A Man in Love (Korean) – Chapters 12 – 16

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13 Responses

  1. Interstellar says:

    Hello Ms Puddle and Fay,

    I’m replying here because there’s no reply button to click on after your latest replies.

    I agree with you, Fay. The DQMW films were way below par; I’ll go as far to say they were complete rubbish. Did you notice Sully’s hair by any chance? It looked so ridiculous because it was a wig. He had his hair short after the TV series was cancelled. The film producers made a terrible mistake for not including the townsfolk in the movies. Again, William Shockley aka “Hank” (he’s the “chatty” and “gossipy” one about the cancellation of DQMW, lol) was upset about this treatment and so was Chad Allen aka “Matthew”. The latter was so angry with the aforesaid treatment of the cast that he refused to take part in the movies even though the producers had offered him a lucrative payment for both productions.

    You can find all this info on YouTube. You’ll also find a 2016 spoof/parody of DQMW called “Dr Quinn Morphine Woman” where the original actors play their parts but with a “twist”. Check it out. It’s as hilarious AF.

    Yeah, Ms Puddle, apologies for getting carried away. It’s not Fay’s fault but mine.


    • Ms Puddle says:

      No worries at all, Interstellar and Fay. Btw, I noticed another comment from Interstellar that was pending but very similar to this one, so I removed it from the queue. 😉

  2. Interstellar says:

    Right. I finally got the message across and the links through. Just read my lengthy comment first in order for the correspondence to make sense.

    Thanks and see you around,

  3. Interstellar says:

    Hello Ms Puddle,

    It’s been quite a while since we’ve discussed about CC/CCFS. I’ve been horrendously busy with overtime work and my promotion at my job. A family member of mine had also undergone serious surgery which resulted in a success albeit a rather long road to full recovery. All seems fine and moving smoothly at the moment, nonetheless.

    I’ve noticed quite a few interesting comments here at your web-page and I’m looking forward to catching up with your blog and posts/commentary.

    I just wanted to make a simple observation regarding the manga version of Albert. There have been loads of discussions and debates as to which screen actor would suit him best. We’ve all mentioned Joe Alwyn, Chris Hemsworth, Kivanc Tatlitug-naming but only a few..

    Yet, I think we’ve got ourselves the dude who fits the (manga) image of Albert “perfectly” in terms of appearance, athletic built, towering height and stature. However, that specific characteristic which makes this actor “ideal” as the “real world” Albert is his “signature smile”. This screen actor is John Schneider. He’s the one who played “Bo Duke” in the “Dukes of Hazzard”, as well as “Jonathan Kent” in “Smallville”, and “Daniel Simon” in “Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman”. He’s circa 60-years-of-age now (he looks much younger though..) but check out these pics of him when he was in his youth. Unfortunately, I cannot provide links because your web-page/host misinterprets them as “spam”. I’ll try again later..

    Gotta head back to work. Looking forward to discussing with you again.


    • Fay says:

      Hello, Interstellar. Brilliant observation. John Schneider would indeed make an ideal flesh and blood Albert as he possesses the characteristics you mention. He even has Albert’s blond hair and blue eyes (I think they are blue, anyway). He was very handsome especially in “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman”, far overshadowing the other male characters (just like Albert).
      Great choice of actor.

      • Interstellar says:

        Hello Fay,

        From what I’ve noticed, his eye colour is blue and his hair is “sandy blonde” (as described in the CCFS). The similarities to Albert are striking. If the “Dukes of Hazzard” hadn’t been aired after the CC manga release, I would have been tempted to assume that Igarashi had “modelled” Albert based on John Schneider’s appearance. As for DQMW, I completely agree with you. Did you know that the DQMW producers and writers wanted him to be the new love interest for Dr Quinn? They were planning to “kill off” Sully because his relationship with Dr Quinn was getting too boring and cheesy. However, Jane Seymour kept persisting to keep Sully (Joe Lando) even as a simple guest appearance. They used to have a relationship in real life as well. You’ll find her interview on YouTube where she says all this herself. The producers didn’t want to let go of John Schneider though because his popularity kept the viewing-rates very high and that’s the reason why he became a regular in the aforesaid TV series. I have to admit that I did like Hank (William Shockley) and Preston (Jason Leland Adams) a lot too. I always enjoyed their snarky and cynical attitude. They were a blast and an “oasis” from all that Michaela-Sully cheesiness, LOL.

        Glad you like my choice of actor.


        • Fay says:

          Hello, Interstellar.
          Thank you for the information. I didn’t know that Daniel was intended to be the new love interest for Dr. Quinn. It’s a pity it didn’t happen, even if they had to kill off Sully to do that. Daniel was in love with Michaela too, but he respected her marriage with his friend and stepped aside. It’s a wonder, though, that they didn’t find another love interest for him later on. What a waste for such a charming man. (Imagine Albert without any love interest in CC story…)

          Did Jane Seymour really have a relationship with Joe Lando? I thought she was married to the director of the series, James Keach.

          I’m sure there are more actors who could successfully bring Albert to life, but it seems there is something about this one who got us especially interested…

          • Interstellar says:

            Hello Fay,

            I agree with you about Daniel Simon in DQMW. He belonged to the upper tier of dignified characters. As explained by William Shockley (the actor who played the role of Hank Lawson), the TV series was cancelled suddenly without any prior notice even to the main characters of the aforementioned TV series. Shockley continues by expressing how upset and frustrated he as well as all the other characters of the TV series were. For reasons unbeknownst, the producers decided to “kill” the show even though it was so successful. However, some members of both the cast and crew provided some hints as to how the next season of DQMW would continue; Michaela and Sully would have another child; Preston would return back to Colorado Springs but his father would give him loads of grief as he would try to get him forcibly married to a wealthy woman; Hank and Myra would develop a relationship; Daniel would also develop a relationship with a new character in the series.

            You can find all this info on YouTube. I cannot provide the links here because Mr Puddle’s webpage admin misinterprets these links as “spam”.

            As for Jane Seymour and Joe Lando, they had a relationship but she suddenly “dumped” him for James Keach. Perhaps she feared the age gap between her and Lando, however, it wasn’t a massive age gap. Besides, Seymour looks much younger than her age and she remains stunning until this present day. I guess she got insecure.. Who knows? Yet, Lando got so angry to the point that he would refuse to talk to her after the rehearsals. The two of them are close friends now and they laugh when they remember their petty bickering of the past. Ironic, heh?

            Resuming to John Schneider, I agree with you that his appearance fits the closest to Albert. He’s almost 60 years old and he continues to look absolutely beautiful. That man refuses to age, LOL.


            • Fay says:

              Wow, Interstellar. You’ve got so much information about the series. I didn’t know any of it except that Jane Seymour was married to the director. I guess it must have been pretty awkward when they had to be the three of them shooting some intimate scenes between Michaela and Sully with James Keach behind the camera.

              It did seem to me too that the show ended rather abruptly just after Colleen’s wedding. It’s a real shame that the producers didn’t give us more episodes. The story had so many possibilities they just didn’t take advantage of. I also saw the movie later and I must say it seemed a bit strange to me, as if the story was not the same anymore. I don’t know what you think about it, but I was rather disappointed.

              Sorry, Ms. Puddle, for being a little off topic here. But it all started with discussing about a possible real life Albert, and as you see Interstellar and I got carried away by the charming Mr. Schneider. LOL. Could you blame us? However, he could be an ideal flesh and blood Albert.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                It’s totally alright, Fay and Interstellar. He looks handsome indeed, even when he’s 60 now. Some men just can’t grow old… lol 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Congratulations on your promotion, Interstellar! It’s been a while since we last talked, and many thanks for dropping by despite your hectic schedule. 😘

      Yes, I remember you mentioned a family member being ill. Once again, here I wish him or her a speedy recovery! 🤗

      Thank you for sharing yet another ideal candidate for our beloved character, Albert! All the male actors whom you’ve brought up, including this new one, are great choices. They are handsome in different ways, and I’m sure there are more choices yet. 😊

      I’ve approved your other comment with http links already, so I will remove the redundant one shortly.

      Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Take care, my friend.

      • Interstellar says:

        Thank you for your kind words, Ms Puddle. Yeah, the road to recovery was a bit of a bumpy ride but we pulled through, for the time-being. Got to be careful though because being complacent could prove detrimental to the entire endeavour. We’re taking one step at a time.

        I agree with you on the suggested actors which constitute Albert-lookalikes. They’re all brilliant observations from everyone.

        Thanks for getting back to me and I’m also looking forward to continuing our discussions here at your awesome blog.

        Take Care,

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