My creative works
A fanfic writer, Demonyc, asked me for my permission to use my fanarts to create a music video: “For the love of a princess”
For your interest, this is the link to her fanfic:
I’m extremely touched to see plenty of my fanarts in one place, because most of them are based on my different fanfics. This is such a pleasant surprise from Demonyc, especially today is the 3rd anniversary for my blog, mspuddleshaven.
You can probably see how I have changed my drawing styles over time. I started out drawing with immature skills, but now at least I can say I have improved.
Thank you very much, Demonyc and all of you for your support and encouragement! I’ll do my best to continue drawing and writing.
When I was watching this video my son told me You don’t like finish this history, Isn’t it? I looked amusing because I supposed He was doing your homework. Then spoke again “This guy is more handsome than the other with the black hair. l laughed because He has reason, I don’t like this love history finish never and Albert is more than all.
Grazie Martha!!
You’re so kind and your son is so sweet. Thanks for your compliments, and I’m happy your son likes my drawings 

Thank you very much for sharing with us, Ms Puddle! This is a beautiful video with your magnificent drawings and a wonderful music!

I will put a link on my blog too if you don’t mind!
I know your blog for almost two years now and it’s always a great pleasure to read you (stories and articles) and enjoy your drawings. Your blog is a must in Candy and Albert’s world! 

And I wish you a belated Happy Anniversary!
Yes Demonyc did a great job didn’t she? I like the song that she chose too!

Of course you can share this. You don’t need to ask
Time flies indeed! Was it two years ago that you first knew about me? Wow! How about blog? Is it a year yet? The more blogs about Albert and Candy the merrier! Yours is definitely a great asset in Candy’s fandom too

Bonjour Ms Puddle
Trois ans déjà ! Comme le temps passe vite ! Félicitations Ms Puddle et merci pour maintenir votre blog vivant et interactif grâce à vos merveilleux dessins, histoires et commentaires.

Cette vidéo de tout vos dessins est un très beau cadeau et une très belle récompense pour tout vos efforts.
Bon week-end.
Bonjour Antlay mon amie!
Time flies indeed! I didn’t realize until I was notified that it was time to renew 
This video means a lot to me, especially Demonyc didn’t know it was the anniversary. I like it very much myself too.


Bonjour mme puddles
J ai hâte de lire la suite…

Merci de nous faire découvrir cette nouvelle fic et je reconnais votre style
J aime votre dessin
À quand la suite de man in love
Une fidèle admiration à votre talant ce me permet de m évader de la vie et du quotidien
Bonjour Sarah!!
Merci beaucoup! 
I’m currently writing the next chapter of “A man in love”, and hopefully it won’t take me too long.
Thanks again for your compliments and support, and to me, it’s also an escape when writing and drawing