Candy’s last letter to Albert (Part 6)

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34 Responses

  1. Ale grandchester says:

    Hay no! Pero que tontería por Dios no se de donde sacas que candy quiere a albert, obviamente el diario no lo toca porque aun le duele, y si no quisiera regresar al pasado no lo tuviera junto a ella simplemente lo hubiera desechado, al igual que los recortes y las fotos de Terry que por cierto también tiene junto a ella y en un lugar especial como lo es su joyero, el cual le dio esa persona especial, además si ella tanto quisiera a albert estaría junto a el en Chicago, justo a su lado, sin embargo ella esta lejos de el, porque? Precisamente ella pone distancia ya que en la carta dirigida a stear ella habla de haberle perdido la confianza a albert y estar molesta por no haber confiado en ella y haberle ocultado quien era el realmente, lo siento pero todo lo que interpretas es mal

    • Quevivacandy says:

      Realmente no entiendo el afán de las TF’s en estarse metiendo en sitios pro-Albert, si saben anticipadamente que no estarán de acuerdo con lo que se comenta ahí. La única respuesta que me queda es que tampoco están de acuerdo con lo que se discute en los sitios de Terry, ni con todas sus teorías y anda viendo a ver que sacan de nuevo.

      Pero principalmente, si te metes a un sitio de habla inglesa, al menos ten la cortesía de escribir tu comentario en inglés o sin faltas de ortografía, para que la administradora de éste blog pueda entenderte y responder tus incoherencias.

      Tú (o ustedes), tendrás tus interpretaciones y nosotras las nuestras pero sobre todo, hay que leer la novela con detenimiento y creo que no lo has hecho, solo has tomado los fragmentos que te interesan.

      Si Candy no abre ese diario es simplemente porque su pasado quedó atrás y tiene el deseo de volver a entregárselo a Albert. ¿Hace falta que te recuerde cómo firmó la carta no enviada a Terry? Además, en toda la novela no se menciona otra cosa que Candy encuentre su felicidad, y precisamente en ésta carta sabemos en dónde la encontró, en Albert. En él, ahora radica su felicidad.

      Recortes y todas esas cosas, son RECUERDOS. Revisa bien la palabra que Candy utiliza para todo lo que se encuentra dentro del joyero.

      Y como bien dices si ella tanto quisiera a Albert, estaría con él en Chicago. Pues precisamente eso pasa y queda confirmado con la carta a Vincent Brown. Ella después de que se marchó al Hogar de Pony volvió a trasladarse a Chicago, junto a Albert. En esa carta ella se despide, “sinceramente espero que NOS visite en Chicago”. Creo que no hay que decir más.

      Y sobre la carta a Stear, era el tiempo en que todavía no terminaba de asimilar que Albert era a la vez el Tío Abuelo William, y sí, estaba molesta y quería vengarse de él tratándolo como una persona mayor. Sin embargo, todo volvió a ser como antes cuando él se reveló como el Príncipe de la Colina. ¿Has leído el epílogo?

      Y supongo que no señalaste las demás ‘pistas’ de anohito porque definitivamente no concuerdan en absoluto con Terry pero todas encajan a la perfección con Albert.

      Así que pues, revisa tus interpretaciones, o sigue leyendo este blog para ver si sales iluminada. He conocido a varias TF’s que después de comprender a cabalidad la novela son Albertfans, pero jamás he visto a una Albertfan convertirse en Terryfan.

      Sorry MsPuddle, but this was the straw that broke the camel. This week another TF was trying to speak aloud their theories in an Albertfan site, and I’m already sick of it. Sorry.

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Muchas gracias, QuevivaCandy! 💕

        I was going to tell this person that I don’t understand most of her comment. So it was because of wrong spellings? I see.

        Anyway, here is my view to the theory that it was too painful for Candy to open her old diary:

        (1) She wouldn’t have brought the diary back home. In Lakewood, she could tell Albert right away that it was too painful for her to even think about it.

        (2) Yet, Candy said she was concerned about this diary. In her unsent letter to Terry, she wondered how Albert had felt while reading the diary. That is, she had suspicions that Albert had feelings for her.

        (3) Candy was no longer affected by her past with Terry. The best way to bury her past was to entrust it to Albert. She had moved on because she was undoubtedly very happy with Albert now. Why go back to someone who had given her up twice (once for his dream and once for another woman)?

        I have more to say, but I think that’s enough for now. 🙂 Why some people insist that Candy was waiting Terry to return to her is beyond me. 🙂

  2. brenda says:

    Hi Ms. Puddle, Sorry ! I forgot the the chapter is Song of Solomon 5:16 ” This is my beloved, this is my friend”.
    God Bless you too, mi querida amiga!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you for providing the reference in the Bible, Brenda! May God bless you too, mi querida amiga! 💕💗

  3. brenda says:

    Hi Ms. Puddle, How many comments! Definitely,this story still captivates our hearts! Thanks amiga for your posts and
    time to make clear the end of the story. In the Bible, Song of Solomon, he mentioned about the love
    between a couple … My beloved, my friend! I ilke this obout the importance of being a true friend. So, I agree with all
    of you it might have been much easier to fall for someone you know well as Candy and Albert did ! Totally agree with you somehow
    this letter show us how much Candy was in love with her Prince charming for ever. Do you know if Albert replied to Candy? Ayway, I can’t wait to read some more posts and your beautiful pictures too!
    Have a wonderful day!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Brenda, Antlay’s excellent works are very popular! 💞💓

      Thank you for your continued support and encouragement, my friend! Yes indeed, the ideal case is that the couple are both lovers and best friends. I agree with you, that this letter is filled with love and gratitude! Candy was in love with Albert, we have no doubt where she had found her happiness.

      You have a wonderful day too, Brenda! 😍

  4. Quevivacandy says:

    And here I go again, hehehe

    carrying on with my last comment, in this particular letter we find the answer of the others characters wish, that Candy finds happiness. And where she found it? With Albert. Albert means her happiness. <3

    It is undeniable their deep love for each other in this letter.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      My sentiments exactly, my friend, that at the end of the novel, Candy found her happiness at last with none other than her Prince on the Hill. It can’t be more obvious that she was truly happy NOW, definitely not hanging on to the hope that one day someone will become available to her again… 😉😁😊

  5. brenda says:

    Hi Ms. Puddle sorry for not being in touch lately, I had some issues to solve. I am so glad to read the posts, pictures and comments. I agree with them, Candy on her way to search Albert in Lakewood might have been very exciting for her to meet the Ardley’s head and then realized it was Albert the one who has been near her all the time. I like this part of the manga when she noticed how handsome and young he was so dazzling to her. She is going on 17
    so, she is already a grown up miss and I also agree she looked so beautiful! There is so much to say … Anyway I hope you are fine and send my regards to Antlay as well.
    Gracias amiga!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hola Brenda! Cómo estás? 😍 I’m fine, thank you! 😘

      I hope you have the issues already resolved? Anyway, glad you like this series and the comments. I totally agree with what you said, that part in the manga is the beginning of the climax… Albert’s true identity is finally revealed! 😁 The handsome patient whom Candy had missed so much turned out to be her guardian… What a shock to her it must be, and as you said, she was a grown-up lady with feelings. What was she supposed to treat her long-term friend Albert from then on? Sigh… 💖💗

  6. antlay31 says:

    Bonjour Candy Bert et Ms Puddle

    Merci beaucoup Candy Bert et Ms Puddle pour vos compliments, cela me touche venant de votre part.
    Mais comme je l’ai déjà dit, je n’ai pas beaucoup de mérite, n’étant pas l’auteur de ces dessins et de cette magnifique lettre qui tout comme vous est ma préférée. Mais j’ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à faire ce montage, mon travail s’est donc limité à choisir des dessins qui me semblaient illustrer au mieux cette lettre.
    Je suis de ton avis Candy Bert, que Candy passait des nuits blanches à rêver de son prince, ce qui me fait penser aux paroles du générique en France “mais elle rêve et elle s’imagine tous les soirs en s’endormant que le petit prince des collines vient lui parler doucement” 😉💞💝💓❤

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Well done, my friend! Your collages are one amazing collection of manga images put together to bring words to life. A picture is worth a thousand words indeed! 💕💖

      Totally agree with you both about Candy’s dreaming of her handsome prince, who was not only kind and loving, but also gave her his respect. I can easily imagine how Candy couldn’t wait to see him or hear from him again. She manifested all characteristics of a typical woman falling in love… Sigh…

      Little Prince? Ahhh… That story. Where’s his Rose that he waters and protects? 💗💟❤

      • antlay31 says:

        Ah ! Le petit prince d’Antoine de Saint Exupery, mon livre préféré étant enfant. Le petit prince a rendu sa rose unique au monde et en est tombé amoureux 😀 Le petit prince a été aussi mon premier desssin, ma mère le garde précieusement à ses côtés comme un trésor 😊

        • Ms Puddle says:

          How nice! I know you always love roses, Antlay! 💕💖 The Little Prince is a story with deep meanings, even for adults… It’s a classic, admired by many, many people around the world. 😍😘

  7. Candy Bert says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle et Antlay

    Me voici enfin, je rattrape comme je peux!
    C’est vraiment une très belle série qu’Antlay et vous nous avez offerte, merci beaucoup! 👏
    Le montage d’Antlay est remarquable et les dessins sont très bien choisis, enfin une partie de CCFS sortie sous forme de manga! 😀 J’ai adoré. 💖
    Votre travail conjoint, Ms Puddle et Antlay m’a captivé, vous vous complétez parfaitement pour notre plus grand plaisir à tous!
    Cette lettre de l’épilogue est l’une de mes préférées, si ce n’est ma préférée en fait, car Candy y révèle beaucoup de ses sentiments profonds pour Albert de façon si subtile. Et la toute dernière partie de cette lettre quand elle écrit qu’elle ne dormira pas ENCORE ce qui veut donc dire qu’elle a déjà passé d’autres nuits blanches à rêver de son Prince! 😉 le plus fantastique des rêves ne peut être que cela! C’est bien une femme amoureuse. 💕💖💗💓💞💑

    • Candy Bert says:

      J’ai oublié de vous souhaiter un très bon weekend à tous! 😀

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Candy Bert et Antlay!

      Indeed I totally admire Antlay’s works by putting various manga scenes together. She has brought this letter to life!

      Yes, Candy Bert, this letter is also one of my favorites in the entire CCFS. Candy’s feelings for Albert were so strong, definitely not seeing him as a family member anymore. She was happy and content with her prince, the man who treated her with respect and love, accepting her for who she was despite her past. Sigh… You’re absolutely right, Candy Bert, that Candy must have lost some sleep prior to this because of none other than her Prince on the Hill! Candy was a woman in love, no doubt. 💗💖💟💝💕💓❤

      Lastly, to address your question earlier concerning the reunion of Candy and Albert in London, you’re right that the remarks about their appearances were missing. It’s rather disappointing, oh well. 🙄

  8. antlay31 says:

    Bonjour Ms Puddle et Reeka

    Bien vu Ms Puddle effectivement il s’agit du dessin page 139 volume 9 dans le manga français au moment où Candy se rend à Lakewood pour rencontrer l’Oncle William, tout comme vous Reeka je trouve aussi ce dessin très beau.
    Cette dernière partie de cette lettre est ma préférée, ne pas ouvrir le journal, remercier ses parents de l’avoir abandonné afin de rencontrer Albert en dit long en effet, cela sonne comme une déclaration, après Albert c’est au tour de Candy de s’ouvrir et le mot amour à la fin c’est la cerise sur le gâteau, c’est extrêmement explicite, d’accord avec vous Ms Puddle il y a de l’amour dans l’air 😀❤💓💞

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Bonjour Antlay! I was right, yeah! It’s a nice choice, my friend. 😍

      I really like what you said, that ending the letter with “love and gratitude” is the icing because the entire letter is filled with love and gratitude. Besides, the way Candy thanked the parents whom she had never met for their abandonment was quite shocking when I first read it. It was an explicit way for a young lady to tell a man how glad she was to have met him in her life. Her feelings for him can’t be more obvious!!! ❤💕💓💖

    • reeka says:

      Ahhh so I guessed it right, then. I was thinking it was that scene when Candy was on her way to “ambush” Uncle William in Lakewood :D. I wanted to say that Antlay’s pick on that drawing was even more perfect then because Candy’s expression there radiated love. She’s blushing. However, I did not write that idea down because I was not sure if my guess was correct. Hahahaha I just didn’t want my words used to against Albert ( by some people) if later I found myself guess wrongly. LOL

      Looking at that picture closely now, I feel Candy looked more grown-up than usual. Gone was her childish and tomboyish appearance. I imagine she’s this beautiful when she’s in a courtship and about to marry Albert. Sigh. Candy was always pictured as a strong girl in front of everyone, but Albert. Thus this picture is perfect to show who Candy truly was in front of Albert. Apart from she’s smiling as POTH said she was more beautiful when she smiled rather than when she cried, am I correct if I see her looking more delicate here? It’s like this Candy did not need to pretend to be strong now because she got her ( powerful) prince on her side 🙂

      • Ms Puddle says:

        Great minds think alike once again, that you, Antlay and I all think that particular drawing of Candy is beautiful! 💖💕 Indeed, she radiated love, happiness and gratitude! She was going to meet her benefactor at long last. She just didn’t realize whom she was going to find in Lakewood. 😜

        Me too, I imagine that Candy would have given up her pony tails by the time she and Albert were in courtship. If you have noticed, she changed her hairstyles for special occasions, like when she had gone to see Terry’s performance and attended her forced engagement. 😀

        Totally agree with you that Candy didn’t pretend to be strong when she was with Albert. He had been there for her at her saddest times in life again and again. She could be vulnerable and delicate. Sigh… In fact, they both needed each other, and she had seen his worst as well. 💓💖💕

  9. Reeka says:

    Dear Ms Puddle & Antlay,

    The last part of this letter couldn’t be more obvious on showing Candy’s romantic feeling to Albert, her prince. On that period of time, really, imagine how Albert felt to read her letter. And between this letter and Candy’s letter to Vincent Brown, … It must have been much love in the air between these two people. ^^

    Antlay my dear, I like it very much you picked up that drawing of Candy saying her happiness is in now. She’s so ethereally beautiful! I forget where in manga this picture appeared?

    Well done, Antlay! And thanks to Ms Puddle to publish this series.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Agree with you totally, Reeka, that this letter is full of love, happiness and gratitude. It’s a love letter, no less. Later, in Candy’s letter to Vincent Brown, she wrote like it was such a natural thing that Albert had shared with her different things about himself. Sigh… Yes, much love in the air… ❤💖💓💕

      My gratitude goes to dear Antlay for her marvelous contribution. When I first received them I was speechless! 😍😘 Yes I agree she has picked a very good one to end the series. If I remember correctly, it’s from the time when Candy was on her way to find Granduncle William in Lakewood. She was extremely happy and excited to finally meet him face to face. 💖😁

  1. March 5, 2016

    […] Candy’s last letter to Albert (Part 6) […]

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