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7 Responses

  1. Candy Bert says:

    Hi Ms Puddle!

    When I saw a post about a new fiction I couldn’t help myself and read it. It’s very well written as always. 😍👍💖 The emotions of Candy were so poignant I felt them most deeply. It’s natural for her to have felt anxious, when you already lost several important persons you’re more vulnerable and more inclined to be afraid of another loss. I can’t agree with you more, we must cherish our loved ones while we can.

    About Candy’s question what if Neal and Eliza had been nice to her? Well I’m sure fate would have found another path to unite Candy & Albert, don’t you think my friend ? It could be an idea for a new fiction 😉 And what if Anthony didn’t have his accident and would have been alive ? A dangerous and tricky question indeed, fortunately they were clever enough to not have taken this path. However I admit I wonder about this question myself sometimes.

    Take care and may you have a nice week-end. 😘🌺☀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Candy Bert❣️

      Thank you for reading! It’s nice to hear from you. 😘 Glad to hear that you like it, and I do notice you’re actively writing a fanfic for Pride and Prejudice! Good job, my friend. I’ll try to squeeze some time to catch up.

      Concerning Candy’s question about Neal and Eliza, I was inspired by the reference in CCFS. To me it’s another hint about Anihito’s identity. What Candy said doesn’t connect with Terry as much.

      True, what if Anthony hadn’t died? It’s a risky what-if scenario. How or when would Candy meet Albert, if at all.

      Take care my friend. You enjoy your weekend too! 💕🤗

  2. Iris says:

    Merci Ms PUDDLE pour cette magnifique histoire…une de plus… J’ai aussi énormément apprécié Love never fails même si je n’ai pas pu trouver tous les chapitres en français et que hélas je lis très très mal l’anglais.
    Faites-moi plaisir, ne cessez jamais d’écrire car vos histoires sont un enchantement.
    Vous êtes un cadeau à vous toute seule.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Merci beaucoup Iris 😘

      It’s my honor that you like this fanfic and Love Never Fails! 💕

      Although I’m curious about Love Never Fails in French? I wasn’t aware about this at all. 🤔 I know a reader has completely translated it to Russian though (that is, if Iris you can read Russian).

      Thanks again for writing to me. An encouraging comment always brings a smile to my face 🤗

  3. Anonymous says:

    Je l’ai lu hier soir et j’ai adoré! C’est bien de les voir parents Candy et Albert. J’ai trouvé l’histoire touchante surtout quand Candy est prise par ses souvenirs. J’ai eu peur un moment donné pour leur petite fille qui semble être très fragile, peur d’une tragique disparition t-elle que la maladie. Je ne sais pas si vous continuerez cette histoire mais je voulais vous dire que j’ai lu toute vos fics et je les ai tous aimé. Merci de nous faire rêver et passionner lors de nos lectures. J’espère vous lire prochainement 😃

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour! Merci beaucoup 😘

      Glad to hear you have enjoyed my new fanfic, and yes I think both Candy and Albert loved children, so they would likely become parents of a few kids soon after their wedding. ☺️

      Thank you my friend for your kind words to all my stories and writings. Your encouragement is deeply appreciated 💞💖

  1. January 27, 2019

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