Forget-Me-Not Chapter 8

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129 Responses

  1. Jesse says:

    Hello again! How are you? Thanks for sharing this new chapter with us. You needn’t worry about typos because your writing skills are excellent.

    Stay Safe!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you @Jesse for your encouraging feedback ❣️ I can’t help worrying about typos because I did make some strange ones in the past without knowing lol 😅

      You stay safe too and take care!

  2. Elena says:

    Dear Ms Puddle,
    I very much enjoy reading your blog and receiving updates regarding your new fanart and fanfics. Your new fanfic seems to be immensely interesting and I appreciate the ways in which you explore the characters’ past and adeptly bridging it within their present status.
    With Kind Regards

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you so much @Elena for your highly encouraging words to my blog and fan works❣️ I’ll try my best to keep up. Best regards to you too 🤗

  3. Leda says:

    Another gripping chapter! Your fanfiction is fast-paced without insufferably annoying circumlocutions. What’s even more awesome is that you don’t simply centre on Candy and Albert but provide significant background story-telling for all relevant characters.

    Thank you very much and take care!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thank you very much @Leda for your encouraging words❣️ Yes, I intend this to be a fast-paced story. Currently it’s slower than I initially planned but sometimes I feel that the characters want me to slow down a bit lol 😅

      You take care too! 🤗

  4. DreamCatcher says:

    Hi @Ms Puddle!

    This was such a heartfelt chapter. The additional characters appear to function so well in this overall narrative. There is so much depth of character for all involved in this story.

    Hope you’re doing fine and enjoying some quality time-at least as much as possible.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello @DreamCatcher! Thank you for your encouraging feedback ❣️ Glad to hear you like my own characters too.

      Other than writing this chapter I continued my studies. Thanks for your kind wish and hopefully you got some quality rest over Christmas break? 🤗

  5. moira78 says:

    Che capitolo intenso e pieno di eventi! Primo fra tutti, la confessione di Jag che sconvolge Albert: Kim non solo non è la sua fidanzata, ma è ancora innamorata di lui! Toccante il momento in cui trova i peli di Poupee, davvero dolcissimo! E adoro il modo in cui Candy alla fine dimostri alle sue mamme ciò che prova veramente, comportandosi comunque in modo molto delicato con Wallace. Grazie di cuore per questa storia, attendo con ansia il seguito!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Grazie mille @moira78🥰 So glad to hear you like this long chapter. Many things have happened. I hope the flashbacks are not too confusing. 😉

      • Leda says:

        For my part, they’re not confusing at all. On the contrary, those flashbacks you’ve provided are instrumental to the understanding of the characters as well as clarifying various aspects of the story. Thanks again!

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Awesome! Thank you @Leda! I skipped Kim’s part for now as this is already a very long chapter, but I’ll definitely go back. Please stay tuned 😉

  6. Michelle says:

    This chapter was definitely worth the wait, @Ms Puddle. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to your next projects.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Awww thank you so much @Michelle❣️ It’s an emotional chapter, and I honestly felt drained after publishing it. Yet all the positive feedback warms my heart 💓

      • Michelle says:

        Yeah, it was poignant at times. I think that there was a part of Albert which always yearned for the freedom he felt in Africa. However, the sense of duty and obligation to family & friends superimposed his own personal interests and preferences. In this respect, Albert and Terry have a lot in common as both have often been torn between what others want from them and what they want for themselves. What do you think?

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Yes you’re right, @Michelle. Both Terry and Albert were torn between their personal interests and responsibilities. For Terry, though he had disappointments and suffered in his love life, I think he did have feelings for Susanna, even though his fans might disagree. To me, the fact that he stayed by her side in spite of her ongoing health issues speaks volumes. Nagita sensei at least let him succeed as a thespian, so in a sense his dream came true.

          On the other hand, I feel that Albert might want to be a veterinarian if he had a choice. That being said, he did become more mature after the accident and even started to enjoy working as a businessman. Both male characters have grown up to embrace their responsibilities in life. What do you think, Michelle?

          • Michelle says:

            I would agree with you with most of what you have explained as I also consider-based on the textual evidence of the CCFS-that Terry had feelings for both Candy and Susanna, albeit in significantly different ways.
            It’s obvious that Terry was torn between both of these female characters and his predicament is even more evident in the anime and manga. In the anime, Terry confesses to himself that he’s attracted to Susanna and in the manga Yumiko Igarashi offers credible hints through her drawings that Terry is drawn to the young and aspiring female thespian and colleague of his, especially the ways in which he looks at Susanna and his body language also denotes that he’s obviously attracted to her. In the manga (not as much so as in the anime), Candy had also noticed this attraction when she spotted them together in Chicago. Needless to mention that the rumours of the two of them being a couple had run rampant and this was specified in the novel, manga and anime.
            Apparently, the Terrfans will never admit this but then again, nobody really cares what they whine about or what they want to believe. Instead, what matters is what has been stated in the novel, manga and anime. It’s beyond any shadow of a doubt, therefore, that Terry cared about both Candy and Susanna and he was (as the well-known song goes..) “stuck in the middle” between those two aforesaid characters.
            As for Albert, Keiko Nagita more than hints at the prospect of him having been attracted to the young American nurse during his employment in Africa. Perhaps the two of them even had a relationship but this is never mentioned in the novel and there is no mention in the manga as well as the anime. It’s intriguing that you have decided to create a fanfic based on this theory and so far your story is fascinating. However, there appears to be a discrepancy with regards to Albert’s proclivity and intention in becoming a vet. In the manga and anime he appears to be acutely interested in animal welfare and veterinarian science but in the novel Keiko Nagita has placed greater emphasis on his medical knowledge and interest in working in a clinic for humans in Africa which he did upon his arrival at his new destination. This could also explain the medical books in Candy and “Anohito’s” library during the Interbellum as Candy was highly motivated by Albert in pursuing a career as a nurse. She had also admitted that she wasn’t really into reading medical or any other books so those volumes possibly belonged to her beloved “mystery man”. Albert-as well as his relatives (especially Stear)-were keen in academia and thrived in reading. Therefore, it would make sense that he would focus on having an extensive library with a wide range of subjects in his study room. Besides, in the novel it’s clearly specified that the Ardlay youth studied and had private tutors even during their summer break. Their studies ranged from physics, literature to other forms of science subjects and law. It was customary for the Ardlay youth to be highly knowledgeable and Albert was definitely no exception. Being raised to be the head of the Ardaly clan, the pressure for him to receive university education would be even stronger as he would later hold the reins of power within the Ardaly clan.
            With that being said, both Terry and Albert held enormous responsibilities and not always in alignment with their personal preferences and individual freedom. The nature and circumstances surrounding their responsibilities and social pressure are apparently different, nevertheless. The common denominator, however, is that the trajectory their lives had followed ‘converted’ them from adolescent rebels into fully conformed citizens adhering to their duties and responsibilities. But then again, such is the ‘fate’ of all individuals and Keiko Nagita seems to simply make that perfectly clear in her CCFS novel.

            • Michelle says:

              Typo: Ardlay

            • Ms Puddle says:

              Well said, @Michelle. I couldn’t agree more! 👏💪 I don’t have much to add to your brilliant comment.

              Without a shadow of doubt, Terry had a soft spot for the beautiful and talented actress. I often base my arguments on the manga rather than the anime because I suppose Nagita sensei had way more control over its contents. Needless to say, the novel is her latest and the final say, in which she didn’t change Terry and Susanna’s relationship much. In fact, the author made Susanna more ‘lovesick’ in the novel by keeping Candy’s letters from Terry, and yet nowhere did we see Terry being angry about it. Even in the manga, when he found out what happened in Chicago he didn’t lash out against her. Like you said, Terry’s actions and body language speak a lot louder.

              So glad to know you like my fanfic about Albert’s relationship with that American nurse in Kenya. He knew her age and out of all coworkers he only mentioned her. In the manga she even played with Poupe. In the epilogue, Albert told Candy that he left Poupe at a vet clinic, where he last worked. So I just let my imagination run wild 😉☺️

              • Jesse says:

                Thanks for the insight, @Ms Puddle and @Michelle!

                Do any of you remember who had uttered that being a nurse is an “honourable profession”? Was it Candy or Terry? This scene could be found in the second section of the CCFS where Candy and Terry are commenting about Albert’s letter and his reference to the American nurse who is working with him in Africa.

                • Michelle says:

                  Thank you @Jesse!

                  Regarding the novel, that’s a good question, @Jesse. Tbh, I don’t recall which of the two characters had made that statement. Perhaps @Ms Puddle could inform us since she knows Japanese and has got the CCFS text in its original language.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  I don’t remember either, @Jesse and @Michelle. Maybe it was Candy? Let me double check later and get back to you ☺️

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Hi @Jesse, I just double checked the novel. It was Candy who admired the nurse working in Africa. The adjective she used means: great, remarkable, admirable, excellent, etc.

                • Jesse says:

                  No worries, @Ms Puddle. Take your time and thanks again!

                • Jesse says:

                  Just received your update. Thank you very much for the quick response and explanation!

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  You’re welcome, @Jesse!

                • Sarah says:

                  That’s very interesting, Ms Puddle, as it’s not as clear in the official translations due to the back-and-forth in the dialogue between Candy and Terry. Since Candy is the one who made that statement, however, it further reveals what a profound influence Albert had in her subsequent decision in her career path as a certified nurse.
                  Nonetheless, credit should also be given to Terry because in this specific scene in the novel he recognizes his white privilege along with the benefits of having a wealthy parent when it comes to having access to healthcare. Being a rich white kid, Terry had all the medical care he needed and so did Albert-having been a rich white kid himself. Both male characters acknowledge the utmost significance of healthcare and how unfair it is for those who struggle financially to be deprived of such essential assets such as Candy and the children of the orphanage.
                  It’s noteworthy how many times Keiko Nagita brings forth this issue of healthcare and social justice. It’s a pity that most of the CC/CCFS fans preoccupy themselves with the controversial identity of “anohito” instead of exploring all those far more significant aspects of this novel.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Thank you @Sarah! I couldn’t agree with you more. In the story Albert suffered as a nobody for a long time, so he had first-hand experience how the less fortunate people were deprived of healthcare or social welfare. I think Terry might eventually understand too because Susanna were sick (suffering from some ongoing health issues). I don’t think they had too much money to spare.

                  In any case, Candy expressed her opinion that being a nurse is a worthwhile (fulfilling) job. I’m sure she was the one who admired the American nurse whom Albert mentioned in his letter mainly because the person used わたし(Watashi) as the first person pronoun. Women almost always use Watashi or Atashi while men have various first person pronouns. Terry and Neal frequently used おれ(ore) to sound tough while Albert, Archie, Anthony etc. use ぼく(boku) to sound polite. For example, when Terry talked to Director Hathaway, he would use ぼく(boku) but with Candy, he almost always used おれ(ore). On the other hand, I don’t recall the Ardlay’s men ever use おれ(ore) except for Neal. I hope this makes sense to you. 😅

                • Sarah says:

                  Many thanks for sharing this interesting information.

              • Michelle says:

                Thank you for your response and analysis, @Ms Puddle!

                It’s crystal clear that Terry was attracted to Susanna but most importantly, he prioritized and gave much more importance to her than he did to and with Candy. Much as this annoys me (I share the Terrfan intense dislike for Susanna at this point, btw), Terry had clearly demonstrated his preference and respect for Susanna; even when she had committed that emetic act of concealing Candy’s letters from Terry and had done her utmost in Chicago to drive Candy away from him, Terry did absolutely nothing about it. His passivity in this situation is such a far cry from the awful ways in which he treated Candy violently and abused her physically and emotionally. He had even threatened Candy’s life (he threatened her that he would “tear her to pieces”) and grabbed her violently when she had accidently stumbled upon his mother’s photograph during their studies at St Paul’s. Apparently, I am not suggesting that Terry ought to have treated Susanna violently as well, but he had the moral duty to shun her at a personal level (thus limiting their interaction at a professional level since they were colleagues) as well as dispelling all those rumours of him and Susanna being a couple. He owed this to Candy and if he had really respected her and honoured their relationship, he would have done so. But he didn’t..

                Moreover, it appears that the author also admires Susanna because Nagita had stated in the 2019 interview (held in Paris by PIKA publications) that she is fond of Susanna and she had intended to write more about her and her career as a thespian. To be clear, Nagita has the right to prefer whomever she pleases-as we all do; however, we also have the right to agree or disagree with the author’s admiration and respect for Susanna. For my part, I definitely disagree with the author in this respect and I find nothing in Susanna’s character which is worthy of admiration. However, it’s irrefutable that Terry admires and respects Susanna for his own bizarre and perverse reasons which I do not share in any way whatsoever. Any fictional character or real person who behaves in such a way as Susanna is not worthy of any iota of respect or admiration. Susanna’s act of saving Terry was not a result of philanthropy or heroism but a manifestation of her acutely unhealthy obsession for her male colleague.

                On a diametrically different note, we’ve got the beautiful and healthy relationship between Candy and Albert which is based on mutual love and respect. The two of them fell in love which each other during their adulthood and after having lived together for a considerable period of time, hence, having shared many important moments together which brought them even closer. This is well described in the manga but also defined by both Candy and Albert in the Epilogue of the CCFS. We get some hints about how close they had become in the third section of the novel as well, especially via Candy’s description and narration.

                What’s even more essential, nonetheless, are the ways in which the author elevates Candy and Albert’s characters in tandem with intensifying the intimacy of their relationship in the CCFS. Both Candy and Albert are noble characters who are outspoken in their defence for the people they love and respect. On the one hand, Candy risked her reputation and even sacrificed her hard-earned career so as to support Albert; on the other hand, Albert had jeopardized his already volatile relationship with the Ardlays and risked setting his ties with his family all ablaze so as to restore Candy’s good name by urging Sarah Lagan to publicly declare that Candy was wrongfully accused by her as being a thief. In addition, Albert was immensely generous by offering considerable financial support for the restructuring and expansion of Ms Pony’s home.

                Apparently, Albert didn’t have to do any this but he sure did because of his love and utmost respect for Candy. With that being said, Candy and Albert did not focus on mere words but on dynamic actions when it came to expressing their love and respect for each other. Keiko Nagita did a fine job in expressing this profound bond in her novel and there is nothing delusional and desperate fans can do about it.😉

                • Jesse says:

                  Well said and excellent commentary, @Michelle!

                • Michelle says:

                  Thank you again for your kind words, @Jesse, and ignore any typos. I have detected one where I meant to type: “The two of them fell in love with (not which) each other..”.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Bravo, @Michelle!! I agree with you 100%! I don’t like Susanna much and really scratch my head why the author likes her. To me, Susanna is just slightly better than Annie. They are both obsessed with the men they loved. The two pairs are similar, no doubt.

                  May I quote your comment? 🥰

                • Michelle says:

                  By all means, @Ms Puddle. Thank you for considering my comment.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Thanks @Michelle❣️ This reminds me that I forgot to quote @Myra’s comment from my last post. Since your comment goes well with hers I’ll add yours to the end of my current post as well. Many thanks again for your contribution 💕🤗

                • Myra says:

                  Hello! I would also like to thank @Ms Puddle for taking my comment into consideration with regards to her most recent post.🙏🤗

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Hi @Myra, I should thank you for your contribution 💕

                • DreamCatcher says:

                  Couldn’t agree with you more!

  7. Aurora says:

    Thank you so much for this lovely new chapter! I won’t get into details so as to avoid spoilers.

  8. Gabriella says:

    Hi Ms Puddle! This chapter didn’t seem long at all because it was so enjoyable to read. Can’t wait for the next chapter!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Thanks @Gabriella for your encouraging feedback! It touched my heart 💓

      • Gabriella says:

        I also like how you perceive Candy in your fanfics as well as your fanart. You make her appear as more mature, independent and intelligent. Candy’s character has grown to become rather outdated for today’s standards, therefore, your way in developing and enriching Candy’s character is definitely met with a warm welcome, especially amongst those who support feminism.

        • Ms Puddle says:

          Thank you @Gabriella! I did try to stick with the original Candy but maybe I’ve changed her character unintentionally 😅

          • Gabriella says:

            Isn’t that the purpose of fanfiction writing though? At least that’s the way I have perceived it along with many others. Fanfiction ought not to be about a re-run or replica of the original story but a continuation or further exploration into the characters of the said story. The permutations are infinite and thus allowing the writer to delve into any possible (perhaps even unchartered) territory. There’s no issue if one’s imagination ‘runs wild’ provided that the writing skills are of sterling quality (grammar, syntax, etc) and the narrative has a solid structure. As for the fanfic story in itself, that depends on personal taste and preference; some readers will probably enjoy the fanfic story while others probably won’t. It happens to the best of writers and it could happen to the worst, as well as to those somewhere in between. What matters is that writers enjoy what they do and focus on developing and eventually evolving from their previous errors or imperfections. Learning to accept constructive criticism and ‘knowing thyself’ constitute two essential qualities in being not only an adept writer but a commendable person.

            • Ms Puddle says:

              My sentiments exactly, @Gabriella. I enjoy writing fanfics to entertain my imagination as well as explore some what-if scenarios. So far I’m blessed to have supporters like you and others, who have given me valuable feedback and encouragement❣️ I treasure every single comment, to be honest with you. They almost always put a smile on my face 😊🤗

              • Gabriella says:

                Your stories are unique and that’s so forthcoming in the fanfic ‘genre’, especially when it comes to the CC/CCFS-related fanfics. Many of them online are simply too boring and repetitive. Therefore, it’s always a breath of fresh air when readers get to delve into your work which breaks free from this otherwise rather tedious norm.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Thank you so much @Gabriella for your positive feedback and encouraging words. 🥰 I haven’t read many CC fanfics myself but to be fair some of those I’ve read were of high quality.

                • Gabriella says:

                  There are some really cool fanfic circulating online but they mainly come from the “Rose of Versailles” (aka “Lady Oscar”) domain. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that it’s a much better and more intricate story. It’s no wonder that its appeal is far greater worldwide and continues to remain relevant even amongst the younger generations. This particular story by Riyoko Ikeda has been ageing well and maturing like fine wine.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  I’ve always loved “Rose of Versailles”; years ago when I felt like writing my first fanfic, I almost chose to write one for ROV lol. Yet, once I read CC manga, I changed my mind. 😉

                  The two stories appeal to me differently, and the protagonists’ backgrounds and upbringings are totally opposite. Also, unlike Oscar, Candy is not the most beautiful lady in the story. Yet, they both appeared strong in front of people by hiding their weaknesses and insecurities, and the men they ended up with were the “gentlemen” who had always been there for them. 💞💗

                • Gabriella says:

                  I almost forgot to ask to ask you whether you’ve read Nagita’s “Miriam Blue Lake”. The manga artist is the renowned Yasuko Aoike.

                • Gabriella says:

                  I almost forgot to ask you whether you’ve read Nagita’s “Miriam Blue Lake”. The manga artist is the renowned Yasuko Aoike.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  No I haven’t yet, @Gabriella. Have you read it? I heard that it’s available (or will be) in Spanish. Right? It’s definitely in my to-read list.

                  Don’t you think Yasuko Aoike’s style is somewhat like Riyoko Ikeda’s style (post Rose of Versailles, as shown in the second half of the Windows of Orpheus).

                • Gabriella says:

                  Yes, I’ve read “Miriam Blue Lake” by Keiko Nagita and I would recommend it in terms of its storyline as well as visuals. Interestingly enough, this story refutes unintelligent claims made by some hysterical and delusional Terry-fans that Keiko Nagita does not support the nature of the relationship between Candy and Albert; in other words, a relationship which was originally based on friendship but then turned into a romance after a series of events which played a formative role in the lives and emotions of the main characters involved.

                  In terms of Riyoko Ikeda and Yasuko Aoike, I agree with you that there are some similarities with regards to the minimalistic style, which I prefer to a considerable extent.

                • Fay says:

                  Hello, @Gabriella. I have also purchased “Miriam Blue” from Arechi Manga and currently reading it by using a translator as I don’t speak Spanish. I agree with you that the plot is very interesting and the illustrations captivating. However, the back cover of the manga published by Arechi is a little confusing, presenting a picture with Miriam and Henry, which could lead the readers to believe this is the boy Miriam loved. Skimming through to the last pages, I found out that Miriam is actually in love with Laurie, the boy she grew up with. You are right about Nagita’s familiar storyline. The relationship between Candy and Albert is very similar to that of Miriam and Laurie. Friendship or brotherly affection that turned into romance.

                  @Ms. Puddle, I haven’t read “Rose of Versailles” yet but I have heard about it. By the way, there is another manga story illustrated by Igarashi which takes place in about the same period. “Josephine, the French rose” which tells the story of empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon. Igarashi’s illustrations are wonderful, as usual. Josephine does look very much like Candy, except that her eyes are not green. Seeing how perfectly the illustrator depicts the heroine from a little girl to a mature woman, I couldn’t help thinking that she might also portray Candy in her thirties in CCFS, if she and Nagita hadn’t got into such a conflict. We could have enjoyed the story much more if the narrative was accompanied by Igarashi’s exquisite illustrations. What a waste, indeed. Sigh.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Yes I heard of another Igarashi’s work “Josephine, the French Rose”. Have you read it, @Fay?

                  Like you, I’d be very curious what Candy in her thirties would have looked like if Igarashi had been given the permission to illustrate… Sigh 🥺

                • Fay says:

                  I have started reading “Josephine” and the story seems fascinating, although it was Igarashi’s talent that first caught my attention. I sense the end won’t be a happy one as it is usually in shoujo manga stories, but I like it regardless.

                  About Rose of Versailles, I don’t mind spoilers (sometimes I spoil myself before reading a story, skimming through the pages, LOL). However, it does seem interesting from what I’ve read about it and I’ll try to find the time to read it. I suppose it’s complete, right?

                  I know there’s also an anime based on the manga, but I haven’t seen that either.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Yes, @Fay, Rose of Versailles was completed decades ago. It’s also shorter than CC, especially the anime version. Some people prefer the manga but I think the anime version was very well done, IMHO. The manga has a lot more details near the end, especially about the French Revolution and Queen Marie Antoinette.

                • Fay says:

                  Thank you for the information, @Ms. Puddle. I have searched for this manga and found out it has been completely scanlated in English, so I’ll definitely read it when I find the time. I haven’t seen the anime but I came across the original soundtrack of it and liked it very much.

                  While searching for “The Rose of Versailles” I found another title by the same author, entitled “The Window of Orpheus” which you mentioned in an earlier comment. I don’t know anything about that manga but the title seemed appealing to me and I hope it is also available in English. I saw several illustrations of it and was impressed by Riyoko Ikeda’s talent.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Hi @Fay, “The Windows of Orpheus” is much longer. I prefer “The Rose of Versailles” not because of its length though, lol. Riyoko Ikeda’s talents are indisputable, and she illustrated her own stories. No need to worry about someone else stealing her works, I guess 😉

                • Gabriella says:

                  Thank you for your comment, @Fay. You’re right about the ending of Keiko Nagita’s “Miriam Blue Lake”. Concerning the Arechi Manga cover, it would make sense not including the illustration which marks the ending scene as that would be a ‘spoiler’. Notably, the plot twist works quite well and reinforces the already intriguing plot. Most importantly and as mentioned previously, that specific ending tears asunder those moronic claims made by some Terry-fans about people who love each other as friends cannot begin loving each other as prospective romantic partners with the progress of time. Apparently, those desperate old Terry-fans have not heard about the phrase which appears to be prominent in loads of plots purported for novels and movies which is ‘a bromance which turned into a romance’. Needless to mention that the real world has loads of such examples where two people started off as (best) friends and evolved into falling deeply in love with each other.

                • Ms Puddle says:

                  Well said, @Gabriella and @Fay!! I couldn’t agree with you more. Those fans are probably desperate and willing to make up any theories in order to support their arguments. I can say that bromance evolving into romance, even between best friends who treat each other like brother and sister, is actually a very popular theme or subplot in Asian stories or movies. In Chinese there’s actually a term dedicated to this kind of romance.

                  Fay, I didn’t know you haven’t read Rose of Versailles yet. Ok. No more spoilers now 😉

                  The plot of Miriam Blue Lake intrigued me now but I guess I’ll not have time to read it until I have a longer break 😂

  9. Sarah says:

    Happy new year (albeit a bit belated) and many thanks for this new chapter! It’s an exciting story to say the least.;-)))

  1. January 9, 2022

    […] (to be continued…) […]

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