Love happens when least expected

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129 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hola Ms. Puddle, saludos de México, la verdad nunca había leído Ningún fanfic de CC, pero por alguna razón llegué a su página, le estoy sumamente agradecida por la pasión y dedicación que le puso a cada una de sus historias, me transportaron y la verdad me hubiera gustado algo más como estos hermosos relatos en la novela de Candy Candy , pero aún así es muy obvio que el amor único y verdadero es Albert. Quisiera aportar algo con respeto al manga, para mayor comprension, debemos prestarles atención a las burbujas bien definidas (redondas) de amor de fondo de las imagenes, las burbujas ovaladas nos indican tristeza o alegría y por último los torbellinos nos indican una emosión realmente traumática o algo inesperado.

    • Ms Puddle says:


      Thank you for reading my fanfics! I truly appreciate your encouraging feedback. Like you, I think Albert was the man Candy ended up with in the story. It doesn’t make sense otherwise. 😉

      Also, many thanks to you for providing some insights and explanations to the bubbles and whirlwinds used in the background images of the manga. That’s certainly helpful.

      ¡Muchas gracias! 🤗

  2. Girls I had made a request to exchange my book … Because I had several pages of the book and damaged borders … The exchange of the novel that was made to me is the second edition … With the correction of Candy’s age where the date of May 5, was deleted and replaced only in May.

    • Ms Puddle says:


    • Anita says:

      Irrespective of the rumors circulating by certain fans that the Spanish translation would be favorable towards Terry, it turns out that none of those rumors are true and the Spanish editorial team retained their professionalism by remaining truthful to the original text in which neither Terry nor any other character is favored or preferred.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        That’s good, @Anita. Those who have started those rumours should have been silenced by now. 😉

        • Anita says:

          Not by a long shot.. Those very few albeit loudmouth trolls who have been polluting the CC community with their nonsensical rumors are still obsessing over Terry but no one cares about them and what they believe. Their screams have been falling on deaf ears ever since the Spanish translation became accessible and those who have read it know that those trolls are full of rubbish.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            These people are just begging for attention. I hope they behave better in real life 🙄

            • Anita says:

              Doubt it. They’re miserable in their real life and that’s why they’re clinging so desperately to an imaginary guy they keep on obsessing about.

            • Sarah says:

              At least those pathetic trolls are not in our personal or social environment. However, I feel sorry for those who have been unfortunate to have to deal or live with any of those losers.

        • Myra says:

          This Spanish translation has shut down many pro-Terry ramblings. There’s another detail which has emerged concerning that so-called “virile image” of Terry. The Spanish translation makes no reference of that word “virile”. Instead, there’s a reference to Terry’s photograph (kept in Candy’s jewelry box) which has remained intact.
          This confusion had been caused ever since the Italian translation had not made it clear whether the aforementioned word was meant for Terry or the condition of the photograph. However, this confusion is dispelled in the Spanish translation where it’s made clear that there’s no such word used for Terry and that Candy was talking about the condition of the photograph which had remained intact. She wasn’t making any allusion to Terry being “virile” of any sort.
          How about the Japanese novel? Is there any mention to Terry’s so-called virility or is Candy simply talking about the condition of that photograph?

          • Irana93 says:

            I actually really like this Spanish version of the CCFS because it has smashed so many idiotic claims made by some of those fanatics who are favorably predisposed towards Terry. Since the largest CC community is Latin American, it’s forthcoming that this novel has been translated into Spanish so that no one can make up rubbish arguments as the textual evidence is easily accessible in the CCFS itself.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Yes @Myra I recall this passage and actually discussed it in my Lost in translation series. If I remember correctly, it’s about the condition of the photograph but let me double check and get back to you.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Hi @Myra, it’s in the second half of my post, for your interest. It’s about a gallant/dashing image of Terry that’s still clear.


            • Myra says:

              Thank you for sharing your analysis, Ms Puddle. Having read your article, this whole confusion surrounding that so-called “virile” image of Terry makes sense.
              Apparently, the Spanish translators took the original Japanese text and translated it verbatim without adding that misleading word “virile” as the Italian translators had done.
              Some of those biased and narrow-minded Terry fans had created so much noise over that word “virile” by claiming that Candy still found Terry sexually appealing.
              However, the actual Japanese text and the Spanish translation both confirm that Candy never made such stupid claim but she was talking about the photograph remaining intact.
              Another of those delusional and dumb Terry-fan claims bites the dust..

            • Myra says:

              The word “virile” bears a stronger sexual connotation as opposed to “dashing” or “gallant” which mainly mean “elegant”, “audacious”, or “spirited”.
              Perhaps the Italian translator preferred that word but the Spanish translators didn’t give it any significance, hence, it being omitted and having the word “intact” being used instead.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                I agree with you @Myra that the translator shouldn’t have used “virile” because it not only seems out of place in this passage but also out of Candy’s character.

                Yet, dropping the adjective makes it different from the original sentence, albeit a minor change.

            • Myra says:

              I agree with you.

            • Myra says:

              I agree with you. It would have been strange if Candy had expressed herself like that as there’s no indication in the text where she uses sexual connotations. There’s nothing wrong with it but it just wouldn’t sound like Candy.

  3. Louna 97 says:

    I meant rather … . ..While Albert, there is much more information about him and the exchange of letters between Candy and him is very revealing. Where at the end Candy declares that she is now her happiness and signs with love. ❤

    • Leda says:

      I agree with you @Louna 97 about it’s obvious that Candy had feelings for Albert which went well beyond the family or friendship zone. They had been living together for over 2 years and their relationship relied heavily upon mutual respect. Their chemistry was excellent and their level of communication was profound. All these elements are seeds for bringing forth an adult romantic relationship which is very different from an innocent puppy love or an intensely hormone-driven adolescent passion. The fact that some fans try to compare the Candy-Terry relationship which relied on adolescent passion to the much more complex albeit intimate Candy-Albert relationship is sheer folly. The CCFS centers on the three main but different loves of Candy: the pure and innocent one with Anthony, the passionate and adolescent one with Terry, and the meaningful and adult one with Albert.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Well said, @Leda. 👏 In addition to what you’ve already said, those who insist there’s nothing romantic going on between Candy and Albert might have equated passion with some loss of self-control or unfettered emotions. 😑 Or they are looking for “tangible” proof like a (forced) kiss on the lips? 💋 Without any of those “facts” they can’t seem to understand what love is.

        • Leda says:

          In stark contrast to the destructive and violent passion oozing from Terry, the passion between Candy and Albert is based on a creative and progressive trajectory reliant on patience, perseverance and reciprocity. As for those who equate passion with violence against them, they deserve nothing but pity.

          • Myra says:

            Some of those pathetic fans seem to be living dreary lives in which dignity and self-respect are not prioritized. Perhaps toxic male characters such as Terry are all those fans know about men. It’s likely that they are also the recipients of such acts of violence and disrespect by toxic men in their lives.

            • Lynn says:

              Exactly, Myra. Some of those pro-Terry fans are miserable and bored with their meaningless existence. They’re either unemployed or have remained in the same position for years because they’re too stuck in the past to proceed forward in their sad old lives. It’s easy to understand how pitiful they are from their obsessively long rants and equally obsessive targeted harassment against other members of the CC community. All we can do is feel utmost pity for those wretched little creatures, most of which are over 50 years old but none the wiser.

            • Sarah says:

              Hi Myra and Lynn,
              You’re both spot on in your description of those older Terry-fans. Fortunately, they’re an unimportant minority and no one really cares about them or their useless blogs. They keep on begging everyone to subscribe or participate in their outdated junk but no one appears to be interested. At least they got those dried up daffodils and Terry’s scrap note under their pillow to keep them company.😉

  4. Good Am, Ms Puddle 🤓

    Thank you for sharing the link you’ve provided the other day and will resume reading it after my shift.

    I saw and read your comment that some fans wrote fics about Albert’s relationship with the nurse in Kenya. I was wondering if you could think of one to tell how how they started as workers, friends and so on lol. 😊😊

    I see some got copies from Arechi already via Amazon, and the results / comments from some fans are pretty ugly lol. Oh well, at least that translator / publisher stayed true to KM’s original CCFS and that made me so happy, promise. Glad the French and Italian version remained loyal to its original content. They asked me to read their nasty comments to defend, however, I wouldn’t have time because it’s pointless to talk some sense into them anyways.. I will just keep distance and enjoy my own pages. 😴😴

    Glad you’re working at home for now until these riots are over. Keep safe and thanks again!


    • Lynn says:

      I agree with you. Those nasty comments just show how triggered they are because the Spanish editor and translators didn’t respond to their ridiculous demands but stayed true to the original novel. It’s a waste of time talking any sense to them.

      • @Lynn @Ms Puddle

        Lol, A friend told me that the Terry trolls were even p*ssed off at KM. After all that 5K or over names on the petition they made demanding KM to make Terry the final destined love of Candy on the end of her CCFS, she never succumbed to their request, and I bet that’s how they pushed the poor author to mental breakdown with their crazy, hateful critics. It’s so immature to react like that considering some of them are 50’s and over, lol. If I were them, I would just accept it and respect the wishes of the author and moved on. I’m Candy-Albert fan and I wanted KM so much to literally mention Albert as Candy’s husband, but since we’ve read how they interact in the letters as if they were lovers already, ☺️☺️ I felt happy and contented with the result, and left the author alone, and decided to continue supporting our favorite couple without me posting any bitterness on my page. Anyways, I thank the author for giving us Candy-Albert that entertained us since the day the manga / anime released. 🥰🥰

        • Lynn says:

          Exactly! They’re disrespectful towards the author but she didn’t succumb to their pressure no matter how hard they kept on harassing and pestering her. Some of them also tried to use cheap flattery and blandishments but their cheesy servility didn’t work either. They failed to even get the Spanish editor to give in to their silly demands.😂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @albertlovescandy for your kind wishes.

      About writing fanfics, I don’t feel like writing about Albert and that nurse for the time being. Lack of spare time might be another reason lol. 😀

      I agree with @Lynn and like you, I would not waste my time arguing with any of those crazy people. 😉

      You take care too!

      • Lynn says:

        There is so much fan-fiction material in Spanish. It’s over ten times more than the English and other languages put together. Latin Americans sure do like their Candy Candy..

        Some of those fanfics have paired Albert with that beautiful doctor from the anime. Do you remember her? She was the one who disguised herself as a man in order to work at a really rough area outside of Chicago. Candy was her nurse. In terms of optics but also character, that doctor and Albert would have made an awesome couple as they’re both statuesque, well-educated and independent.

        If Keiko Nagita wanted only Terry to be anohito, she would have created or implied a story where Albert had a relationship with another woman. Men like Albert never remain single for too long but it appears that Nagita had other plans for him and she doesn’t want to let him go and find his happiness elsewhere. She constantly tries to keep him bound to Candy.

        • Sarah says:

          I agree with you, Lynn. Keiko Nagita has provided so many details about other couples and even secondary characters in the novel but the readers are left in the dark regarding Terry and Albert. She also avoids mentioning what has become of those two characters. All we know is that Terry’s role as Hamlet was a success and Albert’s career as a business entrepreneur was also a success. That’s all we got.

          • Louna 97 says:

            Sarah, we also know from reading the novel that Candy and Albert meet many times at the pony house after Albert returns from his business trip and that they both aspire to be together. Albert pays him surprise visits to the point that Candy says his heart can’t hold out…Candy is excited to see him again. She even loses sleep over it. There is only for Terry that Nagita does not say much 🤔 after the death of Susana. We do not know what happens to him…Nagita says that Terry has become a great actor, he blossoms in the voice he has chosen. Then she said nothing more about him. While in Albert, there is much more information about him and the exchange of letters between Candy and him is very revealing. Where at the end Candy declares that he is now her happiness and signs with love. ❤

            • Sarah says:

              You’re right about that, Louna. The readers have got far more information and character development regarding Albert. In Terry’s case, he becomes a bit of a “ghost” and a distant memory after his departure from the school in London. It’s a bit like Anthony.. In Section 1, the readers get to know what he thinks, and how he feels until his demise. In a similar way, readers get to know how Terry feels in Section 2 but once he leaves for the US, there’s no insight into his character apart from second-hand information from other characters. The only piece of information which may be attributed to Terry is that scrap of paper allegedly sent to Candy which has no background information regarding the time or specific date it was sent (if it ever was sent..). On the other hand, Section 3 and the Epilogue is full of information about Albert and in the Epilogue, in particular, the readers get a detailed analysis of Albert’s mindset and character development. There’s no way a piece of scrap paper could ever be compared to a bundle of lengthy letters exchanged between Candy and Albert. Those who try to draw any form of comparison, are simply delusional.

            • Myra says:

              Well said @Sarah and @Louna 97,
              Straight after Terry’s journey back to America, we no longer get access to his narrative voice as we did back at that boarding school. We have to rely more or less on Candy’s opinion but she’s not with him in New York to know whether the rumors about him and Susanna had any element of truth in them. In the manga and anime, we constantly get to listen to what Terry had to say and we also had access to his thoughts. In the novel, however, we stop having direct access to Terry’s thoughts after he had left for America.
              The opposite happens in Albert’s case where we get to know more and more about him-either through Candy or directly by him, especially in the Epilogue.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Hello @Louna 97, @Sarah and @Myra, I agree with you all.

                Lately I’ve been quiet because I was busy with other things. Also, someone told me about a pro-Terry Facebook page using my fanart as their profile picture. They never asked me for my permission and I did leave a comment. Since then, nothing happened. Guess I should not be surprised? Anyway, they posted some analysis of the Epilogue, and just as expected, the title of their post is “nothing romantic” LOL 😅😄

            • Lynn says:

              You’re all making excellent points.
              I’ll just add that the technique Nagita is using by letting us know what the characters are thinking (a quasi stream-of-consciousness) doesn’t apply only to Terry but also to other characters such as Anthony, Archie and Stear. We don’t get to know how Albert feels because he remains a mystery until the Epilogue, apparently.
              Yet, we get an overflow of emotions and character development between Candy and Albert in the Epilogue. Candy initiates this ‘further on’ in the development of her relationship with Albert by deciding to write to him first after he had confided to her that he’s been the POTH all along.
              Those who try to downplay the significance of this revelation are fooling themselves because Candy keeps on saying how she had never forgotten the POTH and she was elated that Albert was her beautiful prince. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t have been crying and be so overwhelmed with emotion when Albert made that revelation to her on Pony’s Hill. This isn’t some cheesy story about a prince and his damsel in distress but about a childhood encounter which passed through many stages and changes in both Candy and Albert’s lives reaching their adulthood and eventual maturity.
              Even Albert joked about the ‘cheesiness’ of the princely fairy-tale and he detested being called a ‘Prince’. He wanted Candy to see him as a man which she clearly did, hence, her utmost enthusiasm in continuing her relationship with him and imploring him to spend more time with her even though he was horrendously busy due to his lucrative and fulfilling career. Such demands aren’t made by a mere friend but by a woman who wants that specific man to perceive her as a partner and perhaps even spouse in the near future.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Good point, @Lynn! It was Candy who took the initiative to write to Albert first, after his important confession. She followed him all the way to the car (Georges) too, which shows that she was already in love with Albert, who happened to be her prince all along. If she wasn’t into him, she would have rejected him right away (like she always did to Neal’s advances).

                I also see that Candy’s direct request for Albert to spend time to talk to her a lot should not be overlooked. He was no longer just a friend. She wanted to know him more as a man.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Bonjour @Louna 97, if I have understood correctly, I don’t think Albert visited Candy many times after the business trip.

              The surprised visit happened the same day he took her to Lakewood. She returned and wrote a mental letter to Anthony, and some time later, she wrote a long letter to Little Bert.

              Candy was sure excited to see Albert again since her birthday party in Chicago. He soon left for Brazil and stayed there for a long time. I think the last surprise visit was his confession.

              I might be wrong though. 😉

            • Anita says:

              You should take it as a compliment that many pro-Terry and the pro-Albert fanpages are using your awesome artwork as their profile pic, even though some of them haven’t requested for your permission.

              Tbh, I don’t blame some of those Terry fanatics for using your drawings. Have you seen some of their own awful illustrations? You’ll find some really good ones around but most of them are absolutely hideous. Sometimes I wonder whether they hate Terry for drawing him like that. The worst ones are those which depict Terry with short hair and bangs. He looks like “Moe” from the “Three Stooges”.😂 😂 😂

              What makes Terry and Albert look so beautiful is not only their face but also their lovely hair. I’m not saying that it should be as long as it was in the anime but both of these men are romantic and romanticized characters and their (short-to-medium/shoulder-length) elegant locks constitute their definitive style.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Hello @Anita, TBH I don’t have time to bother checking whether people are using my fanarts for their profile pics, but this particular one is special to me. I drew it for a scene in my fanfic for Albert and Candy. Since this is a pro-Terry Facebook page, this drawing of Candy feels so out of place. 🙁

                I agree with you that both Terry and Albert are very charming, and so are the other characters. Someone on Twitter once said, “even Sarah Lagan is beautiful”.

                Kudos to Igarashi for her brilliant character design. 👍👏

            • Anita says:

              That hideous drawing of Terry with the short hair and bangs I mentioned previously doesn’t circulate much, fortunately. Those very few fools who use it for their profile pic, however, take pride in it and showcase it as if it’s a masterpiece. 😂😂

              These are the same delusional idiots who desperately try to convince people that there’s no flirting or romance going on between Candy and Albert in the Epilogue. What’s even more hilarious is that they’re using Candy’s letters to Albert where she’s ecstatic about him being the Prince of the Hill and trying to persuade people that she’s cold and indifferent.
              The next thing those clowns will be doing is trying to convince people that 2+2 does not equal 4 but 5.

              I can understand that you’re not pleased about that idiot using your artwork as her profile pic but it also goes to show that she selected your artwork because it’s amazing, while most of the Terry-themed fanart is complete garbage which should be hurled straight into the dumpster.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Haha yes @Anita in order to “prove” Candy is cold and indifferent to POTH in her letters they would have to try extremely hard. 😄 Unbiased readers with basic comprehension skills should be able to discern for themselves whether Candy’s writings show any traits of a woman being in love with a man.

                At least this time they have not *yet* attempted to insist that Albert was just a father figure (or brother) to Candy. Speaking of which, some of them still can’t decide whether Albert was a father or brother to Candy. Their arguments changed from time to time. 😉

                To be fair, some Terry themed fanarts are of exceptional quality. I haven’t seen the one you mentioned though. Lucky me 😏😁

            • Danielle says:

              Hi Anita,
              I’ve seen those ludicrous drawings of Terry with short hair and he looks so much like that caricature from the Three Stooges you mentioned. You’re spot on!
              It’s hard to believe that a Terry-fan made him look so pathetically silly.😂
              Instead of obsessing over the Epilogue, those Terry-fans should improve their reading comprehension as well as drawing skills because some of those Terry-fans miserably fail in both.😉

            • DanielleV says:

              Hi Anita,
              I’ve seen those drawings of Terry with short hair and bangs and he sure does look like that caricature from the Three Stooges. Your comparison is spot on!😂
              I can’t believe a Terry-fan actually made him look so pathetically silly. Instead of obsessing over the Epilogue, it would be wise for some of those Terry-fans to work on their reading comprehension and drawing skills because they miserably fail in both.😉

            • DanielleV says:

              Apologies for the additional comment, Ms Puddle. I had received a notification that my comment hadn’t gone through so I posted another.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                No worries @DanielleV. It happens, and yes, when the name does not match WordPress automatically put your comment in the p

              • Ms Puddle says:

                I pressed the Send button by mistake lol. Anyway, I think you already know what I was going to say, @DanielleV 😉

            • Sarah says:

              @DanielleV : It’s happened to me a few times too. It’s probably a glitz from WordPress.

            • DanielleV says:

              It could also be because I forgot to add the initial of my last name.

            • Anita says:

              Perhaps you’ve been luckier than me, Ms Puddle, and you’ve managed to come across some Terry-themed fanart which is worth of note.
              Like I said before, they’re not all bad but most of the ones I’ve happened to see are either simplistic copies of the anime or hideous representations of Terry like that specific one I told you about (short hair and bangs) where he looks like Moe from the “Three Stooges”. I’m not surprised you haven’t come across that idiocy because most Terry fans refuse to bother with it and I wouldn’t blame them.😂

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