Happy 2021!

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165 Responses

  1. Ms Puddle says:

    To all my friends who live in the US, I’m sorry for what’s happened lately especially today at Washington DC.

    “Officials say the Capitol is secure after pro-Trump mob breached the building and forced lockdown” https://twitter.com/i/events/1346454323635527680?s=09

    • Anita says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Ms Puddle. I’ve contacted my family back in the US and we are all baffled but mainly disgusted with those Trump-fascists. What matters is that he’s finally ousted from the office of Democracy.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Glad to hear your family is safe, @Anita. The crazy man with his wounded pride instigated an uprising. If he did not get punished for this I don’t know what will happen to this country… 🤔😟

        • Anita says:

          Thank you for your concern and support, Ms Puddle.

          Even though my family and I are grass-rooted liberals, we have a few respectable Republicans in our circle of family and friends, all of whom overtly condemn Trump’s attempt at a coup.

          Let’s call it was it is. What Trump’s sore loser followers tried to do was clearly an attempt to overthrow Democracy.

          This isn’t a matter of being a Republican or a Democrat or an American. It’s a matter of being a decent human-being who respects the democratic laws and policies.

          It appears that 2021 is off to one hell of an awful start…

          • Michelle says:

            Unfortunately, the rise of the far-right is not restricted solely within the US borders but this cancerous construct has managed to spread all over the world.
            You will find the same fascist freaks and neo-nazi zombies in Europe as well. Some countries in Europe have even voted them into parliament just like Greece had done during the fiscal crisis with the neo-nazi thug party “Golden Dawn”. The Greeks managed to throw them out in their latest parliamentary elections and finally declare them officially by law as a neo-nazi terrorist organization. In Hungary, Germany, France, Italy and Spain, you will find many of these neo-nazi morons threatening the democratic system.
            This is the reason why none of us should ever take democracy for granted and always remain vigilant.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Well said, @Michelle. We should not take democracy for granted. As of now, I heard more rioters have died due to the insurrection.

              • Michelle says:

                I’ve read in the papers that there are fatalities. Trump has blood on his hands. This is entirely his own mess.

                • Sarah says:

                  I’m absolutely appalled with his far-right supporters. That orange clown needs to get kicked out asap. There are talks about him being impeached a second time now that both Congress and Senate are governed by a Democrat majority. It’s about time justice is served.

                • Michelle says:

                  You’re right @Sarah and it’s beyond any shadow of a doubt that Trump is the ringleader of those neo-nazi groups. He’s the one who instigates them and he’s the one who acts as their apologist and sympathizer. Disgusting, to say the least.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Yes @Sarah and @Michelle. Sadly, I read that a young officer died because of the injuries he sustained while wrestling with some rioters. The mob who attacked the Capitol, especially the man who instigated them, must be held accountable. 😠

                • Sarah says:


                • Avon says:

                  There’s a lot going on right now as Trump has had his Twitter account permanently suspended. Other social medial platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have also banned him. It was about time these tech giants took action. Human lives had to be lost, yet again, in order for them to take serious measures against that deranged creature.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Can’t agree with you more, @Anita. As many have said, this day will be remembered in American history as the dark day when there was a violent attempt to mock democracy.

            • Anita says:

              A mockery which has cost lives..
              Congress and Senate are urging Mike Pence to evoke the 25th Amendment. He ought to do what is right and arrange for Trump to be removed from presidency. He is unfit to govern in a democratic nation.
              Fortunately, on the 20th of January we will finally have rational and respectable people in power-Biden and Harris.

              • Myra says:

                Indeed, America needs to be made sane again. Now that the Dems hold the House & Senate, Biden & Harris can pass laws without old Mitch blocking their legal proceedings and legislations.

                • Lakewood says:

                  This is what happens when people focus too much on emotions and passions and not on logical reasoning. Trump-as all fascist and misogynistic morons-have that uncanny ability to appeal to such rationally-deprived people.

                  Those idiots who voted for him got what was expected; when a nation votes for a clown, it gets a circus.

                  Hopefully, this insanity inflicting the US will be rectified when logical and capable people such as president-elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will assume their rightfully earned political posts.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Hi @Anita, @Michelle, @Sarah, @Myra, and @Lakewood, the political leaders around the globe condemned or mocked what had happened yesterday. Trump finally committed to an orderly transition in spite of his disagreement. Nonetheless, I think he should not just get away as though he had done nothing wrong. Just my personal opinion though.

        • Anita says:

          Thanks again for your concern, Ms Puddle. There appears to be intense talk in Congress and Senate for the Vice-President to evoke the 25th Amendment which would remove that raging lunatic-Trump-from office. Further impeachment inquiries are also on the table. The US first needs to cool down a bit and arrange a peaceful transition of power; however, there are growing and legitimate concerns on whether this will come to fruition give the current state-of-affairs.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Yes let’s wait and see if they would indeed evoke the 25th amendment or even impeachment, @Anita. 🤔

            • Anita says:

              Trump is a sad old joke.. He’s throwing his own gullible followers under the bus in order to get his Twitter account back. Impeachment is not his only problem. He could get convicted for inciting a riot as it could also be legally interpreted as aiding and abetting in the staging of a coup.

              • Lynn says:

                It’s not only Trump who should be prosecuted and conviction of treason but also his cronies who went out of their way to organize this debacle.

                • Lynn says:

                  ..convicted of treason..

                • Anita says:

                  It ought to be noted that not all Republicans support that orange clown. For example, Rep. Adam Kinzinger is calling for the 25th Amendment to be immediately evoked. There are also many Republicans in Congress and Senate who support the legitimacy of the US elections and concede to the victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Trump constitutes that fascist sect which managed to infiltrate itself within the Republican party. The Republicans have a lot of reckoning and self-reflecting to do but first, they must support the removal of Trump from office. It’s the least they could do after this vulgar act of treason against Democracy.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Well said, Anita. On Wednesday after the chaos people were already talking about the 25th amendment but still it seems not happening yet. Anyway, let’s hope that the transition will be orderly and peaceful. 🙏

                • Lynn says:

                  I couldn’t agree with you more, Anita. Hopefully, this new government will restore the much needed sanity in the US. This will play an instrumental role in the domestic as well as foreign affairs.

              • Anita says:

                Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris have been discussing at length concerning the issue of the 25th Amendment. Along with Chuck Schumer, they are trying to get in touch with Mike Pence to evoke the 25th Amendment but he’s avoiding them and not answering their calls. This is getting far too surreal..

                • Sarah says:

                  I’ll add dangerous to the list. On Twitter, there’s loads of talk about far-right thugs trying to wreak havoc on the day of inauguration. This civil unrest is disconcerting.

                • Anita says:

                  Tbh, it was great to see Trump’s account permanently suspended on Twitter. It was about time for Jack Dorsey to take out the trash.

                • Sarah says:

                  That orange moron should be out of all social media platforms but be in prison. Unfortunately, there’s a possibility he’ll pardon himself and his fellow gargoyles by the time his term ends.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Hi @Anita and @Sarah, social media platforms have done the right thing but I totally agree he should be put to jail for what he had done.

                • Sarah says:

                  It will be interesting to see how this unfolds. I’m concerned about the inauguration day. Hopefully, no one else gets hurt.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Agree with you, @Sarah. I’m also worried what will take place, but after the disaster last Wednesday I’m quite sure they will ramp up security significantly!

                • Sarah says:

                  Pics are circulating online displaying the draconian measures deployed outside and within the Capitol. Armed military women and men are even sleeping within the vicinity taking shifts monitoring the protected areas from subsequent terrorist attacks by seditionists. It looks like a war zone.

                • Anita says:

                  Hopefully, the inauguration will run smoothly. Yet, these right-wing extremist sects ought to be clamped down by the rule of law. Big tech has done its part and now it’s justice’s turn.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Hi @Sarah and @Anita, at least his name now goes down in history as the first (possibly the only) president who got impeachment twice in a single term. Yes indeed it’s justice’s turn.

                • Sarah says:

                  The Senate should move on with the impeachment voted via bipartisan support by the Congress and the law should be severe on Trump’s accomplices.

                • Anita says:


                • Michelle says:

                  Pence is terrified of making any drastic move due to the severity of the threats hurled against him by his own voters and even the POTUS himself. He’s also got to be careful and maintain a safe distance from this matter as his life and his political career are both at stake. To be clear, I’m not trying to justify his actions but explain the reasons for his lack of dynamic response. He’s the vice-president and his position is all too difficult.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Thank you for your explanations, @Michelle. I see your points. Let’s hope that the inauguration events and ceremony will be smooth and successful tomorrow, and most importantly, there will be no more violence or bloodshed.

                • Michelle says:

                  Presumably, the inauguration will run smoothly due to the draconian measures deployed. However, the fascist threat remains embedded within the US soil and it’s imperative that its citizens are politically vigilant and steer clear from such neo-nazi filth.

                • Anita says:

                  Hopefully the Biden/Harris administration will restore the higher standards in American politics and resume to rational thinking and confidence in science.

    • DanielleV says:

      Hi Ms Puddle, I had been meaning to send a message and wish you a happy new year but it seems that 2021 is not off to a pretty good start..
      The events unfolding in the States right now are emetic and it doesn’t make the future of Americans look anything less but bleak. I truly hope that logic and sanity will be restored after the inauguration of the new administration. The nation needs to heal and the dregs which orchestrated that miserably failed sedition ought to be brought to justice and convicted of treason.
      I had visited the Capitol during my postgraduate studies and I feel sick to my stomach that a mass of sore loser scum-bags violated this symbol of democracy and freedom. Some of those degenerates also destroyed entire sections of the main library. Needless to mention what they did in the politicians’ offices. That’s all tax-payers’ hard earned cash being destroyed by those losers. They are not patriots but traitors against all the venerable qualities American stands for.

      • DanielleV says:


      • Ms Puddle says:

        Yes @DanielleV. I was literally shocked to the core last Wednesday. I had not intended to discuss any political issues on my blog but I broke my own rule, so to speak.

        I feel your pain, my friend. I also was saddened to know two officers had lost their lives to this senseless riot. 🙁

        There were groups in Canada who supported the POTUS too but fortunately they did not resort to violence, at least not yet.

        • DanielleV says:

          At least Trump won’t be POTUS for long. Hopefully, this debacle will eradicate all prospects of his eldest sons, daughter and son-in-law getting into power ever again.

          • Myra says:

            These events will probably shatter their political career for their entire lifetime. Trump wanted to promote his daughter and eldest son into politics but after their failed coup, they should kiss that opportunity goodbye. Yet, their removal will still not cleanse the indelible stain they have left in their wake.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              I certainly hope so, @DanielleV and @Myra. However, his son and daughter are still young (compared to many other politicians), who knows what will happen in twenty or thirty years? 🙄🤔

              • Myra says:

                That’s the reason why it’s essential Trump gets impeached and eventually convicted. Such a stain will be transferred onto anyone within his close circle of traitors intending to seize political power in the future, especially his offspring.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Last time he got away so let’s see if he would get convicted this time, @Myra.

                • Myra says:

                  If he doesn’t get convicted this time either, then the legal and justice systems of the US are rotten to the core.

    • Leda says:

      Thank you for your thoughtfulness and consideration @Ms Puddle.

      The horrid events taking place in the USA have undeniable global repercussions, however, I am confident that the Democrats will manage to rectify the situation and restore order now that they have majority control of the House of Representatives in tandem with winning the elections fairly and legitimately.

      As for the GOP, they’re facing a massive existential crisis and it’s almost certain that political splintering will occur between the moderates and the Trump-supporting extremists.

      P.S. On a very different and light-hearted note, I find your new fan-art stunningly beautiful. You’re so creative and I’m glad that you’ve found time to work on your lovely illustrations.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Hi @Leda, I was disgusted by their shameless behaviour, and I do hope that order and sanity will be restored one day.

        Someone mentioned it was a blessing in disguise because several Republican politicians finally opened their eyes or faced the reality after the domestic terrorists’ attack.

        Thank you so much for your positive feedback to my artwork. I originally planned to draw again soon but I’m not in the mood right now. 😔

        • Leda says:

          I understand.. The entire world is focused on the travesties infesting the US but we shouldn’t forget that the majority of Americans have and continue to oppose such hideous far-right tactics, hence, removing Trump from office and bringing in president-elect, Joe Biden. IMO, we were all rather complacent with the Obama administration considering that our democracy is no longer threatened by such Nazi monstrosities. We were wrong to be at ease because democracy is delicate and nuanced. It can be easily overthrown and that’s why we should always be vigilant and protect it.
          Irrespective of these dire times, we will all eventually get through this but these events should also serve the purpose of reminding us how easily the socio-political equilibrium could be threatened by such diseased Nazi sympathizers and revivalists.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Well said, @Leda. Nobody had expected the well established equilibrium was that fragile. Sigh…

            • Leda says:

              Like many people, I was aware of the existence and proliferation of these so-called “alt-right” (albeit in reality fascist groups), however, I had never expected that the events would escalate to such an extent and blow out of proportion. Politically-wise, what’s going on in the US right now is nuclear.

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Yes @Leda this was unprecedented, wasn’t it? The president himself incited a mob to attack the government.

                • Leda says:

                  Given the circumstances and the prior knowledge we have all got about that deranged commander-in-chief over these past years, we shouldn’t be surprised after all that this lunatic along with his freak-show of trumpanzees attempted to overturn a legitimate democratic process.

  2. Avon says:

    Happy New Year!

    Your new fan-art is a warm welcome with regards to the beginning of 2021. I’ll have to agree with all the comments which consider your recent art projects as having significantly improved and have become much more sophisticated in the techniques deployed. Take note that your fan-art has always been fascinating but in my opinion, I find your newer projects even more appealing. The colours used are beautifully commingled and the expressions of the characters you’ve been drawing are intriguing and tell a story of their own.

    Thank you for generously taking the time to share your talent with us!

  3. Magnolia says:

    Most pleased to have received notification of your new contributions, Ms Puddle. I ought to admit that your illustrations are getting better and better. This particular image of Candy is excellent and it’s definitely one of your best until now.

    • Magnolia says:

      I would also like to wish you a much better new year because the previous one leaves a lot to be desired.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you Magnolia for your encouragement❣️ What a delight to hear that my illustrations are getting better! Although this is some kind of pressure, I welcome it nonetheless. 😉 This gives me the drive to keep up or work harder 👍

      • Magnolia says:

        Please, don’t get me wrong. I find your entire artwork to be of high quality but I like your recent ones even more. Just so you’ll know, your artwork and fanfics are widely admired online and shared on many fanpages.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Thank you @Magnolia. No worries because there’s no misunderstanding at all. Thanks again for your encouraging words 🤗

  4. Halcyon Days says:

    Wish you a Happy New Year!

    How have you been? Hope you took some time off work to rest a bit. Whether working at an office or at home due to social distancing, the workload doesn’t get any less. On the contrary, it mounts up even more.

    You’re perfectly right about the significance of the Epilogue, No matter how some people try to downplay its relevance, you’ll always have the author making it crystal-clear that the purpose of the letters between Candy and Albert in the Epilogue is in order to establish impact. These were her words verbatim during her interview in Paris in 2019.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your fanart and fanfic with us, both of which are largely shared and appreciated within the CC community.

    Talk to you again soon!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Happy New Year to you too, Halcyon Days 🎉🥳

      Yes I did take a break from work this Christmas, and yes, working at home the workload doesn’t get any less than working at the office. In fact, we have to work harder to prove that we are productive and worth to keep.

      You’re right about the author’s own words during the interview at the book fair in Paris. No doubt she wanted to make those letters special. 😉

      Thanks for your kind words about my fan works. I’ll continue to try my best 🤗

      • Halcyon Days says:

        That’s wonderful, Ms Puddle. I’m looking forward to more of your fanart and fanfics.

        • Halcyon Days says:

          By the way, I have been reading your “Myths of Candy Candy” series and I am impressed with the depth of knowledge and the ways in which Alex has dismantled via logical reasoning each and every ludicrous claim made by certain fans. You and Alex have done a superb job with this series by using rational arguments and not silly and cheesy sentimentalities.

          • Sarah says:

            I agree with you @Halcyon Days. The ‘Myths of Candy Candy’ articles astutely debunk the various ridiculous CCFS theories circulating online. by using historical facts and solid arguments.

            • Myra says:

              “The Myths of Candy Candy” are also some of my favourite posts on this blog. Both Ms Puddle and Alex did a sterling job in delineating all those misconceptions surrounding the CCFS as well as refuting various narrow-minded and manipulative arguments.

              • Sarah says:

                Definitely, and I’ll add that @Alex tore to shreds all those ridiculous arguments that Terry was a Royal Shakespeare Company actor. The RSC was founded in 1961, by the way, and Alex was astute to point that out.😉

                • Myra says:

                  That’s right. Prior to 1961, the RSC didn’t exist and the theatre at Stratford was in the process of being refurbished after having been severely damaged by fire. It wasn’t until the late 1950s that theatre critics and performers took that place seriously as it was regarded as a mere crude and provincial venue back then. It opened again to the public for limited productions in 1932 but the theatre purists-the Shakespearean ones, in particular-detested Elizabeth Scott’s architectural refurbishing. The only one who was in defence of Scott’s practical design and utility was George Bernard Shaw. The modernists began to embrace this design but that occurred only after the end of the second world war. This theatre began to gain in momentum in respect and quality after it was established as a royal charter in 1961 and thus officially known as the RSC.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Well said, @Myra and @Sarah! As Alex said, Albert might have more chances to visit that facility for social or business functions.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Thank you @Halcyon Days, @Sarah and @Myra. So glad to hear you like (or remember) that series. It’s really my honour Alex had chosen my blog to share her vast knowledge and expertise. ☺️

            • Myra says:

              Agreed. Alex’s contributions along with your insight have provided significant information regarding the various groundless claims circulating online about the CCFS and its characters.

            • Halcyon Days says:

              Yes, I was so impressed with that series redacted by you and @Alex. Both of you had also provided a comprehensive bibliography list for each and every point you had made. Awesome work!

            • Avon says:


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