Overwhelmed with emotions (Part 5)

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8 Responses

  1. Evelyn says:

    Hello dear Ms Puddle! Yes, the story is about a young girl finding her destined love, her first love and how he ends up falling in love with her in the end. A complete circle. Otherwise, Prince of the Hill would not make sense to have been part of the story! What was his purpose in the story then if the story doesn’t end with him? Why did Candy cherishing her badge that reminded her of POTH? She felt at ease and protected by this badge. Throughout the story she remembers him and wonders what ever happened to him? The only two people who knew about POTH were Anthony and Albert.

    Candy always remembered POTH’s sweet voice, blond hair and blue eyes. These are the attributes she described of her prince. I went back to the beginning of the manga and to my surprise, I never noticed this before, but after POTH disappeared on Pony’s hill leaving his badge behind, Candy said: “I would have to declare him my prince. He is my prince. He is mine.” and then she claims that: “But if I keep this badge surely he will come back”. A premonition at the beginning of the story that she will see him again on day!

    About the waterfall incident. Yes Candy was terrified by his scary bearded look, but as soon as Albert showed her his eyes, she immediately felt at ease. Every time Candy sees Albert just about in any circumstance she feels this inexplicable calm and peace and feels safe.

    You know Ms Puddle, it makes sense for Candy to keep the identities of Uncle William and Albert as two separate persons. Especially if you have special feelings for this person, you have to treat them as two separate people. She always had this mental image of Grand Uncle William as a highly respected, older, unreachable person and it just so happens that Albert is her best friend, confidant and she is in love with him to make things worse. Is hard to mix the two persons into one. I think is cute that in the epilogue we see Albert trying to break the ice between them. He frowns at Candy when she treats him in a solemn manner. Awe so sweet!!

    When Candy learnt that Albert was her POTH upon his confession, she knew immediately and as you said, she readily accepted him without hesitation because ONLY her prince knew those exact words that were spoken to her when she was just 6 years old. You are prettier when you smile! Albert knew about POTH but I do not believe she ever told Albert about the exact words POTH spoke to her. After Albert spoke these words, it all came together for Candy. She knew for sure she had found her prince!!!

    Some fans claim that Albert never makes any concrete moves to solidify a relationship with Candy. But as you have explained numerous times, we see the absolute opposite. When he recovered his memory, we see a more engaged Albert pursuing Candy. He is a gentleman and fully aware that Candy may still have feeling toward Terry, nonetheless, he is still present at all times protecting her and being there for her. After this confession, into the epilogue as you said, Candy is completely engaged with Albert and cannot stop talking to him and about him to others. 🙂 and yes, I also believe that when Candy is speaking to Rosemary about Albert, she is completely involved with the family at this time. This seems to be too intimate and personal to just be speaking as a friend or visitor. You just don’t go around talking to pictures when you go visit someone briefly. It has to be that you are actually living at that residence spending quite a bit of time at this place and you have no one else to talk to, your loved one is not around so you go straight to the closest person that reminds you of the one you love and miss. ❤💖❤💖

  2. antlay31 says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle

    Je suis aussi de votre avis, il est clair que Candy est tombée amoureuse d’Anthony car il ressemblait à son Prince, ce Prince qu’elle n’a jamais oublié même des années après. Lors de sa première rencontre avec Terry sur le paquebot Candy dit qu’il ressemble à Anthony puis elle rajoute non il n’est pas aussi beau. Elle trouve effectivement très beau et même séduisant Albert dans la chambre 0, les cheveux blond et sans ses lunettes de soleil, en somme très attirant même si à cette époque elle le considère toujours comme un grand frère. Au fil du temps et après sa rupture avec Terry il serait difficile pour elle de ne pas tomber amoureuse d’Albert, le seul qui a passé son temps à la protéger, la réconforter, à risquer sa vie pour elle.
    Je pense aussi que lorsqu’elle écrit à Archie, c’est peut-être un moyen détourné de faire comprendre à Archie qu’elle ne pourra jamais considéré Albert comme étant l’Oncle William surtout si elle est déjà amoureuse de lui, il sera toujours Albert. Comme vous l’aviez souligné il y a quelques temps dans un précédent post, jamais Archie ne s’est montré jaloux envers Albert, même lorsqu’ils vivaient ensemble sous le même toit, peut-être qu’ inconsciemment il savait qu’Albert était l’homme parfait pour Candy.
    Je suis d’accord avec vous concernant la lettre mentale de Candy à Anthony, elle lui explique qu’Albert lui ressemble version adulte, que c’est pour cela qu’elle l’a confondu avec son Prince à la porte des roses. Anthony sait tout cela bien sûr, elle a retrouvé son premier amour.
    Le Prince qu’elle suit jusqu’à sa voiture, vous avez raison elle aurait pu être gênée sachant qu’Albert savait qu’il était son premier amour, mais non au contraire il lui manque déjà et elle s’empresse de lui écrire, qui ferait cela à son soit disant père adoptif ! Ils étaient très complices tous les deux mais il y avait bien plus que cela et au fond d’eux mêmes ils savaient qu’ils s’aimaient l’un et l’autre.
    Aller savoir Candy racontait peut-être à Rosemary à travers ses portraits, la façon dont elle a rencontré son frère et tout le reste…
    Bon week-end Ms Puddle.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay,

      Agree with you totally, especially about it being difficult for Candy not to fall in love with Albert. He was the constant support by her side, and when she was at her rock bottom, he was the one who could console her.

      Thank you my friend for bringing up Archie’s jealousy issue. Yes, interestingly, he was never jealous of Albert; perhaps he thought Albert was a brother figure, and as you said, subconsciously Archie was aware of Candy’s needs. Albert was indeed the perfect guy. 💕💞

      The mental letter to Anthony is a solid proof that Candy was in love with her prince, the man whom she had mistaken Anthony for. As I explained before, that’s why she asked Anthony for forgiveness.

      The request of the badge is Mizuki’s brilliant way of revealing that Candy and Albert were already in love with each other. Just that Albert took the initiative to “confess”; Candy’s reactions were natural only if she had romantic feelings for Albert already. If not, her reactions could have been completely opposite. 😁😅 For example, if he had been merely a father figure to her, she would have found him repulsive and told him to back off… telling him right off the bat that it was Terry whom she could never forget… 😂 but no, she confirmed by writing to Albert afterwards that she hadn’t forgotten her Prince on the Hill. ❤💖💓

      About talking to Rosemary, Candy could have many things in her mind, like asking her what Albert was like being a boy, etc. My gut feeling is that Albert was on a trip and Candy really missed his presence.

      What’s more, Candy indirectly admitted that Albert was handsome by saying that he and Rosemary looked so much alike. If Candy wasn’t in love, it would be so odd to have paid so much attention to his features. 😄😆

      You have a good weekend too, dear Antlay! 💕💞

    • Candy Bert says:

      Bonjour Ms Puddle et Antlay,

      Vous prêchez une convaincue! Il est évident que si Candy a choisi Anthony parmi les trois chevaliers servants c’est parce qu’elle l’avait d’abord pris pour son Prince de la Colline, c’est seulement en réalisant que ce n’était pas possible sinon il n’aurait pas vieilli d’un pouce six ou sept ans après leur première rencontre. Anthony lui offrait l’opportunité de vivre son rêve de conte de fées de son enfance, voilà la raison de son “coup de foudre” pour lui, au début tout au moins.

      Archie n’était pas jaloux d’Albert, en effet, au départ je pense que c’est parce que Candy n’était pas amoureuse de lui même s’ils vivaient ensemble, à l’époque elle aimait toujours Terry. Ensuite Archie a dû se rendre compte qu’Albert était le seul homme qui la méritait, le seul qu’il l’avait toujours soutenue envers et contre tout et tous, le seul qui pourrait lui offrir la vie qu’elle méritait. Archie lui-même avait renoncé à Candy pour Annie. Alistair avait fait de même pour Patty, sans parler de Terry pour Suzanna. Et d’après ce que l’on connait de l’histoire, Albert était le seul à ne pas avoir choisi d’autre partenaire malgré les années et son plus grand âge! En tout cas Mizuki a choisi de le taire et ce devait être pour une bonne raison si vous voyez ce que je veux dire! 😉

      Après plus de deux ans de vie commune, je ne vois pas comment Candy pourrait encore avoir cette image de pirate prépondérante dans son esprit! Ce doit juste être un souvenir de son accoutrement de l’époque plutôt amusant pour elle, rien de plus. Quand elle en parle au présent, c’est son Prince qu’elle garde à l’esprit et le bel homme qu’il est devenu.

      “Chaque fois” qu’elle contemple les portraits de Rosemary, cela me fait penser qu’elle le fait souvent et donc qu’elle doit être une familière des lieux, une personne qui vit dans les demeures familiales de façon permanente, probablement en tant qu’une certaine Madame Ardlay? 😉 Je suis d’accord avec vous Ms Puddle, Candy devait “parler” d’Albert avec sa “belle-sœur” car il devait lui manquer énormément lors de ses voyages d’affaires.

      Passez un bon dimanche!

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Bonjour merveilleuses dames!

        Yes it’s undeniable that Candy fell for Anthony mainly because of his resemblance to her prince. Even he himself suspected that, so that eventually led to Candy’s apology in her mental letter to him at the end of CCFS epilogue.

        See, Prince on the Hill was Candy’s destined love even in CCFS. Mizuki hasn’t changed her story. 💗

        Good point, Candy Bert, about Albert not choosing another woman in the story. In fact, neither did Candy. 😄 The epilogue is about them falling in love, no doubt. 💖💓

        About Archie, I have a feeling that he must have sensed something had changed between Candy and Albert… Archie was a sensitive guy after all. I’m not sure if this had anything to do with his choice of studying in Massachusetts … I’m still unsure about whether he was engaged already or not.

        About Rosemary, I won’t exclude the possibility that Candy might be pregnant lol… that she wanted to talk to the only “mother figure” she knew 😂😅 Just a thought… of course. 😍

        Have a wonderful week, my friend! 💗💞

  1. May 23, 2016

    […] Overwhelmed with emotions (Part 5) […]

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