Candy’s letter after the shock

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10 Responses

  1. Reeka says:

    I miss you, I miss discussing CC with you, and I miss this web! Geez!

    For those reasons above, I am now trying to type comment with my iPhone. I don’t like typing long with iPhone though.

    First of all, about the season of this revelation. I also don’t know how long Albert had to wait to tell Candy his last secret, but it’s on spring both in manga and CCFS. In manga, we can see Candy wearing short sleeve and knee length dress, with flats. So I guess it’s either spring or summer. But Albert was wearing jacket. So I think it’s indeed somewhere around her birthday, in mid spring.

    Why Mizuki made Albert wait for sometime after Candy was back in Pony’s? I think I’ve told you that I understand why Mizuki changed the whole revelation scene. She wanted Albert asked Candy to give back his badge which then later he would return to Candy. This action was mimicking the return of Candy’s diary. As we both agreed both attitudes are some kind of love declaration/commitment. Because of this reason, it was a little confusing if Mizuki still sticked to the original plot where Candy shed tears in Pony’s hill but instead of saying “you’re more beautiful when you smile” , Albert asked her his badge. 😀

    Honestly for the reason he needed time, I don’t know. My best guess are he needed to make sure she’s over Terry, and he might want to see the progress on his aunt’s behavior toward Candy. And let’s assume that Albert saw both reasons got positive signs that make him sure to spill the last secret.

    I totally agree with you, it’s obvious that even the first letter was short, we can see her feeling clearly. She’s flabbergasted by the revelation, she’s beyond excited by it, and she couldn’t act normal for quite sometime ( she felt like floating and could sleep – being a well known sleepyhead she was) . And she write him this letter just right after that. She was not afraid of telling him her feeling. She didn’t hide her happiness. For me it shows how much Candy trusted Albert.

    • Ms Puddle says:

      I miss you and your insights too, Reeka dear! It is such a pleasant surprise to read you again! 🙂

      I’ll answer you in detail in a new post though… Because I plan to talk about some thing along this line. Please stay tuned! 😀

  2. Antlay says:

    Il est clair qu’Albert était amoureux de Candy déjà sinon il ne lui aurait pas révéler qu’il était son prince, sachant que quand ils vivaient ensemble alors qu’il était amnésique, Candy lui avait avouer que son premier amour était le prince de la colline. Il voulait sûrement la faire réagir afin de savoir si elle éprouvait des sentiments pour lui. Le message était clair il ne se considérait pas comme un père adoptif. Et Candy qui semble sur un nuage, typique d’une fille amoureuse ! Après sa promenade à Lakewood avec Albert dans sa lettre, elle écrit encore “je ne pense pas que je vais être capable de dormir encore ce soir”, il semble que cela soit récurent qu’elle ne dorme plus. Si après ça c’est pas le comportement d’une personne amoureuse alors que quelqu’un m’explique !

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Right on, Antlay! Albert wouldn’t confess if he considered Candy as a ‘daughter’ or a ‘sister’. 😉 He would have kept this secret in his heart forever. The fact that he had revealed it to Candy speaks volumes. Yes, Candy sounded like a girl in love, and she couldn’t sleep because she was so happy and excited that Albert had finally come to her and confessed his feelings (similarly something must have happened during their trip to Lakewood). I’ll talk more in my future posts. Thanks, my friend, and have a nice weekend! 😀

  3. CKati says:

    I can imagine that she would be too excited to sleep after finally knowing who her prince really is and that he actually exists :-D. If I were in her place, I would dream about a future with my prince. If you compare Candy’s letter to Judy’s, then Candy definitly wrote a love letter. 🙂

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Yeah, CKati dear, that’s right, even though Judy’s letter was so much longer and full of loving words.
      However, I also believe Candy was so excited simply because Albert was willing to disclose this important fact to her, and she likely wondered what he would do next. As you said, she probably dreamed of her future with her prince. 😀

  1. December 5, 2014

    […] Candy’s letter after the shock […]

  2. June 9, 2017

    […] side is the beginning of her first letter to her prince. It’s quite long when compared to the equivalent one in Candy Candy Final Story (CCFS). However, I will say that the one in CCFS shows Candy’s shock even more vividly. […]

  3. July 20, 2017

    […] when writing this letter to his father (older generation) with high respect. If you have read Candy’s first letter to her Prince on the Hill, you will know she’s quite capable of writing very formal letters. Just imagine she has written […]

  4. January 19, 2018

    […] I end, I want to bring up the last sentence in Candy’s first letter to Albert after his important confession on Pony’s Hill.  This example shows us that […]

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