Candy’s letter to Prince on the Hill (Part 2)

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100 Responses

  1. Anohita says:

    Dear Ms Puddles,

    Forgive this extra little comment, but I didn’t know where to put it. One of my favorite scenes in the manga and the anime is when Albert comforts Candy right after Anthony’s death. In the manga it’s amazing, words, drawings, it melts my heart! And it’s a moment that Candy never forgets, she shouts it out when amnesiac Albert is about to leave and she runs after him catching his coat. I tried looking for it in all your CCFS translations, but… it’s not there. Candy does not recall this moment at all. It’s really missing? Nagita, what, forgot it? That is so frustrating! And, if I have understood correctly, there was a previous novel before CCFS? Was this scene there at least? Is there a place where we can read that older novel?

    Thank you so much and sorry for bombarding you. 🙂

    • Myra says:

      That scene is awesome. It’s definitely in the manga and the anime. It’s also included in the “novelized” manga. In the CCFS, Candy does specify quite a few times that her relationship with Albert is “one of a kind” and “special” by making it clear that he’s the only one she has ever confided her deepest secrets and thoughts. Maybe Nagita wanted to replace that manga scene with Candy’s own words when reflecting about Albert and her “unique” relationship with him.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Anohita, this manga scene is not in CCFS but replaced by a somewhat similar scene near the end of the epilogue — Albert comforted Candy when she tearfully recalled Anthony’s death and took all the blame. I actually like this new one better because they were in love with each other by then.

      • Anohita says:

        Ms.P, yes the new scene in CCFS is nice, but it does not come near that original comfort in my opinion. The original added extra bonding between Candy and vagabond Albert, soothed Candy at a moment she desperately needed it and helped her decide to move back to Pony’s Home. It also showed that Albert cared about his protegè, was there for her even while he too was mourning his nephew and gave us a glimpse into his strength and soul, his way of dealing with loss. The new scene just offered closure for both Candy and Albert and showed on the contrary an Albert plagued by guilt. None of his encouraging words are there as per the original. Nagita should have combined all in my opinion. Just using fancier Japanese language does not make a better novel, it’s the content, continuity and enrichment that matter.

        Begging your pardon, I let my frustration loose. I much prefer the manga over the CCFS, which I can’t help but call a blatant money scheme. :(((

        • Interstellar says:

          Hello All,

          Unfortunately, Nagita seems to have indulged herself in a bit of money-grab greed. The long-term online bickering between the Terry and Albert fans has financially benefited her. If she were honest, she would simply reveal the identity of “anohito” and create a decent story regarding how he came about to become Candy’s partner in the 1930s. Instead, Nagita has decided to feed on the aforementioned bickering and hide behind her pretentious and profoundly flawed narrative. She has clearly cheated the CC fandom-in particular, the Terry fans. Whilst Albert is the clear winner in the CCFS whether he’s with Candy or not, all the Terry fans get some stupid note which could mean anything or it could mean nothing at all.


          • Interstellar says:

            Typo: “.., all the Terry fans get is some stupid note..”

          • Lakewood says:

            You’re right, Interstellar, and it’s sad that the Terry fans are screaming and shouting over a mere note which has no substantial backing and is thus left vulnerable to any form of interpretation (or rather wishful thinking on behalf of the desperate Terry fans).

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Hello Interstellar and Lakewood,

              Yes I agree. Most of their arguments only exposed how naïve and self-serving their assumptions were. They are convinced Terry and Candy would automatically reunite when Susanna was gone for good, as though her accident was the only cause for the break up.

            • Interstellar says:

              Hello Ms Puddle and Lakewood,

              Some of those Terry-fans are so hysterical and deranged that they had been begging Nagita to “kill off” Susanna and when she eventually dies in the CCFS, those morons were actually rejoicing. Pathetic.

              The irony with both “T.G.’s” letter and Susanna’s death is that none of those two insertions in the CCFS made any significant change with regards to Candy’s decision and mindset. In a way, Nagita may be telling the Terry-fans that Susanna was not the problem between Terry and Candy. Instead, the crux of their problem was time and distance, both of which drew them further and further apart. Candy was also growing less tolerant to Terry’s self-destructive drinking problem and numerous violent outbursts.

              All the outlandish claims and hysterical screeching coming from some Terry-fans can’t erase the indisputable fact that relationships need time, close proximity and a hell of a lot of effort to endure.


        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello Anohita, I think it really depends on readers’ preferences. As I said before, I personally like the scene in CCFS more, not because I don’t like the one in the manga. In fact I like it too with the same reasons you brought up.

          Yet, throughout the manga we readers are not given any chance to see Albert and Candy in any romantic setting. Compared to Terry and Candy, A & C hugged quite often but nothing romantic about those scenes.

          In the manga, Igarashi intended to end the story with Candy and her Prince on the Hill embracing each other. They already had feelings for each other then, as later revealed in the CC old novel. Regrettably, Nagita ordered that picture removed, so the manga ended with little crying Candy and the young Scottish boy instead.

          Back to CCFS, Nagita sensei finally wrote something about Albert pulling Candy to himself in an enchanted forest. He let her cry in his arms for as long as needed, and she wrote to him afterwards she felt something had changed inside her. She realized it was nobody’s fault that Anthony had died young, etc.

          It was this day trip to Lakewood that Candy could finally let go of her past (both Anthony and Terry) and get ready for her future with Albert. To me, this is a more satisfying way to end the story.

          Of course, just my two cents. I’m not trying to convince you to like this too, Anohita. 😉

          • Lakewood says:

            The scenes between Candy and Albert are actually quite romantic albeit in a more Platonic and nuanced sense.
            You mentioned Terry but all he did was force himself on Candy. They had never exchanged any mutual romantic gestures. They had never even embraced. Instead, Terry was the one who violated and completely disrespected Candy’s free will by forcing a kiss on her and then violently forcing her to forget Anthony. He was so violent against her that he had even caused her to bleed.
            Even when Terry sort of appeased his violent streak in New York, he once again forced himself on Candy by grabbing her waist as she was running down the stairs. He clasped his arms around her but they weren’t facing each other. Just because she tolerated his aggressiveness doesn’t mean that she approved of it.
            Take note that when Terry forced his kiss on her, she didn’t reciprocate and when he forcibly yanked her onto him at the hospital in New York, she didn’t reciprocate either. Yet, whenever Albert is tender to Candy not only does she reciprocate but she encourages him to further his emotions with her. Albert is the exact opposite of Terry. He would make any advances unless both parties are consenting adults. That may have him come across as a bit cold and distant but, in fact, Albert is a true gentleman who respects women and he sure does respect Candy. This is the reason why whenever there is a tender moment between them, both Candy and Albert are equally involved and reciprocate 100%. The Lakewood scene in the Epilogue epitomizes their love and respect for one another, hence, giving even greater significance to their mutual embrace and reciprocity.

            • Lakewood says:

              I meant to say that he would *not* make any advances.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              I mostly agree with you, Lakewood, except Terry did kiss Candy’s forehead somewhere near his place in Scotland, which she happily accepted.

              Also in the manga, after escaping from Neal’s trap, Candy ran into Albert. After hugging each other in a platonic way, he also leaned down and planted a peck on her forehead. He meant to comfort her, which she shyly accepted too.

              About the breakup scene in New York, I feel that Candy could not reciprocate because she might otherwise regret her decision. His action was poignant rather than aggressive, IMHO.

            • Lakewood says:

              Hi Ms Puddle, I should have specified that I was referring to the scenes in the CCFS. If I’m not mistaken, that kissing scene in Scotland that you’ve mentioned is omitted in the CCFS and so is the almost identical kissing scene at the Chicago National Park. It’s interesting how eerily similar Igarashi depicted both scenes. Presumably, she had deliberately made them seem so alike.

              Now, about that New York staircase scene, I can understand why you would find it poignant. Both Terry and Candy suffered massive pain but Terry still has to learn how to respect the safe space of others. He just goes for the grab without considering how the person may feel. His egocentricity is disgusting and that’s why modern-day women have no respect for toxic white males like him. Back in the 70s-80s when the manga and anime came out, his problematic character was accepted by young women at the time. His aggressiveness was perceived as romantic, hence, that ludicrous phrase: “He acts so violent because he like you..”. Those chauvinistic-sympathizing women are now in their 50s-60s and continue to applaud such toxicity. Terry’s character is archaic and outdated as not a single progressive young woman would ever support his violent disposition.

              IMO, I find Terry’s action as weak. He was a self-proclaimed tough guy but when the situation actually because tough, he proved that he was a wimp. Terry and his so-called toughness is identical to the emperor who has no clothes.

            • Lakewood says:

              My apologies for the typing errors, Ms Puddle. I’ve installed this auto-spellcheck but this app is replacing words I’m using with random ones.
              Error 1: Meant to say “He likes you..”;
              Error 2: Meant to say “became tough” and not “because tough”.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                No worries about typos at all. A friend of mine once typed alpha and when I got the text it showed “aloha” lol 😀

                Now I see… Thought you meant the manga version. I should have made myself clearer when I meant Igarashi’s drawings 😉

            • Interstellar says:

              Hello Lakewood,

              Your typos are fewer than mine with or without that app.😂

              Maybe you should just get rid of it by going to Control Panel and uninstalling it.

            • Lakewood says:

              It was clearly my mistake for not specifying, Ms Puddle. Your comment about that “aloha” typo is hilarious, btw.

              Thanks for the advice, Interstellar. I’m going to uninstall that useless app right now.

  2. Anohita says:

    Hello everyone. Lurking here as usual, the whole Corona virus thing has me going over oldies from my childhood to pass the StayAtHome time. I discovered you a few weeks ago. 😉

    I wanted to high-five Myra about the things she has said about Albert, the winner in any case. Indeed, he has a value of his own. And well, coming to think about it, Candy, bless her kind soul, is not exactly the best wife Albert could have. As Myra has said, socially she is not equipped to stand beside him. It would take a lot of training and practice to behave like a lady of high status. It would also take a lot of guts to deal with the gossip and demeaning comments. This is not to say that I don’t see Albert and Candy together, just that… well… if Candy met some Anohito and she and Albert just remained best friends, I wouldn’t mind. To be brutally honest, I find Candy too immature for Albert. Let her marry some other man from around the orphanage area and let Albert meet some fine lady during his trips. Win win. 😀

    • Myra says:

      Thanks for your supporting words, Anohita. It’s obvious that Albert would be happy with Candy but he would also be happy without her as an intelligent woman could easily appreciate this fine young man. Therefore, he wouldn’t be single for long. Lol Based on the final story itself, it appears that Anohito is Albert because Terry is a psychologically unstable dude with way too many personal issues and self-destructive tendencies. Only a foolish woman with zero dignity would choose such a damaged dude as Terry.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Hi Anohita and Myra, like you both, I also think Albert could easily find another lady who could appreciate him.

        Yet, I suppose Albert despised any kind of flattery and would only marry for love, like his late sister Rosemary. Since his debut as the patriarch, I wonder how long he had waited before going to Pony’s Home to confess. 🤔 By the time he took Candy to Lakewood for a day trip, another year might have elapsed. He had been careful and patient, because Candy had been someone truly special to him — at his rock bottom she had been the only lady who did not look him down with contempt. She had cared about him just because he was Albert.

        If, by any chance, Candy decided to keep her diary (wait for Terry or whatever), I have a feeling it would take Albert some time to get over her, but he would surely move on. No doubt about that.

        • Anohita says:

          I believe that the whole amnesia thing was a way for Albert to see Candy as a young woman, not a little girl. Without his memories as a base, he was just a young man, lost, confused, afraid and lonely, that was offered support, care and love by a girl who seemed to trust him completely. It is only natural to fall head over heels for her. However, the moment he found his memory, Albert must have been in a conflict inside, the old Albert with the amnesiac one. He realised he had fallen for a girl he had quite a history with. And he had other business that desperately needed his attention as head of the Ardlays. And yes indeed, Albert would only marry for love, he’s too rich and independent to consider otherwise! 😀

          As for Candy, I think that it took the Prince otH revelation to completely turn her over to the Albert side. I must admit I cannot fully understand her, get under her skin, either because she strikes me as a Mary Sue or because she is unrealistically written. Having watched Anne of Green Gables and Anne with an E, Candy is a silly and VERY deliberately lucky girl compared to Anne. Ooh I wish I had time to analyze what I mean, maybe later.

          Treading on Terry ground, a very tricky thing as I’ve gathered… I will only say that it’s not realistic for a young man in his late teens early twenties, boiling with hormones and in a trade where girls are present, to not have erm… flings to put it mildly. He was no celibate monk, pinning over a girl he left behind in the UK. Come on. He became a rising acting star without Candy sweetalking to him. His need of her ended when his career began. But alas, the law of Mary Sue dictates that no man should be able to resist the heroine without sobbing his eyes out. How demeaning for Terry.

          Was it also demeaning for Albert? Well……… he did hide his memory gain and stay with Candy, lie to her in essence. That never seemed right to me either. He did not have the guts to tell her the truth about himself, a truth that would change her life for the outmost best. Had he shown signs of being such a coward, selfish and flippant man? No! Love turned him into a softie? And what, duty then had him cruelly abandon Candy? No, this is unrealistic writing for me, out of established character, on Mary Sue’s service. Or am I putting Albert onto too high a pedestal? 😛 lol

          This turned into a novel. Oops. Sorry for any mistakes, I’m typing on my mobile phone.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Hi Anohita, I think Candy already had strong feelings for Albert before his confession. She was quite over Terry by then but didn’t know how to deal with her deep feelings for the patriarch.

            To me she wasn’t really a Mary Sue because I think she went a bit too far to tease Albert as an old guy or express her anger by not forgiving him (a pretense). After all, without him she would have been working like a slave down in Mexico somewhere.

            Both Terry and Albert had their flaws and weaknesses but both of them could survive without Candy. Terry could leave her in London seemingly without any regret, and out of guilt Albert also completely disappeared in her life for months. Some people disliked the fact he later tricked Candy into going to Rockstown to run into Terry too.

        • Myra says:

          Thanks for your comments, Ms Puddle and Anohita. I think that Albert’s main issue which kept him from being more intimate and upfront with Candy was Candy’s past with Terry. I’m not convinced that he cared about social status or rank. On the contrary, he always appreciated people based on who they are as human-beings irrespective of their ethnicity, gender or material wealth. However, he did have some undercurrent insecurities surrounding Candy’s feelings for Terry and I wouldn’t blame him for that. If I were in his place, I would let Candy go because she’s given too much information about her ex. Not too many people appreciate knowing about the exes. Lol
          This may explain his distance from Candy after revealing his true identity. He let her go but she constantly wanted to reunite with him. There’s a lot of complex emotions going on in their letters and Candy appears to feel the constant need in proving to Albert that she’s over and done with the past-and presumably, over and done with Terry. Her decision to give her diary back to Albert without opening it culminates her decision to let go of the past and move on with her life. If she had continued to be infatuated with Terry, she would have kept the diary and re-read it. It would have been insensitive and utterly cheap of her if she had decided to give it back to Albert knowing what he feels for her. She’s not that type of person. She may lack social status but she’s got class and as the saying goes:
          “You can’t buy class.”
          On a final note, Candy seems to have lost her love and respect for Terry when she saw him in that drunken stupor in Rockstown. I remember her expression in the manga and it was so telling of her; she felt sorrow but also so much disappointment and disgust. Even in the CCFS, she expressed her anger against Terry’s weakness of character. It’s interesting that she forgave him for lying and being abusive to her, but she wouldn’t forgive him for his severe lack of dignity, resilience and for failing to maintain his resolve in difficult times. Clearly, this “freckled Tarzan” was growing up and her standards were becoming far higher and way more demanding.
          Good for her. It was about time.

          • Anohita says:

            What Nagita lacks in telling, Igarashi fills in with sketching. Heh! Mentioning favorite scenes, how about when the ranger shoots at Albert to get him off that cabin. MY GOODNESS, the looks on Albert’s face! His glasses off, his youth is there to see! If his hair wasn’t (unrealistically imho) painted dark, the Prince, yes the Prince, is there, as he turns around and the beard is hidden! Ooh, how I love that rarely mentioned scene!

            I get carried away. Sorry! Shutting up now. 😊

          • Anita says:

            @Myra, I agree with you. Candy was intent on returning her diary to Albert and it’s most certain that she wanted to prove to him that her liaison with Terry belongs to the distant past. Perhaps she was also disappointed in Terry setting her aside in almost all aspects of his life. It’s crystal clear that Candy wasn’t included in his main priorities when it came to his decision-making back in the UK but also during his career development in New York. He cared about Candy but he never prioritized her. It’s reasonable to assume that after getting put aside so many times, Candy became fed up with Terry’s whims and aloofness.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Can’t agree with you more, Anita!! Well said. 👏 That’s why I’ve always said Terry fans have exaggerated his “love” for Candy.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Yes Myra. Candy got class and would not return the diary to Albert, lying to him about her determination to move on. She was not dumb and fully aware of his true feelings for her.

            In the manga I didn’t see disgust not anger when Candy saw Terry in that roadside theatre. Perhaps it’s just me? In CCFS she did mention her frustration and almost wanted to punch him. Yet I agree with you, Myra, that Candy had changed. Terry no longer had control over her then. She could walk away without talking to him at all.

  3. Interstellar says:

    Hello Ms Puddle,

    I’ve finally managed to find some time to read all these intelligent comments and @Antlay31’s montage is impressively akin to the original manga.

    I’ll try to get back and post my own thoughts too once I get the chance. I’ve got tons of work to do at home for my job. Social distancing has created the opposite effect by adding even more workload for my professional obligations. No complaining though. I’m grateful that my job and livelihood haven’t been affected. Unfortunately, millions of lives and jobs have received awful blows from this global pandemic.

    Best wishes to you all and hang in there.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Interstellar, thanks for catching up! No obligation to post anything of course, but if you have time you’re more than welcome to 🤗

      I agree with you totally that we are the fortunate ones who can work from the comfort of our own homes. Some of my friends have been laid off because of this global crisis 🙁

      Yes, best wishes to you and your loved ones too!

    • antlay31 says:

      Hello Interstellar,

      In fact I’ve not merit, I use the wonderful drawings of Iragashi to make the montages.
      Glad you like them.
      Take care.

    • Interstellar says:

      Hello Ms Puddle and Antlay31,

      We sure are fortunate to maintain our jobs even though the workload is even heavier. So far, none of my colleagues have been laid off and those of us who are managing research teams are doing our utmost not to make anyone redundant. However, the work assigned to everyone is a lot and it can get overwhelming at times.

      My partner and I have turned our house into a quasi office complex where our desktops and laptops are in full power almost 24/7.

      Tbh, I’m more worried about the elderly members of my family and my close relative who had recently undergone surgery, hence, being immune compromised. They didn’t take the pandemic seriously at first and I had to start barking out orders to them to stay inside at all costs. I’ve become a freakin’ Rottweiler. lol

      Best Wishes,

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Actually many people still do not take the pandemic seriously and believe it’s just another form of flu… Sigh. 🙁 Glad that at least your relatives are willing to stay inside now!

        • Interstellar says:

          Hello Ms Puddle,

          Unfortunately, they’re not willing to cooperate but at least fear keeps them from strolling about. My elderly family members are behaving like rebellious teenagers. It’s annoying.

          Best Wishes,

          • Lakewood says:

            Presumably, they’re behaving like that because they feel that their individual freedom and democratic rights have been compromised due to the pandemic. Again, this is just my hypothesis which is reliant upon my own experience with the elder members of my family who obstinately refuse to cooperate with the relevant legal and medical authorities. I don’t agree with them but I understand where they’re coming from. Just look at what’s happening in Hungary now and how the Hungarian prime minister has manipulated the pandemic in order to seize power which is dangerously akin to that of a dictator. He’s been granted by parliament to rule by degree in the wake of this global pandemic and that’s disturbing.

            • Interstellar says:

              Hello Lakewood,

              I’ve read about Viktor Orbán’s power grab and I was appalled. As you have correctly specified, many people are concerned that this pandemic has permeated not only human bodies but it has also caused the erosion of our Democratic institutions.

              We’re living strange times..

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Hello Lakewood! How are you?

              Interstellar, my elderly family members acted like young rebels too in the beginning, as they didn’t see the danger at all. I understand they are too bored staying home 24×7, but they figured we had overreacted until all their favourite restaurants are shut down to offer nothing but drive-through or takeouts. Only then they began to sense the fear.

              About power grab, it almost happened in Canada too but the opposition parties stood strong against it.

        • Lakewood says:

          Hello Ms Puddle,

          I’m fine, considering the chaos around us. How are you? From what I’ve read, you’re also working from home. Me too. I’m studying and working on my legal cases from my wee albeit comfy study room.

          I’m afraid that our elders have been influenced and taken in by various ludicrous conspiracy theories. Even POTUS (via FOX News, of-course) was claiming that COVID-19 is a hoax created by the Democrats. Yet, there are cases when certain politicians try to abuse their power amidst this treacherous pandemic. I ought to admit that I didn’t expect Trudeau to resort to such dubious tactics. Had his father been alive, he would have been profoundly ashamed of his son’s political ineptitude and proclivity to corruption. Thankfully, Canada has a strong democratic mentality and the opposition parties functioned accordingly. I’m still stunned, however, that Trudeau and Orban have so much in common when it comes to power grab.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Hi Lakewood, it’s great you have a comfortable study! I guess you don’t mind working from home so far?

            About Trudeau, his Liberals party proposed the government can tax and spend freely until December 2021. The opposition leader support any emergency efforts to help Canadians who are struggling but would oppose any form of “power grab”.

            Well… politicians are politicians. At least I must give some credits to Trudeau for being a lot more sensible and reasonable during this pandemic when compared to the president of our neighbour country.

            • Lakewood says:

              I’m accustomed to working at home as well as working in the law firm and courtrooms. I’ve appropriated a section of my house into an office where I discuss various legal cases with my clientele. With all the books I’ve got, my house looks more like a library. It’s nice and cosy though so no complaints.

              I agree with you about Trudeau but he’s also got tons of flaws. He’s not as awful as POTUS, but then again, no one is as awful as him. He ruined the healthcare system of the US.

  4. FJ says:

    Hola! Ms. Puddle, I’m a young fan of Candy Candy, I have watched the anime sometime years ago, but it was just very recent that I started to fall in love with this story. Sadly, I haven’t had the opportunity to read CCFS, the few things that I know about it are the ones I have read in blogs like yours.
    I have had the question in my head, maybe you can help me to get some answers: In the anime there is one scene, after Candy’s adoption, where Anthony wins a calf but he has to sell it, with the money he gets, he goes on a “date” with Candy. At the end of the day, they are left with two coins, one for each of them. Candy keeps it as kind of a treasure.
    I am rewatching the anime, so maybe I haven’t watch yet if that coins stays with her or not.
    I am aware that these scene didn’t happen in the manga, but I’m curious if it does in CCFS, maybe you can please enlight me a lil bit.
    Oh! And kind of a similiar question, both in the anime and manga, while in St. Paul’s, Candy gets an Anthony’s photo (this one I do remember seeing it somewhere in the future), but I am confused if it’s still part of Candy’s treasures that are in her famous jewelry box in CCFS?! If it isn’t, is there some mention of what happened to it?
    In advance, thank you so much! I love reading your blog, you have such a classy way to share your thought, I love it! And when I saw that you very much still active, I freaked out since I am kind of new to this fanbase and when you start searching most of the posts that appear are years old.
    Sorry for the long comment, but those questions are kiiiilling me, and sorry for the lame english, I’m from Latin America so it’s my second lenguage but I haven’t practiced it since a long time ago, so it’s still a lil bit rusty. Lol
    Hope to hear from you soon! Xoxo

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola FJ, nice to meet you and welcome to my blog! 🙂 I wish I could be as active as years ago but not anymore. Now I try to update at least once a month, but your encouraging feedback is greatly appreciated, FJ!

      CCFS is much closer to the manga version, and have you heard that some people joked that the anime version was a very popular fanfiction? It’s deviated from the original story quite significantly, and the scene you mentioned (Candy’s date with Anthony) was one of the additions in the anime version.

      About Anthony’s photo, I know what you mean but I will have to double check CCFS. It’s been a long while since I last read the novel, but if you’re fluent in Spanish, you may want to purchase the official Candy Candy Final Story Spanish version. Or, if you like, you may want to browse the fan works that I listed in Translations of CCFS too.


      • Anita says:

        Hello again,

        Pleased to read your new posts during these difficult times for us all. I’m even more pleased that you are all safe and well.

        Concerning Anthony’s photo, I also don’t recall any mention of it in CCFS. Candy constantly reminisces about Anthony when she’s at the boarding school in England but she doesn’t have any photos of him.

        Do you know or remember what had become of Candy’s various items which were dear to her such as Terry’s tie and Albert’s badge? If I correctly recall, Candy kept Ms Pony’s gift to her (a holy cross) in her jewelry box (gift from Anohito) but there’s no mention of the tie and badge. Either the author has a reason for not mentioning those two items (to keep Anohito’s identity a mystery) or she simply forgot to provide follow-up info. The novel does have quite a few mistakes and sloppily written at times so arguably these omissions are mere errors.

        Bye for now,

        • Lynn says:

          I agree with you about the rather sloppy writing evident in the CCFS. It goes to show that without the manga and the anime, this story would have never received the massive popularity it had garnered over the years. Nagita’s writing is flat and nondescript as opposed to the highly talented Igarashi. Even though Igarashi turned out to be too arrogant and greedy for her own good, her artwork is amazing and she’s the one who made this story become so famous worldwide. She’s also responsible for making so many people fall head over heels for Anthony, Terry and Albert. Lol

          • Anita says:

            I had read some sources provided by Wikipedia regarding the Candy Candy entry that Nagita didn’t even manage to compose a thorough narrative. All she had were some scattered excerpts and poems here and there before Igarashi was granted access to them and organized all that material into a story. Of-course, Wikipedia isn’t 100% accurate but quite a few sources corroborate those claims. This may explain the reasons why Igarashi was so intent on winning that legal battle against Nagita. Yet, copyright laws are specific and no matter how scattered or disorganized the initial material is, it still belongs to the person who brought this otherwise chaotic material into its inception. It goes without saying, however, that the Candy Candy story would have never attracted such a large fanbase if it hadn’t been for Igarashi’s illustrations. The novel on its own is like a lame duck.

            • Lynn says:

              Couldn’t agree with you more, Anita. I’ve read quite a lot about the conflicts between Nagita and Igarashi and they all point out to their bickering centered on who is the “intellectual mother” of the CC series. After a long-term embittered fight, those two women probably decided to put an end to all that nonsense. Based on what I’ve read, Nagita won the court case and Igarashi received official recognition for the CC-related artwork. At the end of the day, it all boils down to money and it seems that the CC series was a lucrative cash cow for both women.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Thanks Anita! Nice to hear that you’re safe too 😊

          About Terry’s tie, some people speculate that Candy returned it to Terry when she was in New York, which is plausible. It served to remind them both of their days at the boarding school. Unfortunately for Candy, Terry was no longer the same rebel she used to know.

          About Albert’s badge, some people said if Candy mentioned it in her thirties that would have been a giveaway. Either she still had it with her or returned it back to the owner, why or why not it’s too obvious. Although some people guessed that Candy had given the badge to the heir. 😉

  5. Avon says:

    Hello Ms Puddle,

    Hope you’re coping with the pandemic and quarantine. So much is happening in such very little time. Here in Scotland, the COVID-19 confirmed cases and fatalities have sky-rocketed due to the severe incompetence of the UK prime minister. In the South (England), the situation is even more severe. This isn’t only a matter of politics of greed but blatant criminal negligence.

    On a lighter note, thank you for updating your page with your interesting articles and collaborative artwork with @Antlay.

    Stay safe (at home) as much as possible. It’s a rough ride but we’ll get through it.

    • Jesse says:

      It’s a pity that Scotland didn’t become independent when it had the chance back in the 2014 Referendum and thus continues to rely on the nonsensical tactics coming from Westminster.

      By the way, I was shocked to read about the COVID-19 cases in the Fife area. Even that small town of St Andrews has felt the impact of the virus.

      • Avon says:

        I know.. My husband and I were gutted with the Indy ref result but that’s how democracy works even though ‘project fear’ dominated the entire campaign. At least our First Minister and the Scottish NHS are far more reliable and humane. Unfortunately, the death toll due to the pandemic will soar even higher due to the large number of elderly people here in Scotland.
        In response to your statement about Fife, you’re right-the University of St Andrews already had a confirmed case and the East Neuk of Fife has received a major blow from this pandemic.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Avon! Glad to hear from you again, safely from home I hope?

      I’ve been working from home since March 13 and grown so accustomed to it that I begin to wonder how I can go back to the days when I have to commute two hours every day during the week 🤔

      I give my utmost respect to the medical staff on the front line fighting the battle for us. They are the true warriors.

      I read on the news it’s quite bad in UK, and even the prime minister himself got infected. A distant relative of mine, an ER doctor, was told to join the dirty room team in London, and he courageously accepted the “invitation”, despite the lack of protective equipment. 😥

      I’m trying my best to update my blog so that I can take my mind off the constant torrents of depressing news from the pandemic. Thanks again, Avon, and yes we will get through it!

      • Avon says:

        Hello Ms Puddle,

        My husband and I have both been working at home ever since confirmed cases of the virus began to emerge at the Scottish universities. As my husband and I are in academia, we can resort to online teaching and online seminars for the time-being. Personally, I’m accustomed to online teaching for postgraduate students.

        I know how you feel about commuting to work. I would often have to commute to various universities in Scotland (mainly Glasgow, St Andrews and Aberdeen) prior to receiving full-time employment at Edinburgh. I would drive to work but the traffic congestion in Glasgow and Aberdeen are horrible. I would have to wake up at the crack of dawn to avoid heavy traffic.

        My utmost respect also goes to all those staffers who work at the grocery stores, supermarkets and drivers. It’s times like these when people get to appreciate the laudable members of our society. I share the same respect for our medical doctors, staff and first responders just as you do. However, I have zero respect for the prime minister because it’s his stupid recklessness which led to the sharp rise of this pandemic in the UK. Had he taken the necessary precautions, the UK and the NHS wouldn’t be struggling to such an overwhelming degree.

        My best wishes go to you and your loved ones. Your distant relative who works in ER in London is a true hero as all those medical staffers hurled into the front line.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Once again, congratulations to you to have received a full-time employment at Edinburgh! So glad to hear both you and your husband can stay home teaching online lessons. Judging from the current trend, it looks like we will be working from home until late April if not some time in May. Sigh… Yet, as you have mentioned, I also give my salute to those brave souls who commute to work every day to provide their essential services.
          Take care, Avon, and best wishes to you and your loved ones too!

  6. Reeka says:

    Antlay, how good these montage you made are! They’re so flawless and neat … I feel like they are scenes from manga. Really! Seeing your montages … I am reminded again how handsome Albert was. LOL

    • Ms Puddle says:

      So glad to hear you like them too, Reeka ❤️

      • Reeka says:

        And thanks to you, Ms Puddle for sharing Antlay’s work to us. Have you been busy while working from home or workload has been slowing down as well?

        I must say, I’m glad to say hi with you all here in your platform. You know, in a situation like this, checking in on old friends and knowing they’re safe and sound is an immense relief. Have you heard from Candy’s Bert of France? I hope she’s well.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hello Reeka, the workload should be about the same but one coworker whom I work closely with was recently laid off… 🙁 I have to do extra now, but I won’t complain because I can keep my current job.

          I did try to contact Candy Bert and yet I think she’s more active in writing fanfics for P & P. I hope she’s well too 🤗

    • antlay31 says:

      Hello Reeka,
      Thank you so much and glad you like the montages.
      Take care Reeka.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Que hermosas fotos! Gracias por compartirlas y gracias por los maravillosos post, descubri hace poco tu blog y me encanta, no entiendo como puede haber personas que siguen insistiendo en que candy se queda con terry, cuando esta clarisimo que queda con su principe, es mas, pienso q la historia perdería el sentido, y lo hermoso de estala historia es ver como ella se sobrepone a todo lo q le sucede y q el principe q ella siempre anhelo ver siempre estuvo a su lado apoyandola y protegiendola, y lo feliz q la hace descubrir quien es, ya estaba enamorada de el. La historia es hermosa.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola, bienvenida a mi blog, mi amiga! I totally agree with you, because I also think the story is basically about Candy and her prince, as I have mentioned in quite a few posts. Yes many things have happened since their first encounter on Pony’s Hill, but clearly, fate (the author) brought them back together. When Albert was at his rock bottom, Candy was by his side, supporting him and cheering him up. Likewise, when she returned from New York, heartbroken, he was by her side, giving her the companionship that she desperately needed… sigh!

    • antlay31 says:

      Hello, glad you like the montages.

  8. Jesse says:

    Glad to read to your new posts, Ms Puddle. @Antlay31’s work is quite cool. I’ve read the French translation and even though some whiny folks had issues with it, Keiko Nagita had endorsed this specific translation along with certain additions so there’s really no point in complaining. Lol

    Hope you’re all well and coping with the quarantine.

    • Lynn says:

      It’s a pity that some fans get too frenetic and hysterical over fiction to the point that they keep on pestering the writer to do what they want. They act like silly and spoiled brats even though most of them are well over 40 and even over 50 years old. Apparently, old age and psychological maturity don’t always go hand in hand.

      • Jesse says:

        It’s ironic, isn’t it? All those older fans whine about those of us who are much younger about being rude & blunt but it’s them who go absolutely mental when the story doesn’t unfold as they want to. The problem with some of those whiny fans is that they had never fathomed that Albert and Candy could ever be romantically involved. Instead, they keep on obsessing about Terry but the way he was during his puberty at St Paul’s. It’s as if time has stopped for them. They refuse to acknowledge that both Terry and Candy had changed and followed completely separate paths. You can’t rejuvenate a teenage fling simply by depending on memories. Those fans also do not want to accept that Terry was already beginning to fall for Susanna. He even admits it to himself in both the manga and the anime. Needless to mention that Terry was developing into a very different person who bore little resemblance to the rebellious youth back at St Paul’s. Candy was also becoming ore mature herself. Those two were growing up without being with each other. A relationship between two people cannot thrive or survive when being apart for such a long time and following different paths in life.

        • Lynn says:

          Agreed. Candy and Terry’s brief relationship had already been ruined by Eliza and even though they wanted to rekindle their romance, it just didn’t work. In the CCFS, Candy admits that she never had much time writing to Terry even though he wrote quite a few letters to her albeit not romantic but only friend-zoned. He also tossed her aside so easily for Susanna. Indeed, Susanna had sacrificed her career and health for Terry but he wasn’t particularly forced to stay with Susanna, tbh. It’s as if his relationship with Candy didn’t matter. What if he was married to or engaged with Candy? Would he have dumped her just the same? I find it hard to accept that this man dumped her so easily without even putting any effort to not let Candy go. Furthermore, Terry never informed Susanna that he was in a relationship with Candy. Instead, he comfortably allowed the media, gossip columns and his colleagues at the theater to continue to believe that he and Susanna were a couple long before her accident. If he had actually respected Candy, he would have dispelled any rumors about him and Susanna being lovers. Plain and simple.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            So true! The mere fact that Terry never informed Susanna or dispelled the rumours speak volumes! Some Terry fans argued that Terry did not have to explain to any stranger about his relationship back in London, but Susanna was a co-worker, and he wasn’t stupid and should sense that she had strong feelings for him. If he had any respect for Candy he would have at least stayed away from Susanna.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          My sentiments exactly! Right on, Jesse! I also sense that Terry had been leading Susanna on, perhaps unintentionally or subconsciously. If he was serious about Candy he would have tried to contact her. For example, he could easily write to Pony’s Home.

          Indeed both teenagers grew more mature when they began to pursue their own dreams, and to be honest they were slowly becoming strangers to each other. Near the end of the manga, Candy admitted to herself that time had actually separated them far apart and the days of not seeing each other had been gradually accumulating.

          • Jesse says:

            I’m not convinced that Terry was doing anything unintentionally or subconsciously, This is not a dude who is passive or pushed around by anyone. That being said, Terry knew exactly what he was doing and he was blunt honest about his romantic feelings for Susanna. He was clearly leading Susanna on because he wanted her as much as she wanted him. He was attracted to both Candy and Susanna and played on both sides of the battlefield until he would eventually make up his mind. He was aware of this but he continued with his dubious practices, nonetheless. Too bad his bluntness fails to compensate for his inability to take action and make up his mind. He is a bit like Hamlet when it comes to procrastination and indecisiveness. No wonder he fit that Shakespearean role like a glove. Lol

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Yes Jesse I also agree Terry was undoubtedly attracted to Susanna, but I have my reason to “believe” he was leading her on unintentionally or subconsciously. In the manga, when Susanna confessed her love for him, he insisted that he had feelings for Candy, but he was abruptly interrupted by Susanna. The beautiful lady refused to hear him continue and ran away after declaring her strong determination to keep him with her blah blah blah. Terry’s monologue after this indicated that (1) he was quite certain he did not dislike Susanna (he used the negative form of きらい , which means dislike or hate) (2) yet he was convinced his feelings for Candy would not change, no matter what would happen (this sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t it? 😛 )
              Of course as the story unfolds, he ended up giving up Candy for Susanna. I figure, deep down, Terry already had romantic feelings for the actress, but he just did not want to admit it and acted like a victim of the accident.

            • Jesse says:

              You’ve got a point, Ms Puddle. Presumably, the problem with Susanna is that she comes across as too needy and desperate even though she initially appears to maintain a steady composure. But then again, Candy acts just as frenetic and desperate as Susanna when begging Albert not to leave her. Adding further insult to injury, Patty also acts like some lunatic over Stear’s decision to enlist in the war. I won’t even bother discussing Annie’s mania over Archie. If only Nagita didn’t depict women as so ludicrously needy and melodramatic. On the one hand, Nagita creates such well-rounded and intriguing male characters, on the other hand, she creates such two-dimensional female characters which have a strong proclivity to become mere caricatures. It’s a shame because all those female characters are interesting and the author could have developed more on them as she had done with the male characters. I don’t want to get into any feminist rant but I’m tempted to assume that Nagita is a bit of an internalized misogynist. Her conservative perceptions of women would appear as horrendously outdated for modern-day empowered women.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Yes Jesse the female characters’ behaviours appeared outdated nowadays. Yet, consider the author’s cultural background and that it’s a story for young girls in the 70s, the heroine was actually quite self-reliant compared to other female characters. Candy could have led a luxurious life after finally meeting with Granduncle William but decided to find the calling of her life by going back to the orphanage. Comparing to Annie, Candy was a lot less needy and dependent on men. Don’t you think? 😉

                But it’s a love story, and her Prince on the Hill decided to confess and begin their courtship.

      • Louna 97 says:

        Hello Lynn

        The story of Candy and Terry only takes place during their adolescence, during a school year at St Paul’s college … Then in New York, Candy and Terry’s relationship ends by mutual agreement …

         And Terry asks Candy to be happy without him …

         And in the letter not sent to Cfs, pages 219-222 … Not only did Candy say goodbye to Terry: PS .: Terry I loved you …

        But she confirms that she is also happy without him thanks to Albert who has always been by her side …

         In the manga also Candy was already talking about her love for Terry in the past because she says: Because you are the one I loved …

         Candy said to Terry that it was you told me that I would happy  be one day … I’m happy now❤❤👍💖 …

        In Cfs, Nagita does not write any scene between Candy and Terry like adults she in her present life.  All of Candy’s memories of Terry are in those memories before her breakup with Terry in New York

         Les Terryfans foolishly continues to talk about this love in the present … As if Terry and Candy had never broken up … Candy signs her last letter to Terry in the past in Cfs page 222 thus turning the page Terry

        The Terryfans go on insanely talking about this love in the present, as if Terry and Candy had never broken up … Candy signs her last letter to Terry in the past in Cfs page 222.

         And Candy signs her last letter to Albert in the epilogue to the present and responds to Albert’s proposal in Cfs page 250 where Albert says to him: From now on I want to find where your happiness is and I will do anything to bring it to you  .

         To which Candy responds: My happiness?  My happiness is now .. (at the present moment when Albert questions her). And signs his last letter “With love”. Cfs page 254

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Bonjour Louna, I’m in agreement with you. In addition to what you already said above, I’d like to add that when Terry left London in a hurry, it seems that he had no intention to involve Candy in the pursuit of his dream. The brief note he had left for her clearly said that he wished her happiness wherever he was, but this implies he would not be the one who would make her happy.

          Yes, when they broke up, Terry made Candy promise him that she would be happy (without him) or else he would not forgive her (something along this line but I forgot the exact wordings now).

          To Candy, Terry already belonged to the past, and she determined to let it go by not opening her diary, even entrusting Albert with her diary. Actions speak louder than words, and I don’t understand why some people just can’t grasp the meaning behind it.

        • Lynn says:

          Hi @Louna 97!
          I agree with you about the fact that the relationship between Candy and Terry was brief and it belonged to a distant adolescent past. Not to say that romances which start from a young age do not develop into serious adult relationships and perhaps even marriage, however, the basic components for such long-lasting and meaningful relationships are continual interpersonal interaction and mutual support. Following their separation in the UK, Candy and Terry had no meaningful communication and their interaction didn’t even exist thereafter in the least apart from a few letters here and there. Needless to mention that Terry was already beginning to fancy Susanna and no man in his right mind would blame him. Susanna was beautiful, intelligent and highly successful as a thespian. If anyone is truly a tragic hero in the CCFS, it’s definitely her because in a split second her life was ruined following that accident. Even Candy later on admitted that Susanna was not a malevolent person. Her only mistake was withholding those letters from Terry but she had managed to redeem herself by confessing her erroneous deed to Terry. The irony is that she thought Terry would hate her for hiding those letters but he wasn’t angry at all. Instead, he understood her action and confessed to himself that he was secretly attracted to her. @Jesse makes an excellent point by specifying this in her previous comment. In addition, Yumiko Igarashi does a terrific job in drawing Terry’s facial expressions and posture when looking at and talking to Susanna. That guy is obviously captivated by her stunning beauty and rightfully so. The anime also provides many hints that Terry is attracted to Susanna. The hilarious aspect is that the Terry fans go completely insane over the fact that Terry was falling for Susanna. Those fans are in such denial. They’re probably projecting their own dreary lives and delusional hopes onto a manga character.

          • Jesse says:

            I remember those scenes in the manga and the anime, especially Terry’s expressions. The tension was so dense between Terry and Susanna that you could cut it with a knife. Lol

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Hi Lynn, excellent points, esp how it made sense for Terry falling for Susanna! I bet she understood his passion for theatre much more than Candy, who never had a chance to properly watch any of his performances. On the other hand, as I said to Jesse, I think Terry was fooling himself in thinking he could remain “loyal” to Candy. His fans likely believed his words 100% and could not accept how his “relationship” with Candy had to end, if there had been a meaningful relationship to begin with. Don’t forget he was the one who had already broken Candy’s heart when he could easily leave London in such a hurry without leaving a trace.

            • Lynn says:

              The problem with some of Terry’s fans is that they passively obey and accept his ramblings. They take him at face value and that’s so stupid of them because he has fallen back on his words many a time. Let’s face it, Terry isn’t the most reliable, rational and resolute person.. He may feign toughness but when the going gets tough, he shrinks back like a scared kitten. Terry displays all those traits that abusive men have. He’s violent towards petite women like Candy but he gets his ass kicked when dealing with real men. Lest we should forget, it was Stear who urged Terry to defend Candy’s honour at St Paul’s school. Terry was just moping around doing nothing but whining and feeling sorry for himself. Thankfully, Stear reminded him to stop being a narcissistic prick and bear the onus of responsibility.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Sadly I agree with you, and it’s probably one reason why the author decided to come up with “Anohito”… which is just a regular pronoun in the Japanese language. 🙁

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks Jesse! So do you like the French translation? Can you please elaborate some more concerning the new additions?
      Yes please stay safe and healthy!

    • antlay31 says:

      Hello Jesse, thank you so. much.

  9. Fay says:

    I’m sorry for spelling your name wrong, Antlay.

  10. Fay says:

    Thank you, Ms. Puddle, for sharing those beautiful pictures with all of us. And thank you too, Andlay, you have done a great work.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      You’re welcome, Fay! The credits go to Antlay for her contributions 🙂

    • Reeka says:

      Fay, I miss you! ( i keep saying i miss you to you all, ladies! :))

      Hope you’re safe and healthy, dear Fay! Take care!

      p.s. oh and pleAse continue your fanfics translations 🙂

      • Fay says:

        Hello, dear Reeka. I miss you too. I hope you are well. I am here and read all the posts by Ms. Puddle, just not commenting too much. It seems that in one of the latest posts certain Terry fans created trouble and almost spoiled the friendly atmosphere of the blog for a while. It was all my fault, though. I should have known better than meddle with them. I have to agree with Lynn who said that the age of some of them doesn’t go hand in hand with their maturity, since they have none. They behave like adolescents, being obsessed with an adolescent Terry. The funny thing is that probably even Terry matured over the years, unlike most of his fans. Anyway, some people will never be able to understand the real nature of the relationship between Candy and Albert, and that’s why I feel sorry for them. They miss the whole point of the story. Let them swoon over a secondary CC character.

        I will continue with the translations, don’t worry. I hope our friend QuevivaCandy comes back soon and completes her story.

        Nice to see you here again. Take care too until this pandemic comes to an end.

        • Lynn says:

          Thanks for the shout out, Fay.
          You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself though. That sordid cesspool of a mere handful of hysterical Terry-fans shouldn’t bother you. It’s not your fault that they’re idiotic losers. Those poor elderly Terry-fans are obviously thirsty for attention ever since their mentally-challenged websites got shut down. They didn’t have anything intelligent to say anyway. They’re jealous of Ms Puddle’s awesome blog and they wanted to crash in on our party only to get beaten down and humiliated as they deserve. Those old Terry-fan losers fail to comprehend that what makes Ms Puddle’s blog so popular is that she doesn’t center all her attention onto a single character but provides insight into the CCFS as a whole. The Candy-Albert relationship is the focal point of this blog but not the exclusive one. Besides, most Terry-fans don’t even bother to analyze Terry’s character during his adulthood.
          You’re spot on in your comment about those Terry-fans obsessing over a character during a brief stage in his teenage life. They avoid talking about Terry during his adulthood because they know that he no longer fits their deranged narrative. He’s developed into a far more complex and mature person who’s a far cry from that pretentious rebel-wannabe who simply enjoyed his dad’s extra cash. They also avoid talking about him during his adulthood because he’s drifted away from Candy and bonding more and more with another woman. The irony is that Ms Puddle as well as many contributors in this blog have given far more justice to Terry than his own intellectually-impaired fans. Ms Puddle, in particular, has provided so much wealth of material surrounding Terry’s character and that’s the reason why she has attracted so many people from the CC community.

          • Myra says:

            Hello Fay and Lynn-You have both expressed my sentiments, exactly. Ms Puddle’s forum is so enjoyable because she’s also kind to include the contributions of her readers and present all possible aspects within the debate. From my part, I don’t mind whether Candy ends up with Terry or Albert in the end of the story. Even Keiko Nagita has repeatedly said that the name of “anohito” is not important and the readers’ focus should be that Candy is happy and not “anohito’s” name. It seems that most CC fans are comfortable with this idea except for some insignificant and crusty Terry fans. They’re so toxic and hysterical that they’ve even gone against each other, hence, irreversibly damaging their own websites. All they deserve is pity.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Hi Myra, this reminds me. Though “Anohito” is a pronoun in the Japanese language, it does carry the nuance of referring to someone whom the readers/listeners know. I’ll explain more in my next post.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Thank you so much for your encouraging words and positive feedback, Lynn. ❤️

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hi Fay, I didn’t expect it either but please don’t blame yourself. I can’t agree with you more that it’s a pity they have missed the whole point of the story and refused to accept the fact Candy and her prince were meant to be together ever since their first encounter.

          • Fay says:

            Thank you, Lynn and Myra.

            Lynn, you are absolutely right. This blog is not entirely focused on Albert, but provides valuable information about CCFS storyline and characters in general, and even glimpses into the old CC novel. Besides, nobody here has ever insulted or ridiculed Terry, as many Terry fans do to Albert in their own websites. On the contrary, as you say, Terry’s personality and background have been analyzed much more in this blog than in any pro-Terry forum, where his fans fail to see anything more than the rebellious youth of St. Paul’s college. It’s pathetic to see adult women drooling over a teenager, since that’s the only clear picture they have of him. (He stops playing an active part in the story after his breakup with Candy.) His fans in their majority have proven to lack not only intelligent arguments to support their theories, but also the necessary politeness to converse with people who have a different opinion. A characteristic proof of their stupidity is that right after the French translation of CCFS was published, they created so much fuss over the subtitle of the second volume (Le Prince sur le Colline), to the point of claiming that Terry is Prince on the Hill. LOL. And we don’t need more proof about their rudeness and vulgarity than reading their comments about Albert. It’s disgusting to see they call him a pedophile, a Woody Allen, and so on. Even after Nagita declared that Candy had to choose between Terry and Albert (thus making Albert an equally possible romantic partner for Candy as Terry), Terry fans have not stopped their aggressive behavior, and stubbornly insist on closing their eyes to the numerous clues Nagita has given not only throughout her story, but with her own declarations too. While in Paris last year, she clearly expressed pity for Terry and admiration for Albert. Really, what more does a person need to understand that she has revealed Anohito’s identity in a subtle way, without spelling out his name?

            Myra, it’s true that the main point of Nagita’s story is Candy’s happiness. Candy herself declares she is happy, and that should be enough for her fans, regardless of who her partner is. Albert fans would be content to see Candy happy even with Terry, since that would not make Albert any less remarkable in the story. He would still be her Prince on the Hill, and her benefactor William Ardlay, not to mention her dear friend Albert, even if Candy had not chosen him as her husband. Albert’s virtues don’t depend on Candy’s romantic interest, because he is an exceptionable character himself, and not as Candy’s lover or husband. Seeing Albert in a romantic relationship with another woman, and not necessarily Candy, would not diminish his personality in the least. On the other hand, Terry’s fans (not all of them, just the fanatics) can’t even imagine a different scenario than that of Candy-Terry as a couple.

            Ms. Puddle, it’s true that if I had known such a trouble would be caused by those persons (either there was one or more, it matters little), I would think it twice before starting that discussion. I never expected they would barge in your blog screaming their insults. However, it turns out that the community of Terry supporters has weakened significantly, especially since the French edition of CCFS and Nagita’s appearance in Paris. Let’s wait and see what will happen with the Spanish translation that’s coming soon. (It should come out April 2, but due to the pandemic and the tragedy in Spain, it will be delayed).

            • Myra says:

              Dear Fay,

              As everyone else here is reminding you, there’s clearly no reason for you to apologize about the nonsensical behavior of those two degenerates since they’re just silly old losers salivating over a teenage Terry. The fact that those hags been stalking Ms Puddle’s blog makes them creepy and desperate. They’re messed up and they would have found some lame excuse to attack this blog one way or another. It’s got nothing to do with you. Those two old women are the problem and their stupidity is incurable.

              Let’s move on and to hell with those two old losers. Just leave them rotting in their own misery.

              Resuming to the CCFS and the identity of Candy’s husband/partner in the mid-1930s, it’s crystal clear that the author has decided to give perfectly equal weight to both Terry and Albert. There’s no point debating any further as both options are equivalently possible; for each argument, there’s always going to be a counter-argument. End of story.

              Yet, I appreciate what you’ve astutely commented about Albert and the Albert fans. In stark contrast to the fanatical Terry cheer-leaders, the Albert fans don’t really care whether or not Candy chooses Terry or Albert. The reason is because Albert is already a winner in all aspects; he’s academically educated, he’s tall, rich and beautiful. Albert is also a progressive feminist and any intelligent and self-esteemed woman would love to be with him. He would have no difficulty in finding a partner, and a much better one than Candy. Candy is a kind soul but she’s not the smartest, most educated or most beautiful woman out there. If she prefers to chase after that douche-bag/woman-beating Terry, then it’s her loss and Albert’s gain as a far worthier woman will appreciate him. It’s a win-win for Albert either way.

              Moreover, you’ve made some excellent points about Albert being able to stand tall with or without Candy, whereas Terry is regarded by his own deranged fans as some invalid who can’t live without Candy. Those deranged fans fail to accept that Candy is nobody’s lifeline. Both Terry and Albert can survive and thrive with or without her. If Candy was so important to Terry, he wouldn’t have abandoned her in the UK but would have fought for her and maintain contact at all costs. In reality, Terry had always wanted to leave the UK in search for a better life and aspiring career in acting in the USA. He never fought for Candy but simply found it a golden opportunity to get out of that stifling boarding school.

              The bottom line is that Candy does not constitute a priority for either Terry or Albert. Apparently, they both have feelings for her, but they’re not going to risk life and limb for her. Besides, Susanna did that and look where it got her.

              All in all, the story about Candy is that of resilience, moving on and not obsessing with the past. Too bad some of those loony Terry-fans fail to grasp that.

              Take care, Fay!

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Yes it’s extremely unfortunate Spain and Italy are suffering and the stats are depressing. Let’s hope that they can contain or slow down the spread of the deadly virus soon. 🙏🙏

            • Lynn says:

              The problem with Italy and Spain is that no adequate measures were taken against the rapid spread of the corona-virus. Festivals, parades, demonstrations, concerts were all going ahead without any precautions.

              Given the fact that Fay is Greek, I’ll take the opportunity to express my admiration and respect for the ways in which the Greek government took immediate action against the pandemic. Even though this country also relies on tourism, the Greek authorities imposed the quarantine before it was too late as in the case of Italy and Spain. I hope Greece continues to cope with this pandemic.

              Regarding any CCFS-related events in Spain or Latin America, I doubt anyone in his or her right frame of mind is interested in showing up.

              • Fay says:

                Yes, indeed, Lynn. Thankfully Greece has taken measures to face the pandemic earlier than Italy and Spain, and even though people here are generally prone to breaking rules, this time they have understood how critical the situation is and have cooperated so far. In such cases, it takes not only a capable government that can handle the crisis effectively, but also people who respect its decisions and act accordingly. Of course it’s too early, and this month is going to be especially difficult, so we all need to be on guard. The unseen enemy is still out there, and the war is not over yet. I will also add my own congratulations and gratitude to all those brave heroes who are fighting day in and day out, risking their health and life.

                Thank you for your wishes. Take care too, stay home and be safe.

            • Lynn says:

              I’ve been reading quite a few articles about Greece, especially from Le Figaro, New York Times and Washington Post, both of which praise the Greek prime minister and the highly acclaimed epidemiologist who is responsible for the notifying the public in Greece, Professor Sotirios Tsiodras. I’ve checked out his CV on LinkedIn and it’s impressive to say the least.

              Thank you for your wishes and I hope you and your family are safe.

            • Lynn says:

              I meant “all of which” and not “both of which”.

    • antlay31 says:

      Hello Fay,
      Thank you so much, glad you like it and many thanks to Ms Puddle for sharing them. 🤗

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