The day her life changed (Part 7)

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70 Responses

  1. Ekinorev says:

    My feeling makes me fully agree with your post, Ms Puddle, and so for the comments I read closely.
    Yet, maybe due to my English level (that brings me sometimes more to catch the idea than getting the perfect sense of the words 🙁
    And sometimes a mere sentence, easy English, I feel like I could have get it wrong, like the use of future tense, here in the manga ending, with Albert thoughts:
    I shall never forget them (her smiles)
    I shall never forget you
    They sound strange to me, as if he was feeling that a future together was not possible. That doesn’t fit with the pictures, and put me in doubt. It should look as a beginning for them, and these thoughts sound as a ending, for me.
    Well I did not yet read CCFS, so maybe I will get some lighting when I will (but I will have to go through it fully first!
    How do you understand it?

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Hello Ekinorev!

      Just in case, I reread my post but not the comments. About the ending of the manga, the English translations are incorrect, regrettably. I actually have discussed this in another post, and let me see if I can find it.

      Anyway, the correct translation is Albert’s telling Candy never forget to smile.

      Hope this helps!

      • Ekinorev says:

        Oooooh indeed that’s a totally different meaning! I saw many mistakes in the text of the manga but not that one as the sentence was correct Oo !
        Thanks you for removing from my mind this awful doubt 😉
        BTW I’m reading LNF and I love the ‘what if’ idea, again I’m hooked, I think I’m about to go through the night.
        And I wish you a good night 🙂

  2. Mina Ferarri says:

    I would like to know in the CCFS which provis Terry is Anohito? Thanks a lot!!

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Some fans have argued that Terry was Anohito, but in many of my posts I have proven otherwise. It makes more sense that Albert was the man whom Candy referred to as Anohito 😀😉

  3. fairiesloveto says:

    Albert is Candy’s adopted father. It would be illegal for him to have a romantic relationship with her. The Prince on the Hill was a childhood fancy. When Albert looks at Candy he thinks of his sister. Gross! This is a children’s anime why not have the happy ending with Terence. Terence has loved her for all those years is she really fickle to forget her great love in just a few years. Why would you want to forget a love like that? Does that mean Pattie has more integrity because she hasn’t forgotten Stair or Terence famous actor with girls at his feet has loved and breathed for Candy…
    I prefer Terence

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Sounds like you haven’t really read my post. If you prefer Terry, please visit other sites that talk about him. Some of you have exaggerated Terry’s love for Candy. To make the long story short, he broke her heart twice and only wished her happiness. His heart belonged to his career, not Candy. Good day.

  4. Evelyn Belitz says:

    Hello my friend! I was just looking at this wonderful final scene of CC where Albert is looking at Candy smiling with outstretched arms while she run toward him! 🙂 What is the exact translation of their thoughts at this moment? Been meaning to ask you this for a while. Hope you have a great day!! 😀 😉

  5. Quevivacandy says:

    I just couldn’t stop my self from sharing this over here… You began to write this serial of posts, talking about the prologue, where Candy says her life changed the day Annie was adopted.

    Well, translating, I just found a line in chapter 1, almost at the end, where Sister Lane and Miss Pony were having a conversation about how Candy was facing Annie’s adoption. Then sister Lane says:

    “Tiene razón… Señorita Pony. Fueron abandonadas el mismo día… Ojalá que Candy también encuentre la felicidad…”

    “You are right, Miss Ponny. They were abandoned the same day… Hopefully Candy will find her happiness too…”

    And what happens in chapter 2, she meets POTH… 😀 I’m just seeing there are a lot of clues everywere in the story and as we discussed in other post, the epilogue closes where her happiness is… weee I’m more than excited, please, bear with me, lol…

    • Ms Puddle says:

      Oh dear QuevivaCandy!! You speak my mind, my friend! Indeed, CCFS is so well structured with hints everywhere. Candy found her happiness not because she got adopted but because she met her prince, who made her happiness his priority. Sigh… Such a beautiful ending. 🙂 ❤❤❤

      • Quevivacandy says:

        🙂 I know your intention at writing these posts was to explain the reason why Candy’s life changed the day Annie was adopted. As you said, It wasn’t because the adoption but she met POTH.

        So I just was too excited (I guess… lo), to read Sister Lane’s words… She practically predicted Miss Pony’s words… “No one can predict what is waiting around the bend.” … POTH… hahaha

        Even you can take this hints alone and they will get you to Anohito. 🙂

        • Ms Puddle says:

          You’re absolutely right, QuevivaCandy! Their conversation basically gives readers a hint something big is going to happen to Candy. 🙂 😀 I agree with you, all these hints are in Albert’s favor ❤❤❤

  1. September 24, 2015

    […] Note that roughly 20 years had elapsed since the manga was officially complete, and with whom Candy ended remained undeniable. ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ The last few pages of the manga are all about Candy and her Prince on the Hill, as shown in my previous post, The day her life changed (Part 7). […]

  2. December 3, 2017

    […] p.s. Candy Albert Andrew informed me that I had misunderstood the reason for the revision. Mizuki wanted Igarashi to revise because Mizuki wanted to show that Candy was ready to hug her prince. Therefore, her arms are down and ready to embrace Albert, as shown in my earlier post. […]

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