Lost in translation (Part 2)

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31 Responses

  1. CandyAlbert says:

    Very good explanation, Ms Puddle!
    Candy was already 21 years old when they treat each other as father and daughter in a joking tone, perhaps to realize that now, being major, she no longer needs an adoptive father/ tutor once she can emancipate without any problem. For that reason, from now on she does not treat him more as Granduncle (goodbye tutoring) or Prince on the Hill (it’s too childish and Albert wants to see her, more mature, more woman). That would not be logical to continue treating him as Granduncle or treating him as the prince on the Hill because she is no longer her adoptive daughter neither the little girl who met him on the hill.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello CandyAlbert!! How are you doing?

      Indeed it’s full of clues in this last letter to Little Bert, and many people have overlooked or turned a blind eye to the implications behind the fact that Candy promised Albert not to ever call him Prince on the Hill (her childhood dream) and Granduncle William (her mysterious adoptive father) again. He would continue to be Albert to her, and his nickname signifies that they were more intimate than ever. 😀

  2. Avon says:

    Beautifully well-written post, Ms Puddle!

    Even though I prefer Terry (as I had mentioned to you previously), I couldn’t agree with you more that Candy had moved on and embarked on a new romance with the handsome young Ardlay patriarch.

    My theory is that Albert tolerated Candy’s pranks and bantering because he knew her heart of gold. After all, she was the only one who sheltered and fiercely fought for him when he was an amnesiac and was despised by many due to the various accusations hurled against him. Albert is profoundly grateful to Candy because she saved his life. If, in return, Candy becomes a bit of a tease against him, I think he would tolerate it from her exclusively. Their relationship is special and intensely intimate; the ways in which they behave and speak to each other are far different to the ways in which they socialise with other people. Therefore, I wouldn’t find it strange that Albert would tolerate Candy’s teasing even though, arguably, he wouldn’t have accepted such attitude from anyone else. He’s given her the right to be intimate with him-if not encouraged her to do so. The same goes for Candy and how she not only tolerated Albert’s constant disappearing but she also forgave him for the many lies he had told her. As Albert is aware that Candy’s teasing derives from insecurity and a bit of anger, Candy is also aware that Albert told all those lies not out of deceit but out of sheer necessity. They both see through each other and that element alone constitutes a vital-if not integral-factor in a meaningful relationship.

    As for Terry, I wouldn’t agree that he could not form a meaningful relationship with Candy. His intentions seemed to incline towards wanting to develop a profound relationship with Candy. However, intentions don’t always coincide and coexist with one’s decisions and actions. Unfortunately, Terry is an immature man who procrastinates horrifically. He had all the opportunities in the world to be with Candy but he blew it big time from his nonsensical decision to break all ties with Candy at St Paul’s to his fear in expressing to Mrs Marlowe that he was in a serious relationship with Candy. No matter how self-sacrificing Susanna was, one simply cannot toss his one and only love out the window in order to stay with a person he does not love but pities. Terry failed miserably in displaying the resilience and straight-forwardness he had often boasted of possessing. It’s ironic that he despised his father for being a coward, but he proved to be a more severe coward than his father. Many Terry fans keep on arguing that Terry had a responsibility and commitment to Susanna, but that is not the case. It’s not Terry’s fault nor his responsibility that Susanna saved his life. His true responsibility and commitment was to Candy and not Susanna. He should at least have had the decency to be honest and upfront with Candy but he recoiled like a scared mouse. No, this is not the Terry who is worthy of admiration as he had become a lower version of his father after being so judgemental against him. On the whole, Terry’s immaturity and narcissism both superimpose his feelings for Candy.

    Candy was wise to let go of Terry and focus on furthering her relationship with Albert. Many Terry fans argue that Candy is still in love with Terry but I disagree with that. At Rockstown, Candy clearly confirmed that she fell out of love with Terry. Her feelings were intense but they were not of romantic love but pity for Terry as she saw him in that wretched state. Unbeknown to Albert, his high quality character and class set the bar far higher for Candy. Through her friendship with Albert, Candy began to respect and value herself more. Terry would always taunt and demean Candy, whereas Albert elevated and cherished her. Candy had fallen for Terry but that was before she had begun to know Albert more and what a remarkable man he is. When one finds something better than someone else before, how can one return to the lower quality? It’s like an upgrade-no one wants to go back to the older and faultier version but to the better quality one. That’s how life works and the Terry fans have to deal with it.

    May I ask you a question about the courting between Candy and Albert? How old do you think she was when their relationship evolved further from the friendship landscape?


    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Avon, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you, and I truly appreciate your insightful comment! I wish I had the ability to articulate my thoughts like you do. Anyway, I’m in agreement with you except about Albert’s many lies and something about Terry. Yes, Albert did lie to Candy about his status (being a vagabond or a poor man without a shelter) and he had to continue to cover this first lie, but that’s not “many lies”, is it?

      About Terry, I’m so glad you also think that Candy’s behaviour in Rockstown proved that she had fallen out of love with him. As you said, her intense feelings were no longer love, more like pity mixed with disappointment. Unlike many others, I think Terry chose to stay with Susanna because he had already developed feelings for her, possibly unknowingly or unintentionally. Yes, he had been keeping in touch with Candy, but to be honest, Susanna was the colleague he interacted with every day, not to mention he was aware of her love for him. Therefore, he felt “responsible” to take care of her after the accident, especially she had sadly become an invalid out of her sacrificial act for him.

      Besides, my gut feeling tells me that the major cause of Terry’s depression (displayed in the Rockstown episode) was the downfall of his career, which had been triggered by the loss of Candy. That is, losing Candy wasn’t what made him slip into depression, IMHO.

      Anyway, to answer your question about Candy’s age, I must say I’m not an expert in CCFS timeline, and the chronology of the events in Section 3 is controversial. That being said, I do think that Candy was plausibly turning 21 when Albert came to confess on Pony’s Hill, because based on the link below it’s the age a female ceased to be a minor:


      There are other factors that I have considered before drawing this conclusion: (1) Albert became an amnesiac around the time WWI began in the summer of 1914 (2) Patty’s letter to Candy is the proof that before USA entered WWI Albert was still with Candy (3) Grand opening of Miami resort happened soon after WWI ended in Nov 1918 according to Candy’s letters to Lagan’s employees.

      My guesstimate is that Candy wrote a letter to Georges after this grand opening in late winter of 1919, considering that it was the flu season and the best time for tourists to visit Miami was between March and May (thus the opening of a hotel before the peak of tourist season). Since Candy and Albert had written several letters before her birthday, I have reasons to believe the confession took place in March on a fine spring day.

      Again, I could be wrong, and I’d like to hear your thoughts, Avon. 🙂

      • Avon says:

        Thank you, Ms Puddle, for your kind words.

        Beginning with Albert’s guise, he was simply in a vortex since there was no way he could get out of a situation the Ardlay elders had plunged him into from the beginning. Albert never wanted to lie; it was his elders who were intent on concealing his identity. He would rebel against them, but there was not much he could do about it when the situation became dire.

        As for Terry’s depression, I agree with you. I would only add that a contributing factor would also be that Terry felt like a failure-perhaps even worse than his father when it came to taking responsibility and making dynamic life-changing decisions. Terry would always boast that he was tough and firm, however, when he came to the crossroads, his ineptitude was overwhelming and his passivity all too glaring.

        The chronology you’re providing makes sense. I had thought that Candy must have been around 18-19 years old when Stear died, taking into consideration the various claims that Candy was born in 1898 or 1899. Wasn’t Stear shot down a year before WWI ended? That would be 1917, right? If so, Candy would have been 19 (if born in 1898) or 18 (if born in 1899). She would have been a legit adult by the time she and Albert began courting.

        How old would Terry be, though? I can’t find any reference to his age.


        • Lakewood says:

          Isn’t there a mention somewhere in the manga that Candy and Annie were left at Pony’s Home’s doorstep during or at the turn of the (twentieth) century? I would presume that reference means 1899-1900.

          Indeed, Stear died approximately a year before the end of WWI (1914-1918), so that would mean that he died in 1917. Albert disclosed his identity about a year later in 1918. I’m not sure if that was before the end of WWI because it ended in November 1918. That would make Candy and Annie 18 years old in 1917, given the assumption that they were only a few months old when abandoned at Pony’s Home.

          In the CCFS, Archie clarifies the ages among the lot: Anthony was 15 when he died (Candy was two years younger than Anthony), Archie was the same age as Anthony and two years younger than Stear. Presumably, Patty was the same age with Candy and Annie since they were in the same class at St Paul’s boarding school.

          That said, Candy would no longer be regarded as a minor during her courtship with Albert. 8-11 difference in years really means nothing, nowadays (look at all those celebs with younger wives), and it sure meant nothing back in those days. On the contrary, men preferred their partners to be significantly younger than them. It takes longer for a man to become mature, at least much more than for a woman. Albert also looked much younger than his age (Candy would repeat herself a lot regarding Albert’s attractiveness and youthfulness) due to his healthy and athletic lifestyle and perhaps also due to good genes. In contrast to Terry, Albert neither smoke nor consumed so much alcohol, both habits of which lead to premature ageing.

          Now, the situation gets extremely complex and confusing when it comes to distinguishing “legal age” and “age of consent”. These terms are so different depending not only on the country but also the state. For example, the United States had different federal laws and different state laws regarding those two legal terms. From what I’ve studied, it appears that the women’s right activists managed to increase the age of consent for young females from 10-13 to 16-18 years of age. By 1920, most states had managed to successfully implement this amendment so as to combat child prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation. Here are some useful links:




          As Albert was praised and revered as a shrewd business entrepreneur and legal scholar, I’m certain that he knew and was extremely careful regarding such laws and subsequent emendations and other forms of legal modifications. He kept his distance and was acutely careful in his interaction with Candy. However, in their cases, there was no issue as Candy was comfortably within the “age of consent” framework. “Age of consent” and “age to vote” are not the same and shouldn’t be confused as they’re completely different legal terms. I won’t go into the voting age eligibility because that’s a different kettle of fish and equivalently complex within its own right, especially when it comes to how women were perceived back then in the previous centuries and how certain states continued to oppress women and discourage them from their indisputable democratic and voting rights.

          Hope this helps a bit.

          • Avon says:

            You’re making a valid point, Lakewood. Those two legal terms you’ve mentioned are often conflated. As for Albert, he had always been a complete gentleman and would have never taken advantage of a minor. He was never forceful nor condescending against Candy. Instead, he always respected her independence and initiatives. For instance, when Candy announced to Albert that she’s leaving Chicago and going back to Pony’s Home, Albert respected and supported her decision. In turn, however, Albert also demands from others to respect his free spirit and independent nature, including Candy. Albert is nothing like the possessive, needy and insecure Terry. Both men were raised without their biological mothers, but they turned out to be so different in character. Of-course, one could argue that Terry was raised in a hostile environment where he was perceive as a “stain”, whereas Albert may have been suppressed by the Ardlay elders but surrounded with so much love from his sister and treated like royalty as he was born and bred to become the future Ardlay patriarch.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Hello Lakewood, in a manga it said that Candy met her prince in 1904. I’m not entirely sure but I’d check again.

            About Candy’s discovery of Albert’s identity, is it really a year after Stear’s death? My memory is failing me then, and I really need to dig this up in CCFS. 😂

            I also assume Patty Annie and Candy were born in the same year. Regardless, as you said, Candy was nearly an adult after the grand discovery of Albert’s identity. Many thanks for clarifying the difference between “legal age” and “age of consent”. Of course what you said helps a lot, and this reminds me that it didn’t make any sense to me when someone claimed Albert had to get a consent to marry Candy. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this. 🤔

            • Lakewood says:

              Hello Ms Puddle,

              Do you remember the manga which referred to 1904? Have you got any links to the Korean version? I’ve heard so much about it but I’ve only managed to catch some glimpses of it online. There’s also a photo of Candy on a swing and Albert with long blonde hair which I have come across a few times but it’s not in the manga that I’ve got. Is it fan artwork or an actual Igarashi illustration? I’m referring to this one:


              Resuming to our discussion about Stear’s death and Albert’s revelation, I’ve got the impression that almost a year did go by because Stear met his demise a year before the end of WWI (1914-1918). Afterwards, Albert left Candy in winter, taking the manga into account where Albert’s wearing winter clothes. Later on when Albert gets in touch with Candy again by sending her a package with a gift inside, wasn’t that a spring coat? The weather didn’t look too wintry during the Rockstown incident. If this info is accurate, then we could possibly be talking about a year approx. (or something near to that time-frame). What do you think?

              As for Candy’s mature age, she’s fine since she was already over 18 in 1917 (whether she was born in 1898 or 1899). There’s loads of correspondence between Candy and Albert post-WWI, therefore, she’s already in her early/mid-20s. Besides, back then it wasn’t odd in the slightest for a young woman within the 17-20 yrs old range to get married. A famous example is one of the wealthiest tycoons which perished on the Titanic in 1912-John Jacob Astor. His wife was only 18 yrs old and he was 47 at the time. Here’s his and his wife’s bio:



              Some anti-Albert fans go on huge rabid rants that the age difference between Candy and Albert is massive. They simply don’t know what they’re talking about. 8-11 years age difference means nothing as long as they’re both consenting adults. Back then, in particular, the age difference between Candy and Albert was the norm given the fact that most couples had at least 15-20 yrs age difference. Even in our times, so many celebrities get involved with ladies younger than them, the recent example being George Clooney (57)-Amal Alamuddin (40), Ryan Reynolds (41)-Blake Lively (30), Ewan Mcgregor (almost 47) and Mary E Winstead (33).

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Hello Lakewood,

                Thank you for all these real-life examples of couples with wide age gaps. I’ve also written a post about that. Shame on those fans who complained about the age difference; don’t they know Nagita was inspired by Daddy-long-legs?


                Unfortunately I can’t seem to find the manga that clearly indicated 1904, but the manga timeline is crystal clear (please correct me if I’m wrong) — Candy was a stowaway when she was 15; she was 16 when she ran into amnesiac Albert in the hospital, who decided to leave Room 0 on a day when the leaves were falling (1914).

                Yes, the picture you shared with us was an official drawing of Igarashi, published in the magazine where the manga was being serialized. Later, Mizuki reused it later and even wrote a short poem for that. I’ve already shared the translation of that poem before. The first time this drawing was published, it acted as an introduction, in which it talked about Albert being suspected as a spy and put in Room 0, etc.

                About CCFS, one thing I’ve learned is not to assume its timeline is the same as the one shown in the manga. One obvious example is the confession on Pony’s Hill.

                Besides, Albert didn’t live together with Candy this long in the manga. Like you said, he left on a winter night and Candy went to Rockstown possibly between the end of winter and early spring. However, in CCFS he was still with Candy some time before April 1917. Some people have not realized this means they had pretended to be siblings for at least two years or so.

                Therefore, as far as I can tell, it’s unclear when exactly Albert vanished in Candy’s life. Below is mainly my imagination:

                – Albert left some time late spring or early summer in 1917
                – Candy went to Rockstown months after
                – Forced engagement
                – Discovery of Albert’s true identity
                – Candy’s return to Pony’s Home while keeping in touch with Albert, which is implied in her letters to Dr. Martin before Christmas

                But I must say I still can’t figure out the times for Stear’s memorial, Archie’s engagement, etc. But Candy’s letter to Archie in Massachusetts definitely occurred after Stear’s memorial (was hard for Archie to step in Lakewood).

            • Lakewood says:

              Hello Ms Puddle,

              Unfortunately, the anti-Albert fans don’t want to accept that Nagita was influenced by “Daddy Long-Legs”. However, even if we were to accept their dogma, Nagita’s CCFS ironically promotes the Candy-Albert relationship even more than the anime and manga put together. There’s more depth and intimacy between Candy and Albert in the CCFS than in all the previous CC versions.

              The reason why I asked you about the Candy-Albert illustration is because the Terry-fans are claiming that it’s fanfiction and not a genuine Igarashi-Nagita endorsement (face palm..).

              Perhaps you’ve noticed that I’m a person who will dig into all the possible arguments even if they don’t serve my own opinion and thoughts. Facts and evidence are more important to me than simply trying to push one’s own beliefs and agenda.

              Regarding the CCFS timeline, you’re right, it’s different to the manga (needless to mention the anime..), and this may cause loads of confusion. Pity for the Terry-fans, the CCFS provides even more time concerning the Candy-Albert cohabitation. Spending two or more years together with someone (especially a young, handsome and intelligent gentleman as Albert) is more than ample time for a meaningful relationship to develop. Even though the Candy-Albert relationship lacked the overt sexual drive and physical impulse as in the Candy-Terry affair, Candy and Albert experienced an indisputably far more significant and in-depth relationship which clearly surpasses the Candy-Terry brief adolescent fling in all aspects of quality. Making it even worse for the anti-Albert front, Nagita fully depicts and describes the profound joy and nostalgia both Candy and Albert feel when they express their living together at the Magnolia. They both miss the ample time they had together and long for those days when they interacted on a daily basis. Their relationship is so deep and there’s not a single argument which could refute that in the least.

              Thanks for reminding me the length of time Candy and Albert had spent together. Indeed, it seems much less in the anime and the manga. It appears that Nagita wanted to extend their cohabitation at the Magnolia for a reason and the sensible folk know what this reason is.

              I just wonder whether the others (Annie, Patty, Archie, and even Terry) began to notice something develop between Candy and Albert. In the manga, Terry is getting uneasy and squirming a bit whenever he thinks about Candy and Albert living under the same roof. His reaction when reading Candy’s letter and discovering that she’s moved in with Albert is epic! At least Terry was sensible and intelligent enough to know that no way could a pretty lady and a handsome man live under the same roof simply as friends and nothing more than that. I don’t think anyone with a drop of intelligence would ever be so gullible and self-delusional. How would those Terry-fans feel if their b/f or g/f told them that they would be moving in with a young and beautiful flatmate? Would they accept it believing that it’s a simple “fraternal” or “paternal” or “maternal” relationship? I wonder..

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Yes Lakewood I’m aware of the denial concerning Daddy-long-legs, but I haven’t heard about that famous Igarashi’s drawing being denied as an official artwork! I’m actually surprised because even a famous Terry site has provided a translation for Mizuki’s poem using this illustration. Even though their translation is flawed (last time I checked, which was quite a while ago), they presented the image as Igarashi’s illustration.

                Sigh… Some fans just went too far…

                While the interactions between Candy and Albert are lacking in CCFS (such as the rescue after Neil’s trap or Albert’s gift to Candy to lure her to Rockstown), I agree with you about the improvement in CCFS with regards to the cohabitation. The sexual drive or physical impulse was not shown but it was impossible they didn’t feel any attraction to each other. As you said, even Terry was not as naïve (or dumb) as some of his followers. 😅 Candy undoubtedly had some beyond-platonic feelings for Albert; her deep anxiety during his absence, her constant mention of his sandwich sharing proposal, and her restrospections about their cohabitation were underniable proof.

                Therefore, I personally think a sensitive man like Archie would have noticed. His brief letter to Candy did seem to imply that. Of course, my two cents. 😊

            • Interstellar says:

              There’s no need to fret about Candy’s age during her correspondence with Albert because she was already an adult by then. Besides, Albert’s moral compass is way too strong to ever allow him to get involved with a minor. The Terry-fans seem to be a bit confused; not all men behave in such violent, misogynistic and forceful ways against women as Terry does. Albert is a greater man with dignity and personal integrity. He would never force himself upon anyone. Albert is not Terry. Albert is a better man. End of.

              I always find it rather disappointing when coming across certain females (mainly from the pro-Terry team) who actually believe that true love means pain and genuine passion means torture. They also believe that men are supposed to force themselves on woman. I personally and politically find such mentalities as emetic because they derive mainly from women and surprisingly not so much from men. Such internalized misogyny never ceases to baffle and disgust me.

              Ladies, bear in mind that true love means happiness and not pain; genuine passion means mutual and consensual exchange of sexuality and not torture; a man never has the right to force himself on a woman. A true man knows how to respect, value and appreciate his partner. True love is based on an equivalent interaction between two consenting adults who both know how to acknowledge the individuality and integrity of the other. That said, Terry miserably failed in all these aspects. Albert, on the other hand, epitomizes the well-educated, modern and civilized man who respects women because, above all, he respects his own self.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Hello Interstellar,

                Those fans who don’t understand what true love is have my utmost pity. I wish one day they will see the truth.

                Having said that, they should not impose their theories or “ideals” on to others. Some people might have been influenced by these “activists”, thinking violence is equivalent to passion.

                Anyway, Terry did fail in many aspects when he interacted with Candy, but he was quite the opposite when he was with Susanna. He seemed to respect her as a coworker, a talented actress. Never had he belittled her.

            • Lakewood says:

              Well said-Interstellar, and you represent my views on women’s rights and emancipation precisely. Nagita clearly wanted a better man for Candy and that’s evident from the ways in which she elevated Albert to the highest standards. Even though I’m not fond of the CCFS, Albert has received a significant upgrade by the author. Se has made Albert appear as more humane, communicative and even more educated and intelligent.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello Avon, I can’t find any reference to Terry’s age either. I might have somehow missed it and it’s not in CCFS at all. If that’s the case, Nagita has clarified both Anthony and Albert’s age in CCFS, but not Terry’s.

          My guess is Terry’s either Archie’s age or slightly older, but still a minor when Susanna became disabled. Just my 2 cents.

          Can’t agree with you more about Terry’s sense of failure that was also a major contributor to his depression. Or maybe he suddenly realized he actually had unmistakable feelings for the beautiful actress (note his unprecedented tenderness towards Susanna after the accident), and he had to choose either her or Candy (a distant love who was on her way to New York). Or perhaps he was fully aware he couldn’t simply walk away from Susanna even though the accident wasn’t his fault.

          About Candy’s age, I’m in the camp who supports the fact she was born in 1898, so by May 1919, she would turn 21. Based on Patty’s letter to Candy, she wrote that US might enter the war or something like that, so that could be some time before April 1917 (but not too long before that).

          My guestimate is that in early Spring 1917 Albert was still living with Candy, and he might disappear from her life not long afterwards. This might be followed by Candy’s trip to Rockstown, Neal’s forced engagement, her discovery of Albert’s true identity, Stear’s memorial, Miami’s opening party, etc.

          Anyway, I’d better stop babbling because I must admit I can’t seem to fit in every event perfectly, say Terry’s success as Hamlet, Archie’s engagement, Archie’s study in Massachusetts and the reconstruction of Pony’s Home (the reconstruction should take place soon after WWI ended, likely before Miami’s hotel grand opening). However, I’m convinced Susanna was healthy and well enough to work as a playwright for years before being struck by some disease(s), which she fought together with Terry (who was now mature enough to keep his promise to stay by her side forever).

          • Avon says:

            Hello Ms Puddle,

            Thanks for your feedback. Isn’t it odd that Terry and Candy were minors but they were fully employed in the acting business and nursing, respectively? Both of them had dropped out of school. At the age of 13-14, Candy would have been at middle-school (or grammar school) and Terry (if older than Candy) would have been in high-school. Both of them later embarked on training school education (acting and nursing, respectively), but wouldn’t it have taken them 2-3 years to complete their studies in the least, especially given the fact that they were school drop-outs? Even back in the early twentieth century, basic (mandatory) and higher education were important in order to further one’s studies in one’s prospective career.

            Keiko Nagita’s story is fascinating but there are so many loopholes and scenes which don’t make much sense and often simply don’t add up. There are times when I think that we’re all trying to analyse every nook and cranny regarding possible hidden mysteries in the CCFS, but maybe there aren’t too many mysteries but too many incoherences and inconsistencies from the author’s part. Some CC fans argue that Nagita’s technique (if it’s actually a technique and not a weakness or flaw in writing) is based on keeping the readers vigilant so that they can fit in the pieces together themselves. Whilst I could agree and appreciate that interpretation to a certain point, I would add the importance of the author in providing clues and not simply tossing further sand to our eyes.

            Alex made a remarkable point in providing historical evidence in order to analyse the CCFS surrounding the identity of anohito. Nagita also appears to know a lot about history, especially theatre studies and cultural history. Through historical evidence, one may derive a lot from the CCFS, but the same cannot apply under a literary perspective because everything is so vague and ambiguous. If a writer provides too much liberty and free rein to the readers, the readers might as well write or re-write the story themselves. Come to think of it, some CC fan-fiction circulating online appears to be at times even better than the original CCFS story itself.

            I may sound as if I’m complaining (which in a way I am), but a bit more clarity and literary reference points from Nagita’s part would have been met with the warmest of reception.

      • Sarah says:

        Hello Ms Puddle-I’m pleased to read your interesting posts about CCFS translation issues. It’s a pity that there’s no credible English translation of the CCFS. It’s good to know that you’re delving into the original Japanese text and providing some insightful commentary.

        I also find it strange that Terry’s age is not mentioned, but then again, the author provides no data regarding the age of most of the CCFS characters.

        Have you got access to the old CC correspondence between Candy and Albert? I’ve been reading some unofficial translations and a friend of mine from Japan has explained some material from the old CC novel. If these letters have been accurately translated, I have to admit that some of those letters that Candy has sent to Albert are quite bold. Again, if the translations and my friend’s interpretations are correct, Candy is clearly flirting with Albert whereas in the CCFS everything is so dimmed.

        I also came across a CC fan forum where Keiko Nagita is in a family photo with her husband and daughter. This forum is analysing and debating the striking resemblance Nagita’s husband has to Albert because he’s very tall, well-built, with a formidable but calm demeanour. I may provide the links if you wish. I’ll reiterate that these thoughts are not mine but based on intelligent analysis of various members of the CC fandom. It’s intriguing though that Nagita had explained that her story around Candy was a way for her to escape the hardships during her youth and early adulthood. Candy was very personal and intimate to her as she related so much to this freckled heroine. In brief, these members of this specific CC fan forum consider that Nagita’s Albert and Nagita’s husband may actually be the same person-not necessarily in appearance (her husband is neither blonde nor blue-eyed)-in terms of disposition and impressive physique. I’ve read in some of Nagita’s interviews that she holds her family and especially her husband in the highest respect and esteem because he’s such a responsible and committed spouse and father. I am tempted to assume that these qualities reflect Albert and vice-versa, but this is only my opinion..

        Have you read those sources? I could easily provide them if that’s fine for you.

        • Avon says:

          Sarah, I’ve read the post from the forum you’re referring to and the comments are compelling and well-focused. It’s an enriched forum with many an intelligent and interesting commentary. I’ve seen the photos and I agree that Nagita’s husband has Albert’s casual style and calmness. Since the CC manga had been released during the late 1970s, Nagita must have been in her late twenties-early thirties (her year of birth is listed online is 1949). I don’t know if she was married or in a relationship with her husband during that time. I’ve found no reference about how and when they met. Nevertheless, the similarities between Nagita’s husband and Albert are striking and noteworthy. Based on Nagita’s descriptions of her husband’s character, he appears to bear similar qualities to that of Albert.

        • Interstellar says:

          Sarah and Avon-I’ve seen those photos of Nagita and her husband as well. The forum you’ve mentioned is massive and thorough. It’s one of my favourite ones. Based on what I’ve read so far, Nagita was in a serious relationship with her husband when she was writing her CC story and she was definitely married when she had written the subsequent revisions to her text. I also know that she has a daughter.

          Lakewood-Thanks for the information you’ve provided surrounding legal adult age and age of consent. Some fans believe that a young woman under 21 cannot provide consent because (in some states) she cannot vote. I’ve been trying to explain this silly error to some folk but to no avail. Thanks again for clarifying this and making the clear-cut distinction between those two legal terms. It’s amazing how some people are ignorant of basic legal stuff. It’s 2018.

          That said, it’s a pity there’s no access to the original CC novel because it’s out of print following the long-term legal battle between Nagita and Igarashi. On social media, there’s so much bickering going on among the fans about the CCFS. If Nagita had endorsed the official translation of both the CC and the CCFS novels in English, none of this idiotic fighting would have been taking place. This CCFS-fan in-fighting is so meaningless and foolish that I’m glad I continue to refuse to take part in any of it.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello Sarah, it’s nice to hear from you! Glad to know you like these posts so far, and yes I agree with you that it’s a pity that Nagita hasn’t yet approved any other translation. I’m aware of the petitions, and let’s hope that one day there will be an official English translation.

          About the old CC correspondence I only have the spoilers too, and the ones I know I’ve already discussed in different posts before.

          Judging from the spoilers Candy was indeed flirting with her Prince on the Hill, but if you have read the Japanese text of CCFS Candy is doing the same. She boldly or playfully used casual words and phrases (even demanding at times), which is in stark contrast to the way she wrote to another authoritative figure — the matriarch, aka Madam Elroy.

          Yes, Sarah, please do share the link(s) of the post(s) to Nagita and/or her family picture so that the others have the chance to judge for themselves whether Nagita’s husband has any resemblance to her fictional character, Albert 😀☺️

          • Sarah says:

            Hello Ms Puddle!

            Here’s the link I was referring to (I just wanted to ask you first if you approve of my providing this link): http://foroandrew.rf.gd/el_clan/index.php?topic=2586.0&i=1

            If you scroll down below the two photos, you’ll see that you’re also mentioned with regards to your intriguing article. You’ve received quite a few favourable mentions in this forum and I would say rightfully so.

            As you can see, there are two photos of Nagita next to her husband. The top photo is apparently a more recent one and the other one below must be back in the 80s or 90s. Although Nagita’s husband isn’t blonde or blue-eyed, he appears to have that very tall stature as well as serious and calm demeanour. It’s his height and manner which I find interestingly similar to Albert.

            But I’ll let you see for yourself and provide your thoughts on this if you wish.


            P.S. I just saw your new artwork and I’ve got to say that you make Albert look incredible. It’s interesting that you provide your own originality and at the same time you maintain the style as illustrated by Igarashi and described by Nagita.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Hello Sarah, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! Next time please feel free to share any link, and I seldom need to remove links from comments.

              Yes I do know some people at foroandrew, and they are very nice people. Thank you Sarah for your encouraging words about me, but now I’m more curious than ever. I’ll definitely take a look at the article asap 😗

              Last but not the least, your compliments with regards to my new drawing and my style are greatly appreciated 💕💞. I thought of drawing something romantic like I usually do for Valentine’s day, but I changed my mind the last minute 😁

          • Sarah says:

            Having read some sections of the old CC myself, I’ve noticed that Albert is also more direct in his flirting with Candy as she is with him. Their tone and style are both more obvious when it comes to courting with each other. It’s so enjoyable to read their correspondence in the old CC novel because both of them are trying to conceal their nervousness and intense anticipation to see each other again via the use of humour, pranks and playful bantering. But their mutual “lovers’ complaints”, unobtrusive nagging, and subtle sarcasm at times are also cute in their own way. As readers, we get a clear image of the mutual attraction developing between them in spite of the initial awkwardness and some inhibitions.The dynamics of their blooming relationship are far more pronounced in the old CC novel than in the loosely translated Italian CCFS one.

            It’s interesting though that you’re saying that in the original Japanese CCFS text, this direct tone (as in the old CC) is maintained. Your new posts are so interesting because you’re generously providing such a plethora of information deriving from the actual Japanese original and not from often misleading and severely loose translations from the Italian version.

            It’s astonishing to read your posts because the evidence you’re providing reveals that the interaction between Candy and Albert is just as intimate and direct as in the old CC novel. The only difference between the old CC and the CCFS novels is the amount of information provided (I think that the final letter Candy had sent to Albert is omitted in the CCFS) rather than the style and ambience between these two cute blondes.

            Candy and Albert remind me a lot of some newly married friends of mine who are both also blonde, playful and humorous. They’re a delight and definitely a sight for sore eyes. If those two have kids, they’ll most certainly be just as gorgeous and adorable as they are.

            Even some of my Terry-fan friends reluctantly admit that Candy and Albert make a more suitable and cuter couple than Candy and Terry. If Candy and Terry had got married, they would have had a tempestuous relationship full of fights and loads of pain and suffering. Although the sexual drive would be intense, their love would have been severed due to all the bickering and strife between them. Candy and Terry never had any real nor meaningful communication and you’ve successfully proven this in your posts. The diametrical opposite, however, applies to Candy and Albert-the two of them always engaged in a profoundly meaningful relationship based on mutual consideration, appreciation and respect. True love is not sexual drive alone but a harmonious mixture of physical, intellectual and emotional stimuli.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Can’t agree with you more, Sarah, about how a loving relationship lasts! Sexual attraction is but one of the significant aspects, really!

              So glad to know that my posts have helped you to understand the intimate interactions between Candy and Albert 😍 Thank you very much for your encouraging words, Sarah! 😘 I suppose you have read the Italian version? Yes, from what I was told it was disappointing.

              In one series I have compared CCFS to parts of the old novel, and I did discuss Candy’s last letter to Albert. While it was a gem I personally think her last letter to Albert in CCFS conveys even more of the depth of her relationship with the young heir.

              Besides, in the old novel Albert didn’t fully explain why he had chosen to stay with Candy while keeping his recovery a secret from her. He said something like “I leave it to your imagination”. In CCFS he did explain he had not wanted to leave the heartwarming life. Some people prefer this answer. How about you?

              For some reason I can’t access Foro Andrew’s forum. I’ll certainly try again later. 🤗

          • Sarah says:

            Hello Ms Puddle-Yes, the Italian translation is below par not only due to linguistic errors but mainly because of the diversion from the actual Japanese text, especially when it came to the direct and intimate tone between Candy and Albert. I had begun to notice this when I managed to get access to the old CC novel. I have also noticed tremendous differences between the original Japanese manga and the translated Italian one. There are even loads of differences between the original Japanese anime and the various translated anime versions. I won’t get into further detail just now since so much has been said and you’ve thoroughly analysed these differences with the use of solid (textual) evidence.

            Unfortunately, most Terry-fans use the (various loosely translated) anime versions and the wrongly translated Italian manga in order to prove their points that Terry’s anohito and not Albert (or someone else). However, Nagita had made it clear that she wanted her readers to look into the CCFS as a separate text in its own right without the manga or anime influences. For instance, the Terry-fans desperately try to prove that Terry was the one who “repaired” Stear’s music box. Since there’s absolutely no evidence even slightly referring to Terry as the “repairer” of Stear’s music box in the CCFS, the Terry-fans struggle to cook up whatever belief possible by using that otherwise ridiculous detail in the manga where Stear comments on Terry’s small and delicate hands fit for an inventor. I’ll repeat myself here and specify, yet again, that Nagita does not want us to be influenced by the manga nor the anime but read her CCFS novel as a story within itself.

            That said, the Terry-fans need to accept the indisputable fact that there’s no such scene in which Stear compliments Terry on his small and delicate hands. Instead, in the CCFS, Terry flees from St Paul’s without bidding his farewells to anyone. Bottom line, the scene where Stear and Archie stumble upon Terry during his departure from St Paul has been omitted by Nagita in the CCFS. Another detail is that Terry’s hands in the CCFS are neither small nor delicate by powerful and sexual (Candy always describes Terry as “dark”, “masculine” and “virile”). In the CCFS, Terry’s no intellectual and definitely not a prospective inventor of any sort, but he’s described as a sensual, carnal and earthly type of man. Terry is not a man of science or letters, and he’s definitely not a man of practicality and sensible problem-solving; instead, he’s a guy who’s driving force is that cluster of passions, conflicting emotions and sentimental outbursts of his. Nagita is clear-cut about this and the Terry-fans need to learn to get a grip and accept what the actual writer has written. If they want an alternative story, they could always resort to their own fan-fiction. It’s as simple as that.

            Responding to your question about Albert explanation to Candy, I like both the old CC and the CCFS takes. Perhaps, I would prefer the CCFS a bit more because Nagita gives us more information about and insight into Albert’s character. The impression that some Terry-fans get that Candy and Albert have put their long-term Mangolia cohabitation aside is sheer bogus because both of them constantly refer to their living together with the fondest of memories and a very strong dosage of nostalgia and longing. This tension between them is evident even in the Italian translation (which tends to dim the intimacy between these two blondes).

            No matter how hard some fans try, they cannot spin-doctor the Candy-Albert relationship to their own practices and beliefs. Nagita has made her point crystal-clear and she does not leave any shadow of a doubt that Candy and Albert share an immensely significant relationship which transcends the boundaries of the mere “fraternal” or “best buddies” mentality. If they can’t discern this, so be it. Candy has “responded” to this bogus Terry-fan claim by specifying that her very strong and “special” feelings for Albert have absolutely nothing to do with brotherly or fatherly love. Candy clarifies her position that she even though she pretended to live as siblings with Albert, she had never felt that way. She’s frustrated that she cannot define her “ineffable” bond with Albert. This is interesting because back at St Paul’s Candy felt equivalently conflicting frustration when trying to explain her feelings for Terry. It took loads of months for Candy to finally admit that she was in love with Terry. But, of-course, the Terry-fans have a “selective memory” and conveniently try to sweep these significant pieces of data under the rug..

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Well said, Sarah. Bravo!! Sorry for the delay. I don’t know how it happened but I didn’t realize this comment is in the pending queue for days, waiting for my approval.

              I don’t have anything to add to your brilliant comment, except that when I received the CCFS novel, the first thing I did was to read the last two letters in the epilogue (one from Candy to Albert and the other to Anthony). The moment I finished I was more certain than ever about Anohito’s identity. One can say I’m biased, but the intimacy between Candy and Albert is beyond the shadow of a doubt. I sometimes feel bad for those who insist Terry was the one for Candy. They have totally missed the beauty of this story. Sigh.

    • Louna says:

      Hello Avon

      I totally agree with your analysis of the relationship between Terry and Candy and the choice he made to stay with Susana. I could not do an analysis better than you.
      It’s been a long time since I’ve participated in a comment on this blog, (it’s always refreshing to read Ms. Puddle’s reviews.)
      I recently showed on Facebook in différents bands  of Candy and Albert  that Candy loved Terry as a teenager especially when they were at St Paul’s College, but after their last separation in New York, Candy turned the page and returned to Albert his love being this time a young adult woman. The love he deserved, the one who was always with Candy was supporting her, cured of his break with Terry.
      The Terryfans do not know what to invent to justify their refusal to accept the love between Candy and Albert.
      Their obsession for Terry is completely disproportionate, they invite a so-called mature Terry to make him coincide with the personality of Candy’s husband in CCFS. While the Terry we all know is rather immature, a little cynical and impulsive and especially these exchanges with Candy were not romantic, Terry spent her time teasing Candy by calling all kinds of nicknames. While Albert appreciated him, he was his confidant, he covered her with love and attention. The link that Albert and Candy shared was unique and powerful.
      What Terry and Candy have never shared, no matter what the Terryfans say.
      Of course, Albert is a wonderful man with exceptional qualities and Nagita made a good choice by choosing him to be the forever companion for Candy.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Hello Louna, long time no talk! How are you?

        Thanks for dropping by. I agree with you, Louna. Well said! 👏👏

        Indeed, those stubborn fans who are trying so hard to force the idea of Terry being Anohito have to give up the original Terry, the one they are fond of. Sigh…

  1. May 21, 2018

    […] discussed in Lost in translation (Part 2), Candy in her last letter to Albert in the epilogue promised not to ever call him Prince on the […]

  2. October 26, 2018

    […] She then revealed that her tears had (inadvertently) stained his letter, which hints that she had cried when reading it. Right after this, she declared she would not never address him as “Graaaandpa” again, which I’ve already discussed in Lost in translation (Part 2). […]

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