Stay safe this Christmas, my friends!

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109 Responses

  1. Chiaroscuro says:

    This is by far excellent artwork-Ms Puddle. You have surely captured Candy’s pensive gaze in tandem with the brilliant colour of her emerald-green eyes.
    As for your recent fanfiction, I am enjoying it so far and I am also looking forward to what “awaits around the corner” with regards to its intriguing plot.😉

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you so much @Chiaroscuro for your encouraging feedback 🤗❣️ As I mentioned in another comment, I drew this for a scene of my current fanfic. I didn’t have the time to write regrettably, but I’ll try my best. Thanks again and take care 😘

  2. Lynn says:

    Merry Christmas! May you and your loved ones have a wonderful time during the festive season and stay in good health.

    Talk to you again soon!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Merry Christmas (belated) to you too, @Lynn! Best wishes to you and your loved ones too. Most of all, stay safe and take care, my friend ❣️🤗

  3. Michelle says:

    Hi there!
    Merry Christmas and thank you so much for sharing another stunning fan-art of Candy with us!
    All the Best,

  4. Avon says:

    Dear Ms Puddle, I hope you are well and having a pleasant time during this much needed holiday. How are you? Have you managed to get some rest and visit family?

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a creative New Year which will hopefully be free from this global pandemic which has afflicted our world.

    Best Regards!

    • Avon says:

      P.S. Your latest fanart involving Candy is one of the best you have created so far, in my opinion. She is truly a beauty and you’ve done amazing work with the colours and facial expression.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi @Avon, long time no see! Thanks for your kind wishes, and yes I did visit my mother (only ten minutes away by driving) and had dinner at her place just before more restrictions were imposed due to a spike in covid cases.

      How are you doing? If I remember correctly you’re in Scotland too? This global pandemic does not seem to end anytime soon, and honestly I’m getting tired of it. Let’s hope that the newly approved oral anitiviral treatments will help. 🙏

      Best wishes to you in the new year too!

  5. Gabriella says:

    Hi Ms Puddle!

    I wish you and your family a pleasant winter break with health and well-being for all.

    Take Care and Thanks!

  6. Fay says:

    That’s a wonderful illustration, Ms. Puddle. A Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year. As Judy Garland has said in a well-known Christmas song:

    “Have yourself a merry little Christmas
    Let your heart be light
    Next year all our troubles will be out of sight.

    Have yourself a merry little Christmas
    Make the yuletide gay
    Next year all our troubles will be miles away.

    Once again as in olden days
    Happy golden days of yore
    Faithful friends who were dear to us
    Will be near to us once more.

    Someday soon we all will be together
    If the fates allow
    Until then, we’ll have to muddle through somehow
    So, have yourself a merry little Christmas now.”

    There couldn’t be a more appropriate Christmas song for the present situation.
    A Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. Stay safe and warm.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you so much, @Fay! Indeed the lyrics of the Christmas song🎄 could not be more appropriate. Thanks for sharing it with us❣️ Stay safe and take care, my friend!

      • Gabriella says:

        Hi @Ms Puddle and @Fay!

        That’s an awesome Christmas song you’ve selected, @Fay. It’s one of my favourite.

        Stay safe and enjoy the winter break!

        • Fay says:

          Thank you, @Gabriella. I love this song too. I heard it for the first time in the 1944 movie “Meet me in St. Louis” starring Judy Garland. I never imagined it would appeal so much to us these days.

          A Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year.

          • Myra says:

            That’s true, Fay. We’re living strange times but hopefully we’ll get through not only in a medical way but also social as societies are turning against each other.

    • Lynn says:

      Hello Fay! Very nice Christmas song. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

      • Fay says:

        Hello, @Lynn. Yes, indeed, it is rather different from most Christmas songs. It doesn’t just mention the simple joys of the festive season but also the melancholy one feels when they have to do without them.

        Take care and a Happy New Year.

  7. DreamCatcher says:

    Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a Better New Year!

  8. Anita says:

    Hello Ms Puddle,

    This new artwork of yours is lovely. Candy looks so stunning in your illustrations.

    I’m looking forward to the continuation of your new fan-fiction too. I’m glad that you have had time to rest and focus on some quality time.


    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello @Anita! How are you? I have relatives in UK and they hardly go out these days. Sigh… I stay home as much as possible too.

      Thank you for your kind words about my drawing and my fanfic. 😊 I was hoping to write the chapter about Christmas at Pony’s Home but couldn’t find the time. 🙁

      • Gabriella says:

        Take your time, @Ms Puddle, and we’ll always be pleased to receive updates from you regarding your work.

      • Anita says:

        Thank you for your concern, Ms Puddle. The UK is in complete shambles and that pathetic excuse of a prime minister continues to remain in power instead of having even an iota of dignity and stepping down. He clearly hasn’t got a clue on how to deal with this pandemic and his cabinet is a tragicomic circus. My partner and I currently live and work in Scotland and even though the First Minister of Scotland has been dealing with this situation in a far more responsible way, there is little she can do since most of the major and crucial decisions are made in Westminster and not Holyrood. The Scottish parliament holds certain evolved powers but they are minute when it comes to serious issues which affect society and individuals in a federal and global level. It’s such a pity that Scotland didn’t achieve its independence after the 2014 referendum. Unfortunately, “project fear” won, yet again..

        • Anita says:

          Correction: Not “evolved” but “devolved” powers…

        • Lynn says:

          You’re absolutely right, Anita! I was also gutted with the results of the aforementioned referendum. The ‘union’ between Scotland and England was never based on mutual respect and affection but on a contemptuous and condescending attitude from the English side, and an oppressed and thwarted sentiment from the Scottish side(who could blame them?). Perhaps there will be a new referendum as the material circumstances have changed, especially with regards to BREXIT which the Scots in their greatest majority had never signed up for nor agreed to.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          I can feel your frustrations, @Anita. Sorry to hear that 😔 Here in Canada the provincial governments are given more authorities but then again, the pandemic fatigue sets in. I start seeing people, especially the younger adults, not wearing masks indoors, as though they don’t care anymore 😕

          • Anita says:

            It appears that many people are simply sick and tired of all these restrictions. If governments had focused on establishing and maintaining a strong public healthcare system in tandem with paying heed to the warning of scientists throughout these years, the situation would not have been as dire as it is nowadays.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              You’re probably right, @Anita. For now, I guess we can protect ourselves by going out less or avoid crowded places? I don’t know about you but I’ve been working from home since March 2020. I’m really lucky, I know. 🙏

  9. Myra says:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  10. Sarah says:

    Beautiful drawing of Candy!

    Thanks for sharing and have a happy (and much better…) new year!

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