Conflicting Emotions (Part 2)

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14 Responses

  1. CKati says:

    Dear Ms Puddle, and readers,
    I agree with all of you. Albert was being his good, kind, gentle self when he rescued Candy. I don’t believe for a second that he liked her romantically back then.
    Wow, I feel like Quevivacandy in a previous post; miles behind on you all. Even though I read the manga and watched the anime, I don’t remember all the details and timeline like you do. I’m really enjoying reading your comments. Thanks!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      That’s right. Albert was just being brave when he rescued Candy, and after he had recognized her, he decided to help her. Nothing more. Just pure friendship and good will. 🙂

  2. Antlay says:

    Dear Ms Puddle

    Cette fois ci c’est bien Antlay !

    Si vous me permettez Ms Puddle, je voudrai juste m’adresser à Agnès. Voici le lien pour accéder au manga :
    il est traduit en français, je l’ai découvert par hasard il y a un an. Et ravie de savoir qu’il y a d’autres compatriotes fan de Candy et d’Albert.

    Comme vous toutes je suis aussi convaincue qu’ Albert est tombé amoureux de Candy quand il était amnésique, c’est évident vu leur différence d’âge, auparavant elle n’était encore qu’une petite fille, alors que là elle était une jeune fille de 17 ans environ. Albert ne sachant plus qui il était et ne sachant pas qu’elle était sa fille adoptive, il est légitime qu’il en soit tombé amoureux. Imaginez un homme vivre plus d’un an avec une jeune fille charmante, partageant le même apppartement et la même chambre dans la version manga, cela créer obligatoirement des liens, c’est un homme après tout !
    Le problème c’est qu’il la savait amoureuse de Terry. Et même après sa rupture, il ne voulait sûrement pas brusquer les choses. Il ne savait pas si un jour elle partagerait ses sentiments. Le temps n’a malheureusement pas joué en sa faveur, car entre temps il a retrouvé sa mémoire.
    A la suite de cela il a quand même décidé de rester à ses côtés, sans lui révéler qui il était, il devait espérer qu’elle ouvre les yeux et qu’elle le considère comme plus qu’un ami ou un frère. Si non il lui aurait révélé qui il était, il pouvait lui faire confiance. Au lieu de cela il est parti pour ne pas lui causer plus d’ennui et il est allé se cacher à Lakewood pour être sûr qu’elle ne le retrouve pas. Et il devait être plus facile pour lui de l’oublier, en étant loin de Chicago.
    La dernière chose pourquoi quand Candy a découvert qu’il était l’Oncle William, il ne s’est pas décidé tout de suite à lui révéler qu’il était le Prince des Collines ! Il la savait amoureuse de ce garçon autrefois, était-il gêné ? Si il a attendu autant de temps c’est qu’il avait bien une raison. Comme vous dites rien de plus romantique que de revenir sur le lieu de leur première rencontre, si c’est pas un message ça !

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Antlay, this time I read the comment twice to make sure… Lol!!

      I was told that the manga was officially translated to French, and that it was done very well and directly from Japanese, except using “Mr. Albert”. That’s not the equivalent of Albert-san. In most cases this translation is correct, but it didn’t apply to the case of Candy and Albert. However, this is another topic. 😉

      So we all agree when Albert fell in love with Candy and why he decided to stay after his recovery. Besides, I agree with you that Albert delayed revealing the last secret means quite a few things. One thing for sure he was serious about it and wanted to wait for the perfect timing. It also shows how much he cared. Sigh.

    • Agnès says:

      Tout d’abord un grand merci Antlay, c’est vraiment très gentil, j’apprécie beaucoup! 🙂 Je pourrai ainsi le relire. J’avais d’autres liens mais ils ne sont plus actifs! Je suis également contente de pouvoir partager des idées avec des fans français de Candy et Albert. 😀

      Je suis entièrement d’accord avec votre remarque Antlay, si Albert a tardé pour révéler qu’il était son Prince c’est parce qu’il ne voulait pas la troubler sur ses sentiments envers lui. Il voulait qu’elle tombe amoureuse de lui sans être influencée par cette révélation. Il souhaitait aussi certainement lui laisser du temps pour faire son deuil de son amour pour Terry. Il était indispensable qu’elle soit vraiment libérée de lui pour qu’Albert ne soit pas un amour de substitution. Il ne voulait certainement pas être son second choix! Mais il a effectivement manqué de temps, le voisinage ayant fait pression sur Candy pour faire partir Albert, sinon les deux ; il a donc choisi de partir de lui-même pour ne plus lui faire de tort. A ce moment-là, Albert devait penser que Candy aimait toujours Terry, voilà pourquoi, à mon avis, il l’a guidée jusqu’à Rockstone afin de les réunir, sacrifiant ses propres espoirs de bonheur avec elle en tant qu’homme et femme. Si ça, ce n’est pas de l’amour avec un grand A!… Mais il a dû être rudement étonné de voir que Candy n’a pas rencontré Terry bien que l’ayant vu dans ce théâtre sordide! Par contre, elle avait continué à le chercher lui, Albert, car il a bien dû finir par le savoir, la question est à quel moment ? Quelqu’un le sait-il? Peut-être lorsqu’ils ont passé du temps ensemble après l’annulation des fiançailles avec Neal ? Ainsi, il a pu supposer que les sentiments de Candy avaient changé. Elle avait renoncé à Terry alors qu’elle a persisté à retrouver Albert, le cherchant dans toute la ville montrant son portrait à tout le monde, il devenait donc son premier choix! C’est me semble-t-il un tournant, l’absence a magnifié ses sentiments envers Albert, lui révélant à qui son cœur appartenait vraiment à ce moment-là et qui lui manquait le plus ! Alors, il a pu se décider enfin à lui dire qu’il était son Prince de la Colline, attendant simplement d’être au bon endroit pour le faire !

      Tout à fait d’accord pour dire que si Albert ne lui a pas révélé son identité ce n’était pas pour une question de confiance. Une fois sa mémoire retrouvée, d’un côté il voulait rester encore plus longtemps avec elle car il appréciait sa vie avec Candy (« heartwarming life » as he confessed), il voulait aussi veiller sur elle (il l’avait retrouvée effondrée sur les journaux parlant de Terry) et d’un autre côté se donner aussi plus de temps pour réfléchir. Comment gérer la situation et ses propres sentiments, être amoureux de sa protégée : délicat!

      Bon je m’arrête-là, je suis plus prolixe en français qu’en anglais ! 🙂

  3. Agnès says:

    Dear Ms Puddle, actually, I’m not Antlay! 😉 😛 But, no worries, I’ve made a mistake myself about the Scottish suit in the final scene, it was in the anime, not in the Manga! 🙁
    Unfortunately, I don’t have the manga and I despair of owning it one day since it is no longer sold! And, my memory fails occasionally! 🙁
    Nevertheless it doesn’t change the point! He used his famous sentence in the right place! So romantic! 🙂 😀

    Sometimes, it’s difficult to estimate the time had elapsed between some parts of their story! Sigh!…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Oh I’m so sorry, Agnès!! How could I have made such a terrible mistake??!! I must be getting old, and my eyes are failing me… Lol… 😛

      My sister got the manga for me from some online bidding such as eBay! I forgot how she got the set for me, but I treasure it very much. I hope you’ll be able to find yours one day!

      Yes, I agree with you that the moment Albert revealed he was Prince on the Hill was very romantic. It was his love confession (no matter what Terry fans say)!

      The timeline in the manga is difficult to understand, but it’s still much clearer than the one in CCFS!! Sigh… 😉

  4. Quevivacandy says:

    Hey my friend! You have done a great work… as always… 😉

    A few days ago, we were talking with some girls at what point we think Albert started to develop romantic feelings for Candy, Some of them said it began in London but once again, I do not agree with that. I thinks it happened in Magnolia. In one of his letters he said, “After I had done the preparation, and also was relieved to see you back on form, I decided to leave the Blue River Zoo. To Africa, where I longed for —.” I don’t sense any romantic feelings over there. Maybe he was in charge of the family business by that time but also he was looking forward to travel to Africa and did it until he saw her back on form.

    Also, as you said, in the very same letter he said he didn’t want to get away from that heart-warming life. So, for how long he kept living in the apartment after he had recovered? I know, we have already discussed this…:p but we are talking about monthS… And he recovered a while later after C&T break-up… mmm… now I don’t remember where I was trying to get… lol… I better just leave it… :p but maybe they lived together, over a year or maybe two, after C&T separation and the moment he left from Magnolia? If so, he had something to struggle about, how deep must had been his feelings by then???

    And about the engagement party, mmm… I don’t think the servants had any idea who was him. Remember the letters to Mary and Stewart? they were at the Andrew’s mansion by that time and Mary didn’t mention any of this in the grand opening at Florida. I think must had been George the one who let him in. I do not see George anywhere in the party and also, he always was beside Albert. And as you said, I agree that Albert was listening just awaiting the perfect moment to make his entrance.

    And why to wait for his last confession… grrr…. Mizuki!!! lol… well, I guess first he wanted to arrange somehow his ‘new’ position and in the meantime, he also was analyzing Candy’s feelings for him, trying that she also accepts his position so she could treat him as always and the confession, only would be the icing on the cake, He absolutely knew he was her first love and she never could have fogotten him. ohhh how romatinc…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hi there QuevivaCandy! Glad to know that we both agree that Albert didn’t have special feelings for Candy till after living together with her, when he remembered nothing of his past. Like you, I didn’t sense any romance in his letter about him being in London then Africa.

      Indeed it’s a mystery how long Albert and Candy had lived together, and how long he had stayed with her after his recovery. Sigh…

      About engagement party, you’re right. Perhaps George had let him in, who knows? But definitely Albert must have been waiting patiently just for the right moment to catch his aunt unaware!! Lol…

      Yes, icing on the cake indeed! That I can’t agree with you more! Albert wanted to gauge Candy’s feelings for him before he disclosed his last secret. He didn’t want to influence her just because he had been her first love… Awww… 🙂

  5. Agnès says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,

    Thank you for sharing your subtle and smart analysis! 🙂

    I agree with you when you say that Albert had not fallen in love with Candy after rescuing her near the water fall. She was too young and Albert was a grown up man then! For me Albert fallen in love with Candy when he was living with her. As an amnesiac he had no “past” with her or memories of her. Yet, he saw her in another point of view; it was like he saw her for the first time at the hospital of Chicago. He discovered a young woman then not a child, a woman whom saved him! This woman left the dormitory at the hospital to share an apartment to take care of him with so much attention and empathy. She had risked her reputation and she had lost her job for him. Gradually he could have developed strong feelings to such a woman. But, he couldn’t show his true feelings to her because he knew that Candy was in love with Terry!

    After he recovered his past memory and then he felt conflicting emotions: to tell Candy or not his true identity. I completely agree that he hidden to stay with her, to help her with her pain about her breakup with Terry and to have time to deal with his own feelings to her! It was not easy, so many conflicting emotions, indeed! :-/

    Why Albert delayed telling Candy that he was her Prince? I think perhaps he didn’t want to influence her. He wanted her to love him for what he was and not because she loved the “ghost of her childhood”. He disclosed few days after his discussion with her when he annulled her engagement with Neal. Perhaps Albert felt that Candy’s feelings to him have changed and then he decided to tell her but, on the hill wearing his traditional Scottish suit to heighten the revelation with more impact? I think it was so more romantic this way! It was the attitude of a man in love, otherwise he could have tell her without such effect, and with no delay, don’t you think? 😉 😀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear Antlay! Yes, back then, Candy was still a young girl, and it’s hard to imagine a grown-up man falling in love with a teenage girl. There are people like that, but not Albert in the story. As I said in the post, if he did, he wouldn’t have adopted her legally. 😉 But like you said, when he was amnesiac, being someone who had lost everything, he got to know Candy from a fresh perspective. It was natural for him to have fond feelings (at least grateful) for her, not to mention that she was much older (already sixteen). Yet, after his recovery, his world had turned upside down, and he had to face the truth and deal with his own feelings.

      Good point about not wanting to influence her as her ‘prince’, Antlay! I’ll continue talking about this in part 3. However, I believe more than a few days had elapsed between the forced engagement and the day she returned to Pony’s home (in the manga). In the anime version, everything had been rushed together, but Albert indeed wanted to let Candy who he was… the boy she had met as a little girl in a dramatic way. 🙂 😛

  1. January 21, 2015

    […] Conflicting Emotions (Part 2) […]

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