Forget-Me-Not Chapter 4

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121 Responses

  1. Dany MX says:

    Buen día Ms Puddle, me encanta leer sus historias y ver la forma en que ha capturado la esencia de cada uno de los personajes, Le agradezco enormemente que nos regale esos emocionantes capítulos que casi tomo como verdad absoluta, como si los hubiera escrito la misma Nagita. En estas vacaciones que pasaron decidí ver con mis hijas el anime de Candy Candy pero me dejó un mal sabor de boca y descubrí que había el manga de Candy y cuando lo lei quede maravillada con esos hermosos dibujos, la historia estaba mejor contada y que cree me obsesione tanto hasta que indague en esas dichosas cartas del epilogo que para mí son tan evidentes saber con quién se queda Candy. En fin me encanta su vlog y al igual que usted una de mis imágenes favorita es cuando Albert la levanta del suelo después de llorar por las revistas debajo de la cama claramente se ve que la quiere besar( le pregunté a mi esposo y pensó lo mismo). Gracias por sus historias que han llenado ese huequito que dejó Nagita al no hacer un buen final para nuestra Candy y Albert ellos se lo merecían.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      ¡¡Buenos días, @Dany MX, muchas gracias por leer!!

      Your comment brought a big smile to my face. Thank you very much 🥰 I like writing fanfics to satisfy my own imagination of my favourite characters in Candy Candy, namely Albert and Candy. Like you, I like the manga version much much more. The drawings are beautiful and captivating, and the story is much more organized with more significant details for the important character Albert. I’ve read parts of the manga repeatedly for new writing ideas, but the anime I have only rewatched parts of it.

      Concerning that particular scene in the manga, it does look like Albert wanted to kiss Candy, but not necessarily on her lips. I think he was very emotional himself. It seems that he no longer saw her as a young girl or his protégé. He had some feelings for her, no doubt.

      But that was the manga version. In CCFS Albert confessed on the hill about two years after Candy’s relocation. In this fanfic I just attempted to fill in the gaps. 😉 Many thanks again for your encouraging feedback ❣️

  2. Anita says:

    Hello Ms Puddle,

    It was a pleasure to read the latest chapter surrounding your new fanfic. The character additions blend harmoniously in the narrative and most importantly, add further depth and intricacy to the main characters-Candy and Albert.

    This new project of yours seems to be very intriguing and thank you for sharing your work with the CC community.


    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Anita for reading my latest chapter. I hope you don’t find it too long. So glad to hear you think my additions blend well with the original narrative.

      I have enjoyed writing this fanfic so far, and though I initially planned not to write too much, I might change my mind now. But I haven’t decided yet.

      • Anonymous says:

        Perhaps the best way to go is to work without pressure. Besides, fanfic writing is a creative hobby which ought to be done with enjoyment. The same goes for all hobbies, I suppose..

        • Anita says:

          Hello Ms Puddle, the previous message entitled as “Anonymous” is by me but for reasons unbeknownst, it got published as such instead of specifying my name. I just wanted to let you know so as to avoid any misunderstanding.


          • Ms Puddle says:

            Thank you @Anita for the clarification. I figured it was you but perhaps it was a glitch (WordPress) 😅

            Yes I’ll see how the writing goes. Sometimes I feel it’s the characters who are leading me (if you know what I mean). 😉

            So how are you? Have you managed to get your second dose?

            • Anita says:

              I’m done with the vax process for now.. Thank you for your concern.

              • Anita says:

                As for you comment surrounding issues of writing, I agree with you. Based on what I’ve been reading by authors’ notes so far, that seems to be the case with most of them; they have an initial idea in their head but they let the narrative and its characters follow their own (often undulating) path.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  It’s true, @Anita! I’ve read similar authors’ notes before, but I did not experience it until I actually started writing, especially when it comes to my own original characters.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                That’s great, @Anita! But now they are talking about getting the third dose… 🙄

                • Anita says:

                  They’re also discussing the possibility of a fourth and even fifth in the next 5-6 months.. At that rate, they’re going to turn our arms into swiss cheese.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  LOL, swiss cheese 🧀 😀 Let’s just hope that we don’t really need these extra doses, @Anita.

                • Anita says:

                  There are already people who are receiving the third shot. My parents and grandparents are due to receive their third vaccine next month.

  3. Aurora says:

    What a beautiful chapter! I have enjoyed reading it so much. I won’t get into details so as to avoid spoilers for those who haven’t read this chapter yet.

    Btw, are you planning on providing some illustrations in addition to your new fanfic?

    Kind Regards and Thank You!

  4. Gabriella says:

    Hi, @Ms Puddle!
    Did you enjoy your holiday? Hope you got plenty of rest.
    Obviously, your fanfic is getting more and more interesting to the point where I’m so looking forward to reading the next chapter. You are adept at creating well-rounded characters and the level of you writing skills is remarkable to say the least. I also like the additional characters in your story and they blend well with the already well-known characters of Nagita’s novel.
    Take care and talk to you again soon!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi @Gabriella, I’ve only taken days off creating my own long weekends, but I will take several days again soon to have my last summer break. How about you?

      What a delight to hear that you’re already looking forward to reading the next chapter❣️ This is very encouraging, my friend. Thank you!

      When writing fanfics, if possible, I’d like to create new characters, like Kimberly and Jagdeep. Yes, Kimberly was based on a character in the original story but so little has been written about her. I can basically write whatever I like 😉 Thanks again for your kind words.

      You take care too!

      • Gabriella says:

        I’m pleased that you’ve managed to take some time off. As for me, I’ve also managed to receive my well-deserved summer break. I’m considering taking a bit of time off during September too if all goes well..

        • Gabriella says:

          Resuming to Nagita’s novel and it characters, she’s created such a vague and loosely-plot story that people can write any sort of fanfic they want without deviating much from the original text. It’s odd that Nagita wasted her golden opportunity in writing a novel worth reading. She kept on complaining that ‘powers from above’ wouldn’t allow her to write the story she had originally indented. When she eventually had the chance to do so, however, she simply wrote a ‘copy-paste- version of the story we already know with a few ‘sprinkles’ of newly added material here and there which isn’t more than a few lines.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Glad to hear that you have enjoyed your summer break, @Gabriella! I still have lots of vacation days left so if things go well I’ll try to arrange some breaks for the rest of the year too.

  5. moira78 says:

    Aspettavo con ansia il tuo aggiornamento, grazie! In alcune fanfiction viene toccata la presunta relazione tra Albert e l’infermiera ma tu lo fai in maniera inedita, inserendo un terzo personaggio che dovrebbe essere il suo attuale fidanzato ma in realtà è un amico comune (anche se Albert è convinto che lui e Kimberly abbiano una relazione…). Forse sono un’inguaribile romantica e anche un po’ all’antica, perché io ho sempre immaginato Albert che non si lascia andare a relazioni romantiche (essendo il patriarca ho pensato che il rischio che gli venissero affibbiati presunti figli illegittimi fosse alto, nonostante tutto); non solo, nella mia mente lui è andato in Africa con il cuore già in parte occupato da una giovane Candy… Insomma, anche io in un paio di storie lo faccio avvicinare all’infermiera in Africa, ma il lato romantico che è in me spera sempre che non sia vero XD Rispetto però questa tua versione, che tra l’altro racconti molto bene: i suoi dubbi sul fatto di temere di imprigionarla in un mondo che non le appartiene, inoltre, sono perfettamente in linea con il carattere altruista di Albert. Trovo toccante e malinconica la loro storia ma d’altro canto sono felice che lui stia avendo i primi turbamenti verso Candy, anche se chi gli sta vicino se n’è persino accorto prima di lui! Insomma, sono proprio curiosa di sapere che ruolo avrà Jag in tutto questo e se Kimberly, nonostante abbia notato le attenzioni verso Candy, può rivelarsi potenzialmente “pericolosa”, passami il termine. A dirla tutta non la vedo neanche come un’antagonista, la tracci come una persona molto dolce e attenta, chissà se anche lei ha confusione nel suo cuore tra Albert e Jag? Grazie di cuore, attendo il seguito!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Grazie mille @moira78 🥰 I like reading your comments because you have a writer’s insights. Thank you for following my story so far. 🤗

      I’m a romantic myself but I honestly think Albert having other love relationship(s) in the past might help him be a better man, especially because he had been a lonely boy before his college years. That being said, if I understand you correctly, I also agree with you that Albert being the sole heir had to be careful not to produce illegitimate child. I’m old-fashioned too. 😉

      In this fanfic, Albert had a relationship with Kimberly but in my imagination they had not crossed the line. People back then were considerably more conservative, and being a couple didn’t necessarily mean they would sleep together.

      About your other good questions, please be patient because I don’t give spoilers. But I’m so happy you like my Kimberly and find their love story melancholy 💞

  6. Irana93 says:

    Insightful chapter, Ms Puddle! The theme you’ve touched and developed upon is unique because not many CC/CCFS fanfic writers have written about Albert’s past love-life.
    It seems that both the T&A fans do not want Albert to have had a romantic past with another woman; a similar situation applies to Terry. Yet, it makes much more sense to presume that both of these guys did have other relationships prior to Candy. It would make even more sense in Albert’s case, considering that he’s older. As both Terry and Albert deal with a job which involves a lot of travel and meeting new people, it is apparent that they would be more experienced in terms of romantic and thus sexual relationships.
    Since the CCFS is predominately based on Candy’s point-of-view, the reader doesn’t really know about Terry and Albert’s past with other women as Candy is ignorant of their past. It would be safe to assume that they would never tell her anyway as it would be rather awkward and it’s none of her business. Each person has his or her past life and they needn’t disclose it to their prospective or subsequent partner.

    • Irana93 says:

      Furthermore, I agree with DanielleV’s comment and thank you for sharing her intelligent analysis with us.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello @Irana93, thank you for your encouraging words❣️ When I thought about what I’d already written so far, I realized I haven’t written anything about that American nurse. I thought perhaps I can write something about that specific character. 😉

      I couldn’t agree with you more about Albert and Terry having a romantic past with other women. Albert was older, and he might even have crushes when he was studying at a college in London. It was only natural when he finally met other young people his age. About Terry, he was into smoking and alcohol, and who knows why he was involved in gang fight? Possibly women? Just wild guessing… 🤷🏻‍♀️

      I don’t know if the men had sexual experiences already though. I’m not expert about men in high society back then, but Scottish descents in that era could be pious or devoted Presbyterians. Even if not, Albert in particular had to be careful not to produce illegitimate child. Again, just my two cents. 😉

      • Irana93 says:

        Not really…
        It was common for men in those days (and even nowadays..) to have mistresses whether from brothels or their (inner) social circles. Religion really has got nothing to do with it as people can preach whatever they want but very few of them actually practice what they preach.
        That being said, Terry and Albert could have had various sexual partners in their lives as they are both privileged white males whose actions hold very little accountability due to their money and power. Lest we should forget, Terry constitutes the ‘product’ of such an illicit affair between a duke and a budding (and perhaps underage) actress. Even though Terry’s dad was supposed to be some posh aristocrat coming from a rigidly conservative and theocratical background, he had no qualms in having an affair with a woman whom he completely disrespected, got her pregnant, and dumped her like an old used rag. That so-called duke may have had an aristocratic title but he was a mere scum-bag, nonetheless. Apparently, neither Terry nor Albert are such lowlifes like that dumb-ass duke.
        On the one hand, Terry detested his dad’s actions and treatment against his mother, hence, vowing never to follow suit; on the other hand, Albert always held women in the highest esteem and would never cross the line irrespective of his own personal desires. Based on the ways in which Keiko Nagita has described Albert, he would never disrespect nor abuse a woman. If Albert ever had a romantic affair with a lady, she would be a legally consenting adult and their feelings of affection and desire would be 100% mutual. Moreover, if Terry and Albert had ever left a woman pregnant, they would have taken full responsibility as both those male characters have confirmed that they would never abandon someone in need of their support-whether it be financial or emotional.
        When it comes to Albert’s dignity and self-respect, you have done a fine job so far pronouncing those commendable aspects of his character via your fanfic writing. Keiko Nagita has already sett the infrastructure for the development of such a superb character as Albert and you are definitely honouring Nagita’s character development of Albert by respecting her genuine intentions as evident in her original novel of the CCFS.

        • Sarah says:

          Couldn’t agree with you more, @Irana93. Unfortunately, most societies even in our day and age consider it perfectly acceptable for men to screw around whereas women would be slut-shamed for it. Apparently, Albert and Terry had their own personal integrity and would never dishonour a woman but that was based on their own personal choice since they benefitted from such a toxic male-governed society, regardless. People should have the right to their bodies and their sexual freedom as well as choice irrespective of their gender, ethnicity or social status. Yet, this fails to be the case even in our modern times. Of-course, the 21st century is much better in terms of women’s rights but there is still plenty of room for improvement.

          • Irana93 says:

            Thanks, Sarah! I agree with you that the world has demonstrated significant progress concerning gender equality, however, the finalized goal still leaves much to be desired.

            BTW, just ignore any typos you may find in my previous post. I’ve noticed that some commenters are worrying about typos but there is no need to. Presumably, none of us have anything to do with the ‘spelling police or grammar Gestapo’ here. LoL

        • Ms Puddle says:

          You’re right, @Irana93. I see your points and totally agree with you concerning Terry’s father. Of all the male characters in that age range, this nobleman is undoubtedly the worst, and he has such a negative image throughout the story that I sometimes wonder why Terry fans want Terry to reconcile with him (other than using this as the ‘evidence’ or ‘argument’ that Terry is Anohito).

          I forgot to mention in my previous comment that contraceptives weren’t as developed as modern days so people, especially women, were likely more cautious. However, I’ve already digressed. 😉

          Thanks again for your encouraging words to my fanfic writing. Albert’s character is fascinating and is always my favourite. I’ll try my best to keep up.

  7. Myra says:


    This chapter is amazing! You’ve really brought out the humane aspects of both Candy and Albert by probing into their innermost insecurities (and desires) as well as their noble and respectable character. Moreover, the ways in which Albert treats Kimberly and Candy with so much respect are indicative of his high quality character. As opposed to toxic male characters, Albert neither forces himself on women nor does he abuse them physically and psychologically. Instead, Albert knows how to respect women as he respects his own self. It’s a matter of personal integrity and Albert musters that beautiful quality. Keiko Nagita did a fine job in creating this superb character and your fanfic adds further to this intricate, nuanced and sublime persona.

    Many Thanks,

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Myra! So glad to hear you like the chapter! Your encouraging feedback really made my day 🤩, and I did try my best to adhere to the marvelous characters created by Nagita sensei, especially Candy and Albert.

      I totally agree with you about Albert and his respect for the women close to him, including his aunt (after his recovery). She might have been really strict to him but deep down he knew she loved him as if he were her own son.

      • Myra says:

        Indeed, Aunt Elroy appeared to love all her nieces and nephews, even Neal and Eliza. Based on the manga and novel, however, she seemed to have a ‘soft spot’ for Anthony and Albert.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          You’re absolutely right, @Myra! I also think Aunt Elroy has a soft spot for both Anthony and Albert, probably because they are the grandchild and the son of her late brother?

  8. Michelle says:

    Hope you enjoyed your summer vacation, Ms Puddle!

    As for your new chapter, I have enjoyed reading it but I am so eager to find out what will happen next. There’s definitely a lot of tension between Candy and Albert which is evident in both the original novel by Keiko Nagita as well as in your own version of this story.

    Best Wishes!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi @Michelle, I am ok so far, only taking mini “stacation” (day trips). How about you? I hope you’ve enjoyed your summer so far.

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback to my new chapter. When writing, I had so much in my head that I wished I had 36 hours a day to write. 😉

      Thanks again! Best wishes to you too 😘

      • Michelle says:

        Thank you for asking. I’m back at work but maintaining social distancing and all the other appropriate safety measures. My summer vacation was nice and quiet where I got to spend loads of time with family and friends.

        Looking forward to your subsequent chapters and artwork.

        Best wishes and stay safe!

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello @Michelle, I’m happy to hear that your summer vacation was nice! I’ve spent more time with my family and friends but only had stacation… Not bad but still want to travel somewhere in the near future.

          I’m still working from home and lucky for me, my company is seriously considering letting a lot of us working remotely. Right now, the number of confirmed cases remains high, so like you, I do everything I can to protect myself.

          Thanks again for your continued support ☺️

          • Michelle says:

            It’s fortunate for you that you’ve got a conscientious employer who prioritizes public safety, especially amidst this global pandemic.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Yes @Michelle I consider myself lucky. I think one reason is that my company has offices in Europe, the United States and India, and some of those locations have been severely hit by the pandemic. 🙁

  9. Sarah says:

    Thank you for sharing another awesome chapter of your fan-fiction. Even though you’ve mentioned it’s way longer, it doesn’t seem as such because it’s so intriguing. As for the flashbacks, they’re not confusing at all; on the contrary, they add further insight into the story and the relevant characters.

    Take Care!

    • Sarah says:

      By the way..

      Have you considered drawing Kimberly? Apparently, she looks a lot like Candy based on Albert’s description of her in the CCFS. How would you portray her though? Even though she looks similar to Candy, I’m sure there are distinct differences.

      Thanks again!

      • Michelle says:

        That’s a good point, Sarah!

        • Sarah says:

          Thank you!

          • Myra says:

            Agreed. I would also like to see Ms Puddle’s pictorial representation of the said nurse Albert had met and worked with in Africa.

            • Irana93 says:

              If I correctly recall, Yumiko Igarashi had drawn the nurse Albert had mentioned in his letter to Candy. It’s unclear whether this drawing was based on how Candy imagined her though while reading Albert’s letter. Based on Igarashi’s illustration, Albert’s co-worker seemed to look a lot like Candy but on the taller and leaner side.

              • Sarah says:

                You’re quite right @Irana93. There is a drawing of the American nurse by Igarashi in the manga. It’s probably how she actually looked like because later on Candy tries to imagine what she looks like and the images used in the manga are different.

                • Myra says:

                  Yeah, that scene is in the manga. I remember it quite well.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Yes, @Sarah and @Irana93, I just double checked the manga too. Igarashi drew the nurse playing with Poupe, and Candy tried to imagine what she looked like.

                  Interestingly, in the manga the nurse was 20 but in the novel Albert said she was almost 20 (or turning 20). 😉

                • Sarah says:

                  OK. Thanks for letting us know, Ms Puddle.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Thank you @Sarah, @Michelle, and @Myra for the encouragement. I’ll think about it 🤗

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Yes you bet, @Sarah, I consider Kimberly my original character inspired by the one mentioned in Albert’s letter from Kenya. 😉 In the manga as well as the novel, Albert said that the American nurse looked somewhat like Candy (using different phrases but have the same meanings).

        But I’m worried that people would think I drew Candy incorrectly lol 🤣

        • Sarah says:

          Isn’t it odd that Nagita didn’t write more about her? I also find it strangle that she didn’t write more about Terry and Albert’s past. Why do you think she did that?

          • Sarah says:

            Holy crap, I meant to say that I find it ***strange*** that she didn’t write more about Terry and Albert’s past. The spellcheck on my tablet is for the hot dumpster fire. Damn.

            • Gabriella says:

              No worries, Sarah.. Spell-checkers seem to do more harm than good. Happened to me some time ago. Wanted to type the word ‘”fact” in a text message and instead of that word another four-letter-word beginning with the letter “f” was inserted and you probably know which one I’m referring to…

            • Ms Puddle says:

              LOL, when I first read your comment I didn’t even notice the error, so @Sarah, no worries. We are all aware of how useful the machine spell checkers are 😉

            • Ms Puddle says:

              LOL, when I first read your comment I didn’t even notice the error, so @Sarah, no worries. We are all aware of how useful the spell checkers are 😉

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Hi @Sarah, I think Nagita sensei did write something about their past but not love history. Since they are Candy’s loves, maybe the writer did not want to take the focus off the protagonist? Just guessing, of course. 😉

            But other characters like Neal, Anthony and Archie had admirers, so it’s probably the same for Terry and Albert. What do you think?

            • Sarah says:

              Apparently, those aforesaid male characters would have admirers but I guess that Nagita wanted to centre her story around Candy and nobody else. Especially when it came to the female characters, I have the impression that Nagita wanted to reduce all the other female characters in order to keep the focal point on Candy. There’s no issue with that but it creates unrealistic expectations which easily go overboard and become rather outlandish and cheesy. In most notable and noteworthy tales such as those written by J.R.R. Tolkien, Carl Sagan, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Madeleine L’Engle, Toni Morrison – amongst many others – there is a plethora of female characters with enriched and complex personalities; the story doesn’t simply evolve around a single ‘happy-go-lucky’ character.

              • Gabriella says:

                I agree with you @Sarah. I would add Beth Sullivan to the list. She’s the one who wrote the script for the massively popular TV series worldwide, “Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman”. What’s remarkable about this TV series is that even though the story is about Dr Quinn (of-course), there are so many incredible and fascinating characters in this story-both the main and the supplementary characters. In particular, the female characters which hold the main roles are so nuanced and intricate (i.e. Grace, Dorothy, Colleen) that they add further to the impact of this story. It’s not surprising that this TV series had become such a great hit globally and it continues to be relevant and appealing in our day and age. There’s even a strong demand for a reboot of this series.

                • Myra says:

                  DQMW is by far one of my favourite TV series. It’s awesome in all aspects-cast, script, production-you name it!

                • Sarah says:

                  Couldn’t agree with you more @Gabriella and @Myra. “Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman” is, arguably, one of the best series ever aired on syndication. The literary quality of the script in tandem with the sterling performance of the cast have solidified the long-lasting appeal and popularity of this series. Beth Sullivan is a highly talented writer without any doubt.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Yes, @Sarah that’s very typical of shoujo manga, possibly due to the restrictions imposed by the publishers, like the number of pages one can serialize in the monthly edition as well as the popularity of the story, etc.

                • Sarah says:

                  The Rose of Versailles and The Sword of Paros could both be regarded as exceptions to the norm involving the genre of shoujo manga.

                  Here’s an interesting article, btw:


                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Very interesting article, and thanks for sharing, @Sarah!

                  Guess what? The Rose of Versailles is also one of my favourite manga, and I almost wanted to write a fanfic for Oscar and Andre. However, I was more motivated to write for Candy and Albert due to its open ending. 😉

                • Sarah says:

                  Thank you @Ms Puddle. I’m glad you enjoyed reading that article. The blogger is quite insightful. As for the “Rose of Versailles”, it’s also one of my favourite of the said genre. I would recommend you read the “Sword of Paros” too.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Thanks again @Sarah and yes I agree with you the blogger is insightful.

                  About the Rose of Versailles, I also read the author’s other book the Window of Orpheus, which seemed promising initially but I was quite disappointed afterwards. When I finally finished it, I felt I had read enough stories about cross-dressing female protagonists…. 😅

                • Sarah says:

                  The two manga stories I’ve recommended go way beyond cross-dressing. The plot is intricate and significant themes emerge from those said stories.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Yes, @Sarah, I’ve watched the anime of the Rose of Versailles and later bought the manga to read. It’s definitely one of my favourites, and to me, the anime version was even more appealing (for Candy Candy I like the manga much, much more). I tried so hard to find a copy of The Window of Orpheus, and I guess I was quite disappointed afterwards. 🙁

                  I just realized Yumiko Igarashi was the illustrator for the Sword of Paros. I’m sure her drawings must be superb!

                • Sarah says:

                  Yes, Igarashi’s illustrations revolving the “Sword of Paros” are outstanding. The plot is also intricate albeit controversial but I do not mean that in a negative way. On the contrary, I find it revolutionary that LGBTQ themes were being explored in Japanese manga during the 1970s-1980s.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Yes, @Sarah, I was also surprised about that too, but I thought this manga was published later than Candy Candy?

                • Sarah says:

                  Yeah, somewhere around 1986-1987.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi @Sarah, you didn’t feel that this chapter was that long is a compliment indeed❣️ Glad to hear that the flashbacks weren’t confusing.
      Thank you for your continued support. You take care too 🤗

  1. August 29, 2021

    […] (to be continued…) […]

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