My creative works

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9 Responses

  1. Martha Cervantes Quiroga says:

    When I was watching this video my son told me You don’t like finish this history, Isn’t it? I looked amusing because I supposed He was doing your homework. Then spoke again “This guy is more handsome than the other with the black hair. l laughed because He has reason, I don’t like this love history finish never and Albert is more than all.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Grazie Martha!! 😍 You’re so kind and your son is so sweet. Thanks for your compliments, and I’m happy your son likes my drawings ❤💓

  2. Candy Bert says:

    Thank you very much for sharing with us, Ms Puddle! This is a beautiful video with your magnificent drawings and a wonderful music!💖💗💓 I will put a link on my blog too if you don’t mind!
    And I wish you a belated Happy Anniversary! 🎂 😘 I know your blog for almost two years now and it’s always a great pleasure to read you (stories and articles) and enjoy your drawings. Your blog is a must in Candy and Albert’s world! 💓💞👏

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yes Demonyc did a great job didn’t she? I like the song that she chose too! 💕💞

      Of course you can share this. You don’t need to ask 😘

      Time flies indeed! Was it two years ago that you first knew about me? Wow! How about blog? Is it a year yet? The more blogs about Albert and Candy the merrier! Yours is definitely a great asset in Candy’s fandom too 💝💖

  3. antlay31 says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle

    Trois ans déjà ! Comme le temps passe vite ! Félicitations Ms Puddle et merci pour maintenir votre blog vivant et interactif grâce à vos merveilleux dessins, histoires et commentaires. 😍💞💕💝
    Cette vidéo de tout vos dessins est un très beau cadeau et une très belle récompense pour tout vos efforts.
    Bon week-end.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay mon amie! 💞 Time flies indeed! I didn’t realize until I was notified that it was time to renew 😅

      This video means a lot to me, especially Demonyc didn’t know it was the anniversary. I like it very much myself too. 🎊🎉

      Hugs 😊💕

  4. Sarah says:

    Bonjour mme puddles
    Merci de nous faire découvrir cette nouvelle fic et je reconnais votre style 😍
    J aime votre dessin👍 J ai hâte de lire la suite…
    À quand la suite de man in love 💕
    Une fidèle admiration à votre talant ce me permet de m évader de la vie et du quotidien

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Sarah!! 💞 Merci beaucoup! 💖

      I’m currently writing the next chapter of “A man in love”, and hopefully it won’t take me too long. 😌 Thanks again for your compliments and support, and to me, it’s also an escape when writing and drawing 😁😋

  1. October 13, 2016

    […] finir un beau montage vidéo partagé par Ms Puddle avec ses magnifiques dessins et une belle musique, réalisé par Demonyc auteure de plusieurs […]

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