Forget-Me-Not Chapter 10

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220 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Ms. Puddle, saya penggemar anda dari Indonesia,kapan anda melanjutkan cerita ini,sudah hampir 2 tahun,ayo semangat Ms.Puddle…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks for asking, my friend from Indonesia! Time flies, and I can hardly believe it’s almost 2 years. I wish I could continue writing but I have been dealing with some family issues for months. Thanks for your understanding! 🙏🏻

  2. Mayte says:

    Hello Ms. Puddle, thank you for your stories. I appreciate that they are filled with the goodness that is possible in the human heart.
    I am wondering how you are doing. Since it has been a long time since you updated “Forget-Me-Not” I would like to know that you are well. Please know that I am very grateful for all your nice stories and I really hope you continue. Many of us miss you.
    May God bless you and keep you,

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks so much for your encouraging feedback on my fanfics, Mayte. Also appreciate that you’re concerned about my wellbeing. All I can say is that one of my close relatives has health issues for many months. When one suffers the entire family does. The story plot of “Forget-me-not” is in my head, but I don’t have time or energy to write.

      Thanks for your prayers 🙏🏻 May God bless you too!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ciao Ms. Puddle, c’ è possibilità di un aggiornamento per questa bella ff?

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