Forget-Me-Not Chapter 5

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110 Responses

  1. Lakewood says:

    Great story so far! The new additions to your fanfic make this story even more intriguing. If only Keiko Nagita had provided sufficient background surrounding Albert, especially his travel experiences around the world.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Lakewood for reading, and your positive feedback is much appreciated 🤗 Speaking of Albert’s travel, I wonder where else he went. It’s unclear in the novel, or am I mistaken?

  2. Halcyon days says:


    This was a fascinating chapter and I appreciate that you have also added an updated version of your new fan-art. I have been curious to know what your impression is revolving the other characters of this novel apart from Candy and Albert. It would be interesting to see your impression of Anthony as well.

    Thank you very much!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Halcyon Days for your encouraging words to my fanfic and fanarts❣️ One day I might draw Anthony, but since he looks so much like Prince on the Hill, it’s actually tricky to distinguish them. In fact, some fans who have only watched the anime thought I drew Anthony, not Albert, lol 😉
      Take care!

      • Halcyon Days says:

        It would make sense given that Anthony and Albert look so much alike. Based on the descriptions and illustrations provided (novel, manga, anime), the only difference is that Albert is much taller but Anthony hadn’t managed to reach his full vertical growth as he was only 15 when he died. In the novel, however, Candy does mention that Albert’s hair was blonder and his eyes had a more vibrant sky-blue colour. Isn’t that how the story goes in the original Japanese text?

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Yes, @Halcyon Days, Albert is the tallest male character (possibly the same height as Georges?), but like you said, maybe the younger male characters are still growing. 😉

          In the novel, when Candy first met Anthony she did think his hair and smile were seemingly pale compared to her prince, but the narrative implies Candy was uncertain. I wonder how the official translators interpreted this particular sentence?

          However, in her mental letter to Anthony, she said both Anthony and Albert have the same eye and hair colours. Sandy blond hair and blue eyes. Perhaps they would have looked like twins if Anthony had not died.

  3. Jesse says:

    Hi! How are you?

    Your most recent story inspired by the CCFS seems to be very interesting so far. It’s also a pleasure getting to see new fanart too. Your approach to Terry’s features is impressive, to say the least. I agree with the comments supporting that your drawing of Terry is much better than many of the illustrations created by his own fans.

    Your idea to focus on Ms Pony’s home and the development of the relationship between Candy and Albert is also intelligent. Besides, this orphanage along with Ms Pony’s Hill are both immensely important to Candy and Albert because Ms Pony’s Hill is the place where they first met as well as the place where Albert revealed his identity as POTH to Candy. If Slim’s painting would have had a greater impact to any of the characters of the CCFS, that would definitely be Candy and Albert.

    Indeed, Candy and Albert are the ones who have demonstrated indisputable love and appreciation for Ms Pony’s home as they always do their utmost to support this place via emotional and financial terms. Beyond any shadow of a doubt and based on the CCFS textual evidence, Albert has always displayed unconditional respect and support for Candy’s most beloved home. Moreover, Albert has always been profoundly considerate so as to refurbish and financially reinforce Ms Pony’s home via the expansion of this estate and thus establishing it as a most welcoming place for children in need. However, it is not a surprise that Albert would demonstrate such generous acts given his kind and highly commendable character. It is also not a surprise that Albert would immediate recognize Slim’s painting at a flea market in any place in the world.

    Thank you again and looking forward to the subsequent chapter of your most recent story!

    Stay safe!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Jesse, nice to hear from you again! Thank you for your encouraging feedback to my fanfic and my drawing of Terry❣️

      I couldn’t agree with you more about Pony’s Home 🏡 and Pony’s Hill. In addition to what you already said, the orphanage and the hill were mentioned again and again not only in section 3 but also between Candy and Albert in the epilogue. It suffices to say they are important to both characters, not just Candy the heroine.

      Besides, if I’m not mistaken, whenever Candy alluded to the reconstruction or the land purchase, she always mentioned Albert. In a sense, he was “tied” to the orphanage too, and it makes more sense that he could recognize the painting at a glance, as you have clearly pointed out. 🥰

      • Lynn says:

        Excellent points, Ms Puddle and Jesse! Those who try to downplay the significance of Ms Pony’s Hill (Slim’s Painting) in connection with Candy and Albert (especially their special bond) are moronic and delusional. They are clearly slow on the uptake and need to find another argument because their rhetoric remains empty.

        • Jesse says:

          Thank you, @Ms Puddle and @Lynn. It’s beyond any shadow of a doubt that Ms Pony’s hill as well as the orphanage have had an immense impact and significance to both Candy and Albert. Unfortunately, Candy had not managed to share her beloved home with either Anthony nor Terry; with Albert, however, Candy not only shared a past but also a present and possible future with Albert when it comes to this idyllic place. This was never an orphanage to Candy but a lovely place she called home. Candy was always proud of being brought up in such a loving place with wonderful people and good for her about that. A true family doesn’t have to do with biological ties or loads of money but tender feelings and mutual consideration and respect. That said, Candy derived a plethora of high quality values and principles from Ms Pony’s home and Albert has always been supportive of Candy’s love for this place by offering his own unconditional love for Ms Pony’s home too. Even though Candy and Albert have many differences in their personality, the crux of their character is identical and that comprises dignity, self-respect and consideration for others irrespective of their social status, gender or ethnicity.

          • Jesse says:

            Just a quick note from the “Grammar Police” as I meant to say: “Unfortunately, Candy had not managed to share her beloved home with either Anthony or Terry.”

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Totally agree with you both, @Jesse and @Lynn. To me, Slim’s painting is one of the significant clues about the identity of Candy’s lover.

            Well said, @Jesse, about true families don’t have to do with biological ties. Like you said, Candy’s love for Pony’s Home is obvious, and Albert’s support and love for this place is also undeniable. Apart from what you have already pointed out, I’d like to add that the fact Candy thanked her parents for abandoning her at Pony’s Home so that she could meet Albert essentially linked him to her beloved home. 💕 To me, it’s her unique way to express her love for him.

  4. Aurora says:

    How are you, Ms Puddle? So pleased to receive an update surrounding your latest fanfiction and fanart! I like the dark-red background you have chosen for Terry’s portrait. You’re right – it does give the impression of an old photograph. Perhaps that’s how the newspaper clipping Candy kept in her jewellery box looked like. Who knows?

    Please consider drawing Kimberly too. You’ve really managed to turn her into a round character.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello @Aurora, thank you so much for your positive feedback to my fanfic and fanart❣️ About old printing materials, I didn’t know Hallmark made their Christmas cards (with colours) in 1915 until I started doing some research. 😉

      Yes I’ll likely draw Kimberly. Many thanks for your interest 😘

  5. Anita says:

    Hello Ms Puddle,

    This is a very interesting chapter which I have found a pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing your creative talent with us. I prefer your narrative version of Candy because she seems to be more dynamic and ‘sassy’ than in the original text. Albert is also more developed as a character who is undergoing his own insecurities and personal conflicts. Not that these emotional conflicts between and ‘within’ Candy and Albert were not present in Nagita’s novel; they simply weren’t as pronounced and elaborated as in your own version of this story so far.

    I also find your portrayal of Terry to be top-notch. Although my first-and-foremost favourite fanart you have produced so far has to do with Candy and Albert, this new fanart of Terry has become a close second, surpassing even your awesome fanart of Archie. Apparently, this is a matter of opinion and each person would have different preferences.

    Regards and Take Care!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello @Anita! Thank you for reading, and I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the new chapter. So you think my Candy is “sassy”? Haha… I hope it’s not negative 😉😅

      Anyway, thank you for your encouraging words to my fanfic ❣️ I just want to show both Candy and Albert have emotions too, and neither of them is perfect.

      I’m delighted to hear that you think highly of my drawing of Terry. 🥰 I like my attempts to draw Archie and Terry, and both are special to me in different ways. But thank you, Anita!

      You take care and stay safe too!

      • Anita says:

        Rest assured that I meant using the term ‘sassy’ in a most positive way!

      • Anita says:

        On an entirely different note, are you planning on getting the third vax? It’s been approved by most countries, however, the CDC has stated that it’s not necessary for those who are young and healthy. Conflicting info..

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello @Anita, I don’t think I’m eligible for 3rd dose here in where I live. Only those who are immunocompromised will be invited. How about you?

  6. Lynn says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,

    I would like to thank you for including my CCFS-related comment in your most recent post. I have some more thoughts about the aforementioned topic but I’ll discuss them with you when I’m not so pressed for time. It seems that until the winter holidays, my working schedule will be rather hectic.

    Regarding your new chapter, you have intensified the conflict between Candy and Albert. This functions well given that Candy and Albert have a most intricate bond and mutual attraction they need to come to terms with. They’ll need to admit it first..

    As for your fanart of Terry, I agree with everyone on this platform that this fanart is superb. Terry’s gaze has sth sensual which is indicative of his earthly and emotive disposition. I agree with your selection of greenish-blue for Terry’s eyes; this color is different to Albert’s clear sky-blue eyes. Terry is far more sultry and sentimental whereas Albert is far more rational, intellectual and ethereal. The bottom-line is that both of these guys are gorgeous and that’s the reason why they have such an intense “fan-club”. It turns out that the novel couldn’t deviate nor liberate itself from the visual aspect as established indelibly by Igarashi. Fortunately, we’ve got high quality fanfiction such as your own which could further the insight in this ambiguous and rather “defective” novel.

    Best Regards,

  7. Lynn says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,

    I would like to thank you for including my CCFS-related comment in you most recent post. I have some more thoughts about the aforementioned topic but I’ll discuss them with you when I’m not so pressed for time. It seems that until the winter holidays, my working schedule will be rather hectic.

    Regarding your new chapter, you have intensified the conflict between Candy and Albert. This functions well given that Candy and Albert have a most intricate bond and mutual attraction they need to come to terms with. They’ll need to admit it first..

    As for your fanart of Terry, I agree with everyone on this platform that this fanart is superb. Terry’s gaze has sth sensual which is indicative of his earthly and emotive disposition. I agree with your selection of greenish-blue for Terry’s eyes; this color is different to Albert’s clear sky-blue eyes. Terry is far more sultry and sentimental whereas Albert is far more rational, intellectual and ethereal. The bottom-line is that both of these guys are gorgeous and that’s the reason why they have such an intense “fan-club”. It turns out that the novel couldn’t deviate nor liberate itself from the visual aspect as established indelibly by Igarashi. Fortunately, we’ve got high quality fanfiction such as your own which could further the insight in this ambiguous and rather “defective” novel.

    Best Regards,

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello @Lynn, thank you so much for reading, despite your hectic schedule❣️ Yes, I’m looking forward to reading more of your thoughts, but of course, no pressure. Take your time 😘

      Good point about Candy and Albert. They both need to admit their feelings for each other first. That’s also my impression when reading CCFS. In the manga version or the old novel, Albert confessed to be Candy’s prince the day she returned to the orphanage. Also, Candy seemingly had feelings for him already (in her interactions with Albert in Lakewood or after he helped her annual the forced engagement).
      I guess back then Nagita-sensei was pressed to wrap up the story? 😅

      About Terry, thank you for your compliments! I totally agree with you about the two male characters and their respective fan clubs lol. However, in CCFS Albert’s hair and eyes are clearly defined but the author didn’t describe Terry’s features but only his gaze and that his hair was soft, if I’m not mistaken. No mentioning of his eye color. Kinda strange, I must say. 🤔

      Take care, Lynn!

      • Lynn says:

        Thank you for your reply and for your understanding.

        It appears that Terry’s role and significance have both been noticeably reduced in the novel. Even many of the most ardent of Terry-fans admit that they were disappointed after having read this novel because they had expected Terry’s role to be amplified; on the contrary, however, Terry is reduced to a past memory after his departure from the private boarding school in London. Albert, on the other hand, has been given far greater importance throughout the novel and it’s not surprising that the majority of Albert-fans are far more fond of this novel than the anime or manga.

        You take care too and thanks again!

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Thank you @Lynn! Well said about the two male characters’ roles and significance in the novel.

          I was told that many Albert fans in Japan were initially disappointed (if not mad) with the idea of “Anohito”. After all, for decades they’d assumed Candy ended up Albert, as clearly indicated in the old novel or the manga. However, after reading the novel, they were still unhappy with the change but it was not as bad as they thought.

          • Lynn says:

            This new novel has disappointed many readers irrespective of which character they support and want as ‘anohito’. For my part, I consider that both the Albert and the Terry fans ought to cease their nonsensical online feuds because the one responsible for this mess is the author herself.

  8. Fay says:

    Thank you for your new chapter, @Ms. Puddle. The plot is getting more and more interesting. I like the fact that you base your story partly on the manga version. We all know that in many respects the manga is much better than CCFS.

    I am especially intrigued by Great Aunt Elroy’s attitude towards Candy. I can’t help thinking that she must have something in mind. That change is very suspicious.

    I loved the interaction between Albert and Mr. Cartwright, especially the fifteen minutes the latter gave to Albert to talk about Candy. Albert was so carried away that he almost passed the time limit. LOL. In general, it seems there is some kind of camaraderie between the two men. Both of them care about Candy, each in his own way.

    You have portrayed Terry very beautifully. Yes, it does look like an old picture in color. And I also think his eyes may be greenish blue as you say, and not sky-blue like Albert’s eyes.

    Keep the good work, and stay safe, whatever you do.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello @Fay! How are you? So glad to hear that you find the plot more interesting. I’m inspired by both the manga and CCFS, and I’ll choose what fits better in the story 😉

      About Great Aunt Elroy, please stay tuned. About Mr. Cartwright, I’m happy to hear you enjoyed reading his interaction with Albert 🥰

      In my first attempt to draw Terry, I picked dark blue for his eyes (like the anime) but as I said, I collected feedback from you all and decided to redraw. I’m more satisfied with my second attempt, even though I feel I could still do better. Oh well 😅

      Please stay safe too, my friend ❣️

  9. Christine says:

    Hello again @Ms Puddle and so glad to read your new work. You have provided so much depth in Kimberly’s character which functions as a form of catalyst in the complicated relationship between Candy and Albert. Albert is by far a very attractive male character not only in terms of his impressive physique and beauty but also in terms of his awesome personality. Therefore, it would be of no surprise that he would be admired and loved since he is well-deserving of such sentiments in tandem with loads of respect.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you for your encouraging words @Christine! How are you doing?

      Well said, Christine! I totally agree with you about Albert. You’re absolutely right that he’s a very attractive character, not just because of his appearance but also his personality. Nagita sensei did make him less “perfect” in CCFS though by making him more human. 😉

      • Christine says:

        I’m doing fine, so far. Thank you for asking!

        With regards to Albert’s personality in the CCFS, I’m glad Nagita decided to remove the lion scene and thus make Albert less of a “Marvel” action superhero and more of a down-to-earth relatable character.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          You’re absolutely right, @Christine! I did not mind the lion’s scene in the manga because it shows how much they cared for each other, but the part where Albert could “hypnotize” the lion was a bit too far-fetched lol 😅

          • Christine says:

            Yet, there are a few charismatic individuals who have managed to “befriend” such wild animals in the real world such as Kevin Richardson and Dean Schneider.

  10. Leda says:

    Many thanks for adding this new fascinating chapter! I love how you delve into the dynamics of the Candy-Albert relationship in such a sensitive and respectful (to the author) way.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you so much, @Leda! Your positive feedback to my fanfic is greatly appreciated ❣️🤗

      • Leda says:

        I’m currently reading LNF too albeit at a slower pace due to very limited free-time. I always enjoy reading but workload usually takes over and calls the shots.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello @Leda, thanks for your interest in reading my longest fanfic. It was my first fanfic (though I have recently revised it) so it means a lot to me! Take your time please, and I hope you will like it. 🤗

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