Forget-Me-Not Chapter 4
Disclaimer: Candy Candy and all characters belong to Keiko Nagita, character images to Yumiko Igarashi and anime to Toei Animation.
It’s been weeks since my last update. In the midst of the fourth wave of the pandemic everywhere, there are other horrible things going on in the world, like the Afghanistan crisis, which is hugely daunting, but my friends, please continue to take care and stay safe.
All the enthusiastic support and positive feedback to the chapters of “Forget-Me-Not” are greatly appreciated. I can’t thank you enough for the encouragement and insightful comments I’ve received so far. In particular, I’m in total agreement with DanielleV concerning the couple Candy and Albert in the novel. The story begins with Candy’s first encounter with Albert (Prince on the Hill) and ends with Albert coming back to her as her prince (in the epilogue). Whether Anohito is Albert or Terry does not alter that.
Anyway, it’s time for me to present my longest chapter yet. I can hardly believe I’ve written so much. I did consider splitting it up but decided to keep it as is. Please take your time to read, and for your information there are lots of flashbacks. I hope you won’t find it too confusing. 😉
— Ms Puddle
Chapter 4
“Archibald, can you hear me?” the matriarch asks, sounding annoyed.
“I beg your pardon, Great Aunt Elroy,” Archie apologizes straightaway. He puts down his cutlery and picks up his napkin to dab his mouth. He wasn’t listening when Great Aunt Elroy was talking about her recent involvement with the local charities. Where’s Albert? He said he would come back before dinner.
Noting the young man’s poor attempt to mask his restlessness, the old lady lifts the corners of her mouth slightly. To those who know her well, this facial expression is considered a smile. She then casually repeats her question to him earlier, “That’s all right, Archie. I was just talking about William’s business trip today. It was such short notice. Has he told you anything about it?”
Archie was unaware that she had changed the topic, and yet, this is one of the reasons why he avoids having dinners with Great Aunt Elroy without Albert these days. She knows that the two men occasionally go out in the late evenings after the patriarch returns from work.
To Archie, his young uncle is not far from being a workaholic. He works long hours almost every day, and even when he comes home dinners are delivered to his study so that he can continue working. That being said, Albert has been keeping his promise so far to have a proper dinner with his aunt once a week, unless he has to attend to some emergency at the office. In those cases, the butler will be informed. Therefore, Archie makes a point to mark these evenings off his calendar as well. Sometimes, if Annie is visiting, Archie will invite her to stay for dinner, just like tonight.
At any rate, when her nephew is not around, Great Aunt Elroy does not bother hiding her curiosity about his private life, asking Archie subtle questions about her nephew whenever it’s convenient. If Archie runs into the matriarch inside the mansion or anywhere in the premises, Archie can usually find an excuse to leave, but he can’t do the same when he’s having dinner with her.
Archie has a feeling she’s been suspecting something for months, and she’s possibly gathering information from different people for her investigative work. The fact that her nephew hasn’t been home yet as promised does not trouble her a bit, as if this provides an excellent opportunity for her to talk to Archie alone, even though Annie is present.
However, Archie doesn’t deem it necessary to bring this to his uncle’s attention yet. First, it’s only a gut feeling that Great Aunt Elroy has a suspicion. Archie has no solid proof that she has anything particular in mind concerning her nephew’s personal matters. Besides, Great Aunt Elroy might be playing some mind games to get Archie to convey the message across to her nephew, that she’s observing him.
“Not really, Great Aunt Elroy,” says Archie in a level tone, doing his best to keep secrets for Albert. “Except that Granduncle William and Georges had some business out of town. They planned to leave in the morning and return before dinner time. Since Georges is driving today, we need not worry.”
When she wrinkles her brow inquisitively, Archie lets out a nervous laugh, hoping his reply serves to remind the matriarch that her nephew is inexplicably late, which rarely occurs. Albert did miss a few times in the past, but he always made sure someone would inform the butler. Archie believes his uncle must have a reason for being absent; perhaps something unforeseen has happened on his way back from the orphanage.
(flashback begins)
Soon after Archie wakes up in the morning, he takes his time as usual choosing the outfit for the day. When he’s ready to leave his bedroom, he finds a slip under the door. As expected, it’s a message from his uncle, asking him to drop by his study tonight anytime after half past eight.
As Archie knocks on the double door to his study around nine o’clock that late evening, Albert responds from inside, “Give me a minute.”
When Albert swings the door open after that, it’s clear he has just finished his late night dinner. After exchanging a knowing glance, the young men head straight to their family garage. Archie offers to drive so that Albert can talk without distraction.
When they are far enough from the mansion, Albert starts, “Tomorrow, I plan to go to the village where the Pony’s Home is, and I’m seriously thinking of paying a surprise visit.”
Archie grasps the hidden message and nods thoughtfully before asking, “Why, or why not?”
Rather than answering his nephew’s question, Albert is peering out of the window in silence. A couple of minutes later, Albert utters, “I think it’s time… to begin testing the waters… but…”
Archie understands his hesitance and offers, “Want me to join you? Perhaps it’s less awkward-“
Albert shakes his head emphatically, so Archie stops talking and parks on a random street. Apart from Georges, Albert does not want anyone else to know about his first appointment with the landowner, but he thanks his nephew and explains, “I want to handle this on my own. Furthermore, Georges is driving.”
As Archie nods in acknowledgement, his uncle gives him a brief overview of his itinerary, which might be lengthened or shortened depending on whether he will drop by the orphanage at all.
“In either case, I should be back before dinner and join you and Aunt Elroy as usual,” he adds with an assuring smile.
“Sounds good,” says Archie. Then something dawns on him. “May I tell Annie? Candy has written a couple of letters to her about her new life with the kids, Miss Pony and Sister Lane, etc. Perhaps Annie has something for Candy.”
Albert swallows his chagrin as best he can. Archie has unknowingly reminded him that Candy has written letters to all her close friends in Chicago except Albert.
“No, please do not tell anyone,” Albert puts up a weak smile before he replies. “I haven’t made up my mind yet, but who knows? Maybe I’ll allow myself to act on impulse.”
Archie laughs in response, shaking his head. If only Candy knew that one of the most sought after bachelors is feeling rather apprehensive about her possible reaction to seeing him.
Archie then remarks, “No worries. Your secret is safe with me. So what’s your plan if you do decide to visit her?”
The young uncle chuckles, jeering at himself, “It depends if I’m welcome or not.”
“True,” Archie mutters, slightly frowning, but soon a smile spreads across his beautiful face. “I wish you the best of luck then, Albert!” Archie says this wholeheartedly, feeling positive about his own state of mind.
Albert thanks him sincerely then falls silent, smiling at his nephew. Archie averts his eyes and clears his throat, knowing that it is his turn to talk. It was his uncle’s idea that each time they will open up a bit by sharing a secret to each other, or they can talk about anything that they would rather not discuss with anyone else. In the past several months, Archie has been telling Albert about Stear, including his frustrations with his enlistment, and yet Archie told Albert how he admires his big brother and misses him terribly.
This time, Archie does not want to talk about Stear anymore, nor does he want to mention his deepest secret. How can he tell his uncle that his unrequited love for Candy is always in his heart? She is truly one of a kind. After she decided to withdraw from St. Paul’s Academy school, Archie could not stop imagining various what-if scenarios, like “what if they had never crossed the Atlantic Ocean to study in London?”. She would not have met Terry, and Archie might be able to win her heart if they had stayed in Lakewood or moved back to the principal residence in Chicago.
But whatever Archie said to his uncle that night about his feelings for Candy was true; by then Archie had long stopped fantasizing about having a relationship with her. Prior to that evening, Albert and Archie had been more like acquaintances, connected primarily because of Candy. Yet, since that heartfelt talk after her departure, Archie has developed a different kind of friendship with Albert, for that Archie is elated.
When Archie looks back, Albert’s sudden disappearance has not only opened Candy’s eyes, but also made Archie aware that her friendship with her roommate might have evolved into something which Archie had not anticipated. At least this was the case for Candy, and the fact that her eyes twinkled every time at the mention of her roommate’s name during his absence did not go unnoticed. Her desperate, long-lasting search for her male patient was yet another piece of evidence which supported Archie’s surmise that she was pining for her vagabond friend.
Weeks later, at the forced engagement party, Archie happened to see the longing flashing across Candy’s features the very moment the handsome patriarch appeared out of the blue to stand up for her. The realization of Albert’s real identity left Archie flabbergasted for the rest of that day. Apparently, Candy already knew. The vagabond whom she had yearned for turned out to be a millionaire, and as if this wasn’t shocking enough, Albert was the sole heir to the Ardlay’s enterprise in disguise. Never in his life had Archie felt so disheartened, not because his uncle, being tremendously rich and powerful, was too big an opponent for Archie, but mainly because Candy was undeniably falling for Albert. The way her eyes stealthily followed his every move during that engagement party dispelled any lingering doubts Archie had.
So this was basically “case closed” for Archie. By the time he emerged from confusion and despair, he concluded he would not stand a chance with Candy. Her subsequent abnormally unfriendly treatment to his uncle was another nail in the coffin. It implied that she was fighting an inner battle against her own desires, so Archie finally reconciled himself to always being merely one of her best friends. She would never see him differently. Yes, it has taken him years to come to accept this, but it is better late than never.
Regrettably, that doesn’t mean Archie is out of the woods yet. After Stear’s funeral, Archie has begun to appreciate Annie more and more, and things have improved between Annie and him for sure. Nevertheless, Archie still does not feel enamoured of Annie, even furtively comparing Annie to Candy from time to time, which makes him feel guilty right afterwards for being unfair to his girlfriend. Not that she’s not beautiful, but passion is lacking in his relationship with her, despite being best friends. In contrast, he has been amorous of Candy since their first encounter, charmed by her personality and resilience. The idea that he’ll probably not love Annie as much as he loved her childhood friend often troubles him, and he blames it on the fact that he felt obligated back in London to begin dating Annie. Since then, he’s been holding back and to this day, he has not yet kissed her on the lips.
That’s why Archie has opted not to share too many details of his observations about Candy with Albert. It’s not that Archie is selfish or anything, but because Archie respects Candy’s decision to leave Chicago. More importantly, Archie does not want Albert to suffer like him in case Candy is only a friend to Albert. If Albert cares about her enough to remedy their situation, Archie supposes it’s just a matter of time Candy will be on good terms with Albert again, but whether their friendship will flourish into a romantic relationship is another matter. If they are meant to be lifelong partners, they will overcome the current obstacles between them, and that will make their bond even stronger.
At any rate, Archie never questions Annie’s steadfast love for him, but he perpetually wavers in his determination to devote to her. The overthinking and constant doubting are wearing Archie down to say the least, and he considers taking a respite from his relationship with Annie and even contemplates relocation. If Candy has the courage to leave Albert in order to sort out her complicated emotions about him, why can’t I do the same?
As Archie spends a long time in pensive silence, Albert tries breaking the ice, “It’s fine with me if you don’t feel like talking tonight.” With that, Albert feigns a yawn before he suggests, “Let’s go home then.”
Relief brings a smile to Archie’s lips. He trusts Albert and wants to talk to him, but he also feels unprepared at this moment, so he nods in agreement and inserts the key to ignite the car engine. However, once he starts driving, he remembers his brother, so he opens his mouth, “Albert, it’s almost a year now. Do you think it’s appropriate to hold a memorial service for Stear?”
“I actually thought about that too, to be honest with you,” answers Albert. Roughly a year ago, he and Candy were mourning together on a treetop.
“My original idea was to wait till the war is over, but who knows when it’s going to end?” Archie remarks with obvious vexation.
Albert also shakes his head in response, saying, “I’d rather not wait. Back then neither Candy nor I could properly attend the funeral, so I want to make up for that and formally invite Candy.”
Archie promptly offers, half-jokingly, “Would you let me take charge of organizing this, Granduncle William?”
Albert bursts into a loud guffaw before he replies with a straight face, “Sure, I’ll entrust you with this important task, Mr. Archibald Cornwell.”
(flashback ends)
The butler’s appearance breaks the tension in the dining room. He just received a telegram, and he explains, “The messenger boy misread the address and went to another mansion on the lakeshore. He apologized and said this was his first week working for the Western Union.”
“Got it,” says the matriarch, and her maid instantly hands the reading glasses to the old lady.
“With your permission,” the butler responds with a bow before taking his leave.
So it was from Georges. The telegram indicates that Sir William ran into an old friend and had to take a detour, so he could not come back in time for dinner. While Archie is wondering whether this old friend is Candy, the matriarch also has similar thoughts, because William was being vague and said he was heading to Michigan, so she turns to her grandnephew, asking, “Is he seeing Candice today?”
The normally tight-lipped matriarch instantly regrets that she has let it slip; she seldom speaks before she thinks, but her stoic features give no hint of what is on her mind.
“Candice?” Both Archie and Annie echo simultaneously. Because Annie is truly surprised, her reaction helps distract the matriarch, so the old lady fails to see through Archie’s pretense. Then Archie mildly retorts, boldly looking at her with quizzical brows, “Why, may I ask, Great Aunt Elroy? If the old friend had been Candy, Granduncle would have mentioned her name, don’t you think?”
“You’re right, Archie,” the old lady agrees, her tone utterly nonchalant. “It’s just a thought.”
“I see,” Archie says before casting a dramatic glance at the grandfather clock. “Great Aunt Elroy, please excuse me. I should take Annie home now.”
The matriarch gives a nod of approval. As the young couple bids her good night, she gestures to her maid to come to her. Her maid swiftly helps the lady get up from her seat. Only then Archie becomes aware that Great Aunt Elroy has grown feeble. In fact, Madam Elroy has stepped down since Granduncle William’s debut, and the last time she went to the headquarters was to attend the quarterly meetings with the board of directors in late summer. Due to her health issues, Granduncle William has recently hired a doctor from St. Joanne’s hospital specifically for her.
On the way to the Brightons, even Annie remembers how energetic Madam Elroy used to be when she was the acting guardian of her three grandnephews. Archie remarks, “The losses of Anthony and Stear must have been big blows to her. At least Granduncle William survived his amnesia, thanks to Candy.”
“So true!” Annie keenly agrees, and then she asks, “Archie, do you also think Albert is late because he went to see Candy today?
Archie shakes his head. “I honestly don’t know. Why?”
She appears thoughtful and shrugs without answering, in case Archie might have remnant feelings for Candy still. She does sense that he’s changed lately, almost like he has given up Candy at long last. Unfortunately, it does not necessarily mean he will love me more…
But Archie manages to change the subject by talking about organizing a memorial service for Stear. Then he invites Annie to be his assistant. “Granduncle William delegates this to me, and I don’t want to disappoint his trust.”
She delights to hear that, and when she replies, her voice is filled with admiration for her boyfriend, “What an honour! Archie, I’m looking forward to helping you in whatever way I can. Should I invite Patty too?”
“It’s a valid question,” he mutters. “I thought about that too… she would be mad at us otherwise. What do you think, Annie?”
“I couldn’t agree with you more,” she says with eagerness, her eyes sparkling with fondness. He instantly shifts his focus back on the road. As always, she’s trying so hard to please him, and he’s growing weary of her constant agreement. Nonetheless, he won’t break the news to her yet that he’s applied to several colleges outside Illinois, awaiting an admission letter from any of them, so he’ll wait until at least after the memorial service.
Albert drags his feet up the stairs of the grand mansion until he reaches the floor where the most luxurious bedrooms are. No sooner has he stepped into his own bedroom than someone starts knocking at the door to his anteroom. Though feeling exhausted, he raises his voice, “Come in!”
The head that appears behind the opened door is his aunt’s personal maid. She remains standing right there and says in a timid tone, “Master William, Madam Elroy ordered the butler to inform her as soon as you come home.”
“What’s the matter, Lucy?”
She shakes her head before she replies, “Madam Elroy did not tell me.”
He considers telling her to pass the message to his aunt that he had a long day. He did plan to talk to her tomorrow morning, but because he knows Lucy will be scolded if he doesn’t cooperate, he utters, “I’ll get changed first. Tell my aunt I’ll go to her room shortly.”
But once he’s changed into more comfortable clothes and shoes, he finds his aunt sitting on an armchair in his anteroom with Lucy waiting behind her.
“Aunt Elroy, good evening,” he says, walking towards her with a smile on his face.
“Good evening, William,” she responds, the corners of her mouth lifted a bit. “Have you eaten yet?”
He nods. “Georges and I did stop by a restaurant to have a quick dinner before driving back to Chicago.” He intentionally mentions Georges for obvious reasons.
“That’s good,” she replies. Then she turns to her maid, saying, “Lucy, go draw a warm bath for William and get his pajamas ready.”
“Yes, madam!” The maid gives Master William a respectful nod before she crosses the threshold to enter his bedroom, leaving the bedroom door ajar.
Albert knows his aunt has deliberately sent her maid away, so he sits down on the sofa right beside the armchair. Then she starts, “So, William, tell me more about the old friend you ran into today.”
It’s a command even though Aunt Elroy spoke in an amiable tone, but he’s prepared for this, so he replies in an unconcerned manner such that she will not suspect anything, “My friend is a nurse who grew up in Michigan. She was a co-worker back in Kenya, working in the same clinic. Soon after I left Africa, she and our mutual friend also went to Europe. We were supposed to contact each other in London, but I had an accident in Italy-“
His aunt immediately lifts up her hand to stop him from speaking. “That’s enough. Skip that part and go on, William.”
“Okay, Aunt Elroy,” he replies, giving her an understanding nod. “Long story short, my friends have been wondering why I haven’t contacted them all these years, but truth be told, my promise to them has been completely erased from my memory due to the accident. I don’t recall a thing even now,” Albert explains with his brow creased, appearing downcast.
He has omitted the most vital details, which not even Georges is aware of. Albert has not told his loyal assistant that he had a relationship with Kim for slightly more than five months.
“Then why was a detour necessary?” His aunt asked in a neutral tone.
“Because our mutual friend, now her fiancé, is feeling unwell. He wants to see me.”
Aunt Elroy then expresses sympathy for the couple, “Is that so? Is there anything we can do to help your friends?”
“That’s very kind of you, Aunt Elroy,” Albert responds with genuine appreciation. “We should help those who come across our paths, let alone my friends in need.”
“My sentiments exactly,” she concurs with pride. Nevertheless, she follows up with a wary expression, “Is your friend ill? And what kind of illness?”
“Chronic insomnia,” comes his brief reply in a matter-of-fact tone. He looks at her squarely in the eye.
She nods, hiding her relief. For one thing, it’s not a contagious disease, and for another, it’s highly unlikely her nephew is making up this whole incident, because he is speaking with no guile on his face thus far.
In fact, the matriarch does not oppose doing charity work or showing kindness to some less unfortunate people, like her late brother bringing Georges home from France. However, her nephew’s “adoption” of the orphan girl years ago was unacceptable because it directly affected her life and involved her family members, not to mention the girl was nothing but trouble. If Candice had never been adopted, Anthony would have been alive and well. At this moment, the old lady has seemingly forgotten that her beloved nephew was actually saved by the same orphan girl.
“So how are you going to help?” Madam Elroy questions.
Feeling encouraged, her nephew adds, “The nurse friend said she and her fiancé can’t stay with her distant relatives in Michigan anymore, so she accepted my offer to arrange for them to temporarily reside in our Lakewood villa for the sake of his health.”
Even though Albert has arranged for his friends to stay in the secluded mountain lodge, out of respect, he should take the initiative to apprise his aunt about them, in case she would find out about the guests residing in their premises. Being proactive, he already asked Kim for permission, and they agreed on how much to tell his aunt.
“No worries, Al. I trust your judgement.”
“Rest assured, I won’t tell her about us.”
Upon hearing that, Kim abruptly averted her gaze, avoiding his eyes. Her wounded expression indicated that she had misconstrued his words, so he quickly said to her, “Kim, look at me please.”
But when she did, he couldn’t continue, because that was when Georges showed up near the orphanage with a big question mark on his face. Albert meant to tell Kim that he would be as vague as possible when informing his aunt not because he wanted to conceal his past history with her, but because there was no point in bringing it up now that she was an engaged woman.
Be it bad luck or bad timing, Jagdeep was sound asleep when Albert arrived at the inn. Kim had told Albert earlier after hugging him near the orphanage, “I wasn’t aware until two weeks ago that Jag had anxiety issues and suicidal attempts. He recently discovered that I might have a clue as to your whereabouts, so he earnestly begged me to track you down. He really wants to talk to you, Al. He said only you could help, although he refused to tell me why.”
But Albert did not have the heart to disturb his friend’s slumber; according to Kim, Jagdeep had troubled dreams all the time. “It seems to be getting worse. He hasn’t been able to sleep a wink for several days already.”
Kim then revealed that her relatives were racists. “I was tired of the way they looked down on Jag, and we were thinking of moving out anyway. That’s why we came to this village last weekend. It wasn’t hard for me to locate the Pony’s Home, but I was debating with myself, because… what if there was a reason you didn’t want to see us?”
Albert ruefully reminded her, “I suffered from amnesia, Kim.”
She stared at him, struck by the depth of sorrow in his voice. Later, when a carriage was waiting to take him back to the orphanage, she knew he was anxious to leave, so she said to him, “Go ahead. I’ll update Jag when he awakes.”
Thus, Georges did most of the work for Kimberly and Jagdeep. The Lakewood villa was unoccupied with the minimal staff required to maintain the place, so Georges first informed the head of staff via telegraph about the guests and arranged a pick up. Then Georges helped the couple pack their belongings and drove them to the train station. In any case, Albert didn’t expect it would take him this long to find Candy. He intended to get a carriage to go to the train station in time to see them off, but Georges knew not to wait for the boss. When boarding, Jagdeep thanked Georges, shaking hands with him, “Really appreciate your help. Please pass our warmest regards to Albert.”
“That’s an excellent idea,” Aunt Elroy’s remark interrupts Albert’s train of thought. “Are you going to pay them a visit soon?”
“Yes… definitely,” Albert affirms with a yawn as the night catches up with him. “I will check my schedule and try to visit them within these two weeks.”
Needless to say, he will not tell his aunt anything about Candy. He’s sensed that his aunt has been watching his every move concerning his connection with the young lady, even asking Georges if the orphan girl has contacted William since her relocation. Just then, the maid returns and knocks on the bedroom door, saying, “Madam Elroy, the bath is ready for Master William.”
“Wonderful,” the matriarch replies, her rigid features relaxed. “William, I’ll let you rest now.”
“Have a good rest, Aunt Elroy.”
“Same to you, William.”
When Lucy comes in to help the old lady pull herself up, Albert straightens up to his full height as well. The matriarch then points at the cashmere overcoat hanging over the back of another armchair in the room and orders, “Lucy, bring that to me.”
So he remarks, his eyes lit up, “The coat is of brand-new quality indeed, Aunt Elroy. You were right. I didn’t have to wear it today.”
His positive comment pleases her, and yet she merely gives him a nod before retreating to her own bedroom down the hallway. She does notice his mood has improved slightly; oblivious to her, the coat brings back the fond memory of his reconciliation with Candy.
While her nephew is enjoying his warm bath, the matriarch personally examines the overcoat for noticeable stains. She can’t spot any, but much to her surprise she finds two long strands of fine blond curls statically stuck near the care label and the left shoulder pad inside the garment.
Candy implores Miss Pony and Sister Lane to let her stay up late in the office, telling them that she has an urgent letter to write. As Candy sleeps in one of the beds in the same room with the other orphans, the ladies in charge of the orphanage don’t usually allow this. Sister Lane is afraid it will set a bad example to the older kids, but Miss Pony relents without much persuasion and manages to convince Sister Lane to grant Candy an exception.
When the two ladies are in private, Miss Pony reasons, “Sister Lane, can’t you see Candy has not been herself since this afternoon?”
Sister Lane does not refute her. When having the dinner by herself, Candy wore a dreamy look, noticeably lost in thought. The girl was just going through the motions. Then Miss Pony adds, “I can almost imagine how she will toss and turn in her bed for hours, disturbing the kids around her.”
Then Miss Pony relates what she and Jimmy witnessed earlier. When Miss Pony continues the account of Candy’s introduction and description of Granduncle William, Sister Lane is just as shocked as Miss Pony about the good-looking male visitor today being Candy’s benefactor.
“From what I’ve observed, I’m afraid something is brewing between them,” Miss Pony wraps up her narrative. All the while she has whispered in a subdued voice.
“Is he married?” Sister Lane suddenly asks.
Miss Pony is momentarily jolted by this query. When the visitor appeared at the orphanage this late afternoon, she didn’t spot a wedding ring on his finger, but this doesn’t necessarily mean anything. A moment later she sighs and acknowledges, a worried frown forming between her eyebrows, “It’s a good question…”
As Miss Pony pauses pensively, the feeling of mystery or something not quite right annoys Sister Lane. “Shall we talk to Candy tomorrow?”
Miss Pony muses about it before she responds, “She’s practically an adult now, and we should respect her privacy… unless Mr. Ardlay is not single.”
Sister Lane concedes, “Let’s pray that Candy will open up to us. At least we ought to check with her about her benefactor’s marital status.”
Presently, Candy is all alone in the office, holding a pen and staring at the piece of blank paper on Miss Pony’s desk, but she’s at a loss for what to write. She never has difficulties writing to her other friends, but this is her first letter to Albert. She wants this letter to bring a smile to his face, but she is unsure how to begin. In addition, she’s tempted to ask about Mr. Cartwright or Kimberly the nurse, and yet she can see the potential risks. Albert might later find out more than what Candy wants to tell, in particular, why she went into hiding.
Before long, she heaves a sigh and leans back on to the chair, fumbling in her pocket searching for a small envelope. Albert gave this to her before leaving with Georges, and after he was gone she found that there were seeds inside together with the instruction of what to do. While fingering the seeds from side to side, Candy merrily relives the moments.
(flashback begins)
Candy stops talking abruptly about her benefactor because the headlights of an oncoming vehicle are blinding. It’s Georges, and he’s alone. Once Georges parks the car, he gets off to shake hands with Miss Pony. When Candy wonders where Kimberly the nurse is, Albert says to Miss Pony in a respectful tone, “Miss Pony, it’s time for us to drive back to Chicago. Neither Georges nor I have eaten, and my aunt must be eagerly awaiting my return.”
Miss Pony replies, “Yes, Mr. Ardlay, no doubt.”
As if Candy wants to prove his point, her stomach rumbles, making an audible vibrating noise. When she covers her abdomen in embarrassment, Jimmy laughingly banters, “Sounds like someone is starving!”
When the rest of the group chuckles, Albert finds Candy particularly endearing at this moment; he remembers how he used to hear her stomach growl when he was preparing their dinner. In spite of her hunger, she would try her best to assist him in the small kitchen.
Then Albert turns to Miss Pony, asking aloud, “But may I have a few minutes with Candy?”
“Of course, have a safe trip back home, Mr. Ardlay and Mr. Villers.”
Miss Pony does not want to call them by first names. She barely knows the men after all. Then she says to the boy in their midst, “Jimmy, please pass your lantern to Candy, and let’s go back to help Sister Lane.”
After giving Miss Pony a respectful nod, Georges turns to the blond girl, saying with a slight bow, “Good night, Miss Candice.”
“Good night, Georges.” Candy has mixed feelings why nobody mentions anything about the female visitor today, as though the nurse had never come, but Candy is more relieved than upset.
Then Georges spins sideways to face his young boss, telling him that he will be waiting in the car. When everyone is gone, Albert searches his inner breast pocket, and Candy stammers, “Al… Albert-“
She wants to thank him for coming back for her, but a soft laugh escapes his throat. “What is it, Candy?”
She wants to laugh too, but she can’t; she misses him already. Before she responds, he leans slightly forward to grab her left hand, which causes her to blush, but lucky for her, he doesn’t see that in the dim light. Placing a tiny brown envelope on her hand, he speaks in a tender voice, “This is a handmade bookmark. I wish I could do a better job-“
At this moment, nothing else can cheer her up better than this, so she happily cuts him off, “It’s the thought that counts, Albert! Can I see it now?”
He’s dazzled by the beautiful smile that illuminates her face for the time being, and yet he promptly pulls himself together and replies with feigned disapproval, “Please be patient. I’m leaving anyway.”
This must be what people call a mood swing. Candy switches from feeling upbeat to feeling down in a split second. When she nods like an obedient child, he utters, his eyes smiling, “Just kidding, Candy! I hope you like it.”
So she impatiently unfolds the envelope and finds a bookmark with a handful of dried forget-me-nots of blue petals neatly glued at the bottom right corner. “Wow, Albert, you did a very neat job!”
Then she reads what he wrote to her on the bookmark:
Dear Candy, I’m overjoyed to have you back as a friend. Let’s keep in touch, despite living so far apart, Albert.
Candy is immensely stirred by his words; she blinks back her tears and exerts all her strength not to throw her arms around him the way Kimberly did. He was making this bookmark for her even though she had wronged him before. Then she asks in a tremulous voice, “What if I did not-“
She falters, unable to finish her question, but he sees through her. With sincerity, he says, “I won’t give up. There’s no date on the bookmark, right?”
She bites her bottom lip, trying not to cry when staring at his face with well-proportioned features. He’s beaming a smile of satisfaction at her. He revisited that modest florist three days after her departure, and the elderly lady recognized him. “So, charming young man, did your friend like my flowers?”
After knowing about the mishap, she breathed out a sigh. “I’ve sold my last pot, but let me show you something else.” He saw a display of fancy gift boxes with dried flowers in various sizes, and an idea dawned on him. He bought a tiny gift box filled with dried forget-me-nots and started working on this bookmark in his limited spare time.
At present, it’s so rewarding to see his hard work pay off. Albert feels like giving Candy a bear hug, but he reprimands himself right away. It’s rather inappropriate and might even scare her away. What’s wrong with me today? I’d better get going before I lose my cool.
So he throws a glance at the black Cadillac and utters, “Candy, I should not keep Georges waiting, and besides, you must be starving.”
“Yes, I am,” she acknowledges, plastering a smile on her face. “But how about you?”
“I’m used to having late dinners. Let me explain-“
She feels a sudden tender pity for him, so she interrupts him, her brow wrinkled, “Are you working too hard?”
“It is in part due to a heavy workload…” he begins, debating whether to tell her the other major factor. Noting his reluctance, she prompts, “And?
Yet, he unexpectedly changes the topic, “Will you write to me?”
As much as she wants to promise him that she will, she murmurs like she’s talking to herself, “But I wonder if Georges will be reading my letters…”
As Albert guffaws, shaking his head, Candy goes on murmuring, her eyes averted like she’s still considering, “Even then, I’ve never got any written replies from Granduncle-“
He refuses to let her finish, his countenance solemn yet smiling, “Candy, I will write you back, mark my words!”
She looks him in the eye with doubts, as though gauging his seriousness. He forces himself to meet her eyes with confidence. Moments later, he’s the one who breaks their silence, “So? You don’t believe that I will write?”
She studies him for another second before a bright smile materializes on her face. He did write to her before as the vagabond working in Kenya, but she knows it’s not the right time to broach this subject, so she utters aloud, “Deal! Let me write first. I have a question though, should I address my letters to the head office?”
He gives it a thought and nods. “Yes, and please write Georges’ name. I’ll give him a heads up.”
Then he grins in relief, and she says, “Please hold the lantern for me then. I should take off the coat to give it back to you.”
But he suggests, “Please allow me to walk you back to the front entrance first.”
She agrees at once, “Perfect! It’s brighter over there for me.”
He doesn’t quite understand why being brighter matters, but he’s just stalling to buy time, and thanks to the blisters, he has the perfect excuse, “Candy, please don’t walk too fast.”
She then remembers, “Oh right, Albert, I almost forgot!”
Hence, while they are heading to the orphanage in slow motion, she teaches him about blisters care and home remedy. She also warns about infection. “You really don’t want me to take a look?”
“No,” he firmly declines, smiling however. “Georges is waiting for me.”
“Yes,” she mutters nearly inaudibly. What was I thinking… the Ardlays must have a family doctor on call.
At the door, Albert holds the lantern for Candy, and he sees some young kids peeking behind the curtains. Perhaps it’s their bedtime? It’s dark inside. When they become aware the man has noticed them, the small heads disappear in no time. As Albert shifts his focus back to Candy, she is busy checking the coat’s collar and lapels, gingerly picking up any hair strands she spots. So that’s why she needs bright light…
But he can’t take his eyes off her after that. The oil lamp by the front door is flickering; the light from the unsteady flame is dancing on her fair skin and blond tresses, creating moving shadows of her long, curling eyelashes. In other words, he’s enchanted.
“Whew, not that many, so I’m done!”
When she looks up, she holds her breath as he’s unwittingly gazing at her like he tries to imprint her image into his mind, and she can’t help lowering her gaze, a flush of bashfulness rising to her cheeks. While she assumes her hair must be a mess now and wishes she had put on her best clothes or at least tied up her hair, he thinks she couldn’t have looked more lovely. What’s going on… why is Albert staring at me like that?
But the commotion inside the orphanage jerks Albert out of his trance. The kids are fighting for the best spot by the window. As Candy gives a small gasp of mortification, the small heads reappear, observing the adults from behind the curtains. The kids will get into trouble if Sister Lane finds out, so Candy tries to compose her features into a smile, passing the coat back to Albert. The idea that they should also check the insides of the coat does not cross their minds; both are consumed by the fact that his visit is coming to an end.
Even though he will soon come to this village again to meet with Mr. Cartwright, Albert relishes this feeling of inner peace when he’s with Candy. It was the number one reason why he agreed to live with her. He can’t quite describe it, but he’s able to connect with her on an emotional level which he has not experienced with anyone else. It’s similar to the sense of serenity and strength when Rosemary was there giving him her support. Nevertheless, Albert has run out of excuses, so he returns the lantern to her and says his goodbye, even waving his hand at the young audience.
“Don’t forget your promise to me,” he gives her a gentle reminder.
She exaggeratingly rolls her eyes before she affirms, “Yes, Graaandpa. Please stop nagging me.”
That sets him off once more; it was his indirect way to tell her that he would miss her, but indeed he acts like an annoying old man, so he begins laughing at his silliness. This time she laughs with him, masking her melancholy. When they look at each other afterwards, she finally thanks him for coming back for her, and a smile touches the corners of her mouth.
“Don’t mention it,” he replies. “Good night.”
“Take care, and don’t work too hard!”
Unbeknownst to her, he has an overwhelming urge to give her a friendly kiss on the cheek, but he feels terribly awkward now that they are being watched. Therefore, he tightens his jaw, pulls back his shoulders and strides toward the well-polished car.
(flashback ends)
Yawning, Candy opens the drawer Miss Pony has assigned for her, carefully putting the bag of forget-me-not seeds inside. Then a faint chuckle escapes her lips. She remembers picking these dainty little flowers in the forest before writing a letter to Captain Niven, and in that letter she wrote without a doubt that Granduncle William was much older than Captain Niven.

Candy marvels at how things have changed since then, and she takes out her journal, planning to use Albert’s neat bookmark to mark the next blank page. In this case she will remember how their friendship rekindled every time she opens her journal to jot down her thoughts.
At this very moment, something falls off from the desk, hitting the floor with a soft thud. Candy stoops down to pick it up. It’s the letter from Terry’s mother from weeks ago. Miss Eleanor Baker has invited Candy to see the premiere of Hamlet at the end of this month. While Candy was indecisive before, she knows what to do now. Instead of writing to Albert, she makes up her mind to decline Miss Baker’s kind invitation.
Albert’s co-workers at the clinic were going to take the newcomer to the semi-arid grasslands and savanna, where the Athi and Tsavo rivers converged to form the Galana River. Jagdeep said, “Albert, it’s breathtaking, and you will see lions, leopards and more, I guarantee!”
When the other chimed in, Albert simply smiled and listened. Then Kimberly nudged his elbow, teasing him, “Are you scared?”
“Me? Moi?” Albert mildly retorted, faking his ignorance of French. Some of the co-workers were fluent in French, so they laughed at his accent. Though Albert could converse in four European languages, he was most comfortable with French apart from English. Yet, he didn’t want his co-workers to know his background or upbringing.
Since Jagdeep and Albert had been partners at work for more than a month, Jadeep defended him, “Don’t you dare jeer at my friend!”
“Sorry, sir!” Kimberly simpered. Jagdeep and Kimberly were best friends. They were less than three years apart, being the youngest in the group.
The day trip had been eye-opening, and they all had loads of fun with one another, watching the wild animals roaming in a distance. Later that night, the group dispersed, and everyone went home. Kimberly and Albert lived relatively near each other, so he offered to walk her home.
When they reached her place, she darted a glance at him and announced, “We’ve arrived.”
Then she thanked him. As their gaze met, she was captivated by his resplendent blue eyes, which were often obscured by his sunglasses. After spending a day with him, she found the courage to plant a light kiss on his jaw. But right after her lips touched his skin, she felt his arms circling around her slim waist.
They had been close friends by then, calling each other by nicknames, but they’d never shared a hug. It wasn’t a tight one, but she was caught off guard nonetheless. As she had stood on her toes, she lost her balance and literally fell into his strong arms. Poupe was frightened and jumped off his shoulder.
“Al!” she gasped. Heat suffused her body as she inhaled his fragrance, but the next thing she knew, he gently loosened his grip. When she was steady enough, he removed his hands from her arms, taking a step backward.
“Bye now, Kim,” he said with a tender smile, bending down to pick up Poupe from the ground.
Though disappointed, she happily spoke up, “Bye, Al. By the way, you just gave me a birthday present.”
He regarded her without a clue, his jaw dropped and his eyes fixed on hers, obviously touched. The new growth of his beard at this time made him look incredibly handsome and manly. A long while later, he said with a lump in his throat, “Thanks for organizing the event for me on your special day… Happy twentieth birthday, Kim.”
She was delighted he remembered her age, but instead of saying something in response, she gazed at him with an expectant look on her face. He grasped the hint and let go of Poupe, pacing towards her. Under his enticing gaze, she closed her eyes invitingly and soon felt his finger under her chin. As he lifted up her face, her breathing became erratic. Her nose picked up a waft of his scent when he placed his hands on her shoulders and further closed the gap between their faces. As his mouth hovered over her parted lips, she could feel he was breathing hard, and it was so tantalizing that she clenched her fists in heightened anticipation, her heart thundering with impatience. The very second his soft lips touched her cheek, giving her a lingering kiss, she helplessly emitted a drawn out sigh of pleasure despite the prickliness of his fresh stubble. When her hands attempted to reach out to him, he murmured, his warm breath tickling her ear, “Good night. Sleep tight.”
It was such a letdown. After she opened her eyes, she stayed where she was, standing with her head slightly tilted back and watching him disappearing in the dark with Poupe perched on his shoulder. Now that she got a taste of intimacy with him, she craved for more.
After that night, they started going out. He later told her that he had understood her real birthday wish, but he had reined in his desires at the last minute. When she asked him why, he teased her, stroking the tip of her nose, “Good things come to those who wait.” She laughed, lovingly wrapping her arms around his taut torso and nestling her head against his broad shoulder. She was happier than she had ever imagined possible.
They strived to keep a low profile however, but their circle of friends knew of their relationship about three months later. Jagdeep winked at Albert one day at work, asking in a low voice, “Are you going to marry Kimberly? You know her ultimate dream, I suppose?”
“Yes, she’s working hard pursuing her dream,” Albert replied with perfect composure, but then he excused himself and walked away. It was essentially a wake-up call. He did seriously regard her as a potential partner in life, but knowing that freedom meant everything to her, he could foresee how she would feel trapped with him sooner or later. It took Albert another month before he sadly concluded that there really was no solution to this dilemma.
Kim was utterly devastated, even willing to give up her dream for him, but he took the blame, “It’s all my fault… I should have stayed away-“
She didn’t wait for him to finish, “Don’t you love me?”
“Of course I do,” he replied ruefully, shedding silent tears of remorse. His heart ached to see her in immense agony. “That’s why I’ve been struggling for weeks.”
She was completely nonplussed. She perceived he wasn’t lying. Then he added, “As mentioned before, I’m not whom you think I am.”
The first time he had dropped this bombshell was more than a month ago. Since then, she could feel he had been pulling away from her.
“I can’t be so selfish, Kim. You’re still young, and you’re going to regret it…”
She kept shaking her head stubbornly, but he tenderly held her shoulders, trying to talk sense into her, “Listen up, Kim. I can’t bear to see you suffering a life of unfulfillment because of me.”
She stared at him with teary eyes for five minutes or so. His words really struck a chord with her. He was aware she had meant to stay single to achieve her goal until the moment she had first laid her eyes on him. It was not really love at first sight, but after weeks of seeing each other on a daily basis, she couldn’t help being attracted to him like a moth to a flame.
She thus inhaled a long breath of fresh evening air before she acquiesced in his decision, her voice husky due to crying, “Can you kiss me one more time?”
Though feeling hesitant, he yielded to her wish. As he kissed her, she responded to him most ardently, but tears continued trickling down her cheeks. Because of that, he broke the kiss and locked eyes with her. Wait… this is not Kim, but these emerald eyes look so familiar… Candy?
Albert shoots up in bed and finds himself trembling. Not only that, he’s sweating profusely all over his body, so his pajamas are damp. Feeling terribly perturbed and horrified, he leaps out of his four-poster bed and races to the balcony. Once he opens one of the glass french doors, the cold breeze from the lake caresses his face and hair, which does much to calm his thumping heart.
Presently, he can almost hear Candy’s nagging voice in his head, “You’ll catch a cold, Albert.” She often warned him like that, treating him like a kid.
Speaking of Candy, Albert has never ever dreamed of kissing her, not even when he was living under the same roof with her, so he figures he must have been strongly influenced by his accidental encounter with Kim today. She was his first love, so it pained him that she had gone through emotional turmoil because he had caved in to his impulses. If only he had heeded the rational side of his brain in the beginning, he could have spared her.
The rest of Albert’s dream about Kim was real. His memories of their breakup are hazy, but in his dream the details all came back to him so vividly. He exhales a sigh of regret before he gently closes the french door.
But I’m happy to know that Kim is engaged to Jagdeep. He’s a decent guy and cares about her a lot.
Albert sincerely offered to hire a doctor for Jagdeep, but Kim turned him down. “I don’t want to take advantage of you, Al,” she stated with appreciation. “You’ve provided us a temporary shelter, for that I’m very grateful.” Albert was convinced nature would help Jagdeep heal, and the trails leading to the magnificent waterfall were amazing, so he suggested Kim take Jagdeep for daily walks. She said she would tell him to consider it.
It’s so quiet at this hour that Albert feels like tiptoeing. As he rummages through the drawer to find a clean set of pajamas, he recalls the ones Candy bought him. She had a matching set too, and he wonders if she has donated their pajamas as well.
After getting changed, Albert sprawls on the bed, not bothering to cover himself up; he feels warm enough. Staring at the upper panel of his four-poster bed, he begins reminiscing. When he first started seeing Kim, he considered himself lucky because she had several not-so-secret admirers. As days passed by, she opened up to him more and more, sharing about her dream and family. However, she soon became aware that Albert had remained a mystery to her. But her dream future was precisely the reason why he was loath to tell her anything about himself or his suffocating life. Although he had cut all ties with Georges, Albert had no intention to escape his destiny forever.
It was a heart-wrenching decision for him to end their relationship, but he deemed that it was better for both in the long run. Yet, after fulfilling Kim’s final request that night, they did not break up as anticipated, and their relationship dragged on for a few more weeks until he quitted his job and moved to another village to work for a veterinary clinic.
Poupe’s popularity in the new place did comfort Albert somewhat. He missed Kim and kept in touch with her, and they took turns to visit each other once a month. They did eventually mend their friendship by the time he had to return to America. When he showed up to inform her, she teared up but did not cry. It was a touching farewell, and they shared a goodbye hug, not unlike what took place this afternoon.
Did Candy see us? Candy can’t be… no, no way!
This crazy thought slithers into Albert’s mind, and he shakes his head violently to chase it away. Yet, he admits he has never seen Candy in this light, and admittedly, he was mesmerized by her natural beauty today, more than once. Although Candy bears a slight resemblance to Kim, they are attractive in different ways. No one can forget Candy’s sparkling eyes and their vibrant shade of green like the emerald gemstone, but Kim’s facial features are overall more defined. While Kim is more carefree, Candy has a mischievous side but often lectures her friends like a parent; she may seem more tomboyish than Kim but deep down Candy can be just as fragile.
Now, what am I doing… why on earth am I comparing these two ladies?
Albert then recalls their awkward moment of staring at each other just before Miss Pony showed up with Jimmy. Back then, their faces were merely inches apart, and people could have misinterpreted the nature of their relationship. Nevertheless, Albert scoffs at the notion that Candy sees him more than a friend. Before her discovery of his true identity, he had no doubt she had always regarded her roommate as her big brother. Besides, judging from her own words to Miss Pony, Albert, now known to her as Granduncle William, is her benefactor as well. Above all, Candy may still love Terry. Her actions in Rockstown did not necessarily mean she was over Terry already.
No matter what, Albert is honestly content to have regained Candy’s friendship and that they will be writing to each other. Their interactions today, especially the last one before his departure, make him grin ear to ear. Then the landowner’s skepticism flashes across his mind. Albert thinks he should proceed with the purchase of land as soon as possible, in case the landowner will find his motives suspicious or even change his mind.
As the night wears on, Albert has gradually cooled down. When he crawls under the sheets, a long forgotten vow resurfaces. After he started working at another clinic in Kenya, in light of the pain he’d inflicted upon Kim, he vowed that he would not allow himself to fall in love easily again, lest history should repeat itself.
Yes, he still wants to follow his late sister’s example and resolves to marry for love, but if possible, he does not want to hurt another young lady again unless he’s absolutely certain she not only loves him as a man but also fully embraces his destiny. That is, he should not need to hide anything from her, and when he’s with her, he should feel at ease to be himself. That being said, due to his social status and connections to other affluent families, he’s met quite a few “Caroline Bingley”s in high society since his debut, and he wonders if he will ever find someone who meets his criteria.
Meanwhile, Jagdeep puts on his warmest jacket and quietly leaves the mountain lodge after checking on Kimberly. She was reading a book she had found from a bookshelf and dozed off in a rocking chair. Jagdeep then lies down in the meadow about a stone’s throw away from the cliff, listening to the roaring sounds of the waterfall. He always loves stargazing, and thanks to Albert’s generosity, he can enjoy it in a place like paradise. Currently, the luminous star-studded sky is just as spectacular as that back in Kenya.
Like Kimberly, Jagdeep has never once imagined Albert is a man of tremendous wealth and influence. This evening, when she informed him of Albert’s true status inside the train compartment, Jagdeep assumed she must have exaggerated.
“No, I’m not exaggerating, Jag,” she emphasized with a grave look. When they arrived at the villa later, she believed they had only seen the tip of the iceberg. Albert had told her this grand mansion was but one of his family’s properties.
After settling down in the relatively rustic mountain lodge, Jagdeep casually asked Kimberly, “So did you tell Albert that our engagement was a cover?”
When she shook her head, without a second thought he asked with a quizzical frown on his face, “Why not?”
She continued unpacking her belongings without answering him. Jagdeep had meant to protect her reputation as the two had always been traveling together since leaving Kenya, but the truth was, their relationship was purely platonic.
Several minutes of silence later, Kimberly explained, “Jag, I did not have time to explain to Al. Moreover, my sixth sense was telling me that Candice White was exceptionally special to him, even though he denied it, so I didn’t want him to feel obligated to stick around to listen to my ramblings.”
Jagdeep was unsure what else he could say. Then he asked, “Is Albert planning to visit us?”
“Yes, he said he would arrange to come within two weeks, hopefully sooner. He did ask me to pass you a message. He wants you to take good care of yourself and wait for him.” Jagdeep merely nodded.
All of a sudden, Jagdeep clutches his chest while experiencing a sharp pain. He has difficulties breathing, but he has learned from Kimberly how to take measured breaths and keep his eyes fixated on an object in his surroundings, so he stares at one of the trees until the tightness subsides. Then he brings his focus back to the gorgeous night sky.
But what Jagdeep was anxious about has become reality. When he steps inside the mountain lodge again at the crack of dawn, Kimberly is nowhere to be found. Instead, he spots two letters on the rocking chair, one for him and one for Albert.
Writer’s note:
Thank you for reading such a lengthy chapter! Yes, now you know a lot more about Kimberly and Albert’s relationship. I hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter, and if you find any mistakes or typos, please kindly let me know.
In Candy Candy Final Story (CCFS), Candy wrote to Mr. Whitman that the Ardlay’s villa in Lakewood had been closed to visitors, so the villa was not abandoned like some people mentioned. For example, Albert was there when Candy discovered his true identity, and later, the memorial service for Stear and Archie’s engagement party were held in that villa too.
Buen día Ms Puddle, me encanta leer sus historias y ver la forma en que ha capturado la esencia de cada uno de los personajes, Le agradezco enormemente que nos regale esos emocionantes capítulos que casi tomo como verdad absoluta, como si los hubiera escrito la misma Nagita. En estas vacaciones que pasaron decidí ver con mis hijas el anime de Candy Candy pero me dejó un mal sabor de boca y descubrí que había el manga de Candy y cuando lo lei quede maravillada con esos hermosos dibujos, la historia estaba mejor contada y que cree me obsesione tanto hasta que indague en esas dichosas cartas del epilogo que para mí son tan evidentes saber con quién se queda Candy. En fin me encanta su vlog y al igual que usted una de mis imágenes favorita es cuando Albert la levanta del suelo después de llorar por las revistas debajo de la cama claramente se ve que la quiere besar( le pregunté a mi esposo y pensó lo mismo). Gracias por sus historias que han llenado ese huequito que dejó Nagita al no hacer un buen final para nuestra Candy y Albert ellos se lo merecían.
¡¡Buenos días, @Dany MX, muchas gracias por leer!!
Your comment brought a big smile to my face. Thank you very much 🥰 I like writing fanfics to satisfy my own imagination of my favourite characters in Candy Candy, namely Albert and Candy. Like you, I like the manga version much much more. The drawings are beautiful and captivating, and the story is much more organized with more significant details for the important character Albert. I’ve read parts of the manga repeatedly for new writing ideas, but the anime I have only rewatched parts of it.
Concerning that particular scene in the manga, it does look like Albert wanted to kiss Candy, but not necessarily on her lips. I think he was very emotional himself. It seems that he no longer saw her as a young girl or his protégé. He had some feelings for her, no doubt.
But that was the manga version. In CCFS Albert confessed on the hill about two years after Candy’s relocation. In this fanfic I just attempted to fill in the gaps. 😉 Many thanks again for your encouraging feedback ❣️
Hello Ms Puddle,
It was a pleasure to read the latest chapter surrounding your new fanfic. The character additions blend harmoniously in the narrative and most importantly, add further depth and intricacy to the main characters-Candy and Albert.
This new project of yours seems to be very intriguing and thank you for sharing your work with the CC community.
Thank you @Anita for reading my latest chapter. I hope you don’t find it too long. So glad to hear you think my additions blend well with the original narrative.
I have enjoyed writing this fanfic so far, and though I initially planned not to write too much, I might change my mind now. But I haven’t decided yet.
Perhaps the best way to go is to work without pressure. Besides, fanfic writing is a creative hobby which ought to be done with enjoyment. The same goes for all hobbies, I suppose..
Hello Ms Puddle, the previous message entitled as “Anonymous” is by me but for reasons unbeknownst, it got published as such instead of specifying my name. I just wanted to let you know so as to avoid any misunderstanding.
Thank you @Anita for the clarification. I figured it was you but perhaps it was a glitch (WordPress) 😅
Yes I’ll see how the writing goes. Sometimes I feel it’s the characters who are leading me (if you know what I mean). 😉
So how are you? Have you managed to get your second dose?
I’m done with the vax process for now.. Thank you for your concern.
As for you comment surrounding issues of writing, I agree with you. Based on what I’ve been reading by authors’ notes so far, that seems to be the case with most of them; they have an initial idea in their head but they let the narrative and its characters follow their own (often undulating) path.
It’s true, @Anita! I’ve read similar authors’ notes before, but I did not experience it until I actually started writing, especially when it comes to my own original characters.
That’s great, @Anita! But now they are talking about getting the third dose… 🙄
They’re also discussing the possibility of a fourth and even fifth in the next 5-6 months.. At that rate, they’re going to turn our arms into swiss cheese.
LOL, swiss cheese 🧀 😀 Let’s just hope that we don’t really need these extra doses, @Anita.
There are already people who are receiving the third shot. My parents and grandparents are due to receive their third vaccine next month.
What a beautiful chapter! I have enjoyed reading it so much. I won’t get into details so as to avoid spoilers for those who haven’t read this chapter yet.
Btw, are you planning on providing some illustrations in addition to your new fanfic?
Kind Regards and Thank You!
Thank you @Aurora for your encouraging feedback! 🤗 What a delight to hear that you’ve enjoyed reading it.
Yes I do plan to provide at least one more illustration, but my focus is writing for now. Thank you for asking! Take care ☺️
Looking forward to your new projects!
Thank you @Aurora for your support! 🤗
Hi, @Ms Puddle!
Did you enjoy your holiday? Hope you got plenty of rest.
Obviously, your fanfic is getting more and more interesting to the point where I’m so looking forward to reading the next chapter. You are adept at creating well-rounded characters and the level of you writing skills is remarkable to say the least. I also like the additional characters in your story and they blend well with the already well-known characters of Nagita’s novel.
Take care and talk to you again soon!
Hi @Gabriella, I’ve only taken days off creating my own long weekends, but I will take several days again soon to have my last summer break. How about you?
What a delight to hear that you’re already looking forward to reading the next chapter❣️ This is very encouraging, my friend. Thank you!
When writing fanfics, if possible, I’d like to create new characters, like Kimberly and Jagdeep. Yes, Kimberly was based on a character in the original story but so little has been written about her. I can basically write whatever I like 😉 Thanks again for your kind words.
You take care too!
I’m pleased that you’ve managed to take some time off. As for me, I’ve also managed to receive my well-deserved summer break. I’m considering taking a bit of time off during September too if all goes well..
Resuming to Nagita’s novel and it characters, she’s created such a vague and loosely-plot story that people can write any sort of fanfic they want without deviating much from the original text. It’s odd that Nagita wasted her golden opportunity in writing a novel worth reading. She kept on complaining that ‘powers from above’ wouldn’t allow her to write the story she had originally indented. When she eventually had the chance to do so, however, she simply wrote a ‘copy-paste- version of the story we already know with a few ‘sprinkles’ of newly added material here and there which isn’t more than a few lines.
intended (not indented)
‘copy-paste’ (punctuation)
its characters .. (another typo)
If there are more typos, please ignore them.
No worries, @Gabriella. No grammar police here. 😁
Thank you for your understanding, @Ms Puddle.
Yes, @Gabriella it’s a pity Nagita sensei didn’t fully use her golden opportunity, but to be fair, I do like the new additions primarily in section 3 and the epilogue.
Glad to hear that you have enjoyed your summer break, @Gabriella! I still have lots of vacation days left so if things go well I’ll try to arrange some breaks for the rest of the year too.
Sensible decision. Hard work is essential but so is leisure. It’s all a matter of equilibrium.
Aspettavo con ansia il tuo aggiornamento, grazie! In alcune fanfiction viene toccata la presunta relazione tra Albert e l’infermiera ma tu lo fai in maniera inedita, inserendo un terzo personaggio che dovrebbe essere il suo attuale fidanzato ma in realtà è un amico comune (anche se Albert è convinto che lui e Kimberly abbiano una relazione…). Forse sono un’inguaribile romantica e anche un po’ all’antica, perché io ho sempre immaginato Albert che non si lascia andare a relazioni romantiche (essendo il patriarca ho pensato che il rischio che gli venissero affibbiati presunti figli illegittimi fosse alto, nonostante tutto); non solo, nella mia mente lui è andato in Africa con il cuore già in parte occupato da una giovane Candy… Insomma, anche io in un paio di storie lo faccio avvicinare all’infermiera in Africa, ma il lato romantico che è in me spera sempre che non sia vero XD Rispetto però questa tua versione, che tra l’altro racconti molto bene: i suoi dubbi sul fatto di temere di imprigionarla in un mondo che non le appartiene, inoltre, sono perfettamente in linea con il carattere altruista di Albert. Trovo toccante e malinconica la loro storia ma d’altro canto sono felice che lui stia avendo i primi turbamenti verso Candy, anche se chi gli sta vicino se n’è persino accorto prima di lui! Insomma, sono proprio curiosa di sapere che ruolo avrà Jag in tutto questo e se Kimberly, nonostante abbia notato le attenzioni verso Candy, può rivelarsi potenzialmente “pericolosa”, passami il termine. A dirla tutta non la vedo neanche come un’antagonista, la tracci come una persona molto dolce e attenta, chissà se anche lei ha confusione nel suo cuore tra Albert e Jag? Grazie di cuore, attendo il seguito!
Grazie mille @moira78 🥰 I like reading your comments because you have a writer’s insights. Thank you for following my story so far. 🤗
I’m a romantic myself but I honestly think Albert having other love relationship(s) in the past might help him be a better man, especially because he had been a lonely boy before his college years. That being said, if I understand you correctly, I also agree with you that Albert being the sole heir had to be careful not to produce illegitimate child. I’m old-fashioned too. 😉
In this fanfic, Albert had a relationship with Kimberly but in my imagination they had not crossed the line. People back then were considerably more conservative, and being a couple didn’t necessarily mean they would sleep together.
About your other good questions, please be patient because I don’t give spoilers. But I’m so happy you like my Kimberly and find their love story melancholy 💞
Insightful chapter, Ms Puddle! The theme you’ve touched and developed upon is unique because not many CC/CCFS fanfic writers have written about Albert’s past love-life.
It seems that both the T&A fans do not want Albert to have had a romantic past with another woman; a similar situation applies to Terry. Yet, it makes much more sense to presume that both of these guys did have other relationships prior to Candy. It would make even more sense in Albert’s case, considering that he’s older. As both Terry and Albert deal with a job which involves a lot of travel and meeting new people, it is apparent that they would be more experienced in terms of romantic and thus sexual relationships.
Since the CCFS is predominately based on Candy’s point-of-view, the reader doesn’t really know about Terry and Albert’s past with other women as Candy is ignorant of their past. It would be safe to assume that they would never tell her anyway as it would be rather awkward and it’s none of her business. Each person has his or her past life and they needn’t disclose it to their prospective or subsequent partner.
Furthermore, I agree with DanielleV’s comment and thank you for sharing her intelligent analysis with us.
Hello @Irana93, thank you for your encouraging words❣️ When I thought about what I’d already written so far, I realized I haven’t written anything about that American nurse. I thought perhaps I can write something about that specific character. 😉
I couldn’t agree with you more about Albert and Terry having a romantic past with other women. Albert was older, and he might even have crushes when he was studying at a college in London. It was only natural when he finally met other young people his age. About Terry, he was into smoking and alcohol, and who knows why he was involved in gang fight? Possibly women? Just wild guessing… 🤷🏻♀️
I don’t know if the men had sexual experiences already though. I’m not expert about men in high society back then, but Scottish descents in that era could be pious or devoted Presbyterians. Even if not, Albert in particular had to be careful not to produce illegitimate child. Again, just my two cents. 😉
Not really…
It was common for men in those days (and even nowadays..) to have mistresses whether from brothels or their (inner) social circles. Religion really has got nothing to do with it as people can preach whatever they want but very few of them actually practice what they preach.
That being said, Terry and Albert could have had various sexual partners in their lives as they are both privileged white males whose actions hold very little accountability due to their money and power. Lest we should forget, Terry constitutes the ‘product’ of such an illicit affair between a duke and a budding (and perhaps underage) actress. Even though Terry’s dad was supposed to be some posh aristocrat coming from a rigidly conservative and theocratical background, he had no qualms in having an affair with a woman whom he completely disrespected, got her pregnant, and dumped her like an old used rag. That so-called duke may have had an aristocratic title but he was a mere scum-bag, nonetheless. Apparently, neither Terry nor Albert are such lowlifes like that dumb-ass duke.
On the one hand, Terry detested his dad’s actions and treatment against his mother, hence, vowing never to follow suit; on the other hand, Albert always held women in the highest esteem and would never cross the line irrespective of his own personal desires. Based on the ways in which Keiko Nagita has described Albert, he would never disrespect nor abuse a woman. If Albert ever had a romantic affair with a lady, she would be a legally consenting adult and their feelings of affection and desire would be 100% mutual. Moreover, if Terry and Albert had ever left a woman pregnant, they would have taken full responsibility as both those male characters have confirmed that they would never abandon someone in need of their support-whether it be financial or emotional.
When it comes to Albert’s dignity and self-respect, you have done a fine job so far pronouncing those commendable aspects of his character via your fanfic writing. Keiko Nagita has already sett the infrastructure for the development of such a superb character as Albert and you are definitely honouring Nagita’s character development of Albert by respecting her genuine intentions as evident in her original novel of the CCFS.
Couldn’t agree with you more, @Irana93. Unfortunately, most societies even in our day and age consider it perfectly acceptable for men to screw around whereas women would be slut-shamed for it. Apparently, Albert and Terry had their own personal integrity and would never dishonour a woman but that was based on their own personal choice since they benefitted from such a toxic male-governed society, regardless. People should have the right to their bodies and their sexual freedom as well as choice irrespective of their gender, ethnicity or social status. Yet, this fails to be the case even in our modern times. Of-course, the 21st century is much better in terms of women’s rights but there is still plenty of room for improvement.
Thanks, Sarah! I agree with you that the world has demonstrated significant progress concerning gender equality, however, the finalized goal still leaves much to be desired.
BTW, just ignore any typos you may find in my previous post. I’ve noticed that some commenters are worrying about typos but there is no need to. Presumably, none of us have anything to do with the ‘spelling police or grammar Gestapo’ here. LoL
You’re right, @Irana93. I see your points and totally agree with you concerning Terry’s father. Of all the male characters in that age range, this nobleman is undoubtedly the worst, and he has such a negative image throughout the story that I sometimes wonder why Terry fans want Terry to reconcile with him (other than using this as the ‘evidence’ or ‘argument’ that Terry is Anohito).
I forgot to mention in my previous comment that contraceptives weren’t as developed as modern days so people, especially women, were likely more cautious. However, I’ve already digressed. 😉
Thanks again for your encouraging words to my fanfic writing. Albert’s character is fascinating and is always my favourite. I’ll try my best to keep up.
You’ve got a point.
This chapter is amazing! You’ve really brought out the humane aspects of both Candy and Albert by probing into their innermost insecurities (and desires) as well as their noble and respectable character. Moreover, the ways in which Albert treats Kimberly and Candy with so much respect are indicative of his high quality character. As opposed to toxic male characters, Albert neither forces himself on women nor does he abuse them physically and psychologically. Instead, Albert knows how to respect women as he respects his own self. It’s a matter of personal integrity and Albert musters that beautiful quality. Keiko Nagita did a fine job in creating this superb character and your fanfic adds further to this intricate, nuanced and sublime persona.
Many Thanks,
Thank you @Myra! So glad to hear you like the chapter! Your encouraging feedback really made my day 🤩, and I did try my best to adhere to the marvelous characters created by Nagita sensei, especially Candy and Albert.
I totally agree with you about Albert and his respect for the women close to him, including his aunt (after his recovery). She might have been really strict to him but deep down he knew she loved him as if he were her own son.
Indeed, Aunt Elroy appeared to love all her nieces and nephews, even Neal and Eliza. Based on the manga and novel, however, she seemed to have a ‘soft spot’ for Anthony and Albert.
You’re absolutely right, @Myra! I also think Aunt Elroy has a soft spot for both Anthony and Albert, probably because they are the grandchild and the son of her late brother?
Hope you enjoyed your summer vacation, Ms Puddle!
As for your new chapter, I have enjoyed reading it but I am so eager to find out what will happen next. There’s definitely a lot of tension between Candy and Albert which is evident in both the original novel by Keiko Nagita as well as in your own version of this story.
Best Wishes!
Hi @Michelle, I am ok so far, only taking mini “stacation” (day trips). How about you? I hope you’ve enjoyed your summer so far.
Thank you so much for your positive feedback to my new chapter. When writing, I had so much in my head that I wished I had 36 hours a day to write. 😉
Thanks again! Best wishes to you too 😘
Thank you for asking. I’m back at work but maintaining social distancing and all the other appropriate safety measures. My summer vacation was nice and quiet where I got to spend loads of time with family and friends.
Looking forward to your subsequent chapters and artwork.
Best wishes and stay safe!
Hello @Michelle, I’m happy to hear that your summer vacation was nice! I’ve spent more time with my family and friends but only had stacation… Not bad but still want to travel somewhere in the near future.
I’m still working from home and lucky for me, my company is seriously considering letting a lot of us working remotely. Right now, the number of confirmed cases remains high, so like you, I do everything I can to protect myself.
Thanks again for your continued support ☺️
It’s fortunate for you that you’ve got a conscientious employer who prioritizes public safety, especially amidst this global pandemic.
Yes @Michelle I consider myself lucky. I think one reason is that my company has offices in Europe, the United States and India, and some of those locations have been severely hit by the pandemic. 🙁
One could never be too careful, I suppose-especially when it comes to this global pandemic.
Thank you for sharing another awesome chapter of your fan-fiction. Even though you’ve mentioned it’s way longer, it doesn’t seem as such because it’s so intriguing. As for the flashbacks, they’re not confusing at all; on the contrary, they add further insight into the story and the relevant characters.
Take Care!
By the way..
Have you considered drawing Kimberly? Apparently, she looks a lot like Candy based on Albert’s description of her in the CCFS. How would you portray her though? Even though she looks similar to Candy, I’m sure there are distinct differences.
Thanks again!
That’s a good point, Sarah!
Thank you!
Agreed. I would also like to see Ms Puddle’s pictorial representation of the said nurse Albert had met and worked with in Africa.
If I correctly recall, Yumiko Igarashi had drawn the nurse Albert had mentioned in his letter to Candy. It’s unclear whether this drawing was based on how Candy imagined her though while reading Albert’s letter. Based on Igarashi’s illustration, Albert’s co-worker seemed to look a lot like Candy but on the taller and leaner side.
You’re quite right @Irana93. There is a drawing of the American nurse by Igarashi in the manga. It’s probably how she actually looked like because later on Candy tries to imagine what she looks like and the images used in the manga are different.
Yeah, that scene is in the manga. I remember it quite well.
Yes, @Sarah and @Irana93, I just double checked the manga too. Igarashi drew the nurse playing with Poupe, and Candy tried to imagine what she looked like.
Interestingly, in the manga the nurse was 20 but in the novel Albert said she was almost 20 (or turning 20). 😉
OK. Thanks for letting us know, Ms Puddle.
Thank you @Sarah, @Michelle, and @Myra for the encouragement. I’ll think about it 🤗
Hope you consider it! Take care!
Yes you bet, @Sarah, I consider Kimberly my original character inspired by the one mentioned in Albert’s letter from Kenya. 😉 In the manga as well as the novel, Albert said that the American nurse looked somewhat like Candy (using different phrases but have the same meanings).
But I’m worried that people would think I drew Candy incorrectly lol 🤣
Isn’t it odd that Nagita didn’t write more about her? I also find it strangle that she didn’t write more about Terry and Albert’s past. Why do you think she did that?
Holy crap, I meant to say that I find it ***strange*** that she didn’t write more about Terry and Albert’s past. The spellcheck on my tablet is for the hot dumpster fire. Damn.
No worries, Sarah.. Spell-checkers seem to do more harm than good. Happened to me some time ago. Wanted to type the word ‘”fact” in a text message and instead of that word another four-letter-word beginning with the letter “f” was inserted and you probably know which one I’m referring to…
Hopefully, that text wasn’t planned to be sent to your boss or a relative.
Fortunately, it was sent to a friend of mine with whom we share a good sense of humour. 😂😂😂
Hahahaha, thanks for sharing, @Gabriella! 😜
LOL, when I first read your comment I didn’t even notice the error, so @Sarah, no worries. We are all aware of how useful the machine spell checkers are 😉
LOL, when I first read your comment I didn’t even notice the error, so @Sarah, no worries. We are all aware of how useful the spell checkers are 😉
Thanks, @Ms Puddle!
Hi @Sarah, I think Nagita sensei did write something about their past but not love history. Since they are Candy’s loves, maybe the writer did not want to take the focus off the protagonist? Just guessing, of course. 😉
But other characters like Neal, Anthony and Archie had admirers, so it’s probably the same for Terry and Albert. What do you think?
Apparently, those aforesaid male characters would have admirers but I guess that Nagita wanted to centre her story around Candy and nobody else. Especially when it came to the female characters, I have the impression that Nagita wanted to reduce all the other female characters in order to keep the focal point on Candy. There’s no issue with that but it creates unrealistic expectations which easily go overboard and become rather outlandish and cheesy. In most notable and noteworthy tales such as those written by J.R.R. Tolkien, Carl Sagan, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Madeleine L’Engle, Toni Morrison – amongst many others – there is a plethora of female characters with enriched and complex personalities; the story doesn’t simply evolve around a single ‘happy-go-lucky’ character.
I agree with you @Sarah. I would add Beth Sullivan to the list. She’s the one who wrote the script for the massively popular TV series worldwide, “Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman”. What’s remarkable about this TV series is that even though the story is about Dr Quinn (of-course), there are so many incredible and fascinating characters in this story-both the main and the supplementary characters. In particular, the female characters which hold the main roles are so nuanced and intricate (i.e. Grace, Dorothy, Colleen) that they add further to the impact of this story. It’s not surprising that this TV series had become such a great hit globally and it continues to be relevant and appealing in our day and age. There’s even a strong demand for a reboot of this series.
DQMW is by far one of my favourite TV series. It’s awesome in all aspects-cast, script, production-you name it!
Couldn’t agree with you more @Gabriella and @Myra. “Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman” is, arguably, one of the best series ever aired on syndication. The literary quality of the script in tandem with the sterling performance of the cast have solidified the long-lasting appeal and popularity of this series. Beth Sullivan is a highly talented writer without any doubt.
Yes, @Sarah that’s very typical of shoujo manga, possibly due to the restrictions imposed by the publishers, like the number of pages one can serialize in the monthly edition as well as the popularity of the story, etc.
The Rose of Versailles and The Sword of Paros could both be regarded as exceptions to the norm involving the genre of shoujo manga.
Here’s an interesting article, btw:
Very interesting article, and thanks for sharing, @Sarah!
Guess what? The Rose of Versailles is also one of my favourite manga, and I almost wanted to write a fanfic for Oscar and Andre. However, I was more motivated to write for Candy and Albert due to its open ending. 😉
Thank you @Ms Puddle. I’m glad you enjoyed reading that article. The blogger is quite insightful. As for the “Rose of Versailles”, it’s also one of my favourite of the said genre. I would recommend you read the “Sword of Paros” too.
Thanks again @Sarah and yes I agree with you the blogger is insightful.
About the Rose of Versailles, I also read the author’s other book the Window of Orpheus, which seemed promising initially but I was quite disappointed afterwards. When I finally finished it, I felt I had read enough stories about cross-dressing female protagonists…. 😅
The two manga stories I’ve recommended go way beyond cross-dressing. The plot is intricate and significant themes emerge from those said stories.
Yes, @Sarah, I’ve watched the anime of the Rose of Versailles and later bought the manga to read. It’s definitely one of my favourites, and to me, the anime version was even more appealing (for Candy Candy I like the manga much, much more). I tried so hard to find a copy of The Window of Orpheus, and I guess I was quite disappointed afterwards. 🙁
I just realized Yumiko Igarashi was the illustrator for the Sword of Paros. I’m sure her drawings must be superb!
Yes, Igarashi’s illustrations revolving the “Sword of Paros” are outstanding. The plot is also intricate albeit controversial but I do not mean that in a negative way. On the contrary, I find it revolutionary that LGBTQ themes were being explored in Japanese manga during the 1970s-1980s.
Yes, @Sarah, I was also surprised about that too, but I thought this manga was published later than Candy Candy?
Yeah, somewhere around 1986-1987.
Hi @Sarah, you didn’t feel that this chapter was that long is a compliment indeed❣️ Glad to hear that the flashbacks weren’t confusing.
Thank you for your continued support. You take care too 🤗