Candy and Prince on the Hill (Part 9)

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39 Responses

  1. Ana says:

    I did not understand a word but Congrats, my friend! a new translation??

    Good for you!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yes, my dear friend! It’s my new story published less than two weeks ago. A reader translated it to Japanese for me 💝 My honor indeed. 🙂 💕❤

      • Ana says:

        New story¡?¡ where have I been?? hahaha… I’m just trying to find the letter to Vincent! lol…

        I guess I have a lot to read! weee…

        Hope you are having a blessed Sunday!

        • Ms Puddle says:

          No worries, my dear friend! No need to catch up 😉 Yes, I have a good rest today. ❤ ❤

          Here is the link to the post you’re looking for:

          If you like, the post right after the above, “Granduncle William (!)”, is also related. 🙂

          • Quevivacandy says:

            Hello my friend!

            Sorry, yesterday while I was reading I got visitors so I had to stop my reading, hehehe

            I tried to leave my comment on the other post but is already disable to leave any more comments, hahaha, my fault, so please forgive me to leave it over here. :p If you considere it is necessary, you can move it where it belongs. :p

            First at all, I feel very hmmm… pleased? hahaha, that our little chat made you write that post. Thank you so much my friend.

            Now, I cannot be more agree with you but let me point out some differences between the japanese novel and the italian translation. In the italian, it says Candy ‘talked’ with the portraits only in Lakewood and Chicago, there is not the word ‘mainly’ but I like the way it is written in japanese, because it shows she visited another properties and not only those two, like she has the right by then.

            And about the question you poped out, about Candy inviting Vincent to go to Chicago, I like the best how it is in the italian version, lol… it says ‘please, come to visit US in Chicago and…’. 😀 What does that implies? As you said, now she is part of the family but what role is she holding by then?

            Well, for me, Candy was already back in Chicago. I would love to think they were already married but the fact she calls him ‘Uncle William Albert’ makes me doubt it but I guess at least they were already a couple, lol… ok ok ok my dreams… What I have not idea, is why she calls him granduncle William Albert, not only Granduncle William as she uses to… It’s really confusing… :/ to show more closeness?

            I also have the same feeling as you regarding about what Candy wanted to talk with Vincent. He was special for her not only because Anthony but they shared almost the same story. Person from lower status wanted to married an Ardlay, hehehe… they can share their own stories… ok, again my thoughts but who knows… :p

            On my way to read the very next post, 😉 (but first I’will have lunch… hehehe)

            • Ms Puddle says:

              As you can see, QuevivaCandy, your comment is already moved. 🙂

              Yes, I must really thank you, my friend. Our little conversation inspired me to re-read this particular letter carefully. As I have explained in the post, its significance can be easily missed. 😝

              So in the Italian version it isn’t clear that Candy had also visited other Ardlay’s properties? Interesting… For sure in Japanese version, that is implied. You’re so right, definitely Candy’s status had changed, and Albert must have brought her to other places… 😍 perhaps as Mrs. Ardlay / future Mrs. Ardlay? ❤

              Yes, in the following post Yue told us about Candy’s invitation to Vincent to “visit us in Chicago”. That speaks volumes, doesn’t it? Candy not only resided in the principal mansion, but she also had the right and confidence to invite whomever she liked! Wow!! Since when she and Albert had become “us”? 😍😘

              About why Candy called Albert Granduncle William Albert, I’ve talked about it in the following post already. I’ll answer you there, my friend. 😊

              I totally agree with you about how Candy could easily identify herself with Vincent, being a person of a lower status to marry an Ardlay! 😁 Besides, Albert must have told Candy a lot more about Rosemary and Vincent that Candy really want to chat with Vincent again. For sure her topics would revolve around Rosemary, Albert and/or Anthony. Moreover, judging from her writing, you can tell that’s what Candy was excited about nowadays. There’s absolutely no hint she’s still in misery, waiting for someone in New York… 😝😋😉

  2. brenda says:

    Hi Ms. Puddle.Thanks so much for your reply! Indeed,we all love this wonderful story! I hope you’ll continue
    writing your beautiful posts of our Candy, Albert and the rest. Sorry I forgot the other web site. I hope this will do.
    Have a nice Sunday!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Gracias Brenda for your eager support! 😍 Yes, I’ll continue to write, but I’m busier than before, so I can’t update frequently anymore. Thanks for your understanding! 😘

      So it’s a Spanish website? Thanks for the link. 💕 Did they have rules or regulations for the celebration? Is everyone free to submit their drawings? 🙄

      You have a wonderful Sunday too! 🙏

  3. brenda says:

    Hi Ms. Puddle!
    Sorry for nor being in touch Amiga! I had a problem with my pc. but, now I am back and very glad to read you posts.
    This is one of my favourite chapters about Candy, Anthony and Albert. They were very important to Candy! I agree with
    you, they might have lived in Chicago though Candy loved visiting Lakewood wich was full of memories for Albert too!
    Anyway, I hope you continue with these wonderful posts and please send my regards to everybody!
    ps.Please don´t forget your beautiful drawings for the 40th Anniversary of the manga in April!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Brenda mi amiga! Nice to hear from you again, and I’m glad your PC is finally repaired. 😍

      Yes, in the letter Candy did sound like she had already moved back to Chicago. For sure her relationship with Albert had advanced to an important stage. 💓💕

      Indeed, Candy also loved Lakewood, just like Albert. It was such a special that means a lot to them, including Anthony and his father.

      Thanks again for reminding me of the anniversary. Do you have the link to this event? Any deadline? 😁

  4. Evelyn says:

    Hello dear Ms Puddle!! What an interesting post! I am so sorry for just now joining in. I have missed very much speaking to all of you ladies.

    I had to take my time to absorb this information in my head. So true that Candy would not have had the audacity to invite Vincent Brown as just Candice White, the outcast member of the Ardlay family. She took the liberty to invite Vincent to Lakewood whom, like her, had been an outcast as well. She could relate to him and that is why she had many things to talk to him about. About their similarities and struggles they had to endure to be with the person they loved as well as not being welcomed into their family circle. Of course, they would talk about the stories that Anthony shared with Candy too!

    Also, notice that Vincent sent Candy a Christmas card. For sure he sent this card to Lakewood and not to Pony’s home. Could this be a hint that Candy received such card already living in Lakewood? 😉

    What I notice is the statement that Candy says that nowadays she has increasing opportunities to spend time talking to Rosemary’s portraits. This sounds as if she is a more frequent guest allowed to spend as much time as she pleases at the mansion and allowed to visit areas of the property previously out of her reach. Sounds like she is much closer to Albert, perhaps dating or engaged as some of you ladies are saying here 😀 , definitely a possibility! I do love your comment, Ms Puddle, about why would Candy want to talk so much to Rosemary? and it surely would be to thank her for teaching her little brother Albert about her POV that what matters is to be with the person you love regardless of social status! Sigh!! 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Evelyn!! It’s nice to read you again, my friend! 😍😘 I miss you too, dear. However, don’t feel obligated to write. I understand we are all busy. 😌

      Well said, my friend, that Candy and Vincent had shared some similarities, but clearly things had changed for better in Candy’s case. Now she was confident enough to invite Vincent to Chicago or Lakewood, the places where she had not been welcome before. What’s more, she looked forward to walking around the rose gate in Lakewood with him, which speaks volumes about her relationship with a certain someone 😍

      We’re not sure whether the Xmas card had been sent to Lakewood or Chicago, but if you read the following post, I have a feeling Candy lived in Chicago mansion already! 😁

      Exactly my friend, whether Candy was just a guest visiting Ardlay’s premises or already a resident, indeed it seems Candy had more chances to take her time to do whatever she wanted, like admiring family portraits. 😋

      About why Candy chose to talk to Rosemary, I agree with you, my friend. Besides, I figure Candy had been heavily influenced by Albert, who loved Rosemary a lot. To him, she had been his “mother” figure, who had likely shaped his character and beliefs. Sigh… 💓💖💕

      • Evelyn says:

        Thanks for your reply, my friend! I never feel obligated!! I simply enjoy being a part of your conversations 🙂 Just have been dealing with real life issue and trials as you know 😉

        About the two Ardlay residences. Just want to understand. Lakewood was not the family’s primary residence, right? That is where Candy first met all the cousins starting with Anthony, Archie and Stear. Was Chicago the mansion where Albert conducted all his business from, as well as all family events? Did the family live in Chicago full time? Was Lakewood just a summer place for the family outside the city? I ask because Vincent’s letter would have been sent to the residence where Albert and Candy most likely resided most of the year so that would be Chicago, as you have cleverly pointed out!! 😅😆

        You are correct, my friend, that Candy was heavily influenced by Albert in regards to Rosemary. I’m sure she also looked up to her in her heart and may have wanted to be like her one day!

        Working on catching up with your other posts… 🙂

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Yes Evelyn, I remember, and I hope things are getting better for you? 💓

          You’re right about the primary residence being in Chicago, not Lakewood. However, as you might also know, the Ardlays sometimes spent months in Lakewood too. I guess it’s not just a summer place for them, as Anthony grew up in Lakewood with Rosemary, probably till her death.

          Remember Albert’s runaway incident? He escaped from Lakewood too, ending up on Pony’s Hill by fate. 😍 Indeed, Lakewood was where Candy met the three boys, but after Anthony’s death, they hadn’t returned even after coming back from London.

          I think the business headquarter was in Chicago, and in one manga episode the Cornwell brothers drove Candy around to show her their properties, etc.

          Good point about Candy’s desire to be like Rosemary because of Albert. After all, compared to Anthony, Albert had spent more time with Rosemary. 💕💖

  5. Candy Bert says:

    Hello Ladies,
    What interesting article, Ms Puddle! Many thanks again for sharing with us!
    I had never seen this letter to Vincent Brown from this perspective and I must confess that I really like this point of view! At first, I thought this letter as some had little meaningful but when you think about it, if Mizuki has included it in the epilogue is that it should be enough to give meaningful clues! 😉 And you are quite right, which can invite Mr Brown to mansions of Ardlays, the mistress or future mistress of the house, of course! In any case certainly not the adopted daughter Candy !!! As Antlay, I think it could be several years after Stair’s death, so Candy was already engaged with Albert and perhaps married? I’m not good in CCFS timeline!
    As for those who were able to speak to Candy about privileged bonds between Albert and his sister, I also think of George, perhaps Candy did not want to name him by delicacy, not knowing if Vincent could have been aware of the feelings of George to Rosemary , although I do not know if those feelings were mentioned in CCSF!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      My sentiments exactly, Candy Bert! 😍 As the adopted daughter, Candy never really exercise her rights to live with her “family” in the mansion, let alone invite any friend to come over. Above all, she now openly invited the not-so-popular family member, Vincent Brown! 😜😝

      You’re right, George could be the one who had related the close bond between Albert and Rosemary to Candy. I believe George’s feelings for Rosemary wasn’t mentioned in CCFS anymore. 🤔

  6. antlay31 says:

    Hello Ms Puddle et Reeka

    La première fois que j’ai lu cette lettre je pensais également qu’elle avait été écrite après celle au Docteur Martin pour les raison que vous avez évoquées, à la période de Noël. Mais après avoir relu la lettre quelque m’a interpellé. Candy écrit que “Alors parfois même aujourd’hui, je n’arrive pas à croire qu’Anthony et Stair ont disparu depuis longtemps” ce qui signifie qu’apparemment cela ferait plusieurs années qu’ils sont décédés, c’est bien évidemment mon interprétation.

    La question est, combien de temps s’est écoulé entre le moment où Candy écrit au Docteur Martin et le décès de Stair ?
    Quand Stair a disparu Albert avait retrouvé la mémoire et peu de temps après il quittait Candy en hiver. Puis il lui envoi un manteau pour le printemps (épisode Rockstown) ensuite il semble que cela soit l’été quand Candy découvre la véritable identité de l’Oncle William. J’en conclu un an après le décès de Stair.
    Une fois que l’Oncle William a été intronisé officiellement comme étant l’Oncle William, je suppose qu’il n’a pas tardé à remercier le Docteur Martin pour ses soins lorsqu’il avait été renversé par la voiture. Probablement à l’automne soit au moins un an après la mort de Stair. Donc si la carte de Noël au Docteur Martin correspond à cette période il serait étonnant que Candy écrive dans sa lettre au père d’Anthony “qu’Anthony et Stair ont disparu longtemps”. Pour moi cela signifie qu’ils sont décédés depuis plusieurs années déjà.
    Donc j’en conclue que ces deux lettres n’ont pas été écrites la même année 😀
    C’est bien sûr mon interprétation et il se peut que les événements que j’ai cités ne correspondent pas à mon calendrier.
    Ms Puddle avez vous des informations concernant la chronologie de ces événements ?

    En tout cas un post extrêmement intéressant Ms Puddle, merci de le partager.

    • reeka says:

      Hello, Antlay!

      To be honest, unlike you, I had not thought much about this letter to Vincent until last week Ms Puddle posted this conclusion. Mmm I wonder myself why. Maybe because I was particularly more obsessed with those letters on epilogue 😀 . However, I have always known somehow that this letter took place after Candy moved back to Chicago mansion. One of the reasons is like what you mentioned here, Antlay, … that Candy said Anthony and Stear had been long gone.

      Antlay, now that you mentioned Candy’s letter to doctor Martin, … yeah, that letter must be written not too far from Stear’s death declared. Like you calculated, my friend, it should be around a year because not long after Candy found out the identity of Uncle William, she moved to Pony’s Home. And on that letter, doctor Martin had just accepted Albert’s offer to open clinic near Pony’s home, right? I even doubt if Stear’s funeral had been held by the time Candy wrote to doctor Martin. Ms Puddle, please help! LOL I am never good at this CCFS timeline 😀

      So yeah, apparently, if we read it carefully these two letters to doctor Martin and Vincent Brown were years apart. I guess they were at least two years apart? Because here we assume Candy was already engaged to Albert as she sounded really confident to invite Vincent (who was also not a favourite person to Aunt Elroy, I believe) to Chicago and Lakewood.

      • antlay31 says:

        Bonjour Reeka

        Oui moi aussi je ne suis pas sûre du temps qui s’est passé entre les différents événements et comme vous Ms Puddle pourra probablement nous éclairer.
        En tout cas vous avez raison, Candy semble extrêmement à l’aise, comme une maîtresse de maison. Si elle avait écrit à Vincent Brown alors qu’elle vivait à la maison de Pony, elle serait encore probablement toujours la fille adoptive d’Albert. Si tel était le cas, elle ne se serait pas permise d’inviter le père d’Anthony à Chicago ou à Lakewood, je pense que la Tante Elroy n’aurait pas apprécié qu’elle prenne autant de liberté.
        La seule explication s’est qu’elle soit fiancée ou mariée à Albert. Et pourquoi vouloir parler à Vincent, peut-être voulait-elle avoir des conseils de sa part afin de se faire accepter et s’imposer au sein de la famille, car tout comme elle il n’avait pas été le bienvenu à l’époque…

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Dear Antlay and Reeka,

          First of all, I’m glad you both found this post interesting! I must say Mizuki was a little sneaky to have put this letter right after Candy’s letter to Dr. Martin. Readers can easily miss the significance of this short letter. 😝

          Anyway, Candy didn’t really say Anthony and Stear were long gone, but the way she wrote implies that. 😉 She wrote something like “Therefore, even to this day, from time to time, I still can’t believe Anthony and Stear are already gone.”

          I agree with your timeline, Antlay, but that’s the one we understand from the manga. We are not 100% sure if the events happened around the same time in CCFS. 😂

          However, I suppose Stear’s funeral took place before Albert’s disappearance. The question is, when was the memorial service held? It should be before Archie and Annie’s engagement, because it was a hard decision for Archie to pick Lakewood as the place for the memorial service.

          Yet, I really scratch my head wondering why Candy signed this letter as “Candice W. Ardlay”. I’ll talk more about this in a new post. 😊😘

          • reeka says:

            Ouupss.. Yes, I meant Stear’s memorial service, not the funeral. Did Candy meet Vincent at the event? I understand Candy met him at the funeral in manga.

            Ms Puddle … you did not imply that The Ardley family name Candy used in this letter was of that Mrs Ardley, didn’t you? LOL I really look forward to you next post then!

          • antlay31 says:

            Ah ok, la lettre que j’avais lu était traduite en anglais et il était écrit “are long gone ” effectivement “already gone” n’a plus la même signification 😯
            Oui je me demande aussi pourquoi Candy signe Candice W. Ardlay, certains diront que c’est parce qu’elle est la fille adoptive d’Albert mais je suis sûre que vous avez votre petite idée Ms Puddle 😉

          • Candy Bert says:

            I’m wondering the same thing about her signature “Candice W. Ardlay” and no “Candice White Ardlay”. From the translated excerpts I read, in some letters she used the first signature above all in CCFS and in others the second, mostly in old novel. Unfortunately, I don’t have all the letters of the two versions of the novel and I don’t know what was wont then but by only writing the full name of “Ardlay” and no more “White” but only “W.” is that possible means she was an engaged or married woman? For me Mizuki insisted on Ardlay so, the most signifiant name for Candy! 😉 😀
            What do you think Ms Puddle? I look forward to reading your next post!

          • antlay31 says:

            Ah ah ! Voilà une excellente reflexion Candy Bert ! 😀 Moi aussi je n’arrête pas de me creuser la cervelle !
            Ms Puddle les lettres que Candy écrit à la Tante Elroy après son malaise à la cérémonie commémorative de Stair et celle où elle lui fait part de l’inquiétude d’Archie concernant son engagement avec Annie font-elles parties de CCFS ?
            Car si tel est le cas, il semble que la Tante Elroy n’est toujours pas acceptée que Candy fasse partie de la famille Ardlay. Il semble qu’il en soit encore ainsi quand elle écrit sa lettre à Stair puisqu’elle dit que l’Oncle William et les membres de la famille Ardlay sont en désaccord sans doute à cause d’elle.
            A cette période là Candy vivait à la maison de Pony et vraisemblablement la Tante Elroy devait habiter le manoir de Chicago. Il semblerait étrange alors que Candy invite M. BROWN à lui rendre visite au manoir de Chicago ou à Lakewood sachant qu’elle même n’était pas la bienvenue.
            De plus Albert fait référence à sa soeur Rosemary à Vincent lors de la fameuse promenade en compagnie de Candy à Lakewood (voir lettre à Anthony). Dans les lettres envoyés auparavant à Candy il ne les évoque pas. Or Candy écrit au père d’Anthony qu’Albert parle de lui avec respect comme son frère aîné. J’ai donc le sentiment que cette lettre a été écrite forcément après cette fameuse journée à Lakewood…

          • Candy Bert says:

            Ah! Antlay! Tu as justement pointé le passage dans la lettre de Candy à Alistair que je viens de relire aujourd’hui en me creusant aussi la tête! Ce passage ou Candy écrit à propos des dissensions dans la famille “because of me”.
            On peut dire que Vincent Brown et elle sont les “outsiders” de la famille, les non désirés, finalement ils ont plus en commun qu’il n’y parait! Voilà une des nombreuses choses dont Candy voudrait parler avec lui, probablement! En tout cas je vois mal Candy l’inviter si elle n’avait pas un rôle primordial dans la famille! 😉
            Quant aux deux lettres envoyées à la Tante Elroy, je crois qu’elles sont effectivement dans CCFS et on y ressent bien le malaise mais Ms Puddle qui est plus spécialiste que nous pourra nous le confirmer!

          • antlay31 says:

            Ah les grands esprits se rencontrent Candy Bert 😀 Et que dit Candy dans sa lettre à Alistair ? Qu’à cette époque elle ne pouvait toujours pas écrire à Anthony ! Elle a réussi à lui écrire qu’après s’être rendue à Lakewood avec Albert. Candy et Albert n’ont jamais évoqué Anthony dans leurs lettres si je ne me trompe pas. Il semble qu’ils ont été capables d’en parler que lors de cette promenade. A partir de ce moment Candy a réussi à faire le deuil d’Anthony et à ne plus culpabiliser.
            La clinique de docteur Martin était déjà construite puisque Candy dans sa dernière lettre à Albert dit comme toujours je viens de rentrer de la clinique joyeuse du docteur Martin et je viens de mettre les enfants au lit. Donc au moment des fiançailles d’Annie et d’Archie elle n’était toujours accepté au sein de la famille Ardlay. Il est clair que la lettre à Vincent a été écrite bien plus tard pour l’inviter à Chicago et pas le même Noël que la lettre au Docteur Martin qui venait à peine d’accepter la construction de la clinique près de la Maison de Pony.
            J’espère vraiment que Ms Puddle va nous éclairer !

            • Candy Bert says:

              Oui Antlay, cela fait toujours plaisir de se rencontrer ici ou là! 😀 Je suis entièrement d’accord avec ta chronologie des évènements, en tout cas cela me parait cohérent! La lettre à Vincent Brown est donc peut-être la dernière qu’elle a écrite dans CCFS chronologiquement parlant mais comme tu le dis, Ms Puddle va nous éclairer comme toujours! 😉

          • reeka says:

            Hello Antlay and Candy Bert,

            Hahahah seems our dear Ms Puddle deliberately avoid us here and will surprise us soon with her new post 🙂

            Great minds think alike, I also compared this letter with letters to Aunt Elroy. Two letters Candy wrote her, she closed them with “Candice”, just the way Aunt Elroy always called her. How distant it was their relationship, Aunt Elroy was her family. Think about it, Candy knew Vincent for long time and apparently Vincent also showed her his (fatherly) attention and affection. Him sending her a christmas card showed that. Then why would Candy so formally signed the letter with Candice W. Ardley. Not Candy, Candice, or Candy White. Vincent was a family after all, why so formal? Was she doing it as to follow the protocol because she’s now Mrs. Ardley ? 😀 😀

            As for her letters to Aunt Elroy signed with Candice. To me, I don’t see it as her insecurity on using Ardley name. On contrary, I think her relationship with Aunt Elroy had been getting better. Particularly on first letter to Elroy on CCFS where she thanked the matriarch to allow her attend Stear’s memorial service. Here I think, this letter was sent after the second letter on CCFS about Archie and Annie’s engagement. On first letter, Candy sounded more relaxed. I don’t know if the timeline matched though 😀

            One more thing, on the letter to Vincent, Candy said she put the christmas card on the mantelpiece. To me, it’s not in Pony’s Home. I don’t think Candy’s room in Pony’s home big enough to have a mantelpiece? In living room, … a christmas card from Vincent seems out of place. Was it her “birthday present” bedroom in Chicago or her bedroom with Mr. Ardley? :D:D

            And … (it’s really the last? LOL) .. the more I think about this letter, the more excited I am to guess what made Vincent send Candy a christmas card? How long was it since Candy knew him? Why sent her a card now? My wild guess : it’s her first christmas as Mrs. Ardley.

            Okay, Ms Puddle,… how long will you leave us wildly guess on this letter? LOL

  7. reeka says:

    Yes .. yes, Ms Puddle … the way she invited Vincent, it’s like “whenever Vincent came to visit, she would sure be there in the mansion. 🙂

    I’ve been thinking since I wake up this morning 😀 , don’t you think Vincent would find Candy’s letter weird if beforehand he had not been aware of Candy’s status? He must have known what role Candy had now that she’s not a mere Ardley’s adoptive daughter. Don’t you think Candy wrote the letter along with another invitation? Their engagement/wedding invitation? Heeeee-heeee. That’s why Candy excitedly told Vincent she would love to walk with him around the rose garden because mostly that’s where Albert and Candy would have their party?

    If this is really what’s hidden behind this letter, once again I admire Mizuki a lot. Come to think about it again, this letter can be easily looked insignificant in CCFS **like I had thought before**. Why would Candy suddenly write a letter to Vincent, talking about things we had been told elsewhere in CCFS? 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      So true, Vincent must somehow know where Candy was and might even have visited her before her moving to Chicago. That explains why she said “Please also visit the mansion in Chicago…” 😋😊

      Anyway, he had sent her a Christmas card, and he must know that she and Albert were close, that it was natural for Albert to tell Candy stories about his past. A man would only do so to a woman he trusts and loves. 😍😘

      I don’t know if she sent Vincent an invitation to her engagement though, and when she mentioned the rose gate she didn’t specify when (one day). However, for sure she was aware Lakewood was fully accessible to her, and it doesn’t matter when in the future. 😄😆 Definitely she wasn’t waiting for someone to die or someone from New York to appear to her one day. 😌😝😁

      The Candy we are familiar with in the manga had always been an outcast. You’re absolutely right, Reeka, that Candy’s status must have changed. Not even the adopted daughter of Granduncle William had the right to invite anyone to the principal mansion nor Lakewood… Only the Lady of the house, or the future matriarch. 😋😊😉

      Yes indeed Mizuki was brilliant!! 👏👏👏

      • reeka says:

        Ms Puddle,

        I’ve just noticed that this part 9 is the conclusion of the series. And you couldn’t pick a more perfect part of CCFS to finish it 🙂

        For some time, we had been curious for what happened after their last letters on epilogue, beside they were finally being a couple. But now we have a glimpse of Candy’s new chapter. Interesting to see how she had gained confidence in herself compared to how she had sounded in her letter to Anthony. How long had been passed since the letter? A year or two at most I guess as I don’t think Candy and Albert would be too long in a courtship.

        Ms Puddle, I’ve recently read an article about writing a novel. How a prologue and an epilogue could be really important to a novel. The article said, prologue and epilogue are not compulsory on a novel. However, if a writer decides to include one or both of them, they have to be really relevant to the story. A prologue has to take place not long before the main story is all about. Interesting, huh? That Mizuki made a prologue mentioned two periods of Candy’s life. Present time in 1930s and a time when Annie being adopted ( we know what happened to Candy right after Annie had left).

        And en epilogue is even more not common in modern fiction, the article said. So when a writer includes one in their novel, it has to deal with the aftermath of the story. And the reasons why a writer writes an epilogue ( this is the most interesting part), it is because the writer can’t bear to be parted with their beloved characters, and/or they plan to make a sequel ( which relates to the reason they hardly say goodbye to the characters). 😀 — Of course, we know Mizuki created Albert with so much love.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Thanks Reeka! You know I was gonna write Candy’s happiness and enthusiasm in her long reply to her Prince on the Hill soon after his confession. I mean she sounded like she was already in love, telling him that her heart had skipped a beat, etc.

          However, as you said, I think this letter to Vincent signifies the undeniable change of her status in the Ardlays, which implies her relationship with Albert had advanced to a certain stage. 😄😍

          How long has elapsed? I don’t know. Perhaps the same year (winter) after her trip to Lakewood in late Spring? Just my wild guess of course. I have a feeling Albert had waited long enough, and there’s no need to wait for anyone’s approval. 😏😝😜

          Can’t agree more with you about the significance of prologue as well as epilogue. In fact, usually an epilogue is short, basically a glimpse of the main characters’ future. For example, in the famous Hunger Games trilogy, the love triangle existed in all three volumes, but in the epilogue only the lovers were mentioned and that they had two children (no names). My friend, you know what I’m trying to say, do you? 😍😄

          Lastly, I left a comment in the post of the English translation of CCFS prologue, pointing out that Candy’s life changed “significantly” rather than “completely” the day Annie was adopted. Guess what he replied? Go check it out. 😜 I will try to respond to his reply soon. 😊

  8. reeka says:

    Hello there, my friend!

    Mmm you know what, when I read this letter to Vincent Brown, I’ve always thought Candy had been living in Chicago Mansion when she wrote that letter. But I never thought about this letter thoroughly, much less as a hint … until now!

    Yes … of course it makes sense that she wrote this letter after the event of the last letter in CCFS! Of course it happened when she had already moved in to the mansion. Maybe not yet married to Albert. Mostly on their courtship, or even she had already engaged to Albert. She sounded so much like a person who had a right to invite someone to Ardley’s mansions. If she lived in the mansion/villa as Candy White we know in manga/anime, I don’t think a Candy White had a gut to openly invite Vincent to Chicago mansion and Lakewood. Candy had always thought she was an outsider in Ardley family before. Even we want to assume it was Candy White Ardley as a protege of WAA who invited Vincent, I don’t think she thought she could do that without asking permission to Aunt Elroy first. We know that Vincent Brown was not a favourable person in the old matriarch’s eyes. And Candy knew that.

    So yeah, I wildly guess she had already engaged to Albert by that time. And I want to believe that it was Aunt Elroy who told her that Albert and Rosemary were very close. Because Candy said “she had been told that Albert and Rosemary …”. If Albert was the one telling her, she could’ve said “Albert/Granduncle William told me …”

    And about your explanation about “ya” and “to” in the way Candy mentioning Chicago Mansion and Lakewood Villa, I am pretty sure she’d had a visit to Ardley’s other properties, maybe the one in Scotland? 😉 Albert might bring her there, could be for holiday, or to introduce her to members of the Clan living in Scotland.

    Interesting topic, my friend! And thanks to Que Viva Candy who shared this idea. Brilliant.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      You know what, Reeka, you’re not the only one who suspect that Candy might possibly be engaged to Albert by then, or at least they were in a courtship soon to be engaged! 😄😁

      The main reason? Exactly what you said, my friend, that Candy had invited Vincent to visit Ardlay’s main mansion and anticipated walking around Lakewood some day in the near future! 😆

      But they weren’t married yet because Candy still addressed Albert as Granduncle, but for sure Candy didn’t mind writing to Vincent about Albert. We could sense that Candy and Albert were together, seeing each other on a regular basis. 😍❤

      My sentiments exactly, that Candy had always been treated as an outsider all these years, and in fact Vincent had been treated likewise… Therefore, he had rarely shown up ever since his wife had passed away. Throughout the story, he had appeared twice because of the deaths of his young son and Stear.

      Reeka, Candy wrote that she had heard that Albert and Rosemary had been dear to each other. Who had told her? We don’t know. 😉 Yet, she used past tense here, unlike later when she mentioned Albert sharing memories with her in present tense. 😘 Therefore, it was my wild guess that someone else had told her that beforehand.

      About where else could Candy find more Rosemary’s portraits, I didn’t think of Scotland, but I thought of the Ardlay’s head office 😋😉 or even Albert’s office, where he had proudly put up Candy’s childish drawing. 😆 Again, that’s a public display of their relationship. 😊

      Yup, many thanks to QuevivaCandy for bringing this up. Very interesting letter indeed! 😋😄

  1. January 19, 2016

    […] Candy and Prince on the Hill (Part 9) » […]

  2. May 20, 2017

    […] father, was missing in the old novel. I have discussed in length in three earlier posts, Candy and Prince on the Hill (Part 9), Granduncle William (!) and Overwhelmed with emotions (Part 4). If you haven’t […]

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