Forget-Me-Not Chapter 4

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121 Responses

  1. Chiaroscuro says:

    Greetings, Ms Puddle!

    Although I do not tend to read much fanfiction, your work is outstanding which could easily be considered to be professional. I have recently discovered your blog and both your drawings and your stories are equivalently remarkable. Now, I understand why many of my friends who are familiar with your work highly recommended your blog to me.

    If I were you, I wouldn’t be too concerned about certain chapters being rather long. Provided that the story is well-written with a congruent plot and intriguing characters (as in your stories), the length of the chapters rarely pose much of an issue.

    I’m gladly awaiting the subsequent chapters of this particular story. The characters are well-developed and relatable due to the complexity of their thoughts and emotions.

    Thank you for your time and all best.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you so much for your positive comment concerning my fan works, @Chiaroscuro, and please thank your friends too for recommending my blog to you. 🥰

      In my first chapter I said I planned to keep the subsequent chapters relatively shorter than the first, mainly because I didn’t want to give myself too much pressure 🤣. However, when writing this chapter, I couldn’t seem to stop. As I mentioned before, I thought of splitting it up and published two short chapters instead. But I finally decided not to. Glad to hear that you don’t mind it at all.

      Thanks again for your encouraging words and take care!

      • Chiaroscuro says:

        To be sincere, I think that this chapter functions much better as a whole entity rather than having it divided into slammer parts. Your decision appears to have been sensible.

        • Chiaroscuro says:

          My apologies, but there’s a ridiculous typo in my recent comment. Apparently, I meant to type the phrase “divided into smaller parts”. Please, do not ask me why the word “slammer” was inserted. I honestly have no idea..

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Thank you @Chiaroscuro for your encouraging feedback. 🤗 No worries about any typos or automatic substitutions. We are all victims at one point or another 😅 One time I wrote my first email to a guy whom I had never met. Before I hit send, I spotted the person’s last name had been “corrected”!! Glad that I realized it just in time lol.

          • Chiaroscuro says:

            Thank you, Ms Puddle. Automatic spell-checking apps are practical but they could also be a nuisance. I’m glad you managed to avoid any misunderstanding.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Yes indeed, @Chiaroscuro, and it was a close call then, especially I didn’t know that person. I thought a spell checker would avoid correcting words that begin with capital letters… 🤔

  2. Lynn says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,

    This fanfiction really seems to be progressing well. Not that I’m surprised with that but given the fact you were a bit concerned about the subject-matter, it’s safe to assume that this story will also be included amongst your finest. The character development is top-notch and do not by any means worry about the level of your English writing because it’s indisputably superb. As for typos, they will happen because we are human-beings and thus susceptible to imperfection and error-making.

    I’m looking forward to reading what happens next in this intriguing story. You’ve added so much weight to the significance but also inevitable complexity surrounding the relationship between Candy and Albert. Their relationship is by far one of the most intricate but also modern and unconventional for its time as well as for our century. It’s not surprising at all that the younger readers of the CCFS prefer the relationship and characters of Candy and Albert whilst the attraction to and approval of toxic male characters such as Terry are becoming ‘extinct’ and rightfully so. Terry belongs to the past not only in Candy’s life but also in the contemporary world and modern-day mindsets of young and independent women who respect themselves and have zero tolerance for any form of abuse deriving from such toxic white-privileged males whether in fiction or in reality.

    Best Regards,

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi @Lynn! Thank you so much for your highly encouraging feedback to my new fanfic❣️ If you do see typos or errors please don’t hesitate to let me know. I appreciate it. 🤗

      About the relationship between Candy and Albert, I agree with you that it’s complicated and unconventional. In the manga Albert confessed to Candy the day she returned to the orphanage, but in the novel it took him much longer. Some people said the author made him wait or that he had insecurities or doubts concerning Candy’s feelings for Terry. I used to think like that too but in this fanfic I want to explore other possibilities. 😉

      Recently I’ve seen various high-quality Japanese fanarts of Candy and Terry as a couple, and interestingly, they drew him acting tenderly towards Candy. Ironically, in the manga, he hardly showed his tenderness to Candy. On the other hand, he was very kind to Susanna, if not humbled, after her accident.

      Best regards to you too! Take care 🤗

      • Lynn says:

        Thank you for your response, Ms Puddle.

        I would agree that Albert may have had inner doubts and insecurities about Candy’s romantic past – but then again, Terry also had massive insecurity issues surrounding Candy’s romantic past with Anthony. Terry couldn’t even bear hearing Anthony’s name without throwing a silly tantrum. At least Albert mustered both the maturity and personal integrity to maintain his resolve and, above all, control his temper.

        Nevertheless, I find your approach in delving into other possibilities astute. It’s never only one factor anyway but a combination of various factors which may have led to Albert’s procrastination in revealing his identity (as POTH) to Candy. That said, both Candy and Albert are venturing into unchartered territory; therefore, it would be logical to assume that they would have to combat their own inner insecurities and angst. Their relationship is complex and unconventional for early C20th standards and each of them have their own ‘excess baggage’ to deal with and eventually shed off once and for all.

        • Lynn says:

          As for Terry and his behaviour towards Susanna, I really don’t know what to make of it..

          In the anime and manga, we were able to know what Terry was thinking because he was ubiquitous in the Candy Candy story. Most importantly, we got to know what he felt because he was constantly relevant from the beginning until the end of the narrative. However, in the novel we have no idea what Terry thinks or feels because the author has rendered him irrelevant after his departure from the boarding school in London. Indeed, Terry has been reduced to a distant memory in the CCFS as opposed to the anime and manga where he retains his relevance throughout the story.

          Regarding his feelings for Susanna, in the anime Terry clearly admitted to himself that he fancied her. In the manga, Terry and Susanna seem to have been very cordial and close to the point where rumours about them being a couple were rampant. In the novel, Terry never takes a firm position so as to challenge or debunk the claims about him and Susanna having an affair. He needn’t have gotten into any details about his personal life. All he had to do was publicize that he and Susanna are only colleagues and nothing more than that. He owed that to Candy and if he truly respected her and their rekindled relationship, he would have made that statement in order to dispel any rumours about him and another woman.

          Moreover, I find it rather odd that Terry was so amiable and forgiving when it came to Susanna and her devious ploys. Lest we should forget, Terry was a dude who would go ballistic, grab Candy violently and threaten to tear her to pieces simply because she accidently stumbled upon his mother’s photograph. Yet, Terry remained as meek and timid as a cute & cuddly little kitten when he found out that Susanna had hidden Candy’s letters and she had also driven Candy away from the hotel in Chicago. Why would Terry be so tolerant to such a conniving person as Susanna? It’s not as if she had suffered her serious injuries yet, therefore, there is clearly no issue of compassion or pity going on here. Susanna was in peak form and perfect health when she had been undermining the reunion of Terry and Candy. Nonetheless, Terry did absolutely nothing to put her in her place and denounce her for her wrong-doings. He could have, in the least, made the effort to dispel those rumours circulating about them being a couple but he didn’t even bother doing that. Terry’s passivity in this case is glaring and downright inexcusable.

          It would have been interesting to know what Albert would have done if he had been in a similar situation. Both Terry and Albert appear to be characters who take responsibility and are willing to defend those dearest to them. Both male characters are also independent and autonomous, hence, very difficult-if not impossible-to manipulate or contain. Albeit unpalatable to me as I profoundly dislike characters such as Susanna, Annie and Eliza, it may be the case that Terry did have a ‘soft spot’ for Susanna after all. His behaviour and actions seem to suggest that and it’s is also evident in the novel, unfortunately.

          What do you think, Ms Puddle?

          • Myra says:

            Excellent observation and commentary, @Lynn. I’m also looking forward to Ms Puddle’s perspective on these interesting points you’ve probed and prodded.

          • Sarah says:

            Valid and astute queries. You’re right, Lynn.. The novel is different in this respect; the author’s decision to ‘mute’ Terry’s narrative voice after the second section of the novel whilst ‘amplifying’ the role and significance of Albert is worthy of note.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Well said, @Sarah. As I mentioned before, the mere fact that Terry’s role was reduced while Albert’s was magnified is seemingly contradicting the notion that these two guys have equal opportunity to be Anohito… 🙄🤔

              • Sarah says:

                In the post-face (afterword) of the CCFS, however, Keiko Nagita clarifies her intention of maintaining the ambiguity and thus leaving it to the reader to choose which character imagined. This post-face is found in all three official translations as edited by Kappalab (Italian), PIKA (French) and Arechi Manga (Spanish).

                Is this post-face available in the original Japanese version as well?

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Yes it also contains the afterword (あとがき), @Sarah. Nagita sensei mentioned something along the line and that if she revealed the identity she might ruin the long-term supporters’ (readers’) dream.

                  The author mocked herself as a bit mischievous. Is it similar in the translations too?

                • Sarah says:

                  Yes, that’s the diction used in the officially translated versions as well. Thanks for letting me know, @Ms Puddle. 🙏

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Thanks for the confirmation, @Sarah. 👍

                • Myra says:

                  In the Postface, Keiko Nagita had also specified that there is no way the identity of ‘anohito’ could be revealed due to her intention to retain ambiguity with regards to this ‘mystery man’. She mentioned that readers could imagine whichever character they wanted. This is clearly and without any doubt her intention and the CC fans will simply have to accept it.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  You’re absolutely right, @Myra. I agree with you but sometimes I can’t help thinking that the clues seem to favour a certain male character 😉

          • Ms Puddle says:

            My sentiments exactly, @Lynn. You’re absolutely right about Terry’s reduced role in the novel after he departed from London. I couldn’t have said it better, my friend!

            I personally think Terry and Susanna’s relationship is actually more intricate than Terry and Candy’s relationship. The latter was more like what people called “summer love”, don’t you think? They did have some great times in Scotland, but frankly I did not find it particularly passionate (unfortunately some people out there do equate passion with violence and love with abuse). If Terry had indeed loved Candy, he would have written in his departure note (left in the dormitory room) that he would keep in touch. If they had not met each other again in Chicago, I wonder if Terry would try to contact Candy ever. Even though I have a feeling that his ambiguous note to Candy (as T.G.) could be written a year (and a half) after his forced kiss, that was just my surmise.

            Actions speak louder than words, and Lynn, you have presented the undeniable evidence that Terry had a soft spot for Susanna even before her accident. It seems to me that Terry’s overall behaviour towards Candy, including the manga and the anime, contradicted the fact that he had any respect or profound feelings for her.

            Anyway, may I quote your comment in my next post, Lynn?

            • Lynn says:

              Thank you for your feedback, Ms Puddle, Myra and Sarah.

              Regarding your request, Ms Puddle, please feel free to use my commentary should it be helpful for you.

              Kind Regards,

              • Ms Puddle says:

                Thank you so much @Lynn! I don’t know when I will be able to finish my next chapter though. I have an itch to draw but I also want to continue writing. I know I shouldn’t sit on the fence any longer — I have to make up my mind soon. 😉

                • Lynn says:

                  There should be no pressure, Ms Puddle. Besides, it’s your beautiful and highly creative hobby where you call the shots though. We’ve all got enough pressure concerning real-life responsibilities and work. Therefore, our hobbies should be treated pleasure and anticipation during our much needed (an well deserved) leisure time.

                • Lynn says:

                  There should be no pressure, Ms Puddle. Besides, it’s your beautiful and highly creative hobby where you call the shots though. We’ve all got enough pressure concerning real-life responsibilities and work. Therefore, our hobbies should be treated with pleasure and anticipation during our much needed (and well-deserved) leisure time.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Thanks @Lynn for your continued support and understanding!! 🤗

                • Lynn says:

                  I am glad to be of help and I should also be the one to thank you, Ms Puddle.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Hi @Lynn, indeed Terry’s silly tantrum concerning Anthony was utterly unreasonable. Candy wasn’t even his girlfriend lol… Granted, Terry was much younger than Albert, but still, Terry was considerably immature.

          About the rest of your comment, I couldn’t agree with you more. Some people said Candy and Albert’s relationship was similar to Cinderella and the prince, but like you, I think it’s way more complicated and unconventional. We all know that Nagita sensei was inspired by Daddy-long-legs, and like Judy and Master Jervie, Candy and Albert also suffered from angst and insecurities but for a longer period.

  3. Fay says:

    Another fascinating chapter. Thank you, Ms. Puddle. It was indeed long, and I enjoyed it very much. It’s so nice you can find enough time to devote to writing, considering your busy schedule. All of us here love your stories, and this new one is a welcome addition to your collection of fan fiction stories.

    I like the fact that you have given so much depth to both the characters of Albert and Candy, more than Nagita herself did in the original story. I also wonder if Kim has remnant feelings for Albert. Apparently he has got over their little romance but still keeps a soft spot in his heart for the young nurse (Kim). I look forward to reading the next chapter.

    I can see Italian and Spanish comments under your posts lately. Your blog is definitely getting more and more popular, my friend. Well done!

    Last but not least, I love the picture of the forget-me-nots.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Fay for your highly encouraging words to my new fanfic❣️ Writing is my hobby, though a bit time consuming. I enjoyed the process very much, and I have been motivated by readers like you. Thank you! So glad you like the picture of forget-me-nots! It was taken from my backyard in late spring. No I don’t have a green thumb. The complex where I live hire gardeners to take care of the flowers and lawns.

      I won’t mention anything about the story (no spoilers), and I hope the following chapters will answer your questions, my friend. Thanks again for your continued support! Take care 🤗

  1. September 30, 2021

    […] you so much for reading! I hope you like it. Here I’d like to quote Lynn’s brilliant comment about Terry and Susanna. Actions speak louder than words, don’t you think? There’s no […]

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