Translated to Spanish!

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64 Responses

  1. Louna97 says:

    Hello Mrs. Puddles, I’m so glad to finally hear from you…

    You’re certainly in confinement in Canada as I am in France… Perhaps during this time you will be less stressed by your work I hope. I will be very happy to read your beautiful analysis as always.

    I read all the comments on this post and I also heard about the closing of the Nila forum. A charming woman that I had the pleasure to meet in Paris and who kindly introduced me to her Japanese childhood friend…Nila’s friendship and his friends are very precious because although one is a Terryfan and the other an Alberfans in Paris she was very welded and still are until today .

    Nila speaks fluent French, I think that after reading the French translation and meeting Keiko Nagita she understood a lot of things, also enlightened by the analysis of her Japanese friend. …So I had the pleasure to read her translation of the Japanese novel and I am still in contact with her.

    Miss Puddles what are all these Terryfans doing on your page? Is it because their boat ⛴ to sink that they wrecked ici😀😁 after pushing their own captain at bout😜 just because she had the misfortune of to sympathize with the character of Albert if I believe what I read here…

    Miss Puddles don’t let it get to invade you … I read some of their comments it looks like wolves in sheep’s clothing 😲🤔😃. Without getting into a debate…

    I’d like to hope they rebuild their group quickly before they pollute your page with their venom.


    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Louna 97!! I didn’t realize I had missed your comment last week. Comment allez-vous?

      Glad to hear you’re safe, my friend, and yes most people I know are confined at home. I won’t complain because at least I can work from home. I have friends who work in the hospitals and they are certainly risking their lives to save others. I give my utmost respect to all medical staff around the world working extremely hard to fight this virus!!!

      So you met Nila and her friend? No matter what happened during the book fair or afterwards, I’m happy to hear positive reviews of the French version. Let’s hope that the Spanish one is at least as good, if not better ❣️

  2. Carl S says:

    Hello there 🙂 I have recently found the Candy Candy anime and actually found your old Candy Candy blog which brought me here. It is very surprising to see that an old anime like this still has a fan base, let alone the fact that you have been doing this for over 6 years. How has this anime affected you so strongly that you would be willing to keep giving your time to such an ancient show?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi Carl, it’s hard to explain in a few words. What brought you here, may I ask? Anyway, thanks for dropping by.

  3. Ms Puddle says:

    I can hardly believe what’s happened overnight. I didn’t have time to skim through the comments till now. Anyway, I think it’s time for me to disable the comments section for this post.

    Interstellar and Avon: congrats to your promotion
    Myra and Sarah: it’s been awhile but thanks for dropping by

    In light of this pandemic, I wish you all the best and let’s talk again in the near future. 🙂

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please, let the poison free. Don’t feel obstructed. Ms. Puddle’s cordial style and blog has unfortunately invited all the militant Alfans who could bite a viper and cause its death.

    • Valkyrie says:

      Get a grip, clown. Those who are vomitous vipers constantly spewing racist and sexist drivel along with hate speech against people with physical disabilities are certain deranged Terry fans like you. This is the reason why your asinine forums got shut down. Even the majority of Terry fans despise you cause you’re devoid of any moral compass. You have no dignity. You’re the lowest of the low.

      • Anonymous says:

        The fact that you don’t even respect the space given from Ms. Puddle and you come here to attack people unknown to you because of your psychopathic tendencies, says more than your deranged speech. Please don’t bust a vein. We don’t want you to have a stroke because of a fictional character 😂😂😂 seek help, you need it.

        • Lakewood says:

          What a delusional creature you are.. You’re projecting too much and it’s YOU who needs therapy. Get a life and stop playing with yourself over an anime character. I feel sorry for you.

        • Valkyrie says:

          Calm down, grandma. You dropped your clown hat again. I would suggest you take your meds. If you’re already on medication, change your prescription.

          • Lakewood says:

            Hi Valkyrie,
            That psychopath trolling Ms Puddle’s page is that same fool who got banned from the other CC blogs. She’s posting as “Anonymous” ever since she got publicly humiliated. She’s a lonely middle-aged woman seeking attention. She should seek therapy though and fast.

            • Valkyrie says:

              Thanks, @Lakewood. Everyone here is aware of that. She’s a lunatic who keeps on spamming Ms Puddle’s blog. She’s a parasite. Even the Terry fans avoid her. At least she’s old and she won’t be around for much longer. All she’s got left is her petty trolling.

  5. Interstellar says:

    Hello Ms Puddle,

    I won’t resort to any form of tediously verbose or lengthy comment regarding the aforementioned CCFS “debate” (aka bickering) concerning the identity of “anohito” since the writer herself, Keiko Nagita, has clearly decided to keep that identity a mystery. Case closed.

    That said, it would be sensible if certain hysterical and neurotic pro-Terry as well as pro-Albert fans simply respect Nagita’s decision and put a lid on it. Unfortunately, it’s their imbecilic bickering which contributed to Nagita’s withdrawal from furthering her CC/CCFS project and I definitely do not blame her for that.


  6. Anohita says:

    The key of who Anohito is lies in the voice. Find all points where the Prince’s, Albert’s, Terry’s and Anohito’s voices are described and how Candy reacts to them and there is absolutely NO mystery. It’s practically spelled out. 😉 A L B E R T

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you please describe to me Terry’s voice? Is it like Pavarotti’s tenor voice for example whereas Albert’s is like Michael Jackson’s type is soft voice? Are you implying that type of difference between voices? In any case, I’m not starting a debate since we are in an Albert blog. I am just curious to know how Alfans perceive Terry’s voice. Is it always deep and thunderous? Does it drip testosterone? That type of voice? Thank you for the reply.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        I have a feeling that Terry’s voice could vividly bring Hamlet to life, as acclaimed by the critics, quoted by Candy in her unsent letter to Terry. We know that Hamlet might be filled with contradicting emotions: angry, elated, dejected, depressed, manic, enthusiastic, tender yet ferocious, dark and suicidal, etc. After all, he is depicted as a man who loathes himself and his fate.

        About Albert, Candy in her first lengthy letter to her Prince on the Hill clearly affirmed that

        王子さまの声―― そう、確かに王子さまの口調!(The voice of (my) prince — that’s right, it is certainly (my) prince’s tone!)

        The word 口調 can also mean manner of speaking (like choice of words, etc.). 😉

        You might argue Hamlet’s character is a prince too, but Candy added,

        (But it made sense to me (now) why I used to wonder how always soothing your voice had been.)

        The adjective 心地のいい used to describe Albert’s voice could also mean it is pleasing or comfortable, or it makes her unwind and/or gives her a sense of comfort.

        • Eleanor Baker says:

          Thank you Ms Puddle for your reply! Surely though, you don’t expect Terry to speak with his theatre act voice in his private life. He’s not mad to the point of entering the asylum. I am saying that because there is this tendency for the Albert fans to perceive Terry and Hamlet as the same person almost. Yes, Terry is a passionate man and he passed a dark time in his life but that doesn’t mean that this darkness dictates his whole life.
          Don’t forget that Nagita in our question to her whether Terry is happy at the end of the story, she said and I was present in Paris – she gave me the name Eleanor Baker, lol! – Nagita said that Terry is happy, everyone is happy at the end of the story.
          So whatever demons he fought in his younger years, they have disappeared by the end of the story. And he’s able to smile with that particular style of smile that Candy adored. <3

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Yes I agree with you, and of course I did not mean Terry used his theatrical voice in real life. Yet I like to point out it might not sound like a tenor 😉 A baritone perhaps, or a deep bass voice. That’s in my imagination at least.

            Indeed Nagita sensei said to her fans during the book fair that everyone was happy at the end of CCFS. Note however this does not necessarily mean Terry is Anohito.

            That being said, I’m not going to start a debate here, Eleanor Baker 😉

            • Interstellar says:

              Here we go again..

              By all means, Ms Puddle, there’s no point in wasting your invaluable time over trivial matters. You’ve presented your perspectives involving the CC/CCFS in intelligent and educated ways, always reinforced with logical reasoning and textual evidence. The CC/CCFS fans have to accept the fact that the identity of “anohito” remains a mystery whether their precious little feelings like it or not. This so-called “anohito” could be Terry, Albert, or anyone else. It could be Batman or the Joker for all I care, Lmao

              Certain fans (pro-Tery and pro-Albert fans, alike) need to get a life and quit fawning over mere anime or manga characters. It’s pathetic, really. They need a chill pill.

              Anyway, see you around and hope all is well with you and your job. As for me, I’ve received further obligations in tandem with my promotion but I’m fine with that because along with a promotion comes a higher salary and that’s no trivial matter. Lol.


            • Myra says:

              Hi Ms Puddle and Interstellar!
              Nice to get to talk to you both after such a long time.
              I agree with both of you that there’s no point starting a debate since no one can prove that Candy’s partner in the mid-1930s is Terry or Albert. The author wants to keep it a secret and she doesn’t need the consent or permission from the fandom to do as she wishes.
              The problem with many Terry fans is that they didn’t expect that Albert would ever constitute a love interest for Candy but it turns out that he sure does. What triggers the Terry fans is that Albert has just as much of a chance of being Candy’s partner in the mid-1930s as Terry does. It’s 50-50 for both of them.
              Personally, I would prefer Albert who respects women and encourages Candy to be empowered and independent, unlike Terry who is a misogynist and a woman-beater. However, back then in the early 20th century, women didn’t have much of an alternative but to tolerate such appalling attitudes and practices. Nonetheless, women who respect themselves in our modern day world would never tolerate misogynists and possessive chauvinists like Terry. Had he been around in our times, women would have filed tons of lawsuits against him. It’s disgusting dudes like him that the #metoo movement was launched in the first place.

              • Patty says:

                Funny you think that Nagita propose a misogynist and woman beater as future husband of Candy. Anybody would think you are talking about Neal. But no. You must think Nagita have a very low opinion of Candy, to make her fall in love with two women beaters (Anthony and Terry), and on top of that developing in so many pages the love and devotion of somebody that hate women.
                I also have to remind you that Nagita showed a lot of love in Paris for that possessive chauvinist character. Maybe she doesn’t respect herself?
                For my part, I am still wondering were was terry mysogynist, possessive chauvinistic. Was that when he was happy for Candy to live with Albert? Was that when Terry went to visit Pony’s Home? When he forgave his mother?
                Finally, that comment of yours, saying that nobody who respect herself today would prefer Terry, trying to insult all of Terry fans it’s a lame excuse to leave Albert as the only contender. Maybe women like me are not expecting a charming millionaire prince to rescue us from our lifes. Nor we want men who put their jobs making money before their love interest. Maybe we are women who slap back if someone slap us. An make decision on our own. Certainly we like men who are not puppets of their families and show some kind of passion.

            • Jesse says:

              Hey @Patty, you need to get your head out of your ass. Both your writing and your reading comprehension skills are as debased as that feeble little head of yours. Your comment is irrelevant because it’s got nothing to do with what people are discussing on this thread. Furthermore, you have zero evidence to support any of your hysterical claims. It’s a pity that an old woman like you is devoid of any sagacity and sheer common sense. You’re acting like some sexually aroused teenager screaming for her imaginary boyfriend. You’re too old for that shit. As for the identity of ‘anohito’, neither you nor anyone else can prove that it’s Terry or Albert. Nagita has kept this a mystery for all posterity whether you like it or not. Last but not least, if you like men to beat you up like Terry beats up women, then go ahead and continue being such disgusting men’s punching bag. I really don’t care. It’s your problem and no one else’s. Deal with it.

              • Patty says:

                Wow Jesse!! You have so little arguments that you have to use personal insults? Dear me, in only one post you have said:
                – I have my head in my arse (look who is talking)
                – My reading comprehension skills are as debased (at least I don’t argue with personal insults)
                – My feeble little head is debased too (more insults… how pathetic, it seems you can not express yourself in any other way)
                – My claims are hysterical (hysterical is to go on a rampage of abuse, as you are doing)
                – I am an old woman (do you know me of anything by the way?, and since when being old is insult? I have the feeling you are a teenager, you sound so immature!)
                – I am devoid of any sagacity and sheer common sense (who is the one offending people over a fictional character?)
                – I am acting like some sexually aroused teenager screaming for her imaginary boyfriend.(hahaha, such a vivid image can only come from self experience, definitive you are young girl who needs to grow up)
                – I am too old for that shit (have you ever met me??, what do you know of my age? why do you have an obsession with the age of women? Nobody have ever taught you to respect your elders?)

                Anyway… Alfans in all their glory. Their only way to argue is using personal insults. So sad.
                Dear Jesse, I hope you get better. Either you need to grow up, or take your medication. Perhaps some yoga or meditation should do some good. To be so full of hatred cannot be good for anybody’s health.
                Have a good life!

            • Sarah says:

              @Patty-You are in definite need of psychiatric treatment. All you do is post boring rubbish where you keep on repeating yourself and proving over and over again that you’re a moron. All that beating you’ve been getting from Terry-like douche-bags has dislocated your already damaged head.

      • Anohita says:

        I don’t need to describe or perceive anything, Keiko Nagita has done it herself, the kinds of voices are there, each with its own adjectives, in her own words. One only needs to pay attention to the details in the CCFS.

        • Eleanor Baker says:

          I am not asking to tell me what is in CCFS. I can also find in CCFS lines where Terry speaks softly and soothes Candy’s soul. I want to know what is your impression of Terry’s voice, if you have imagined how he speaks.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Anohita (interesting nickname by the way), nice to meet you.

      Anohito’s voice is an important clue, especially how Candy’s described it: いつもときめかすやさしいその声

      Not only it means his gentle voice always makes her heart pound with excitement, but it can simply mean heart-pounding or heart-throbbing.

      Whether it’s a coincidence or not, Candy mentioned her “weak heart” twice in her letters to her Prince on the Hill, particularly about his sudden visits (coming all the way for her alone and nothing else).

      Also, whose youthful appearance, before a certain important confession, made her heart skip a beat?

      Yet, I must say I don’t think the voice is the key to Anohito’s identity. In fact, there are more concrete and indisputable clues that are in Albert’s favour. 😍

      • Anohita says:

        My point is that it’s Albert’s aka the Prince’s voice that Candy is always tuned to, always gentle and unique, always a point of reference. Terry’s voice is “deep” and not a major thing that Candy describes about him. Anohito’s voice is also “that gentle voice that always…”.

        Nice to meet you too, I’ve been a lurker, no time to actively analyse. A google search lead me here. 🙂

  7. Patty says:

    I had to laugh when you write “Fay does not mind me sharing what is happening to others”, of course not. That is called simply “gossiping”. As your dear friend being an Albertan entered a pro Terry forum with an alias, she did it with the aim to spy, gather information, and then spread lies around in the net. Do not call that curiosity. Of course you are helping her here too.
    But anyway, I am relieved that “Eleanor Baker” had put the record straight.

    Another of the let’s call them “imprecisions” of your gossip is that it was not announced in the forum Nagita appearance in Paris. Even the forum’s banner was changed for that occasion then with Candy and Terry in front of the Eiffel tower. The problem is that by then, the whole forum was “invaded” by this pretend Terry fan and many of us stopped participating after the censorship by the admin. Early last year, the super-mega-understanding-of-Japanese new member who was taking into account all the nuances and words that us poor westerners would not understand said that Albert died. Yes, Candy and Albert were together, and then he died, and then Candy married Terry because he was anohito (of course he was). So back then, I had to disagree very much, and after years of collaboration found my posts deleted. Then of course Nagita confirmed in Paris that Albert was alive and well, and all this super-mega-Japanese-understanding was swept under a rug. And let’s go on pretending nothing has happened, and still today the guru is still discovering nuances. By the way, the French translator did not agree with that theory that you need to be Japanese to understand the story. He told me. I was there.
    So, do not worry Albertfans, the international Terryfans are alive and well with a new forum of our own. None of us have changed our minds. We all still understand the story in the same way we did for years, and in any case our friendship grew even stronger.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Of course I never once believed the claim that Albert had died. I’ve already responded to this false claim earlier so I won’t repeat myself.

      Well, suit yourself and I’m sure everyone is entitled to stick to his or her preferences. Do enjoy your new discussion groups or forums to continue develop your friendship.

      • Nuria Marquez-Almuina says:

        I will, thank you!
        By the way… do not share taste for the themes… but I really like you fanarts. Your digital art skills are very impressive. Your style is very unique and polished. It’s a pity you never draw Terry. I would be very curious to see that.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Glad to hear that you like my fanarts, and thank you for your kind and encouraging words. One of my new year’s resolutions is to draw other Candy Candy characters. In fact, I just started drawing Archie. Who knows? I might be inspired enough to draw Terry one day. 😉

    • Valkyrie says:

      Calm down and curb your nonsensical rant, ‘Patty’..

      You’re treating a naive teenage story like some highly sophisticated novel. Keiko Nagita is not Harper Lee, Doris Lessing or Toni Morrison. Most people under 30 don’t even know who Nagita is. Instead, Candy Candy is best known via the manga and predominantly the anime/cartoon back in the 80s. The book is way below par when it comes to literary endeavor.

      As for your attack against Fay, you’re the one who’s “gossiping” and lashing out frenetically via that unnecessarily long rant of yours. Fay simply mentioned what she thought was going on at another blog. She has every right to do that when dealing with a public online blog. Loads of Terry-fans do the same and there’s nothing wrong with that. Therefore, no one is “setting the record straight” because there’s nothing significant to settle or sort out in the first place. None of you have any proof to support your comments so don’t accuse others of just posting what they want.

      On a final note, no matter how much you cry and clutch at your pearls, Keiko Nagita has never mentioned that Terry or Albert is Candy’s lover and there’s no concrete textual evidence to support that any of those two men is ‘Anohito’.

      • Patty says:

        Dear Valkyrie, when people go online telling stories that are lies, we have all the right in the world to set the record straight. Specially when those stories involve us personally. I still don’t understand why does Fay need to gossip about people who doesn’t concern her, specially being an Albertfan. So please don’t use such a condescending tone to tell what can or cannot do. Nonsensical is to write an article about a blog that has nothing to do with you interest of characters.
        I am not treating anything like a sophisticated novel. In any case, I don’t see the reason why are you commenting in a blog about a teenage story with such a low author if you think is of so low quality and interest. Why don’t you leave your comments to high literature matters, and in case, who are you decide where people should concentrate their interest. Isn’t that a bit contradictory?
        When you say “none of you have any proof to support our comments” it’s simply a joke. We have lived the situation. This article is talking about what happen to our forum. We know what happened, you don’t, Fay doesn’t, and Mrs Puddles doesn’t either. Why just don’t stick your nose in your business, and leave us, “lower literature lovers” to carry on with our thing.

        • Valkyrie says:

          Aw.. You poor granny.. Did I hurt your delicate feelings? Was I too rough on you? Don’t cry. Wouldn’t want you to suffer an apoplexy. Now you crawl back to your sordid basement and continue dreaming about your cartoon character. Whatever floats your boat, sweetie.😉

          • Anonymous says:

            I love it how the gentle Albert has such trash for fans. We’re you born at the harbour?

            • Valkyrie says:

              Hey granny, you seem far too obsessed with me but I’m not interested. Nothing personal. I’m just not into garbage like you. Bye bye, hag..😉

          • Patty says:

            Hahaha, you use granny as an insult?? Incredible!! I am not a granny yet, but one day I wold love do be. Someone should teach you some manners and how to respect your elders.
            “Crawl to my sordid basement”?? What kind of argument is that? Hahaha. Do you try to attack people depending if they leave in a basement or a tenth floor? How bizarre. You must be lacking any think or arguments by now.

            It looks like you are dreaming about a cartoon character too (not that there is anything wrong about it), the difference is that you resort to personal insults to explain your ideas. How pathetic!

            • Jesse says:

              Poor Pathetic-Patty.. Apparently, you fail to realize that you’ve been reduced to a mere object of jest. People are poking fun at your unlimited imbecility and you’re so hungrily biting the bait because you’re an attention-seeking beggar. Keep entertaining us. You’re one hell of a circus-number.😂

  8. Eleanor Baker says:

    Hi Ms. Puddle,
    I happened to read your post and I want to set the record straight because what I read about the CT forum is not correct.

    Whether it is Fay’s fault or your misunderstanding, it doesn’t matter.

    I choose to comment because you are actually speaking about me, as I was the one who made the controversial post in the CT forum. I don’t know whether it is the inability of the Alfans to actually retell an event in an accurate manner or what.

    It was a group of international CT fans who we travelled from the four corners of the earth to meet Nagita. It wasn’t Greek CT fans as you pointed out.

    Nila was also there with this childhood friend who she met out of the blue after many years of not contact. That person came to the forum which can I point out it was called CANDY-TERRY forum…

    and after an initial couple of Terry -related posts, she started going on about her theories of Albert having a romantic relationship with Candy. Candy and Albert were a couple but then they broke up and she married Terry because Terry is anohito. She said it, not us.

    It is her opinion and she is entitled to it, by all means. However, slowly there was a discrimination from Nila’s side who started deleting our posts every time we tried to debate against her friend’s Albert-friend posts.

    Of course her friend is of Japanese origin and only she can understand the deeper meaning of the novels, regardless of thousands of other Japanese fans who lived all their lives in Japan and believe Terry is anohito, but I pass.

    In Paris, this person asked Nagita whether Candy and Albert had daughter-father relationship and according to the video she posted, she says Nagita says no, they don’t have daughter-father relationship.

    Ergo, according to this person, this is a declaration of romantic relationship between Candy and Albert by Nagita.

    The sound is of the worst quality. Several Japanese people have heard it, including a Japanese professor, friend of a friend and sound engineers tried to clean the noise but the actual talk is very whispery and basically we have to rely solely on the words of this person who everyone can say is not the most objective.

    I also spoke to Nagita and I can claim she told me that Terry was anohito. Can you believe me without concrete evidence? No. And I don’t blame you.

    When we wanted to debate this video in our CANDY-TERRY forum we weren’t allowed, despite having this person made a post with big capital letters of this huge revelation!! In the CANDY-TERRY forum.

    So I made an announcement that this forum is servicing only Alfans and the Terry fans we should move elsewhere. It was a funny post, satyre, not an offending one as you posted. I can give you the post to see it.

    We have said much more worse things about Albert and Albert fans in the past, with Nila leading the offences. She had Susanna’s leg in a jar and she laughed her head off with all our offensive posts. But something changed. What it was, no one knows. Did she believe her friend and her theoris about Albert? Perhaps.

    She is not here to reply so I won’t claim that with certainty.

    What I do know is that she said to me why are we overreacting about a fictional character and would it be so bad if Albert was anohito at the end?

    To which I answer that if we overreacted while we only wanted the freedom to debate,

    for her to take a whole forum down (which was pretty much dying a slow death, it was barely active apart from a handful of people), with hundreds and thousands of contributions because of only my post and the fact that I made fun about Albert and the forum,

    this is not an overreaction from her part?

    In any case, this is what happeend. Since then she disappeared. She hasn’t replied to any of the emails other older members of the forum sent her. She closed email accounts too. And as of yesterday, the Candy-Terry paradise with all the fanfics, the fanarts and the wealth of CC information is also gone. It’s offline completely.

    We think is for the best despite the sadness that we lost our internet home after 12 years participation and thousands of posts, fanfics, fanarts which she kep and didn’t give the chance to the creators to take them.

    To have a Candy-Terry forum which was only Terry in name but the Terry fans cannot defend their beloved character is a joke. And I am very sad that Nila turned out to be that way.

    I wasn’t going to post. I know of your blog and I respect you keep it open for everyone to add their opinions. You’re not neurotic as some other Alfans. So thank you for letting me put the record straight.

    Kind regards

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you Eleanor Baker for your clarifications. I honestly don’t know what have happened but sorry for any confusion.

      I wish you guys can soon find a new forum for your discussions. It’s a pity you have lost all the past posts and conversations. I feel your pain.

      • Anonymous says:

        I appreciate your reply Ms. Puddle. Kind regards.

      • Eleanor Baker says:

        Ms. Puddle, may I ask, I stumbled the other day on a blog about CCFS, named Lost in Translation, just like your Lost in Translation parts of your blog. Is that a sister blog to yours?

      • Avon says:

        Dear Ms Puddle,

        Whilst it’s kind and generous of you to continue to elaborate on what you have been explaining many a time, I would suggest we finally put an end to all this nonsense. It’s so pitiful that some fans have stooped so low as to end up fighting like some feral dogs as to whether Anohito is Terry or Albert. No wonder so many forums and websites are shutting down one after the other. People are sick and tired of all that crap. I hope for your sake they don’t come over here at this website of yours which is based on intelligent and meaningful commentary. It’s so stupid that you’re getting these complaints because you made a simple comment about some random forum no one knows or really cares about.

        We got far more serious issues in the world right now and most of us don’t really give a rat’s arse whether Candy’s hubby is Terry or Albert. Since Candy is happy with her man, that’s all that matters. It’s sad that some fans just can’t enjoy the story but whine their arse off instead. Damn.

        Looking forward to your next post and illustrations. Please don’t waste your time with trolls. They’re not worth it.

        Best Wishes,

        • Eleanor Baker says:

          @Avon I suggest you exercise your reading and comprehension skills better. And please stop trolling when adults discuss in a polite manner. Ms. Puddle posted about ME and her post was based on inaccurate gossip coming of course from who else? An Albert fan who spied in a Terry affiliated forum. I very politely commented to clear the inaccuracies and Ms. Puddle was very polite. Of course all the Alfan loonies showed up having smelled a Terry fan. I wasn’t and I’m not going to start a debate and it was ME who declared to Ms. Puddle that I wasn’t going to do that. I only asked her opinion about Terry’s voice and that was that. If that is what you refer as trolling, please send me your address to post you a dictionary.

          • Myra says:

            The irony is that you should focus on acquiring reading comprehension skills and dispense with that asinine condescending tone of yours as it makes you appear even more pitiful than you already are. Get a life and stop being such a lamentable troll.

          • Sarah says:

            Triggered much, poor old Eleanor? Why don’t you find a real partner and quit obsessing over a mere cartoon character? I feel so sorry for you, boomer.

            • Eleanor Baker says:

              omg! Do you all have a Terry fan detector implanted in your brains, you come out of the woods on Sunday morning? I’m so sorry that you all sound like rabid dogs. Please Ms. Puddle excuse my characterisation which excludes you but your readers sound like so. And they use your blog for their own perverse and frankly deeply disturbing quality of having no life apart from waiting in the shadows for the off chance of reading a Terry fan replying in your post. Undoubtely this post of yours will have the most comments from people who don’t bother at all to comment in the rest of your well written posts.

          • Myra says:

            You’re projecting your own derangement syndrome onto others, Eleanor. Seek treatment cause you’re in desperate need for it, you old crow.

          • Sarah says:

            Eleanor, you’re nothing but a sad and lonely boomer getting all aroused and neurotic over an imaginary cartoon character. You’re trying to attack @Avon simply because she deployed an indisputable fact about lunatics like you. Moreover, @Avon is a friend and frequent contributor here on Ms Puddle’s forum and they have both exchanged many intelligent and thought-provoking commentaries. Too bad for you than you don’t bear even an iota of intelligence and integrity those two people muster. I regret to inform you that you are older but none the wiser.

            • Avon says:

              Hey Myra and Sarah,

              Thank you both for your support but as I mentioned previously, please don’t waste your time responding to insignificant and imbecilic trolls. Such creatures are wretched and have got severe psychological problems and numerous personal issues.

              Best Wishes,

        • Sarah says:

          Well said, Avon!

          BTW, how’s your new academic job and publications going? Have you become a lecturer?

          • Avon says:

            Yeah, I’ve received the lectureship title and currently working on becoming a senior lecturer until the next research assessment framework. I’m currently working at the University of Edinburgh. My husband and I are just a bit concerned over the latest outbreak of COVID-19 here in Scotland. We’re awaiting further notifications from the government with regards to a possible albeit temporary closure of the academic establishments. My husband is also an academic but he works at the University of Glasgow and most outbreaks of the aforesaid virus are over there.

            • Sarah says:

              I’m glad you’ve become a lecturer. I’m concerned about the virus too. I’m currently working in New York and the situation is very serious in such a metropolis. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, Avon.

          • Avon says:

            Thanks, Sarah. I wish you and your family the best of health too.

            • Eleanor Baker says:

              Please don’t crowd yourself to display your academic qualitfications, hahaha! How funny is that esteemed Dr. Avon. I hope you save us from the nasty virus. I too work at the University of Edinburgh since 2000 actually. We should meet to exchange scientific opinions about the brains of the Albert fans. I look at brain scans every day. Perhaps Sarah can join in via Skype to give us her expert opinion from NY.

            • Sarah says:

              @Eleanor_Baker, you keep on changing your narrative. You’re a pathological liar. Why are you so ashamed of your age and ethnic origin?
              You appear to be obsessed with @Avon because she’s much younger than you whilst you’re in menopausal mode. Unfortunately, your decaying and wrinkly physical appearance both constitute a mirror reflection of your filthy character. You’re hideous inside-out. You even got banned from loads of Terry-related forums because of your cheap and cheesy comments. No one wants you around them because you’re a creepy old fart. You’re so desperate that you’re begging for scraps of attention from Albert-related forums as well.
              Too bad all your self-proclaimed “brain-scans” didn’t help you much with your own severely damaged brain. Not that you ever had any intelligence to begin with. LOL

  9. Reeka says:

    Ms Puddle! Hello there. I miss you so much. I miss talking about CC world with you, my friend. How are you? Hope you, your family, and also all of us here are healthy and safe always.
    Here in Singapore we have been pretty stable in these last 10 days. The worst was in the end of January until mid February when the infected cases had been escalating. But for this past week I think Govt has managed to contain the spread.

    I read your post about Nagita in Paris. But I have not managed to read the output of her appearance in detail. I hope this Spanish Publisher does justice to story of CCFS.

    Meanwhile, I don’t know about this Candy Terry Paradise you mentioned. But glad to hear some of them finally could see clearly about the subject after Nagita appearance in Paris. 🙂

    p.s. is your email address still the same? I sent you email some months ago. Don’t worry if you missed it because you were busy. I am just afraid it never reached you.

    Take care!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      I miss you too Reeka 🤗, and I’m so glad to hear that you’re safe and sound. 😘

      Here in Canada the health officials have apparently changed to much less optimistic. Let’s wait and see.

      Hopefully the Spanish translation is at least as good as the French one, which is closer to the original text I was told. Albert has feelings in his letters, for example.

      I’m not sure about the CT paradise either, but hopefully nothing to do with real life issues. 🤔

      Yes I think I did reply to you, my friend. 🤗

      • Reeka says:

        Did you? I didn’t receive any. I resent it just a moment ago just to make sure your email address correct.

        Yes, I hope the Spanish one is close to original. They are the biggest CC community , so it’s necessary that it was made clear and true for once and for all. LOL. And it would be great as well if Nagita has a fans meet up with Spanish fans. 🙂

        • Ms Puddle says:

          It would be nice that Nagita sensei would show up in another CC fans gathering, but I doubt it. 😅

          Wonder how the Spanish translator handles “Albert-san” 😁

          • Reeka says:

            Today, I thought I’d like to visit you and read your last update regarding Antlay’s work ( I miss her, too! ). But can’t help checking on this comment section and wowww … so much going on since last month hahaha.

            No comment from me. I am a bit itchy to reply a comment or two but Naahh … we’re citizens of the world currently in war with one common enemy, … fighting over fictional character, no matter how much I love Albert, seems too silly right now.

            How are you, Ms Puddle? Things has been changing significantly since our last talk, which was slightly over a month ago. I know Canada’s skyrocketing… here in Singapore the number of local transmission has been worryingly rising up … we’re entering a partial lock down per tomorrow. Sigh.

            Take care, dear friend. Stay safe. And may God protect us all.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Yes Reeka may God protect us and give us the strength and patience during this unprecedented crisis!

              In Vancouver most people are responsible and self-isolating, except medical staff and people who are providing essential services. 💪

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