the file and not being able to comment on it, edit or share it elsewhere. I had been using Google Drive for about 15 months and I had never had any trouble so far, so I haven’t bothered to do anything else. I was convinced my files were safe. Would you suggest that I change my files into PDF text? Or maybe I should forget Google Drive altogether and turn to somewhere else safer?

          Thank you for your time. I appreciate very much your interest and I would be grateful for any help you can give me.

          • Lakewood says:

            Hi Fay and thanks for your replies which are very helpful.

            I’ll have to agree with Interstellar here and be just as blunt by saying that Google Drive is awful when it comes to security. Needless to say about Cloud which could be so easily violated. The example Interstellar makes about the expensive car and parking lot is excellent when describing how dodgy Google Drive is. I’ll avoid slating the Google Admin team because I know they’re understaffed and it takes considerable time for them to reply to the tons of messages they receive per diem.

            As my recent professional focus in law centres on cyber abuse, online privacy and data protection (as well as copyright security), I would advise you to consult with an IT expert or perhaps a friend/relative who’s computer savvy and could recommend further alternatives. My alternative is far more strict, rigid and protectionist: 1. As mentioned above, have different passwords which are long and complex; 2. Change your passwords on a frequent basis (at least 1-2 times per annum); 3. Keep your documents in pdf which strictly forbids any access or editing similar to Ms Puddle’s “read only” files. Presumably, you’ve noticed that you can’t highlight or copy-paste any of Ms Puddle’s work. This is very smart from her part and many bloggers resort to such practices so as to protect their intellectual property; 4. Form a database which is not accessible to all but only to your verified subscribers; 5. Consult with your page administrator for a software which verifies the IP address of the sender as well as identifying whether or not the email address provided is spam/scam; 5. I would also highly recommend, if this is alright with Ms Puddle, to privately discuss further protective measures and not here publicly for everyone to see.

            I’ll stop here because I know those two crazy Terry fans stalk Ms Puddle’s webpage as well as yours. Unfortunately, however, yours was more vulnerable to their wretched practices. On the other hand, however, we can use their own wretchedness against their sorry a%s by fortifying and being continuously vigilant about our online safety and copyright protection. Those deranged Terry fans wanted to cause you harm but fortunately all they managed to do was merely a little kitten’s scratch. But we’re all far more intelligent as to toss their unlimited stupidity aside and use this incident as a means to emend our online security. Case closed.

            I’ll just end this message by saying that by checking your Google Drive CC documents myself, unfortunately, they are easily accessible and downloadable. If you want utmost security, Google Drive definitely does not meet the aforesaid quality standards. To reiterate, I would suggest Adobe pdf and keeping this files inaccessible to the public anonymous user. That said, only verified subscribers could have access to those files provided they’ve passed the security tests.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Hello Lakewood and other wonderful ladies,

              I do agree that PDF format is the way to go, but I don’t think Fay minds people downloading her files. Fay, please correct me if I’m wrong.

              Let me continue to discuss with her what options she has. Though I think Cloud drives is not necessarily that bad. Lakewood’s suggestion of changing passwords frequently is absolutely right. 👍👍

              Anyway, let’s see how Fay wants to share her works.

              Many thanks to you all for your support and encouragement❣️

            • Fay says:

              Thank you, Lakewood, for your valuable advice. At first I had thought about transferring this file alone to another site since that was the one to be violated, but after reading your comments, and especially about Google Drive, I think it would be wiser to protect all my files from now on. Maybe that won’t happen again but I can’t take any chances. I consider this incident as a very useful lesson for myself and an example as to how far Terry fans can get. Not that we didn’t know that, of course. I’ll discuss it further with Ms. Puddle and do my best to have my files as secure and inaccessible as possible. I appreciate very much your detailed reply and all the information you provided about online security. You have been very helpful and I’m grateful for your time and trouble to answer me.
              Have a nice day.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks Lakewood for trying to help. Your kind words are much appreciated.

      I guess Fay’s reply makes sense to you? We are not entirely sure her account was hacked, but someone has certainly blocked the access to that particular letter in CCFS without her knowing.

      • Lakewood says:

        As a professional and skilled lawyer whose expertise lies in copyright law and cyber abuse/infringements, I will reiterate that Cloud and Google Drive (as well as others akin to them and their policies) are way below par when it comes to establishing and maintaining online security and online protection of intellectual property. My legal advice is neither prescriptive nor mandatory, therefore, is one wishes to risk using Cloud and Google Drive and trusting them with their hard work, well, that’s entirely up to them and I will proceed no further with this as I have made my point crystal clear.

        Have a good weekend and enjoy the summer.


        • Avon says:

          Hello Lakewood,

          As I teach English Literature to adolescents in high school, I’m making full use of your legal advice on online security and copyright protection. We have many discussions about cyber bullying, abuse and hacking of personal material. I had also invited an officer who’s responsible for online abuse and crime in order to inform my students. It was a fruitful and in-depth discussion.

          Thanks for your kind and generous offer in providing such a comprehensive analysis of the ways in which we should protect ourselves and our work online. From my part, I also avoid using Cloud and I’ll only resort to it when I simply want to store insignificant material which is low-risk anyway should something happen to it.

          You enjoy your summer too.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Yes Avon and Lakewood, thank you two and other ladies for the suggestions!

            Lakewood, please don’t get me wrong. I didn’t mean I don’t trust your expertise. On the contrary, I appreciate your kindness by providing your professional advice here, free of charge!

            You enjoy the summer too!

            • Interstellar says:

              Couldn’t agree with you more, Lakewood, and thanks for all that useful information. Online security should never be taken for granted, yet, it’s astonishing how many people are virtually illiterate when it comes to online protection and copyright. I’ll just use my ‘car example’ again and explain that while most people know how to drive a car, very few know to to properly maintain it and drive safely. The same goes with cyber security. Most people like the tech fads but fail to focus on the some of the loose ends and pitfalls of online usage. We can all enjoy the internet (I surely do) but with online security-focus caution.

              And a great summer to you too!

        • Siobhan says:

          Lakewood-Thank you for providing your insight and expertise on this issue of cyber abuse. I’m also cautious about Cloud and Google Drive and use them sporadically for trivial matters. At the company where I work we don;t trust them at all. I’ll just add that the problem with cyber abuse and copyright infringement online is that it’s extremely difficult to find the culprits and the damage has already been done. Therefore, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Enjoy your summer too and thanks again.


  5. Myra says:

    Hello Ms Puddle!

    Got a notification about this travesty and I ought to admit that I’ve fallen into a guffaw of laughter. Some of those Terry-fans are truly deranged and, above all, pathetic cunning-fools.

    First and foremost, as I’m Greek myself, I’m acquainted with Fay’s hard and sterling work meaning that I’m aware and fond of her blog/website. Needless to mention how much I admire and respect your great work, Ms Puddle too (and definitely that awesome artwork of yours)..;-)

    Secondly, I’ve already downloaded all the translations both you and Fay have provided. I safely have that ‘notorious’ unsent letter by Candy to Terry and I may easily provide it to you and/or Fay in either pdf or word doc file. Just let me know if you and Fay would like to have this letter and the entire lot for future (and safe) reference. I’m sure loads of people from the CC readership have done the same. It’s not rocket science, people!

    Thirdlymost of us also got the CCFS books either in Japanese or Italian (and perhaps both-why not?). Most of us have already downloaded the CC fandom unofficial Spanish translation as well. It’s good to have several credible sources for cross-referencing when required.

    That said, those particular Terry-fans (not all of them of-course) need to let go of their Terry wet dreams and focus on acquiring an actual partner in their lives. It would do wonders for them, especially for their mental as well as psychological state-of-being.

    Yet, it appears that those two Terry-fans prefer their ‘long-distant’ relationship with a non-existent, fictitious, anime character. Now what could possibly go wrong?

    Whatever floats their boat..

    • Avon says:

      Hello Everyone (not to those those two pathetic Terry-fans though),

      Myra, I agree with all that you say. You’ve nailed it with your comment. While I’ve always been fascinated by Terry’s vast complexity of character, that doesn’t mean I would insult those who don’t support my perspective. To me, Albert is also very complex, but what makes him far better than Terry is his profound respect for empowered women and his refusal to use violence against others even though he easily could due to his lofty height and physical strength. In stark contrast to the massively impulsive and emotive Terry, Albert always puts his brains before his sentiments and passions. That’s what makes Albert a better man.

      I also think that many of the Terry enthusiasts are sexist and racist. They objectify Candy as some form of trophy for Terry and Albert to fight over. These fans have clearly missed the point to the entire CC story and its deep meaning. There’s no point explaining it to them as they’ve completely lost the plot. They’re also disgusting when attacking CC fans based on their ethnic background. Such sexist slurs and racist drivel are unacceptable in our day and age.

      Furthermore, I feel bad for Ms Puddle and mainly for Fay because she had gone through so much meticulous work. But I’m sure many fans have already downloaded the CC files so those idiotic moves made by those pro-Terry morons are to no avail. What a bunch of losers..

      If this is of any help to Ms Puddle and Fay, I’ve got the Italian CCFS and I could translate that letter for you if you wish. But I think it’s all over the internet anyway, so I seriously cannot fathom why those pro-Terry clowns would do something so cheap. How can they be so triggered by a mere anime? Sure, we all love CC and that’s why we talk about it a lot but it doesn’t dominate our lives and it surely doesn’t possess us to do such stupid things.

      As for FB, there are two rotten pro-Terry sites which promote such sexism, homophobia and racial bigotry. They’re actually run by one woman and her internalized misogyny is emetic. The sad thing about her is that she’s of a considerable age and not a teenager. But teenagers and children have far more integrity and maturity than that over 40-year-old deranged Terry fan. I’ve seen some pics of her and she’s got those “crazy eyes”. It’s fools like her which make me not wanting to be a Terry fan any longer and I admit that I have distanced myself considerably from the pro-Terry hysterical fandom. They are a basket case.

      Anyway, let’s toss this toxic and emetic Terry-fandom into the bin where it belongs and let’s resume our lively discussions always reliant upon reason and common sense in tandem with civility and mutual respect. We blatantly refuse to stoop to that lowest of the low level of some pathetic Terry-fans. Let them simmer in their own vile. End of.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Hello Avon!

        I like your brief comparison of Terry and Albert and admire your impartiality. I agree with you that Terry and Albert are both complex, and Nagita did a wonderful job creating two extraordinary characters in her story. Compared to them, Anthony didn’t have a chance to develop further. He died too early… 😓

        Unfortunately, what you said about some Terry fans’ inexcusable behaviour may be true. I haven’t personally experienced any mishaps because of them, but you’re not the only one who come to this conclusion. Needless to say, you have my pity that you have chosen to stay away from the fellow fans who love Terry as well. I’ve heard that some of them have even trashed the author as though her story were pointless just because Candy and Terry didn’t reunite at the end. Not to mention that they lied about her intentions by manipulating the translations or interpretations.

        Well said about having debates or discussions while being civil and respectful to others. Though we like different characters, it doesn’t give anyone the rights to make fun of other fans.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Myra! First of all, thank you for your encouraging words! 😘

      Oh yes, I was upset at first and felt sorry for Fay but once I calmed down I found this not only pathetic but also laughable. 😂

      Like many of you (including those who commented on my Facebook page regarding this matter) have pointed out, CCFS original and its official translation (and unofficial ones), are available for years.

      Thus, what these two did (as Fay mentioned there were two users who tried to access and/or alter the permissions to her works) are essentially futile. Really, what’s the point other than revealing their feelings of insecurities?


      Yeah, I agree with you. They should put their efforts and focus on building real life relationships with actual people. 😁

  6. JeannyJJ says:

    So sorry to hear this news, Ms Puddle & Fay. I hope the issue will be resolved soon. People have too much free time to even consider doing such thing… 😞

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you JeannyJJ 😘

      Fay is the one affected, and I was just speaking up for her.

      Yes, indeed these people have way too much time on their hands… Got nothing better to do than messing up people’s hard works.

  7. Lizvet says:

    Oh, my..Holly sh***! Hi, and sorry Ms. Puddle. I just got the email and read about this.
    How low this persons are in real life, bringing their issues to something that is fictional.

    We don’t live, eat , breathe from that, so, I feel so shame for them, whoever they are.

    They have some nerves….I guess they are ready for legal consequences, right? or are very confident leaving out no clues behind the stone.


    Sorry that fandom from CC is going very hilarious these last years, bringing on their mental issues and else, believing that they have the right to mess up with the fundamentals right of others.

    I believe those lowlifes won’t stop, because I see attacks from them in FF and others websites.

    Cheer up, Ms. Puddle. Just breathe and remember why you started to write in this fandom.

    Long Life to Albert and Candy. Forever. Yes! FOREVA!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Lizvet, gracias mi amiga 😘

      Yeah, I don’t know if they have read this post, but they should be aware that they might have left some clues or misused two innocent users’ accounts.

      Yes, sadly this fandom has become ridiculous because of some trolls who have not grown up despite their ages. Sigh…

      But anyway, thanks again for your continued support and encouragement 😍🤗

  8. Reeka says:

    Hi My friends, Ms Puddle & Fay,

    OMG this post successfully made me get out of cave. PEOPLE, You two, and all your pathetic group of maniacs, HAVE A REAL LIFE!
    If someone could be so low on a case of defending a fictional character, I can’t imagine how they could be in real life. Hacking Fay’s account? Did these people know it was an illegal thing? And what’s the purpose? They thought Fay would be unaware of the changes?

    I’m really sorry for these two. They obviously have some problems. Either in their heads or in their real lives. Whatever it is, I hope you find some peace soon. Don’t get too serious about fictions.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi Reeka ☺️

      Nice to hear from you again. Sigh… I can’t agree with you more😯

      Like you, I honestly think these two seriously need to get a life…

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