Forget-Me-Not Chapter 9

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180 Responses

  1. Valkyrie says:

    Intriguing chapter and thank you very much for sharing!

  2. Danny Lamas says:

    Me encanta, aunque me da ansiedad el sufrimiento de Albert, por que es tan dificil para ellos hablar sobre sus sentimientos !!!!

    No tardes tanto en actualizar por favor !!! Es dificil seguir el hilo y tengo que regresar para recordar los capitulos pasados, mi memoria es muuuuy mala 😢 ….
    Albert pensando que Candy esta interesada en Ritchie y Candy pensando que Albert no tiene interés amoroso en ella … vaya par!! Gracias por este capítulo!!!
    Espero sin uñas el siguiente 😉

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Muchas gracias Danny Lamas 💞

      I’ll try my best to update sooner. I hope you don’t mind reading my previous chapter(s) again to refresh your memory. ¡Gracias! 🙏

  3. Jesse says:

    Great news about your new job! Congratulations! Have you also moved to another city or is your new job nearby?

    Changing the topic, I find your recent fanfiction to be really intriguing. I know that some may not like the possibility of Albert having had a romantic past with another woman but it’s more than apparent (and natural) that such a beautiful, intelligent and resourceful young man would have had his fair share of admirers and thus romantic experiences with other women. Just as Candy had her own romantic past with other characters, it would make sense if Albert also had his own romantic past. Albert’s appeal lies not only in his amazingly dashing good looks but also his rebellious and independent disposition. No other character in Nagita’s novel had ever dared to test one’s limits to such an extent and embark on so many adventurous journeys as Albert did, with the exception of Stear and the nurse, Fran Hamilton, both of whom had demonstrated utmost altruism and heroism during WWI.

    I wonder if Albert had also intended to go to war after being informed about the outbreak of WWI during his stay and employment in Africa. It seems that he had done so in the manga but it doesn’t seem to be clear in the novel. Is there any mention of this in the old or new novel in Japanese?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Jesse! It’s a remote position because the company operates in a hybrid mode. There are offices in two cities but many employees are located in different parts of the country, working from home like me.

      Like you, I also think Albert had his past relationship(s) too. Some fanfic writers even wrote that he had a girlfriend while studying in college.

      Good question about Albert enlisting himself or not. In the manga it seems he did. However, I don’t recall reading about this in CCFS. Let me double check and get back to you later.

      • Jesse says:

        Thanks, Ms Puddle, I appreciate that.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hi @Jesse, after skimming through Albert’s letters in the epilogue, I don’t think he mentioned anything about volunteering/enlisting? What do you think?

          In one of the letters he talked more about Africa and how he cut all ties with Georges and believed Ardlay’s business was stable enough without him, etc. With hindsight, he was so contrite and said he was deeply ashamed to be that selfish.

          • Jesse says:

            Good question… Come to think of it, Albert did mention about wanting to do something about the fact that the first world war had broken out. Of-course, Nagita (as usual..) leaves this snippet of information vague and ambiguous as she has done with all the other characters and their experiences. Since I don’t think there’s much of a point beating around the bush (I don’t want to play Nagita’s game), let’s just leave this, yet again, as another moot point regarding this low quality novel. And yes, I am terming this novel as low quality because that’s exactly what it is and I’m unapologetically scathing it in this respect. Even though this novel is clearly benefitting the Albert-fans as they have gotten the “lion’s share” with regard to the identity of this so-called “anohito”, it is insulting to the readers that Nagita had actually decided to publish this pathetic excuse of a novel and expect payment for it by playing at the expense of both the Terry-fans and the Albert-fans. This novel is horrendously overpriced and the fanfiction deriving from the Terry-fans and Albert-fans is of much greater quality. With that being said, the Terry-fans and the Albert-fans have done a much better job in writing decent stories which I would prefer paying for than this bogus novel coming from the actual author who appears to not have demonstrated any form of respect to her readership.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Yes, @Jesse, Nagita sensei did leave it vague. Albert implied the rumours of a potential war (not yet broken out, I think) had spurred him on, and that he thought his disappearance would not affect Ardlay’s business too much, something along the line.

              We readers only know that he was deeply ashamed that he had been self-centered and felt he got his just deserts by being involved in the train accident and lost all his memories.

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