Forget-Me-Not Chapter 3

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121 Responses

  1. DanielleV says:

    This is a very interesting chapter and the conflicting emotions ascribed to the main characters, Candy and Albert, make them much more relatable and humane. It would make sense for those two to have mixed feelings since their relationship is so complicated.

    Thanks for sharing, Ms Puddle, and I hope you’re having a pleasant summer-time.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @DanielleV for your encouraging feedback 🤗 Yes, Candy and Albert’s relationship is very complicated, as depicted in the novel. I just let my imagination run wild 😜

      I hope you enjoy the rest of summer too. Stay safe and take care.

      • DanielleV says:

        Yeah, it’s obvious from the ways in which Nagita develops the story around Candy and Albert in tandem with the affectionate ways in which she enriches both characters in terms of their positive traits that these two beautiful blondes dominate the central theme.
        In brief, this narrative begins with Candy and Albert (aka POTH) and ends, again, with Candy and Albert having completed a full circle.
        Their character development, however, is by no means linear or mundane but based on a series of fascinating albeit at times daunting events which constituted the formative years of their physical development as well as psychological and emotional maturity.

        Thank you for your kind words and please stay safe as much as possible. Hopefully, this global pandemic will become a bleak memory of the past and nothing more than that.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Thank you so much, @DanielleV! May I quote you in my next post? 🤗

        • Lynn says:

          That’s an excellent comment, @DanielleV.

          Indeed, the CCFS provides generous textual evidence with regards to the dynamics of the relationship between Candy and Albert, beginning as a friendship and then evolving into a profound bond during their adulthood.

          Whilst the aforesaid novel is abundant with such references confirming the unconditional affection between Candy and Albert, the pseudo-arguments of various (albeit very few) delusional Terrfans are riddled with pitifully ridiculous and outlandish claims. In fact, one of the most ludicrous beliefs held by certain deranged Terrfans concerning those so-called ‘blank pages’ have been officially debunked by the author herself, Keiko Nagita (via her agent), and officially dismissed by the legitimate publications of the official translated versions of the CCFS, in particular, Arechi Manga.

          It’s rather pathetic that certain fans continue to desperately cling onto those ‘blank pages’ as some demented old fools obstinately cling onto their hallucinations and their long gone expired past. Fortunately, the greatest majority of the CCFS readership, irrespective of any personal preference involving the CCFS characters, focuses exclusively on indisputable textual evidence in tandem with the official reports and announcements deriving from the author and her endorsed members of staff.

          Let’s face it, you can’t fix stupid. Besides, no one cares what some random fans or a mere minority of old fools have to say.. They can wipe the whimpering drool and raging froth from their wrinkled mouths with those ‘blank pages’ all they want.😉

  2. Elena says:

    Hi, I have been reading your posts and fanfiction for quite some time. Your writing style is remarkable and I’m also impressed with the way you’re so knowledgeable surrounding the proper use of English grammar and syntax. Your approach to writing is obviously very meticulous and thorough. I also like the ways in which you respect the author by not deviating from the main traits of the characters of this novel.

    Thank you very much,

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Elena for writing to me, and your positive feedback is greatly appreciated. Nice to meet you! 🤗

      I do try my best to proofread my draft for each chapter but I still make mistakes here and there. If you spot any please kindly let me know. I don’t mind at all because it serves to improve my writing and the quality of my fanfic. ☺️ Many thanks for your encouraging words. 🥰

      • Elena says:

        Nice to meet you too!

        So far, I haven’t come across any glaring errors in your writing. On the contrary, the quality of you writing is undoubtedly of very high standards.

        Thank you for your reply,

  3. Lynn says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,

    I hope you are savouring the final month of summer even amidst this global pandemic. Knowing how busy you are (aren’t we all..), I could imagine how much you would anticipate a bit of rest and quality time with family & friends.

    Really enjoyed reading this most recent chapter of your narrative. You’ve intensified the already complex and profound relationship between Candy and Albert. Keiko Nagita has done such a marvellous job in delineating their characters; in turn, Yumiko Igarashi has done an amazing job in depicting the tension but also affection and brewing attraction between these two lovely blondes.

    Best Wishes,

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Dear @Lynn, how are you doing? Yes, aren’t we all busy in real life? But thank you so much for taking the time to read my latest chapter. 🤗

      I’m currently working on the next one (trying my best). Yes I totally agree with you that Candy and Albert’s relationship was too complicated for children or teenagers to handle back then. I only appreciated it when I re-read the manga version as an adult, and Igarashi’s drawings are priceless indeed! 😍

      Best wishes to you too. Take care, Lynn!

      • Lynn says:

        Thanks for asking, Ms Puddle. I’m currently indulging the final days of my summer vacation. My partner and I have been wise enough not to book a place at some overcrowded tourist spot. After the pandemic and long-term lockdown, there are hoards of people and other forms of mass gatherings ruining otherwise beautiful tourist attractions. Some relatives and colleagues of mine are not enjoying themselves in those dreadfully overcrowded places and I wouldn’t blame them. Needless to mention that they’re spending a fortune for rubbish service.

        My motto is quality over quantity, especially when it comes to such mass accumulations of noisy tourists.

        • Lynn says:

          As for the story of Candy Candy, it appears that Keiko Nagita is averse to sexualizing her characters, hence, avoiding any sexually-infused content or reference not only in the manga but also her most recent novel. Even the various manga genres which are targeted at adolescents tend to be sexualized, especially nowadays; the same applies for anime.
          Some fans complain that there was never anything romantic or sexual between Candy and Albert but the same situation applies to Candy and Terry as well as Candy and Anthony. Apart from the disturbing scene during the May Fest where Terry forces himself on Candy and abuses her physically and psychologically, there is no sexual or sensual reference between any of the romantically involved characters in the CCFS. In fact, there’s a scene in the manga where Terry kisses Candy on her forehead, which was consensual, but this particular scene has been disregarded and omitted by Nagita altogether.
          It appears that Nagita doesn’t approve of sexual or sensual references and this has got nothing to do with lack of romanticism. It just has to do with Nagita’s style and preference in her creative content.

          • Valkyrie says:

            That’s an excellent observation, @Lynn.

          • Sarah says:

            You’re right about that and I’ll add that some fans have a distorted, one-sided and biased view concerning the letters of correspondence in the CCFS/CCHD. For example, certain fans keep on yapping that there is nothing romantic in the letters of correspondence between Candy and Albert but they miserably fail to admit and desperately try to sweep under the rug that there was nothing romantic in the letters between Candy and Terry either. None of those delusional fans can deny this indisputable textual evidence because it’s clearly found in Candy’s own words in the third section of the aforesaid novel; Candy complains that Terry had never written anything romantic in his letters sent to her but she knew that he cared about her anyway. The same could also be applied in the case of the exchange of letters between Candy and Albert. No double-standards. Plain and simple.

            • Lynn says:

              At the end of the day, it makes no difference what an insignificant minority of irrelevant fans have to say, irrespective of how hard they try to impose their ludicrous claims which are devoid of logical reasoning and textual evidence. What matters is what the author herself has to say and what is actually stated in the novel per se.
              Based on the exact words of Keiko Nagita during her 2019 interview held in Paris by PIKA, it is up to Candy to choose between Terry or Albert and ‘anohito’ could be any of those two as they are both regarded equivalently by the author as potential romantic partners for Candy. However, Nagita has decided-for reasons of her own-never to disclose the identity of this said ‘anohito’.
              End of story.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Well said, @Sarah!! Couldn’t agree with you more. Those people are biased, having double standards in their arguments most of the time.

              • Sarah says:

                Not only are some of those fans biased, but they’re also dishonest whilst they cunning-foolishly trying to spread misinformation and fabricated references. Apparently, some of those fans are so cheap and idiotic that they pitifully fail to fathom that people have got minds of their own and intelligence far greater than theirs. Therefore, it’s not surprising that those silly fans keep on getting called out and ridiculed within the CC community but they also get contradicted and refuted by the author and editors of this novel.

                • Myra says:

                  Well said, @Sarah.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Yes, you nailed it, @Sarah. Sometimes I wonder if I should pity them…

                • Sarah says:

                  They deserve nothing more than pity. If you also consider their age (which ranges from middle-age to elderly), their childish and asinine behaviour is not only ridiculous but also pathetic and downright disturbing.

              • Lynn says:

                You’re right, @Ms Puddle and @Sarah. The fact that there are various fans within the CC community which behave in such hysterical ways and have no misgivings in hurting real people over fictional characters are not only pitiful but mainly wretched little creatures devoid of any form of dignity and self-respect. Fortunately, such degenerates are very few; most of the people with the CC community muster a healthy and reasonable enthusiasm for Nagita’s story and characters.

          • Ms Puddle says:

            My sentiments exactly, @Lynn. A story can be romantic without any explicit actions or sexual behaviour.

            I wonder why Nagita-sensei removed that part where Terry kissed Candy’s forehead in the novel (during Eliza’s party). I think he was very tender at that moment (so unlike him lol).

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Totally agree with you, @Lynn! My friends went to a ski resort (Whistler) recently and they said it was exceptionally crowded with people even in summer. Wasn’t a pleasant stay for them.

          • Lynn says:

            Perhaps the best solution is to avoid booking a holiday during high peak tourist season. Another possible solution is to focus on going to places which are not particularly touristy.
            My worst experience was travelling to Venice several years ago. Even though it was early June, the place was packed with tourists making it difficult to walk through the masses. Learned my lesson since then.😉

  4. Leda says:

    How are you, Ms Puddle? How’s the summer holiday for you? I hope you’re enjoying some good rest and quality time with loved ones.

    Whilst I’m not in a position yet to verify whether this new fanfic of yours is going to be my new favourite, it sure does seem that it’s progressing as such. You also have an excellent handling in terms of writing to the point that your work could easily be regarded as professional.

    Apart from fanfics, I would suggest you consider taking up writing, especially when it comes to writing your own story. You’ve definitely got the flair. 😊🖊️📔

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Ahhhh @Leda, I don’t deserve such compliments (I’m seriously blushing right now)!! While it’s a delight to read that you like my new fanfic so far, my writing is far from being a professional. 😮 But thank you very much for your positive feedback 🥰

      Anyway, I might write another original story one day. I tried it once years ago with “My Prince Charming”, and that was a fun ride. 😊

  5. Jesse says:

    Hi, I’ve finally found the time to read this story a bit more carefully during my leisure. You’ve been successful in your portrayal and delineation of the inner strife going on within Candy and Albert as well as between them. This is, nevertheless, indicative of most relationships which are moving from mere friendship into a romantic level. Similarly in the CCFS, there is an initial awkwardness and hesitation between Candy and Albert after his identity as WAA was disclosed. Perhaps the temporary distance between them would give them their much needed safe space so as to help them sort out their feelings and overcome their insecurities.

    It’s going to be interesting to read how those two beautiful blondes will manage to overcome their personal conflicts and embrace the realization that they are head-over-heels in love with each other.

    Best Wishes!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Jesse for re-reading my fanfic 🤗 That’s very encouraging indeed. 💕

      I totally agree with you that in CCFS there’s some tension between Candy and Albert after her discovery of his true identity. They used to be friends but their feelings for each other have changed unknowingly. I always think there’s a reason behind Candy’s relocation soon after that, and like you, I suppose they both need time and emotional space to sort out their feelings and insecurities.

      Thanks again for your positive feedback. I’ll try my best to keep up. 💪

  6. Christine says:

    Hello Ms Puddle,
    I believe that the plot begins to thicken with this new narrative of yours. I consider it an intelligent move from your part to focus on the conflicting emotions of Candy and Albert because that adds so much to the plot. Tbh, I think that was missing from the original story because the author didn’t seem to delve into the psychological aspects and development of her characters. For example, Candy remains a cheery happy-pants lass from the beginning until the end of the novel and that’s a bit like a flatline when it comes to character development. We get a bit of character enhancement with Terry and Albert but in both cases this development remains stillborn as the ending is reduced to such ambiguity and vagueness. To be fair, perhaps Archie got a bit more ‘air time’ with regards to character development because he’s more mature and intricate than in the anime and manga. A similar situation could be applied to Stear as he’s no longer the ‘comic relief’ as he tends to be in the anime.
    I look forward to reading more of your intriguing chapters in the near future.
    Take Care!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Christine for your highly encouraging feedback to my fanfic❣️

      To be fair the original story does have ups and downs, and Candy did cry from time to time. But yes I also think that in the novel because some certain events were narrated from Candy’s perspectives or through letters, they seem less powerful than the equivalent episodes in the manga. For example, Anthony’s death, Susanna’s accident, the breakup with Terry and Stear’s death.

      I can’t agree more with you about Archie and Stear too. Since I like the Cornwell brothers in the manga, I was a bit upset that they were reduced to “comic relief” in the anime version, especially Stear.

      You take care too, @Christine! The cases are rising everywhere (again!!!) 😐

  7. Valkyrie says:

    Excellent chapter, Ms Puddle! Thank you very much for sharing your work with us!

    IMO, one of the main purposes and useful functions of fanfiction is to touch upon those aspects of the original text left vague and often all too obscure. Such a case comprise the past lives of Terry and Albert, both of whom remain mysterious until the end of the novel. Based on various snippets from Nagita’s interviews available online, she had expressed her intention and willingness to write more about those aforesaid male characters but she couldn’t due to various editorial restrictions.

    I’ve always wanted to know more about the intimate relationship possibly brewing between the nurse from the States and Albert. I would like to see how you’ve developed on this relationship and what’s your take on this.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello @Valkyrie, it’s nice to hear from you again. Thank you very much for your encouraging feedback 🤗 Yes I totally agree with you concerning the purposes or functions of fanfiction. Of course we can only guess what Nagita sensei has in mind but at the same time it’s fun to let our imagination run wild. 😉

      I hope you will like the relationship between the American nurse and Albert in my fanfic. I’m very happy that it’s well received so far. ☺️

      • Valkyrie says:

        Based on Nagita’s recent interviews, she mentioned wanting to elaborate more on certain characters, apart from Terry and Albert, including Susanna, Neil, Patty and Stear. She said that she has material but the aforesaid editorial constraints thwarted her original intentions.

  1. August 29, 2021

    […] insightful comments I’ve received so far. In particular, I’m in total agreement with DanielleV concerning the couple Candy and Albert in the novel. The story begins with Candy’s first […]

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