Forget-Me-Not Chapter 7

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123 Responses

  1. Fay says:

    Thank you, Ms. Puddle, for another beautiful chapter of your story. The plot becomes more and more intriguing. I can’t wait for the continuation.

    Your new illustration of Candy is beyond description. Either in sepia or coloured, it’s just as wonderful. Candy seems so delicate and feminine. I have to agree with Anita that this drawing reminds one of old photographs from another time. It also supplies our need to see Candy’s adult version which we could not see in the manga. I hope we can see more of them in the future.

    Take care, and stay safe.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Fay for your continued support and encouragement❣️ I did put a bit more effort than usual when drawing Candy this time because I want to support the idea that she looks stunning. I might add another illustration soon but I haven’t decided what to draw yet. Perhaps something with the Christmas 🎄☃️ theme.

      You take care and stay safe too 💞

    • Anita says:

      Thanks for the shout-out, @Fay. Hope you and your loved ones are fine. I’ve been reading some crazy stuff going on in Greece right now with the destructive and irrational measures taken by an acutely incompetent government against the vulnerable members of society. To clarify, I am in full support of vaccination, however, the ways in which the Greek government is trying to “tackle” the pandemic constitutes a series of human rights violations. Needless to mention the awful ways in which the government has decimated the public health-care system and demonizes socio-political dissidents. Fighting the pandemic means offering incentives to those who are hesitant in tandem with reinforcing the public hospitals and intensive care. That moron and pathetic excuse of a prime-minister, however, has done the exact opposite, hence, leading the vulnerable members of society even further into poverty and lack of access to decent healthcare.

      • Sarah says:

        You’re absolutely right, @Anita! I’ve been reading about the disgusting situation in Greece too. It’s not limited to healthcare though.. Indisputable violations of human rights in Greece have been going on and increasingly becoming worse ever since those scoundrels took office in July 2019. The pandemic has made the matters even worse. There is also recent news circulating that shills of this government have also been trying to shut down theatrical plays and attack stand up comedians for criticizing the government and its catastrophic policies. It’s chaotic and dystopian, especially for a country where Democracy was born. How ironic…

      • Fay says:

        Thank you, Anita. My family and I are fine. I couldn’t agree with you more about the awful situation in Greece concerning the public health-care system which has been suffering for many years, even before the pandemic.
        I support vaccination too, but apart from the government’s incompetence, I get even more furious with those idiots who refuse to be vaccinated because they believe they will die or get sterile or any such nonsense. Really, it’s pathetic that some people turn back to the Middle Ages while we are well into the 21st century.

        • Anita says:

          Medieval mentalities are being deployed by both sides of the arena; on the one hand there’s the utmost ineptitude of the Greek government; and on the other hand, there are those who spread and/or believe “fake news” nonsense.
          Nevertheless, there should have been better information on behalf of the government with regards to the serious side-effects certain vaccines do incur-as documented and reported by the CDC-such as in the case of AstraZeneca vaccines which caused a significant number of severe side-effects including thrombosis, paralysis and even death, especially amongst younger women. This is the reason why those vaccines have been banned by the greatest majority of developed countries.
          That said, there should be a balance and intellectual equilibrium when it comes to such controversial issues but nobody in power is willing to take such a much needed position as profit is much more “attractive” (and luring..) than actual equality, health and well-being.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            Well said, @Anita and @Fay. I don’t have much to add except that this pandemic has proven to us once again that stupidity has no limits. A friend of mine is a physiotherapist, and he has patients who still don’t believe this pandemic is real. They blamed the high number of deaths on 5G networks or stuff like that. 🤦‍♀️

  2. Messeant says:

    Bonjour tout à déjà été dit le fanart Magnifique et l histoire devient de plus en plus intéressante…hâte de lire la suite😍🤗😘

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Merci beaucoup @Messeant❣️ What a delight to read your comment here and on Facebook too! Thank you for your encouraging feedback and I’ll keep writing 🤗

  3. moira78 says:

    Questa Candy così fine ed elegante è davvero bellissima, complimenti per il disegno! E grazie per questo nuovo capitolo che, come al solito, ci lascia con il desiderio di saperne di più: come mai Kim si trasferisce nella villa? Albert aprirà finalmente gli occhi accorgendosi dei sentimenti di Candy e… dei propri? E la zia, con quel gesto sta in qualche modo cominciando ad accettare Candy? Attendo con ansia il seguito, a presto!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Grazie mille @moira78 🥰 So happy to hear you think my drawing of Candy is beautiful and elegant ❣️ I wanted to write more but did not have time. I will continue writing the next chapter. Thanks for your understanding!

  4. Michelle says:

    Hi Ms Puddle,

    Your new fanart about Candy is one of the best you’ve created so far. It’s wise of you to have watermarked your new fanart because there will be some folks who will attempt to use and claim it as their own as they’ve done with other fine CCFS-themed drawings of yours.

    Moreover, there are no typos in your new chapter – at least I haven’t come across any. On the contrary, the level of your English in terms of writing is superb.

    Many thanks and kind regards.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Michelle for your highly encouraging feedback ❣️ I didn’t put my nickname all over the drawing this time but hopefully enough to discourage those who like stealing others’ works.

      Thank you for checking for typos too. My written English is pretty simple, not superb at all. But many thanks for your compliments! 🤗

  5. Sarah says:

    Hello Ms Puddle,

    How are you managing with work and the pandemic? Presumably, you’ve heard about the new variant. Time will tell how dangerous it really is.

    On a different note, I have enjoyed reading this new chapter of yours. It appears that Kimberly is functioning as a certain form of ‘catalyst’ regarding the otherwise acutely complex relationship between Candy and Albert. Their story is by far fascinating and it’s not surprising why Keiko Nagita devoted so much time on those two main characters, and in particular, from the third section of the novel and onward.

    All Best!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      @Sarah, thank you for reading! 🤗 I wanted to write a bit more, like including Kim’s letter to Albert, but it’s already near the end of the month so I thought I should post whatever I have written so far.

      I totally agree with you that the relationship between Candy and Albert is fascinating, especially in CCFS. The author clearly gave Candy’s third love a fair share in her new novel.

      I presume you meant the omicron variant originated from South Africa right? Sigh… Just read a couple of articles that this virus will probably keep mutating, generating new variants. 😭

      • Sarah says:

        Yes, I’m referring to the Omicron variant. It appears that the scientists are in disarray and they haven’t got a clue what it’s all about and what its repercussions are. This is clearly out of their control. Hopefully, this turns out to be a recessive and thus weaker variant but no one really knows for the time-being…

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Yes, @Sarah. That’s the impression I got too, that there are unknowns and uncertainties about the new variant. The vaccine makers are still trying to figure out what this means to those who are fully vaccinated. The conclusion seems to be the same since the beginning: wear our masks, practice social distancing and wash our hands.

  6. Anita says:

    Awesome chapter and I needn’t comment any further regarding your beautiful portrayal of Candy. It sort of reminds me of those vintage-style photographs of the previous century. Was that your intention because if so, you have definitively achieved it.

    Hope all is well with you and take good care of yourself. We are all living trying times.

    • Anita says:

      Meant to say “definitely”..

    • Sarah says:

      I agree with you. I also like the uncoloured version more although both are amazing.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Thank you @Sarah❣️ I also like the sepia one myself but the coloured one shows a bit more of Candy’s dress. ☺️

        • Sarah says:

          Thanks for specifying the hue/colour. The term ‘sepia’ had completed slipped my mind..

          • Sarah says:

            Due to that stupid ‘spellcheck’ on my tablet, the word ‘completed’ instead of ‘completely’ showed up. I think it would be best if I disable that dumbass app altogether..

            Apparently, I meant to say that the term ‘sepia’ had completely slipped my mind.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Anita for your positive feedback❣️ You bet! I did check on Pinterest a lot of those drawings from those old ads or vintage posts. So happy to know that you have noticed it 🤗🥰

      Indeed the pandemic is not over… Just read another article from CNN that this virus is likely here to stay… 😭

      • Anita says:

        There’s a chance that this specific variant is not as lethal as the delta-variant. Based on the medical research I’ve read about the omicron-variant so far, both vaccinated and unvaccinated people do not suffer serious health issues as in the case of the delta-variant. Nevertheless, all this information is tentative and it’s still way too soon to ascertain these findings made by the relevant experts in the field.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Let’s wait and see, @Anita. I certainly hope this is the case but like you said, it’s probably too early right now.

          Will you get a booster shot? The senior residents in where I live starting to get theirs. In early 2022 it will be open to all adults.

  7. Lynn says:

    Excellent fanart! I’m so impressed with your depiction of Candy. She looks so stunning!

    • Lynn says:

      I’ll get back to you soon regarding your new fanfiction. I’ve also got some questions surrounding the CCFS (yeah, I’ll be pestering you again, LOL).

      Talk to you again soon and thanks again!


      • Ms Puddle says:

        No rush @Lynn and seriously, I don’t always have answers to questions about CCFS. 😉

        • Lynn says:

          Thanks for understanding. I have been meaning to offer a lengthier commentary so as to provide my feedback but I still can’t find the time. The workload has exacerbated following the outbreak of the global pandemic and it has fallen onto the shoulders of those of us who haven’t been laid off but we’re short-staffed. On the one hand, I’m grateful to have a job and pay my bills; on the other hand, however, the heavy workload is only getting heavier and heavier.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            No rush @Lynn. Take your time, my friend. You know you don’t have to write anything long, but I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness. 💞

            What happens to my workplace is similar but not the same. People are leaving on their own because there are more opportunities for remote work now. We are short staffed as a result. So I understand, at least somewhat, what you’re going through. Sigh… 🙁

            Take care though and stay safe.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Lynn❣️ This is very encouraging. Originally I wanted to post the new fanart in the previous chapter to support the idea that Candy looked stunning but didn’t have time to finish it.

      • Lynn says:

        Your drawing of Candy is obviously astounding. I have a “weak spot” for retro-style stuff, especially old books, maps and photographs. You may like this video I’ve recently found on YouTube where computer software specialists in tandem with historians and photographers have “joined forces” in order to recreate vintage photographs and paintings from the previous centuries in realistic, lifelike and even animated form.

        Here’s the link:

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Thanks again @Lynn for your positive feedback to my drawing of Candy. 🥰 It’s very encouraging, and like you, I find lots of vintage stuff fascinating, including classical music. Not many of my friends enjoy listening to those but I just love it.

          Thank you for the YouTube link. I’ve made the link clickable on mobile devices now and watched the first two. It’s incredible and amazing indeed 👍👏

  8. Christine says:

    Impressive illustration of Candy, Ms Puddle! Great job!

  9. Myra says:

    Hi! Your new artwork surrounding the Candy Candy story is marvellous. I’m glad you’ve taken up drawing again.
    As for your fanfic, its plot is getting more and more intriguing.😊

  1. November 27, 2021

    […] (to be continued…) […]

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